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Mika heading for "Superstardom"


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I've developed sort of a fear of "losing" Mika to fame. I have a feeling he is getting so famous he will reach a point when it's not really about the fans anymore. As sweet, generous, and thankful he is to all of us, one day there will be way too many to handle. I feel guilty of "wanting", or wishing, for Mika to stay away from extreme fame because I think it's incredible that awareness of his music is universally spread, he deserves every bit of recognition he gets.

And in the end, it's not really about us, it's about him and how his music makes HIM feel, that's why he started writing songs in the first place, to experience different emotions, we all know that!


I want to know, what do you guys feel? Are you also scared that Mika will become "too famous" ? Will we forever have to say goodbye to meet-and-greets? What would happen to the extreme-devoted fans? Will they become just another face in a crowd of millions?


Or am I the only lonely one afraid of this incredibly talented, independent musician becoming "pop's next superstar" ?

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I've developed sort of a fear of "losing" Mika to fame. I have a feeling he is getting so famous he will reach a point when it's not really about the fans anymore. As sweet, generous, and thankful he is to all of us, one day there will be way too many to handle. I feel guilty of "wanting", or wishing, for Mika to stay away from extreme fame because I think it's incredible that awareness of his music is universally spread, he deserves every bit of recognition he gets.

And in the end, it's not really about us, it's about him and how his music makes HIM feel, that's why he started writing songs in the first place, to experience different emotions, we all know that!


I want to know, what do you guys feel? Are you also scared that Mika will become "too famous" ? Will we forever have to say goodbye to meet-and-greets? What would happen to the extreme-devoted fans? Will they become just another face in a crowd of millions?


Or am I the only lonely one afraid of this incredibly talented, independent musician becoming "pop's next superstar" ?


I think MIKA can and will manage it:

I think MIKA's fans can and must manage it.

I've been saying for a while now:





Fear not: REJOICE!

Edited by A. Clay
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During 2007, we had a similar thread to this, and we never thought we would have M&Gs at the shows during 2008 and beyond.

I think it depends on how he himself wants to play it.

Obviously, he's going to get a lot more fans the more time passes, and at some point he may have to stop the meeting the fans after gigs, as it'll get too much, but I'm not sure it'll be anytime soon, as he still seems to enjoy it.

I know there was a few incidents at the recent shows, where the crowd got a little crazy, and things got a little fraught. But with a little more organisation, it's still doable. The only problem is people realising that he's just a guy, and they need to show some self control, and not try to grab him!

Of course, he'll probably prove me wrong now and stop doing them altogether!:roftl:

I honestly don't think he'll forget the fans he has already become familiar with, I think they are the ones he looks for in the audience. I think he looks on them as a kind of safety net, knowing they'll get everyone else going.

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During 2007, we had a similar thread to this, and we never thought we would have M&Gs at the shows during 2008 and beyond.

I think it depends on how he himself wants to play it.

Obviously, he's going to get a lot more fans the more time passes, and at some point he may have to stop the meeting the fans after gigs, as it'll get too much, but I'm not sure it'll be anytime soon, as he still seems to enjoy it.

I know there was a few incidents at the recent shows, where the crowd got a little crazy, and things got a little fraught. But with a little more organisation, it's still doable. The only problem is people realising that he's just a guy, and they need to show some self control, and not try to grab him!

Of course, he'll probably prove me wrong now and stop doing them altogether!:roftl:

I honestly don't think he'll forget the fans he has already become familiar with, I think they are the ones he looks for in the audience. I think he looks on them as a kind of safety net, knowing they'll get everyone else going.


Right, right, but not specifically the m&g's , but the contact altogether. Its so great he sees the MFC as a sort of fan-crazy body of guards, really, because we don't go mad (as much as we instinctively would) at gigs . I think we respect him a bit more i suppose. But as i said, it's not all about us! And Mika has mentioned several times he doesn't want to be huge in the media, but sometimes he can't really control it.

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Right, right, but not specifically the m&g's , but the contact altogether. Its so great he sees the MFC as a sort of fan-crazy body of guards, really, because we don't go mad (as much as we instinctively would) at gigs . I think we respect him a bit more i suppose. But as i said, it's not all about us! And Mika has mentioned several times he doesn't want to be huge in the media, but sometimes he can't really control it.


True enough, he does seem comfortable with the way things are.

But as you say, he can't control how things turn out. Maybe he'll continue in the media to try to keep a low profile, but if more people latch on to his music, he will get bigger, and whether he likes it or not the media will give him more attention.

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Right, right, but not specifically the m&g's , but the contact altogether. Its so great he sees the MFC as a sort of fan-crazy body of guards, really, because we don't go mad (as much as we instinctively would) at gigs . I think we respect him a bit more i suppose. But as i said, it's not all about us! And Mika has mentioned several times he doesn't want to be huge in the media, but sometimes he can't really control it.


I think he can control it quite a bit actually. Not having Lady GaGa turn up on his doorstep in her underwear for a start. :teehee:


Generally he goes out of his way to avoid negative attention and keeps the positive attention seeking restricted to his work or public events. There was a lot of media interest in him in the beginning but once they realized Mika wasn't going to give them a show every night by getting into punch ups, slagging off people and dating celebrities they pretty much left him alone.


He is more successful as a recording artist and performer than Lily Allen even though the paps hound her incessantly.

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I suppose this is a selfish fear that nags on any extreme Mika fan's mind. I would love for him to be big in the United States, but then again, I don't want to share him. :naughty:


I'm just hoping to be able to catch a gig while he's still doing M&G's, while he's still doing these "intimate" venues as opposed to huge festivals and stadiums (which I certainly enjoy--just not all the time).

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You're not alone. I've seen this exact topic raised pretty much every time there's a new "phase" in Mika's career.


On one hand, I think we all want him to have worldwide commercial success, and to be able to continue moving forward and building momentum with his career. Yet on the other hand, we've been really blessed that Mika still treats his fans as though he's some fledgling, unknown artist who is deeply appreciative of his supporters. His ability to connect with his fans is extraordinary. Even people "in the biz" have said that about him. And it's only natural to feel a bit wistful at the idea of him passing some fame threshold where that connection is lost.


I think Mika realizes, though, that fame and commercial success are fickle; this could all end for him very suddenly. And so I think he'll continue to reach out to fans as much as is practical. But even if things like post-gig autograph signings become obsolete, we'll always have the music. :wub2:

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Well I don't think he'll suddenly drop his fans like a an old sack, but little by little he'll probably become less interactive with MFC. It's sort of inevitable, unfortunately, but rather than hold it against him, we should be supportive once that day comes. I'm sure he'll always care about his fans, but he won't be able to show it as much.

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On one hand, I totally relate to not wanting him to get more famous because I'd like the opportunity to say hi and shake his hand and know that he's real because I could touch him. On the other hand, I live in the middle of nowhere and it's deeply unlikely that I'll ever have the opportunity to go to a gig, let alone wave hi to him at meet and greet.


His level of fame has little impact on me because I'll always just be buying his albums online and having dreams about having coffee with him.


My hopes for him are simply that he'll keep making music regardless of how popular he is. He strikes me as the kind of artist that would keep producing albums even if he had to pay for it out of pocket and sell them on CDBaby.


(One of my favorite artists did that recently because his record company bit the dust...or did they refuse to print the album because they didn't think it would sell?...Anyway, the album sold out so quickly and made such a profit that he did a second printing and might be on his third now.)


As long as the people I love can still make music, I don't care if 10,000 people know or if the whole freakin world knows. I just want to keep buying the albums so I can hear what they are doing now. As long as Mika keeps making music, I'll be happy. If he ever stops, I'll feel like the world lost something good.


I wish I could be counted among the fans he recognizes, but I may as well wish for the moon. I'll take what I can get, which is as many albums as he'll make.

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Well, I have this fear too.... And I sometimes feel like I want to keep Mika for myself - how selfish!!

Mika will become more and more famous, I'm sure, as he's about to release his new album. But I think Mika is not like the other celebrities (he doesn't even like to be called that)... In the interview published in the OMM, I think he makes it clear that he doesn't like commercial matters and all that... So maybe he'll remain our caring and sincere Mika. Or maybe it'll be too much pressure and he'll change.... Because I don't know how you react to fame really...

But hey, the most important thing is his music and his gigs! Of course I'd like to be able to say "hi" at the end of his shows, to say that I enjoyed it blah blah.... But his music is what REALLY matters:wink2:

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I had this feeling two years ago when his popularity was rising in 2007. But as time goes on, I think the more dedicated Mika is to his fans. He made us official, he's giving us perks, he's more in touch via YouTube and whatever...Mika is a pretty grounded guy and I personally can't see him turning into a Hollywood Celebrity. Sure he's well known, but I wouldn't quite say he is world-wide famous. He's only just started to doing promo stuff again after taking pretty much a year out (from the limelight). I think he's pretty humble, and he has to remember that he wouldn't be where he is today without US. (That's fans in general, not just the MFC). And don't worry, he/his sisters/band or whoever read the forum, so if we felt Mika was getting too big-headed or...however you wanna describe it lol, we'll definitely write about it and it will definitely get back to him :naughty:

Edited by CazGirl
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I think MIKA can and will manage it:

I think MIKA's fans can and must manage it.

I've been saying for a while now:





Fear not: REJOICE!

I'm with you on that one Alice! I want Mika's name tripping off every tongue in the world! The way I look at is is, I shall be SO PROUD that I recognised his talent early. Maybe there won't be as many M&Gs, but I think he'll always want to do little intimate things that are all about the music and the intimacy with the fans. I think he'll always appreciate his fans, and I think there will be other advantages to his worldwide fame that we can't even begin to imagine yet! I don't think there's anything to get upset about.

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