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WINNERS magic numbers


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I never had a good feeling about this competition. I remember that when I registered here for the first time there was a big discussion if not argument with someone who was stealing other people's pics and vids to post them on MS. That did it for me.. I had been an 'official' fan for 1 hour and I already felt something was wrong :roftl:, so I didn't really participate anymore after that.


Just one thing though (and not the least). It is when I bought TBWKTM and discovered the Magic Numbers and wanted to get my points that I found a link to the MFC. Just for that, I cannot be mad at them :wub2:

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We also don't know if several people were using one account, or were claiming points and codes for other people's tickets and merch...or buying multiple tickets for shows they didn't attend, or just devoted conversationalists on MS.

We will never know, and they will never tell us!


But it does seem suspicious that a couple of the people who DID go to many shows and did buy a lot of merchandise were unable to get anything like the 250,000 points for the second prize.


It would be quite :blush-anim-cl: if Mika spoke to the winners and asked them how many gigs they went to, or how they scored so many points. He really might have no idea what was going on:aah:


Even though I hope we get to hear about the gig, it does seem that the feelings here are running hot, so the invited people might not like to admit they attended for fear of questions and/or accusations, which would be a pity.



Ditto. But I personally feel quite disheartened by it, because I had tons of gigs, videos, merch, etc... and I even bought some extra versions like iTunes that I already had bought ages ago but couldn't find, and I never got anywhere with that :dunno:

So I feel like I spent a lot of time, effort, and money which was wasted on a game what was implemented in a very fair and inefficient way. Again, I'm not saying that everyone who is in the top 5 or top 10 or top 20 got there unfairly, at all, but I am wondering how I only made it to 14, when I was one of the ones who I thought had a chance at getting plenty of points when it came to gigs done and all the other things. I guess that we will never know though, which I find even more disheartening :tears:

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You'd be amazed how many people have said that to me :roftl:. I thought I would get a good spot too, and I just don't see how this happened :blink:.


Because it was a crazy unfair debacle. That's my opinion anyway and I'm sticking to it. I don't have any ill feeling towards the winners, I just feel incredibly sorry for anyone who was in the top ten and didn't get a top prize. I feel that we were very definately led to believe that the top ten would get a M&G.


I would like to say a string of expletives but I would only get ****** so I won't bother :wink2:

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Honestly I thought you were in the top 3... :boxed:


I thought so too!


You'd be amazed how many people have said that to me :roftl:. I thought I would get a good spot too, and I just don't see how this happened :blink:.


I was sure there would be at least a M&G for the top 10 or even 20... Don't understand... Feel so sorry for my friends who deserved to go :sad:


I just don't get it. It would be very interesting to find out who the winner is, if we ever will?

I can't imagine it could be someone we have never heard of.

What I mean is that a really devoted fan couldn't be invisible for the rest of the other fans, he or she would have shown at a lot of gigs! That is anyway my thoughts on this, but, as I said, there is probably something I just don't get!:aah:

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I've got a lot of that comments :

1 - H

2 - E

3 - L

4 - L

5 - O

6 - !

Etc... :sneaky2:


That was so annoying! :aah: That sort of thing annoyed other members and messed up any goal of building a thriving fan community on that site. Imagine if people started posting like that on MFC. How fast would everyone run away from here. :insane:


Just one thing though (and not the least). It is when I bought TBWKTM and discovered the Magic Numbers and wanted to get my points that I found a link to the MFC. Just for that, I cannot be mad at them :wub2:


Sounds like you still managed to come out a winner, even without winning the competition. :wink2:

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I hope so...

I think there must be many reasons why they didn't say anything and I know that the game has been very unfair and a total disaster for many of the "hard core" fans!

But I hope that at least Mika and the winners will have a beautiful moment at this show and I'm sure that the fans will share the event with their MFC friends.


I can think of a few reasons myself which will probably be forgotten about as soon as any gig reports surface.


Sounds like the gig is already arranged then.

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I agree with your comments girls.:thumb_yello: From the very begining all this thing looked a bit dodgy for me and I didn't want to take part in it. I couldn't have compete with the others for many reasons so I simply gave up.

But somehow I suspect that the winners either aren't MFC members or they became it recently, siitting on internet (mostly MS) and spend amounts of money to gain the points.

It's obviously that MS concidered the whole competition from the pure formal aspect and it sounds very mercantile to me.:dunno: It's a really shame for those who suported Mika all these years. :sneaky2:

And apart from that, I'm a bit suspicious about the private gig, cos they obviously don't respect their own rules.:mf_rosetinted:



Is bad - but one question. Why would anyone go to these lengths to win if they were not a Mika fan? Esp as prize is a gig with Mika?


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Is bad - but one question. Why would anyone go to these lengths to win if they were not a Mika fan? Esp as prize is a gig with Mika?



I meant that some of them perhaps were not members of MFC, or not for a long time, but hang around on MS and collect the points:dunno:

I think they are Mika fans of course, even though they're probably not so familiar with the MFC community IMO.:wink2:

Anyway, congrats to them :thumb_yello:

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They don't have to be members of MFC to be fans. And I don't think anyone is saying the winners are not fans. That's not the point being made.


Well that's how it comes over - the 'real' fans didn't win.

And anyway I thought you weren't posting any more on this?

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Well that's how it comes over - the 'real' fans didn't win.


Since there are a very small number of winners, I'm sure plenty of "real" fans didn't win. :wink2: We don't have a list of the winners and we don't know how they got their points so... :dunno:


I think a couple of posts in this thread make it clear that a distinction is being made between people who are tangibly supporting Mika and people who are not. Not "real" fans versus...whatever. I don't think much of an argument needs to be made that people who post so much unintelligible garbage on MS that it turns off the rest of us from using the site or people who steal the photos, artwork and videos of others to upload to MS are not supporting Mika in any tangible way.


The contest was pitched as a loyalty rewards program. You don't get air miles because you really, really, really like British Airways as much as the next person. You get air miles from flying on their planes, from being one of their paying customers.


I've seen a lot of horrible spamming (I've got some on my wall from people I don't know that has pushed off comments from my friends and friendly normal posters on MS), I've had my artwork stolen that was signed "Christine from MFC" in huge letters, as have many other people.


I know a lot of people were getting banned because of this since people who were not spamming were also getting caught in the anti-spam controls. I would hope all the worst offenders were filtered out by the end and everyone at the top has been supporting Mika in one way or another within the rules and the spirit of the contest. As Sariflor says we may never know so there's not much point in making accusations here IMO.

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Well that's how it comes over - the 'real' fans didn't win.

And anyway I thought you weren't posting any more on this?


Well, I know one of the winners, and that person is a HUGE fan. Fact.


Don't know about the others, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be spending money on tickets and merch if they didn't like Mika. I'm not saying those are his 5 biggest fans on earth, there's no such thing as "the biggest fans". There's people who CAN buy tons of things and there are others who love Mika as much as them, but don't have that chance. That's how it works, at least in this case.


It's disappointing, I know, specially for those in positions 6-10 in the competition. But we can't assume that the winners cheated or that they're not fans, just like we are.


Just my two cents...

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i'm huge fan, i love mika to bits....but i've never even tried to join the points competition after uploading some tickets.... :naughty:


am I to blame? shall I be punished by the man himself? :teehee:


I bow to the winners and I hope they come here and report! :biggrin2:

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