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Mika in the German Media


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I can't wait for the translation.


Finally, here is the translation :wink2:




MIKA: "I owe the woman in my life a lot"


But he doesn't fall in love with them - recently the British Musician came out as gay. He says that he isn't interested in the reactions. Rightly!


Michael Holbrook Penniman alias Mika in a good mood. And this cheerful mood is contagious. Right from the first minute the 29-year-old oozes his mischievous charm. We want to fall on our knees [expression if you admiring something]. But he turned the womankind down with his outing. Which women are playing a big part in his life nevertheless and if he has given away his heart to somebody, he reveals in the INterview that he - surprise - starts in German: "Hallo, wie geht es ihnen?" [Hello, how are you?]


You are speaking German?


I'm afraid not! My limited vocabulary I solely owe the big German poets and composers: Goethe, Brahms and Schubert.


You have grown up in a lot of countries. In the Lebanon, for example, and in France. Which languages do you speak?


Spanish fluent and French. And it's due to the woman in my life that, although I can't speak Arabic, I understand quite a lot. My mother, sisters and aunts always talked about me in Arabic in the past.


How would you describe the person Mika?

(thinking) I'm a very quiet person, who likes to observe and who acts mysterious from time to time, too.


Are you a funny guy?


No, certainly not. I'm neither funny nor jocular, more a peculiar and pondering [withdrawn in myself] guy.


A famous song from you is "Grace Kelly". Did you dress up yourself as Grace Kelly once before?


Never. I have never dressed up myself up as a woman. Not even for fun. I think that skirts and dresses don't suit me. My hips are too wide and protruding.


You had your coming out recently. Are you worried that you will be pigeonholed?


No, I think that times have changed. The world has become more tolerant. Also, I don't want to live up to the expectations of critics, but of my fans.


How were the reactions otherwise?


To tell the truth, I don't have a clue. I don't look for negative press as well. You don't need to google for yourself.


Are you still getting love letters from women?


(laughing) Yes, I still get love letters, indeed. And wedding proposals.


Are there some letters where woman feel sad about your outing?


Sure, there are this kind of letters, too, but honestly: Wouldn't it have been much more dramatic from Brad Pitt?


What are the things you are paying attention to among women and especially men?


In general I pay attention to small things and details. Does the woman wear a lot or few make up, high or flat shoes, or is she playing nervously with a strand of hair? That is again due to the woman in my life. They trained my eyes for something like that. With men a certain kind of care and hygiene is very important. What I don't like at all is exaggerated arrogance.


Is your heart, aside from the music, beating for someone else currently?


Yes, my heart is beating for somebody, and I'm very happy about this state. Only that much: It isn't a crazy lovey-dovey like in teenage years but something special. But furthermore details I don't want to reveal about it.


Because you don't want to make womankind more miserable?


(laughing) Maybe. But to tell the truth, I don't think though that I'm involved significantly in that.

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1 November 2012






Jahrelang drückte sich Michael Penniman alias Mika um ein Bekenntnis zu seiner sexuellen Orientierung. Das ließ ihn irgendwann ziemlich verklemmt wirken, sodass ihm die schwulen Fans den Rücken kehrten. Mit seinem dritten Album The Origin of Love beginnt eine neue Ära der Offenheit. Sie begann mit seinem Coming-Out.


Interview: Steffen Rüth



Als dein letztes Album erschien, habe ich dich zuhause besucht. Du hattest ein Zimmer im Keller deines Elternhauses im Londoner Stadtteil Chelsea. Wohnst du da noch?


Nein, ich bin ausgezogen. Ungefähr vor anderthalb Jahren, bevor ich mit der Arbeit an dem neuen Album anfing. Jetzt habe ich mein eigenes Haus. Und einen Hund. Und eine Beziehung. Das Leben hat sich ziemlich verändert.


Was kam zuerst – Haus, Hund oder der Partner?


Erst kam die Beziehung, doch die habe ich erstmal völlig zerstört. Haus und Hund folgten, und dann gelang es mir irgendwie, die Beziehung doch noch zu retten. (lacht) Wobei ich hoffe, dass ich ihn auch ohne Haus und Hund zurückbekommen hätte.


Handelt der neue Song „Make you happy“ von dir und deinem Freund?


Nein. Der Song handelt vom Leben als solchem. „All I wanna do is make you happy“ lautet zwar der Refrain, aber er wird von einem Roboter gesungen. Für mich ist das eine moderne Version eines sehr traditionellen Liebesliedes. Es geht um das Leben an sich und um all die blöden Widersprüche, mit denen wir es uns selbst schwer machen. Das Lied ist weniger eine Botschaft an meinen Partner als vielmehr an mich.


Ein anderer Song heißt „I only love you when I am drunk“. Ist das so bei euch?


Leider ja. Das ist ein Song, den ich für ihn geschrieben habe. Ist ja auch fast eine Art Entschuldigung. Er fand die Idee, einen solchen Text zu verarbeiten, anfangs fürchterlich, aber jetzt findet er den Song cool.


Ist der Titel inspiriert von der alten Pet-Shop-Boys-Nummer „You only tell me you love me when you‘re drunk“?


Nein, ich kannte den Song nicht einmal. Jetzt kenne ich ihn, weil mich die Leute darauf ansprechen. Für mich klang die Melodie eher nach den Talking Heads als nach den Pet Shop Boys.


Inwieweit ist The Origin of Love ein Konzeptwerk über die Liebe?


Es ist am Ende ein ziemlich persönliches Tagebuch. In allen Songs spreche ich über Liebe, Hass und Begierde. Jedes einzelne Stück handelt davon. Im Verlauf des Albums unternehme ich eine Art Reise durch die Liebe. Es beginnt mit „The Origin of Love“, einem Song über heftiges Verlieben. Dann geht es hoch und runter, am Ende kommt

dann „Celebrate“.


Kann man sagen, dass The Origin of Love eine erwachsene Platte ist, speziell verglichen mit den sehr jugendlich-bunten Vorgängern?


Ich hasse es ja, ein Opfer dieses Klischees zu werden, aber ja, ich kann das nicht leugnen. Also: Es ist so, wie du sagst. Und das ist eine wirklich gute Sache. Ironischerweise ist es bei aller Erwachsenhaftigkeit ja eine sehr lustvolle Platte, die dich trotzdem dazu verleitet, glücklich zu sein und zu tanzen.


Bist du auch erwachsen geworden?


Ja, in mancherlei Hinsicht bin ich das. Wenn auch auf meine Weise.


Was ist denn „deine“ Weise?


Immer schön voller Widersprüche. (lacht) Ich widerspreche mir selbst vermutlich mehr, als jeder andere Mensch auf der Welt das tut. Aber ich finde, Menschen ohne Widersprüche sind total langweilig. Denn sie verändern sich dann ja nie und könnten genauso gut gleich sterben.


Du hast dich kürzlich geoutet. Davor hattest du dich bei dem Thema immer gewunden. Warum plötzlich diese Wende?

Weil ich glücklich bin mit meinem Leben und meiner Beziehung. Das hat es mir ermöglicht, selbstbewusst und auch gerne und stolz über mich und meine Sexualität zu sprechen. Ich verliebte mich, und ich verlor die Liebe. Dann verliebte ich mich wieder zurück, und irgendwann ist man dann an dem Punkt, an dem man ein bisschen was gelernt hat und denkt: ‚Gut, ich bin bereit.‘ Über seine sexuelle Identität zu reden, ist nie einfach, egal, ob du in der Öffentlichkeit stehst oder nicht. Man kann das nicht erzwingen oder Druck ausüben. Ich habe das gemacht, als es für mich der richtige Moment war. Auf der anderen Seite gilt nach wie vor: Die Kenntnis über mein Privatleben ist nicht essentiell, um meine Musik zu verstehen. Aber wenn du mich als Künstler verstehen willst, dann ist es schon ziemlich wichtig zu wissen, dass ich schwul bin.


Richtig überraschend kam das Bekenntnis nicht gerade. Oder?


Ich wüsste niemanden, der damit nicht gerechnet hätte! (lacht) Ich meine, man musste nicht gerade Sherlock sein, um darauf zu kommen. Für jeden, der je bei meinen Songtexten hingehört hat, hätte es ohnehin klar sein müssen.


Woran hast du gemerkt, dass du jetzt selbstbewusst genug bist, um den Schritt zu wagen?


Ich war nicht mehr nervös. Ich merkte, ich muss keine Angst haben. Auch jetzt in einem Interview muss ich mich nicht mehr verstecken – das tut ziemlich gut, muss ich sagen. Es ist definitiv eine Erleichterung für mich. Es nimmt mir diesen Schatten. Wobei ich auch sagen muss: Ich habe nie einen Bart getragen, wenn du weißt, was ich meine. Ich habe nie gelogen oder ein falsches Spiel mit erfundener Identität gespielt. Ich wollte einfach nur nichts zu dem Thema sagen, weil ich noch nicht so weit war.


Deine Single „Celebrate“ ist eine der sorglosesten Popnummern des Jahres. Du hast das Stück zusammen mit Pharrell Williams in Miami aufgenommen. Bist du viel mit Pharrell ausgegangen?


Nee, Pharrell geht nie raus und macht Party. Das ist nicht sein Ding. Aber die Partyszene in Miami ist sowieso die reinste Hölle, finde ich. Früher haben Fleetwood Mac oder die Bee Gees ihre Alben dort aufgenommen. Miami war ein phantastischer Ort im goldenen Zeitalter der Popmusik. Doch heute? Nur noch Bumm-tataa. Dieser billige Latino-Dance-Pop, der einem sowieso schon zu den Ohren herauskommt.


Fühlst du dich inmitten austauschbarer Popmusik mit deinem ziemlich eigenen und eigenwilligen Ansatz wie eine Kuriosität?


Ich denke, wir brauchen mehr schräge, ausgefallene Popmusik. Bleiben wir bei Fleetwood Mac. Wenn du deren Musik hörst, dann weißt du, die stehen selbst dahinter. Die finden ihre Songs super. Klar, das ist der Heilige Gral des Pop. Aber diese Grundeinstellung, die habe ich auch: Ich mache meine Musik, weil ich es genieße, meine Musik zu machen. Ich bin niemand, dem es egal ist, was er fabriziert – Hauptsache, die Kasse klingelt. Ich mache keine Musik, damit sie schnell wegkonsumiert und vergessen wird. Ähnlich wie Mike Snow, Lykke Li oder Robyn mache ich Popmusik mit Herz, Hirn und Seele.

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Thanks for finding and posting!


But the used an older interview that was printed already in another newspaper. We talked about it here: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27490


But of of course it's good that he is in this newspaper, so more people will get to know that he is back :)

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Thanks for finding and posting!


But the used an older interview that was printed already in another newspaper. We talked about it here: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27490


But of of course it's good that he is in this newspaper, so more people will get to know that he is back :)


Thank you very much for the link of thread and your translation !!! :huglove:

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An short article written from Dita Von Teese in the magazin GQ:


Der Frauen-Typ


Die Frau, die Marilyn Manson liebte, über den Popstar, dessen zweites Album nun erscheint


Ich liebe Mikas Musik, weil sie fröhlich, erhebend und tanzbar ist. Vor einiger Zeit traf ich Pamela Anderson in Las Vegas, und wir tanzten zu Mikas letztem Album, dem mit dem Song „Grace Kelly“. Auch sein neues Album „The Origin Of Love“ ist voll mit tanzbaren Stücken. Ich habe Mika über unseren gemeinsamen Freund Christian Louboutin besser kennengelernt. Ich wusste gleich, dass Mika etwas Besonderes sein muss, weil sich Christian ausschließlich mit wundervollen, dynamischen, wahnsinnig witzigen und aufregenden Leuten umgibt. Und Mika ist nicht nur elegant und weltgewandt, sondern auch ausgesprochen freundlich und herzlich. Seine Fröhlichkeit und sein Wesen übertragen sich auf die Menschen in seiner Umgebung. In seiner Gegenwart verliere ich jedes Zeitgefühl. Kürzlich durfte ich sein rotes Vintage-Cabriolet in London fahren. Ich kenne mich zwar mit Oldtimern aus, da ich selbst einige besitze, aber ich bin noch nie zuvor auf der „falschen“ Straßenseite gefahren. Es war also sehr nett und vertrauensvoll von ihm, mich ans Steuer seines wertvollen Wagens zu lassen. Mika ist zweifellos ein Gentleman. Manchmal denke ich mir: Wenn ich doch bloß einen Boyfriend finden könnte, der exakt so wie Mika ist. Dann hätte ich auf dem Gebiet der Liebe fürs Leben ausgesorgt.


Autor: Dita Von Teese






The woman-type-of-guy


The woman who loved Marilyn Manson about the pop star whose album is released now.


I love Mika's music because it is joyful, uplifting and danceable. Some time ago I met up with Pamela Anderson in Las Vegas and we danced listening to Mika's last album, the one with the song "Grace Kelly". His new album "The Origin of Love" is full of danceable tracks, too. I came to know Mika better through our mutual friend Christian Louboutin. I immediately knew that Mika must be something special because Christian surrounds himself only with wonderful, dynamic, extremely funny and exciting people. And Mika is not only elegant and eloquent but also very friendly and open-hearted. His joyfulness and his nature transfer to the people around him. In his presence I loose every sense of time. Recently I was allowed to drive his red vintage cabriolet in London. I'm familiar with old-timers because I have some of them myself, but I haven't driven on the "wrong" site of the road ever before. So it was very nice and trustful of him to allow me to sit behind the wheel of his valuable car. Mika is without doubt a gentleman. Sometimes I'm thinking: If I only could find a boyfriend who is exactly like Mika. Then I would be set for life in the field of love.


Author: Dita Von Teese




Dita, you call yourself a fan of Mika and you don't know that his last album isn't "the one with Grace Kelly"? :aah:

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  • 3 weeks later...

another german interview: http://www.blu.fm/subsites/detail.php?kat=Musik,Kino,DVD,Buch&id=6544#.UL3NW4as96E


though i must say i'm not sure if he really said this stuff or if they made it up. :lmfao: or he made it up. :teehee: one question/answer about his boyfriend is the same as in the other interview (that he's a creative as well), so they obviously stole that. apart from this, mika says he's always at home for christmas and that he rents a house next to his for all his family coming over from new york and the rest of the world so they all can have a big party together. and that last year he had snow cannons and underestimated how much snow they produce so the whole block ended up covered in snow and he had to pay a fine for doing that. :lmfao: and something about the choir of the royal opera house being there, and house DJ's and people in animal costumes and three santas that he encouraged to outdo each other with their costumes. it's a funny story, i just doubt that it's true. :teehee: maybe mika's wishful thinking of a perfect xmas party. :naughty:


edit: here's the google translate version, i adjusted the worst mistakes so it should be understandable:


At last! Pop star Mika says what everyone already knew ("I'm gay!") And enrolled after three years back with the album "The Origin of Love" (as in France and landed directly on the 1). A gift for all who are on anthemic, positive songs! In keeping with the upcoming feast of all feasts, the 29-year-old in an interview from his funniest Christmas party and the best bubble orgy hard to tell.



I spend the Christmas always home. For my family from America and around the world, I have rented the house right next to mine, so we can all enjoy the festival in the same street in the center of London. Of course, my house is decorated for Christmas. A friend of mine is head designer and takes over the decoration. I celebrate every year a big party, which has become a tradition.



Totally insane! Last year the choir from the Royal Opera House has been spotted, several house DJs, people with animal masks and three Santas, which I had previously encouraged to outbid each other in terms of costume. I like those costume contests. I had also ordered a snow machine that was supposed to spray artificial snow on my roof and the roof of the house next door. Unfortunately, it went wrong a lot. I had no idea that these machines have so much power that they can cover an entire city block with said Snow.



Yes, the entire street was full of snow whitish foam, which is normally used only for movies. I even had to pay a fine to the city because there were two tons of foamed slush on the road.



That would be fun, right? But no, then rather trying it out at a concert. Funnily enough, Nick Littlemore of Empire Of The Sun and me had invited the Vienna Vegetable Orchestra for the production of my album: They play in the song "Make You Happy". It is rather hidden, so you do not hear much of it. It was important for me to have a patchwork of real instruments and programmed sounds on the record.



Of course! When we were newly in love, I ran away from him, and rather wrote the new record about it. Therefore I am now even more looking forward to spend Christmas with all the people who are important to me.



He is also a creative, he works in the arts and film industry. It is someone who has the ability to look at something from a distance. Someone who is patient and tolerant, because I lead a very fast life and am incredibly impatient and contradictory.



No, it felt almost natural. Even if I think that something like this is in general a really important thing. It is important to arrive at a point in your life where you are lucky enough, you feel confident and comfortable enough to do that. It is essential - but it must be based on your individual timing and not on the timing of others.


• Interview: Katja Schwemmer

Edited by mellody
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It's a strange interview :blink: The Christmas story is sure as hell fiction :aah: Dunno what they where talking about before this questions, the interview seems to be very shortened and I don't think that he would start directly at the first questions with Gertrude stories :aah:

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This is from his twitter last December:


MIKA official ‏@mikasounds 25 Dec.

had a chirstmas party a few nights ago. Put fake snow machines around the outside of the house and groved to mariachis in the living room


MIKA official ‏@mikasounds

ended up however with a foot and a half of foam in the garden and on every car outside on the street around the house.


MIKA official ‏@mikasounds

next time will wait for the real stuff ;)



So everything seems to be real :wink2:

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So everything seems to be real :wink2:


Oh, well :blush-anim-cl: Never underestimate Mika's crazyness :naughty:


one question/answer about his boyfriend is the same as in the other interview (that he's a creative as well), so they obviously stole that.


I realized today that it's the same interviewer, Katja Schwemmer, for both interviews. So she probably did a longer interview but the parts printed in Du&Ich and blu.fm are different ones - aside from the boyfriend-question (which wouldn't be stolen then)

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  • 2 months later...
thanks to both of you! :flowers2:

i'll summarize your twitter pix of the interview here, as otherwise it'll soon be hard to find them. :wink2:





larger text page 1: https://twitter.com/MFC_Hasi/status/258248967224168448/photo/1/large

larger text page 2a: https://twitter.com/MFC_Hasi/status/258249002036891648/photo/1/large

larger text page 2b: https://twitter.com/MFC_Hasi/status/258249043803766784/photo/1/large


I just organized my interview collection and realized that this interview never was translated. As it's an interesting interview I did it quickly :original:



Mika: Finally gay!


The cute pop star says what everyone knew already and returns with the new album "The Origin of Love" after 3 years. We enquired how one thing is connected with the other.


Your sister fell out of a window of you house, from the 4th storey, in October 2010 and got impaled on a fence. After that incident we didn't hear anything from you.


The accident stopped my life dead. She was 1,5 years in hospital and is now learning to walk again. But it's a miracle, technically she should have been dead. It sounds bizarre but I think I wouldn't have done this album without the accident. These two things are absolutely connected to each other.




For 1,5 years I hadn't written any music at all. Every time when I sat down in front of the piano and wanted to write something I was thinking what the audience would think about it. Which is of course poison for every writer! I needed some things in life that hit me over the head so that I would come to a place where I could lost myself completely. And one thing was the accident of my sister that I even witnessed myself. If you are standing in front of someone in this situation your ego falls into pieces in seconds. And you realize that you can lose everything at any time. Because of the incident it was easier for me to take risks with the new record.


The album celebrates life now!


Yes, that's right, it's totally the opposite of its cause. When your ego is wiped out a good side effect is that you enjoy the little things more.


The title "The Origin of Love" sounds like you had researched the love like a scientist.


That's exactly what I wanted to express. If you look at the album cover I'm wearing a kind of alien-helmet. I liked the idea of the alien who dissects the concept of love and love songs. The album contains a lot of absurd humor.


I've read that the songs are about your experiences with men [actually that comes from a wrong translation of the "Are these songs about my relationship with a man? I say yeah."-statement :aah:]. Which men are these and of how many men we are talking about?


(laughs) Actually it's only one person. But instead of spending time with the fresh relationship I ran away from it and rather wrote a record about it. It's a strange behaviour, isn't it? Because at the beginning of a relationship you would expected the exact opposite behaviour. By writing songs about it I kind of conserved the feeling in a bottle. And that's the reason why the first song I wrote for the record is called "The Origin of Love". The song describes this absurd madness of the first time of falling in love.


Are you happy now?


Absolutely. The relationship survived. And the fact that I'm in a relationship that makes me happy helped me to risk the next step with my music. If you are suffering from a broken heart you feel unsure - at least that's the case for me. But if you are in love that gives you the self-confidence for doing something that needs courage but that can bring out something big.


So it wasn't a big thing for you anymore to open up about you sexuality?


No, it felt nearly natural. Even if I think in general that something like that is a very important thing. It's important to come to a point in you life where you are happy enough, where you feel self-confident and comfortable enough for doing it. That's essential. But it must go by your own, individual timing, not by the timing of others.


Did you get "congratulations"-SMS?


Some people really wrote me, but I won't say names. Others from whom I would have expected it maybe didn't write. The reactions where totally different. And a lot of people didn't react at all - which only confirms that it isn't a big thing for them. A very few people got pissed off by my outing. But that's okay, because it's a good way to get rid of the spam.


Now, who is it who stole you heart?


He is a creative one, too, he works in the arts and in films. He is somebody who has the quality of looking at something from distance. Somebody who is patient and tolerant. Because I'm living a very fast life and I'm incredibly impatient and contradicting.


Is Mika a totally different artist now?


No, I'm still the same. If you are listening to the album you can still discover certain facettes of me that will feel familiar. But I've worked with musicians like Nick Littlemore of Empire of the Sun in Montreal and with Pharell Williams in Miami this time. I wanted to write alternative pop music that I would I'd love to listen to myself - totally without pressure and kind of naked, like I had never done a record.

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I just organized my interview collection and realized that this interview never was translated. As it's an interesting interview I did it quickly :original:



Mika: Finally gay!


The cute pop star says what everyone knew already and returns with the new album "The Origin of Love" after 3 years. We enquired how one thing is connected with the other.


Your sister fell out of a window of you house, from the 4th storey, in October 2010 and got impaled on a fence. After that incident we didn't hear anything from you.


The accident stopped my life dead. She was 1,5 years in hospital and is now learning to walk again. But it's a miracle, technically she should have been dead. It sounds bizarre but I think I wouldn't have done this album without the accident. These two things are absolutely connected to each other.




For 1,5 years I hadn't written any music at all. Every time when I sat down in front of the piano and wanted to write something I was thinking what the audience would think about it. Which is of course poison for every writer! I needed some things in life that hit me over the head so that I would come to a place where I could lost myself completely. And one thing was the accident of my sister that I even witnessed myself. If you are standing in front of someone in this situation your ego falls into pieces in seconds. And you realize that you can lose everything at any time. Because of the incident it was easier for me to take risks with the new record.


The album celebrates life now!


Yes, that's right, it's totally the opposite of its cause. When your ego is wiped out a good side effect is that you enjoy the little things more.


The title "The Origin of Love" sounds like you had researched the love like a scientist.


That's exactly what I wanted to express. If you look at the album cover I'm wearing a kind of alien-helmet. I liked the idea of the alien who dissects the concept of love and love songs. The album contains a lot of absurd humor.


I've read that the songs are about your experiences with men [actually that comes from a wrong translation of the "Are these songs about my relationship with a man? I say yeah."-statement :aah:]. Which men are these and of how many men we are talking about?


(laughs) Actually it's only one person. But instead of spending time with the fresh relationship I ran away from it and rather wrote a record about it. It's a strange behaviour, isn't it? Because at the beginning of a relationship you would expected the exact opposite behaviour. By writing songs about it I kind of conserved the feeling in a bottle. And that's the reason why the first song I wrote for the record is called "The Origin of Love". The song describes this absurd madness of the first time of falling in love.


Are you happy now?


Absolutely. The relationship survived. And the fact that I'm in a relationship that makes me happy helped me to risk the next step with my music. If you are suffering from a broken heart you feel unsure - at least that's the case for me. But if you are in love that gives you the self-confidence for doing something that needs courage but that can bring out something big.


So it wasn't a big thing for you anymore to open up about you sexuality?


No, it felt nearly natural. Even if I think in general that something like that is a very important thing. It's important to come to a point in you life where you are happy enough, where you feel self-confident and comfortable enough for doing it. That's essential. But it must go by your own, individual timing, not by the timing of others.


Did you get "congratulations"-SMS?


Some people really wrote me, but I won't say names. Others from whom I would have expected it maybe didn't write. The reactions where totally different. And a lot of people didn't react at all - which only confirms that it isn't a big thing for them. A very few people got pissed off by my outing. But that's okay, because it's a good way to get rid of the spam.


Now, who is it who stole you heart?


He is a creative one, too, he works in the arts and in films. He is somebody who has the quality of looking at something from distance. Somebody who is patient and tolerant. Because I'm living a very fast life and I'm incredibly impatient and contradicting.


Is Mika a totally different artist now?


No, I'm still the same. If you are listening to the album you can still discover certain facettes of me that will feel familiar. But I've worked with musicians like Nick Littlemore of Empire of the Sun in Montreal and with Pharell Williams in Miami this time. I wanted to write alternative pop music that I would I'd love to listen to myself - totally without pressure and kind of naked, like I had never done a record.


Great!! Thanks a lot :thumb_yello:




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Now, who is it who stole you heart?


He is a creative one, too, he works in the arts and in films. He is somebody who has the quality of looking at something from distance. Somebody who is patient and tolerant. Because I'm living a very fast life and I'm incredibly impatient and contradicting.


I'll bet! :naughty:


Did you get "congratulations"-SMS?


Some people really wrote me, but I won't say names. Others from whom I would have expected it maybe didn't write. The reactions where totally different. And a lot of people didn't react at all - which only confirms that it isn't a big thing for them. A very few people got pissed off by my outing. But that's okay, because it's a good way to get rid of the spam.


Indeed it was. :mf_rosetinted:


Thanks for the translation :flowers2:

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...

I don't know if this was already mentioned in another forum so I will post it here even though it is already over. But I think it's worth telling. On the 31st of December, they showed from 6.30 am half an hour of Sinfonia Pop in German TV.

I missed watching it but I think it's great to see Mika on German TV :)  even if the time wasn't perfect.

The setlist for this was

  • Underwater
  • Grace Kelly
  • Happy Ending
  • Origin of Love
  • Relax
  • Love Today
  • Stardust
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I don't know if this was already mentioned in another forum so I will post it here even though it is already over. But I think it's worth telling. On the 31st of December, they showed from 6.30 am half an hour of Sinfonia Pop in German TV.

I missed watching it but I think it's great to see Mika on German TV :)  even if the time wasn't perfect.

The setlist for this was

  • Underwater
  • Grace Kelly
  • Happy Ending
  • Origin of Love
  • Relax
  • Love Today
  • Stardust


Thanks :wink2: . I think we mentioned it somewhere.


Nice to see a new German fan here. Maybe you want to open a thread in the introduction thread so we all can welcome you here. We also have a German thread her but it´s not very busy.

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I don't know if this was already mentioned in another forum so I will post it here even though it is already over. But I think it's worth telling. On the 31st of December, they showed from 6.30 am half an hour of Sinfonia Pop in German TV.

I missed watching it but I think it's great to see Mika on German TV :)  even if the time wasn't perfect.

The setlist for this was

  • Underwater
  • Grace Kelly
  • Happy Ending
  • Origin of Love
  • Relax
  • Love Today
  • Stardust


Oh that's great! only a few songs but it's better than nothing

Maybe a sign that Germany may be interrested on his work again?

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