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A bully problem.


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I'm having a really tough problem at school. I get teased and bullied a lot at school for being a Mika fan. I get laughed at alot and I get called a gay fag and I really feel very sad and hurt when people do this.


Has anyone had this problem too? What did you do to make it better? What advice can you give to help combat the problem?


Thanks guys :D You guys are the best :D

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hi zak


i'm sorry you are having problems at school & are being bullied.


is there a teacher, councellor or friend you could speak to at your school?

what about your parents?


these people know you in real life and would probably be more qualified to help you find a solution.


chin up! :huglove:

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owww hun :huglove: These boys do not have the right to tell you that :no:

but as we know there is always someone like that, I understand you :wink2:

does not make you less or more human to be a fan of someone so be it man or woman unfortunately for many it is :mf_rosetinted:

but talk to your teachers or a school counselor, they may help :wink2:

you do not sew to these comments, you must be sure what you are, no one decides for you :wink2:

I have no such problems with my colleagues but I am of the view that we must respect other people's tastes :thumb_yello:

That should be very clear to all, people do not realize the emotional damage caused .....

so my advice would you talk to your teachers, peers and your parents :wink2:

But take heart and sure of yourself hunny :huglove:

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Hi,Zak,i'm so sorry to hear that,and i am a fan of Mika too,I think you should tell them that Mika isn't gay,and explain that Mika is a great pop star,and his song always encourage us(like WE ARE GOLDEN).And don't worry about,I think your classmate will support you!:thumb_yello:

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I'm having a really tough problem at school. I get teased and bullied a lot at school for being a Mika fan. I get laughed at alot and I get called a gay fag and I really feel very sad and hurt when people do this.


Has anyone had this problem too? What did you do to make it better? What advice can you give to help combat the problem?


Thanks guys :D You guys are the best :D


I don't really know what to say except be the best you can be and always stay true to yourself. Be successful. It's the best way to get back at them. :wink2:


I agree with Fmbm. The most important thing is in my opinion to stay true to yourself. Cause when you change and pretend to be someone you are not, just to be accepted, you loose yourself.


I've been bullied at school for other reasons, because i came from another town as the only one who was new in class. I was already very tall for a girl and people assumed i'd think of me as someone better cause i came from a bigger city (yes, that sounds stupid - and believe me, it was :aah:). At first i tried to be like the others to get accepted. I wore clothes like them and tried to show interest for the things they liked...and got very unhappy.


It was very hard, but i stopped being a pretender. I found friends outside school and they got behind me. To know i had real friends who loved me the way i am, gave me the strength and confidence to not give a damn about the others who bullied me at school. It took some time, but they noticed that i had started to just didn't care about being friends with them and their opinion.


You know, i can't give you a real advice - just tell you about my own experiences. If the others are causing real problems, you really should try to talk to a confidential teacher or something.


Oh, and this may sound like i'm a 100 year old granny, and when someone told me this years ago it didn't help me, but: School time will be over one day - and everything will get better!! Follow your own way and believe in yourself, search your own way and don't give a damn about what others say or want you to do. Then you'll be happy for sure - even if it's easier said than done at the beginning, i know :wink2:


All the best for you!!

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Hi,Zak,i'm so sorry to hear that,and i am a fan of Mika too,I think you should tell them that Mika isn't gay,and explain that Mika is a great pop star,and his song always encourage us(like WE ARE GOLDEN).And don't worry about,I think your classmate will support you!:thumb_yello:



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I had problems with bullying too. It was this one guy, and i sat next to him in french. Everyday i would get "mikas gay. his balls are on his head" again and again and again. It was awful. And then he said I had chicken pocks just cos I have spots, and this really upset me. It went on for ages. So then my friend told a teacher, and now he sits on the opposite side of the classroom to me! So i would tell someone! Anyway, who cares what they think, just ignore them. In the end I also tripped the guy that was bullying me up. It was hilarious.

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I'm sorry to hear that. I have some friends says he's gay.

Then I just told them MIKA isnt gay,if they couldnt prove it. And the fact is MIKA created a lot of beautiful songs,that's it and i really dont care he's gay or not,because he's genius.

More important is I wont have any argument with them,because they just want to see someone get mad ,crazy,angry and something else.

I think when they forget it and feel bored then say nothing .


Listen to My Interpretation!


i think the lyrics are suit you in this situation :)



You talk about me, and you talk about you,

And everything I do,

Like it's something, that needs repeating.

I don't need an alibi or for you to realize,

The things we left unsaid,

Are only taking space up in our head.

Make it my fault, win the game

Point the finger, place the blame

It does me up and down,

It doesn't matter now.


'Cause I don't care if I ever talk to you again.

This is not about emotion,

I don't need a reason not to care what you say,

Or what happened in the end.

This is my interpretation,

And it don't, don't make sense.

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aww poor you it's very hard to be bullied . i've been through the same thing in primary school .

The reason? i still don't know exactly i was the smallest girl and i was an easy target i guess.

Oneday i woke up and decided this would end forever .

My father was also sick of me coming home crying everyday and saw the boy who was the biggest bully and he send me outside with a stick.

Then i had to hit him as hard as i could or else i wasn't allowed to come back inside. I was so scared but i did it , i just hit him in the face .

Ofcourse he wanted to hit me back but them my father yelled something from the window and he had never touched me again since.

Ofcourse violence isn't the answer (it was in my case cos they were always using violence on me)

but what i'm trying to tell is try to show that you believe in what you stand for , don't show any fear and if they see they can't hurt you anymore it will definetly stop!.


When i went to highschool some girls tried to bully me but i acted like i was very tough and then they never tried again.

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I don't really know what to say except be the best you can be and always stay true to yourself. Be successful. It's the best way to get back at them. :wink2:


Yeah that. ALWAYS, no matter what, stay true to yourself!


My classmates bullied me also sometimes with the fact that I'm MIKAfan.

I changed a bit, talked less about MIKA but if i did, I didn't care.

Some people love R&B, some people love Mika, that's what I think.

And I don't have to marry him, I only listen to his music. So why should I care about his sexuality? Say that.


And now, I laugh at them, everytime they start about Mika; like I don't talk about him, THEY talk about him everytime. :roftl:

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Sometimes people at work tease me for it, but there's playful teasing and there's bullying (though I don't appreciate the playful teasing to be honest...and I told them so).


You have several options.


- You can deal with this yourself and tell them where to stick it

- You can ignore it (I did this at school...worst thing I ever did tbh. Got so frustrated and angry and I just bottled it up. Don't ever bottle up.)

- You can tell a teacher about it


Good luck. Bullying is never a good thing.

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I had the same problem, no teacher can help you, they can tell that person to stop it, but they won't, you should stand your ground.

My classmates teased me always about listening to MIKA, and one day a guy just pissed me off and I punched him in the face so hard that blood just started going out of his nose and since then everybody loves MIKA when they're near me. :thumb_yello:

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I had the same problem, no teacher can help you, they can tell that person to stop it, but they won't, you should stand your ground.

My classmates teased me always about listening to MIKA, and one day a guy just pissed me off and I punched him in the face so hard that blood just started going out of his nose and since then everybody loves MIKA when they're near me. :thumb_yello:


I agree, apart from the bit where you punched the guy. We don't want anyone here promoting violence, but yes, you must defend yourself if and when necessary.

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I had the same problem, no teacher can help you, they can tell that person to stop it, but they won't, you should stand your ground.

My classmates teased me always about listening to MIKA, and one day a guy just pissed me off and I punched him in the face so hard that blood just started going out of his nose and since then everybody loves MIKA when they're near me. :thumb_yello:


haha! violence is not good! but it seemed to have helped the situation there! :naughty:


i'm sorry to hear you get bullied zak.. i dont get 'bullied' as such but some of my friends be horrible about mika but quiet a few people at my school like mika. i think everyones mentioned the possible ssalutation. hope everything get sorted!

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Sometimes, you have to pick your battles. You can always be a Mika fan, but you don't have to tell people and you don't have to persuade others to like who you like.


And just by the way, the word "gay" is used in Australia (and probably elsewhere) as a general derogatory word for just about anything. For example, my son won't wear his training pants from his old club because he thinks people will say the pants are "gay".


And not all of us can have similar musical tastes even among friends. Sometimes it is better to just know it inside that you really like certain music, but if it provokes an incident, then I would choose carefully who I would share such information with. It is only music after all. Not worth a punch-up or any other form of bullying.


And if the bullying continues/escalates, then you really do need to find someone to confide in who knows you in real life...your parents or a teacher or sports coach...you don't have to put up with it.

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I've had this problem at school too.

What I've realized is that people aren't accepting of people who are different at school, therefore people like Mika fans get bullied. Mika's not the usual guy teenagers are seen to like (come on, it's all N-Dubz this, JLS that :naughty:) I'm the only fan in my school. So I guess people are quite shocked when peolple come out to like Mika so much - I'm sure my friends were :naughty:

I still get teased by my friends now, I mean...yeah, I get the 'gay' comments alot but think to yourself....'If Mika means so much to you that you've stuck it out so far to tell people you like him...whats stopping you from carrying on?' That's how I think. Treat them as background noise, and where possible...if it's right...joke with them about things :biggrin2: No one can stop you loving what you love...It's yours. So what if they don't understand how you admire him? I've tried to make people see past stereotypes but most people won't have it; they're stubborn... but who cares after it all? It's their loss missing out on such an inspiring man. There's certainly no one out there who can push me enough to stop being a mika fan... so just be true to yourself :biggrin2:

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I've had this problem at school too.

What I've realized is that people aren't accepting of people who are different at school, therefore people like Mika fans get bullied. Mika's not the usual guy teenagers are seen to like (come on, it's all N-Dubz this, JLS that :naughty:) I'm the only fan in my school. So I guess people are quite shocked when peolple come out to like Mika so much - I'm sure my friends were :naughty:

I still get teased by my friends now, I mean...yeah, I get the 'gay' comments alot but think to yourself....'If Mika means so much to you that you've stuck it out so far to tell people you like him...whats stopping you from carrying on?' That's how I think. Treat them as background noise, and where possible...if it's right...joke with them about things :biggrin2: No one can stop you loving what you love...It's yours. So what if they don't understand how you admire him? I've tried to make people see past stereotypes but most people won't have it; they're stubborn... but who cares after it all? It's their loss missing out on such an inspiring man. There's certainly no one out there who can push me enough to stop being a mika fan... so just be true to yourself :biggrin2:

Amen. :cheerful_h4h:

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That's horrible! I'd just ignore them until they get sick of it. Show them you really don't care about that stupid things they say, they're childish and you're not. Sometimes, what they like the most is seeing the bullied one feeling bad. Stupid people, they just need to feel someone is weak to convince themselves they're strong. Disgusting.


I don't really know what to say except be the best you can be and always stay true to yourself. Be successful. It's the best way to get back at them. :wink2:


Yes, this is VERY important!

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hey Zak. i would ignore the bullies. i mean, there a waste of time anyway!

you can be interested in whatever you want to be and don't let people tell you otherwise!!


Mika had a hard time at school, and now he's famous :biggrin2: so you may be more successful than them.


whatever happens, you've got MFC that will always be here for you! :thumb_yello::naughty:


believe me, i'm like only one in my class who likes Mika, so hey, don't worry, okay?! :D

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Just stand up for yourself and for things that mean to you.They probably see how much it bothers you when they call your love to Mika "gay",so they do it.Just show them that you don't care.Next time someone tells you something like "ha-ha,this idiot likes Mika!",you say:"Yeah,I do,so what?".If you show some confidence and teeth,they'll leave you alone.

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I'm having a really tough problem at school. I get teased and bullied a lot at school for being a Mika fan. I get laughed at alot and I get called a gay fag and I really feel very sad and hurt when people do this.


Has anyone had this problem too? What did you do to make it better? What advice can you give to help combat the problem?


Thanks guys :D You guys are the best :D


Zak :huglove:


It's hard when you get teased because of the music you like.



When I was 13-14, I used to get teased constantly because I absolutely adored them (I still do!). At first I used to get annoyed at people for saying how gay they were and the little ways they'd change they lyrics of their songs (I don't think I'll repeat what they changed the name of I Will Come To You to... but I bet you can guess :teehee:), and even when I moved to another town people still teased me because of my taste in music. I eventually realised a few things:


1. Not everyone is going to like the music you like. If they do, that's great, but if they don't, who cares?


2. Reacting to what people say gives them ammunition to use against you.


3. Making a joke or saying something about the band/singer you like that they won't expect usually catches them off guard and they sometimes say too much more.



So, my advice would be to either stop reacting to what they say about Mika, or to say something about him that they're not gonna expect. A lot of the time they say stuff to get a rise out of you, so if you don't give them the reaction they expect, they might leave you alone.


I know from experience that ignoring people's jokes about Mika (and Hanson... and Bruce Campbell... and anyone else I like) tends to stop them from saying stuff. :thumb_yello:


If that doesn't work or if it gets worse, then it might be a good time to go to a teacher you trust.


hi zak


i'm sorry you are having problems at school & are being bullied.


is there a teacher, councellor or friend you could speak to at your school?

what about your parents?


these people know you in real life and would probably be more qualified to help you find a solution.


chin up! :huglove:


If Melbourne schools are anything like the ones here, he won't have much of a chance of getting to a school counsellor... a lot of schools don't have a permanent school counsellor. Sucks big time but it's the reality.


Sometimes, you have to pick your battles. You can always be a Mika fan, but you don't have to tell people and you don't have to persuade others to like who you like.


And just by the way, the word "gay" is used in Australia (and probably elsewhere) as a general derogatory word for just about anything. For example, my son won't wear his training pants from his old club because he thinks people will say the pants are "gay".


And not all of us can have similar musical tastes even among friends. Sometimes it is better to just know it inside that you really like certain music, but if it provokes an incident, then I would choose carefully who I would share such information with. It is only music after all. Not worth a punch-up or any other form of bullying.


And if the bullying continues/escalates, then you really do need to find someone to confide in who knows you in real life...your parents or a teacher or sports coach...you don't have to put up with it.


I totally agree BS. I wanted to say that, but you said it so much better!

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