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BIOTG video and Jools Holland


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Thing is Carri, that is what I meant- There isn't always a link on how to apply for tickets, or even mentions on threads about every single thing that he's doing.

Anyway about saying it on twitter beforehand, I think that it was probably just because everyone was so flipping stressed trying to make it after work, etc, rushed, queuing, traffic and parking problems ,etc etc etc...

Anyway, I really don't think that it's a problem or relevant so really I'm not sure why we're still discussing it :naughty:


my lips are zipped! :)

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Last time I went to The Bush for Mock The week it was a nightmare to get there on time -we sat in the holding cafe and then got told we could get in any way!!aaah!


I do now, however, have a priorty ticket to another show of my choice - hmm - bit difficult from here!

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. I really don't know what it is with Mika and his hair and clothes, but I always find that he looks perfect and absolutely gorgeous after gigs, but then I don't quite like his look DURING the gig as much. Weird. He did look stunning as usual, just because he is beautiful so he can't NOT look good, but you know what I mean.


Other bits...Hmmm...At one point Mika was just sitting there like a little boy waiting for his turn, biting his nails. That was sweet. He's so different from the "popstar" when he's being himself, and I think that this is one of the reasons why I like him so much. HE's just so sweet and refreshing. Not affected and up his own ass.


What I did find very sweet is that after the first song that he did, BIOTG, he looked really happy and mouthed at us "well done!". It just seemed like he was honestly pleased about how it had gone, and the support that he'd gotten, because seriously, some of that audience looked like they didn't hve any more life in them than a freaking cold fish. I really wonder why some people bother going to these things and "fighting" for a front position when they are not willing to get into the spirit of things. Weird.[/COLOR]




I bet I've wrecked your coloured writing. Sara, sorry!


But I wanted to say:

1st bold bit - too right



2nd bold bit - yet



3rd bold bit - that's lovely



4th bold bit - I do agree. The people at the tables behind Gladys night looked as if they were just being polite!


Overall I thought the evening was really special. I felt that Mika and Shakira were both genuinely happy. XX brought the atmosphere low though. Good grief: if you get a chance to showcase on Jools and you pick out of tune dirges? WTF?

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Sara, you are right about the crowd, I think I was the only one dancing to The XX.

I know we were there for Mika, but I felt like dancing to all the acts, except Gladys, I love wallowing in that song.

I loved the Gypsy song Shakira sang, and was sizing up those gorgeous lamps she had, said to Jules, I was sure I could get one in my van. LOL!!!

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Really big THANK YOU to Caz who as well as being a world famous celebrity who is recognised by people she has never met, is also a super-duper intuitive lens person. Jules and I had our photo taken with Shakira after the show, but our camera was on the wrong setting and we didn't get it :crybaby:


Caz had Daz's camera ready to take a photo for him but luckily she had the foresight to take one of us too.


Thanks again Caz, we owe you one :flowers2:

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Really big THANK YOU to Caz who as well as being a world famous celebrity who is recognised by people she has never met, is also a super-duper intuitive lens person. Jules and I had our photo taken with Shakira after the show, but our camera was on the wrong setting and we didn't get it :crybaby:


Caz had Daz's camera ready to take a photo for him but luckily she had the foresight to take one of us too.


Thanks again Caz, we owe you one :flowers2:



Round of applause for Caz! :aah::biggrin2: And sorry for not replying to your PM on time, but as you probably gathered the answer is "no, I didn't have a clue, sorry" :blush-anim-cl::naughty:

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Sara, you are right about the crowd, I think I was the only one dancing to The XX.

I know we were there for Mika, but I felt like dancing to all the acts, except Gladys, I love wallowing in that song.

I loved the Gypsy song Shakira sang, and was sizing up those gorgeous lamps she had, said to Jules, I was sure I could get one in my van. LOL!!!



Oh god Rose, those XX people reminded me of My Bloody Valentine, especially the first song!! I couldn't get over how bad they were!!! Admittedly they got a bit better later, but all in all I found them quite appalling, sorry :blush-anim-cl:.

Shakira's set was beautiful with all that decor; I bet you Mika was jealous of all her "stuff" as he is usually one to put tons of things on stage. You may have had to fight him off for the lamps :lmfao:



Thank you girls for your lovely and interesting reports. It´s always very interesting to get such backgroundinformations. I love that :thumb_yello: :thumb_yello: :thumb_yello:

And I´m happy for what you did for Mika :naughty:


Thanks, Sara and Caz for your reports, very detailed as usual!:flowers2:


You're welcome, girls. I think that I will think of a couple of other bits to post :naughty:.

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I loved the Gypsy song Shakira sang, and was sizing up those gorgeous lamps she had, said to Jules, I was sure I could get one in my van. LOL!!!


Ooooo yeah - Shakira's lamps were gorgeous! A couple of those, some soft rugs, a few big jewelled scatter cushions and MIKA... (reminds me of the old Turkish Delight advert :teehee:)


Rose - what a missed opportunity :wink2:

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Round of applause for Caz! :aah::biggrin2: And sorry for not replying to your PM on time, but as you probably gathered the answer is "no, I didn't have a clue, sorry" :blush-anim-cl::naughty:


Ha ha :naughty:


No probs Sara, and sorry to all you guys who I PM'd early this morning - I was in a state of panic LOL.


Thanks also you luverly guys for your reports. Even though I was there I still love to read about other peoples experiences / views :wub2:


AWESOME evening :boing:

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At some point shortly after that they called everyone out through the speakers saying that we'd be going into the studio soon, and that if there were any Mika fans in the audience we needed to go to the front of the door so we'd get in the right position. There were also some Shakira hard core fans there, and I think that they wanted to make sure taht they put the right fans in the right place so that we could cheer the artists properly. I mean, if we're there we may as well do a proper job, right? :naughty:




Oh, I like the sound of that!:naughty:


Mika fans to the front!:kachinga:


Thank you for a lovely report!:wub2:

Edited by sienna
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Wow the sense of entitlement around never ceases to amaze me. If people wanted to know if getting tickets were possible why didn't they go investigate? :dunno:


There are people around here doing all the work - building relationships, putting in years of effort supporting Mika in tangible ways, doing research, making inquiries, etc. Others expect to have it handed to them on a silver platter simply because they post on a forum and pout when they don't get what all the other so-called "lucky" people get.


It's bad enough when this attitude gets thrown into the mods' faces but now regular members are supposed to answer to MFC as to what they do when they're off the forum just because it involves Mika? Does this actually seem reasonable to everyone?


I did apply for tickets to Jools .... :( I've had alot of links through from the BBC ever since applying for the Blackpool thing ... most I'm not interested in ... Jools I've always been a fan of .... have been applying for tickets for his shows on and off since 95' - have never been lucky :aah:


Wasn't lucky this time either .... :sneaky2: One of these days .... :naughty:


I have been to Jonathan Ross twice though ... and a Brit Awards show thingy years ago :wub2:


and about the Mika thing ... I just wasn't expecting to see Caz in the audience :lmfao: She was the first one I spotted ... then I looked again and thought ... hang on .... Isn't that Jemma .... I was just surprised is all :dunno:

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... I just wasn't expecting to see Caz in the audience :lmfao: She was the first one I spotted ... then I looked again and thought ... hang on .... Isn't that Jemma .... I was just surprised is all :dunno:


That was just like me! Rob was not impressed. But I thought it was great.

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