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2009 - Montréal, QC at Place des Arts 13th Oct GIG REPORTS/VIDEOS/PHOTOS Thread


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Love the photos Suzy. I recognise about half of the people in them.... Anyone feel like tagging them?


Yes... please somebody- I love seeing pics of Mika but I also like to see the MFCers and find out who they are


Glad you all seem to have had a good time (I haven't read the whole thread yet, so apologies to anyone who didn't!)

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*Frets around the house looking for memory cards, making kids' breakfast, packing lunches, etc*

Aah! So busy again. Back to being mommy, wife and having a full time job.

Would love to write a full report, with details, with lots of photos.


Have time for just a few before I go:



Danie, Long, Suzie, with Vero on the floor in the yellow pants, Bab, ? , Christine, Aurelien







Sara, Mana, Aurelien, Christine, Danie


Oh ... I like Mana's and Sara's facepaint ... and I like Sara's hair too :thumb_yello:

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Suzy, I'm on your pictures too! :teehee:




I'm glad I could come to the show, I had such a hard, hard day... It helped me to forget it for a little while...


I saw you all in the front rows! I would of loved to come with you to diner before, oh well, next time I'll be better I'm sure!


My friend was super happy that she came, she likes his music but didn't know he was so good during shows! I think she's now a real fan ;)



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It is, right?


I wonder in Long is awake?


He drove back to Toronto last night.


Long if you're reading, you're such a sweetheart :wub2: It was a pleasure being there with you!


Yeah Long is a sweetheart!

A shout out to you Montrealers too! When we came to the restaurant, it really was so comfortable, like we were among friends, which I guess we were.

Especially with Guy, Vero and yourself, it just felt so normal, you know?

I was a pleasure to be there with you.

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well then, jimmy is a cutie! :biggrin2:


i knew her name was erika, but when mika pronounced it, it sounded like ema or ima... not erika :blink: anyone?? come to my rescue? :teehee:


Imma, just in case no one else did. Her name is Erica but her stage name is Imma.

Like my stage name is bab haha :aah:

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Imma, just in case no one else did. Her name is Erica but her stage name is Imma.

Like my stage name is bab haha :aah:


*checks to the right, checks to the left.... good nobody is looking*


:huglove: i enjoyed meeting you soooooooooo much!!!

if felt like i had known you forever. :aah:


i think every city should have a babspanky :mf_rosetinted:


i won't tell you what my stage name is :das:



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Thankyou for tagging some of the people in the photos Deb, and to the others who pointed out who they were. There's only one person that I think I don't know in them now, and I'm going to guess that it's Guylaine cos no-one has pointed her out, probably presuming that we all know what she looks like. Oh, the other one I'm going to guess is Suzy's hubby. Am I right? Is that Closetmikafan?

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Suzy, I'm on your pictures too! :teehee:


I'm glad I could come to the show, I had such a hard, hard day... It helped me to forget it for a little while...


I saw you all in the front rows! I would of loved to come with you to diner before, oh well, next time I'll be better I'm sure!


My friend was super happy that she came, she likes his music but didn't know he was so good during shows! I think she's now a real fan ;)



I'm sorry...When I saw you didn't go to the restaurant, I knew it and was hoping you decided to go the concert anyway :huglove:



Yeah Long is a sweetheart!

A shout out to you Montrealers too! When we came to the restaurant, it really was so comfortable, like we were among friends, which I guess we were.

Especially with Guy, Vero and yourself, it just felt so normal, you know?

I was a pleasure to be there with you.


It really was a pleasure having you :wub2: I understand what you mean by feeling so normal. It's often the case when I meet MFCers. I guess we're all exceptional beings :mf_rosetinted:

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I'm sorry...When I saw you didn't go to the restaurant, I knew it and was hoping you decided to go the concert anyway :huglove:


It really was a pleasure having you :wub2: I understand what you mean by feeling so normal. It's often the case when I meet MFCers. I guess we're all exceptional beings :mf_rosetinted:


we are, aren't we?? :wub2::huglove:

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My vids (not in HQ for some):thumbdown:


Beginning of the show




Mika signing autographs


The crowd screaming for him



PDA before the gig






Dr John



Blame It On The Girls



A part of Stuck In The Middle



We Are Golden


Touches Tou

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My vids (not in HQ for some):thumbdown:


Beginning of the show




Mika signing autographs


The crowd screaming for him



PDA before the gig






Dr John



Blame It On The Girls



A part of Stuck In The Middle



We Are Golden


Touches Tou



merci beaucoup!! :wub2:


this person also has nice videos... no clue who she/he is



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Part 1


I'm a bit late with the reportage (being a decadent traveller will do that), so there's not a lot to add that hasn't already been said. :aah:


Our Toronto posse caught the VIA Rail train from Toronto, a six-ish hour train ride into Montreal. It was actually quite pleasant, and seemed to pass quickly. Pic from the train ride:




We got into Montreal and were starving, ravenous beasts, so we found a food court in the train station and got some food. Suzy and I remarked that it was sort of like we'd gotten on a train and found ourselves in Europe; Montreal feels different to me than other major Canadian cities I've been to (Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto...). Christine disagrees though, and says it's not that different from Toronto. :naughty:


We grabbed a couple cabs to the hotel, and killed about an hour before I went with Bab and Suzy to St. Hubert to meet the rest of the Montreal crowd. Christine, Sara and Aurélien were trying to catch some sleep, so just the three of us made it to dinner.


I love the local Montreal crowd! You all are so lovely. We ordered our dinner, and Suzy and I elected to share a poutine after having eaten earlier. It was yummy! The gravy was thinner than you'd find in western Canada, and it was nice to be able to add chicken. I had to inhale it and bolt, though, because it was already 7:30 and I wanted to run back to our hotel to change from my train outfit to my gigging outfit.


I got back to the hotel and Sara and I got ready, leaving at around 8:20. Gary Go's set was from 8 to 8:30, but we really weren't keen on watching him again. Gary Go has an okay voice (check out one of his singles here) but he really doesn't seem to have a lot of stage presence. :dunno:


So Sara and I hiked it to the venue, and got horribly, utterly LOST. This Place des Arts venue is a huge entertainment complex, with the Salle Wilfrid-Pelletier theatre being just one component. And to top it off, the whole complex is under construction. We finally found the right building and could see people through the windows milling around and having drinks, but there were no freakin' signs to indicate the entrance! I was freaking out a little by then, thinking OMFG, we're actually going to be late for Mika's show! :aah:


Finally we found the entrance, and booked it into the concert hall. There's something kinda nice about walking into a venue like that and strolling up to the front. Makes you feel like a VIP or something. LOL! I love, love, LOVE the fact that they have it arranged so that the bestest best tickets are available for fans to purchase. IMHO the people who really love and support the artist should be the ones who get the great seats, not some guy who happens to have an uncle's brother's accountant's yoga teacher who works at the label/promoter/venue. For the last tour, I bought tickets to Vancouver the exact minute they went on sale, and got 11th row. Pfft. :bleh:


Most of the other MFCers were there already, as it was something like 8:50 and Mika's set was due to start at 9. We hung out, chatted, and took some pics - it was a lot like the layout and the vibe of the Sadlers' Wells show from the London date of the acoustic tour. :wub2:


Then the lights went down. I just ADORE the little routine at the beginning. First Jimmy strolls on stage, book in hand, and plunks down on the '50s style couch. He's really good, being all theatrical about turning the pages. Martin strolls in looking all debonair, then takes a seat. Then iMMa comes on, tray of giant teacups, and hands them out to the guys. Then Cherisse stomps onto the set, looking all pouty, and the others cheer her up. They're watching a cartoon, laughing and enjoying themselves, when the broadcast is interrupted. Ian McKellen comes on, saying something about a civilian going to space, and they all applaud and cheer. Then - something is wrong. There's smoke! Reports of smoke inside the module! Oh my god!!!!! *cue flashing strobe lights and crashing sounds* They've lost contact with the civilian! Oh noes. Mika's been lost in space! What a giant leap backwards this is for all mankind! :tears:


Then Mika appears, clad in a space suit. He strips down to his white boxers and gazes around, and you'd swear that he really was in outerspace. He walks off the side of the stage, the lights go down, and they launch into Relax. :wub2:

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Part 2


The upside to this gig over Montreal was that, being a reserved seating gig, I wasn't squashed right up to a barrier; there was no barrier. They do the first verse, and Mika comes bounding on stage at the chorus, suitcase in hand. His whole look with the fifties suitcase and sport coat brought to mind images of the musical Bye Bye Birdie:




And like in Toronto, he was barefoot! I love barefoot Mika on stage. His lack of shoes adds a casual vibe, and I think it really improves his dancing. So what if he can't go up on the points of his toes? The rest of his moves look so much more fluid and casual when he's devoid of shoes. I just think he needs to find himself some UV-reactant nail polish for his toenails. :roftl:


The gig was good, but there were some issues with Mika and the band's in-ear monitors, and with the volume level of Mika's mic. At one point Mika gestured at the sound guy, pointed at his mic and then gestured "up". He Then sung a couple lines, fiddled with his in-ear monitor, sung another line, then got a slightly exasperated look on his face for just a fleeting moment. Poor Mika. What it meant for us is that for a lot of songs, Martin's guitar actually drowned out Mika's vocals. :tears: I understand it was fine further back in the venue, but it really took the gig down a couple notches for me. I think I've been spoiled by the acoustic tour; don't get me wrong, I LOVE what Mika's capable of in terms of the visual and fantasy aspect of a big tour like this, but the acoustic tour where it was all about Mika singing/playing a proper piano was such a treat. And after hearing Mika sing in Amsterdam's Concertgebouw, I suppose there's a tiny part of me that misses that when I'm in a big theatre and I can't clearly hear those amazing vocals.


After Relax was Big Girl, and Mika actually motioned at us to come right up to the stage. I get the distinct sense that both Mika and the band prefer GA gigs, and they prefer the crowd to be as up close as they can be. There's something about people sitting in chairs that just doesn't quite fit with the energetic vibe of a pop gig, if that makes any sense.


Standout moments for me included One Foot Boy and Billy Brown. I am SO in love with One Foot Boy, and I've listened to some of the YouTube clips enough now that it's starting to detract from the CD version for me. :roftl:


I think this was the best performance of Billy Brown that I'd ever seen. Mika started on his little keyboard thing, but then got up and came out toward the audience. It's usually one of the mellow-er songs, but the audience was really rocking. And being a theatre without a barrier, it was really cool that we were SO close to Mika. Of all the gigs I've been to, I was only this close to Mika at the Roxy and Le Poisson Rouge. We were closer than many of the acoustic gigs, even.


*sappiness warning*


I See You was a little intense for me. I usually find myself singing along at all gigs (not just Mika's), but there's definitely something about this particular song. I find that looking at Mika while singing along to the lyrics "you mean the world to me but you'll never know" makes me feel slightly naked - becuase it's embarassingly accurate. I don't mean to come across as a stalker-like, rabid fangurl, but in all honesty discovering Mika's music really has changed my life, in ways he'll never really know. And admittedly, from the outside I can see how that would be a bit weird, and for that I'm glad he'll never know. Because here's some kid from London who happened to get a record deal, and some chick from western Canada is going on about how his music has impacted her oh-so-greatly. But it's true. I mean, I look at the places I've travelled, I look at my music collection (not even just his songs, but other artists I've discovered through him and MFCers) and I look at the people I consider friends; all have been shaped because I happened to hear the song Grace Kelly and get sucked in. And so yes, for that reason "you mean the world to me, but you'll never know" does have something of an impact. :blush-anim-cl:


This gig went by SO fast. I was feeling really sick at the Toronto gig (I think because I hadn't had any water all day - let that be a lesson!) but at this gig I was feeling fantastic, and was still on a high from Toronto. I felt like the set lasted about ten minutes, but really it was closer to an hour and a half. One of the best songs is We Are Golden. Even Grace Kelly pales in comparison. It seemed everyone in the place was on their feet, jumping even. And then when Mika got to the "we are not what you think we are, we are GOLDEN!" line he looked up at the balcony and his face just lit up. I turned around and could see the whole venue just vibrating, chanting that mantra.


My advice? If you're at a Mika gig and it's not all one level - as in, if it's sloped or if there are balconies - turn around during that part of We Are Golden and just see what Mika sees, all those people just immersed in that message. It's a pretty freakin' cool sight. :punk:


Encore songs were Toy Boy, Grace Kelly and Lollipop. Again, I may be spoiled from the acoustic tour, but Toy Boy and even Pick Up Off The Floor were decidedly underwhelming. Toy Boy is better on a celeste or even on a proper piano, for sure. And with the sound issue where we couldn't hear the vocals very well, there wasn't much left to that song. :dunno:


Lollipop is still great, though, and I'm glad he's still using that for his last song. One thing I really miss, though, is the confetti. I miss the confetti raining down all over the audience, because it's always so cool to look up at it all coming down; it adds to the surreal-ness of the shows. Oh well, I'm glad he's still using confetti in his storm sequence bit. :biggrin2:


After the gig we hung around for a bit, trying to decide what to do. Again, the complex is a maze and there's also construction to contend with, so we had no idea where to go to wait for him and the band. We found an entrance to the parking garage so we waited there for what must have been an hour, before realizing that it was the entrance only, and that the exit was on the other side. We walked around the other side and found the tour buses, so we waited there for a while. It was really, uncomfortably cold, and poor Suzy was in flats without socks! The wind was really chilly, too. It's all making me look forward to the LA climate. :roftl:


Finally, nearly two hours (!) after the show ended, they moved the tour buses to the entrance to the parking garage, so we moved over there. The band came out first and they all chatted with us for a bit, which was super sweet considering how cold it was. Cherisse was only in a light jacket, saying she was hot! Madness. Mika's mum came out, and I don't think she even had a jacket on! Granted, these people hadn't been standing outside for two hours in near-freezing temperatures like we had. Ha.


Finally Mika came out, first carrying a big bunch of flowers. He put them on the tour bus then came around to where people were standing, and signed a few autographs and accepted some gifts. He wasn't there long, though, because it was quite late and freakin' freezing. He was only there for maybe five minutes, before saying goodnight and getting on the bus. :wub2:


I didn't take any pics or vids because my camera hates Mika. It was working fine in the Toronto queue, started going wonky during Gary Go, then totally crapped out when Mika got on stage. I even tried to take pics after the Toronto gig, and it just wasn't working. Then I get home, try it today, and it totally works. Thanks a lot, stupid thing. :aah:


Wow. So, erm, for saying there wasn't much else to tell, I sure found a lot to ramble about. :lmfao:

Edited by lollipop_monkey
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