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MIKA as a judge at "THE VOICE" France 2014


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Hello everybody! Now, the shows number 5 of "The Voice" and "The Voice, La Suite" are downloadable in 1 part on http://www.mikawebsite.com !!!

"The Voice" & "La Suite" n°5 : http://www.mikawebsite.com/video-voice-prime-n5-voice-la-suite-episode-n5/

And the "The Voice" page is available.All shows are listed :


Good day to "The Voice"!


Thanks again for sharing Antoine!


Des fleurs pour toi! :flowers2:

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great pic but I can't find it in "The Voice - La Suie" I've watched la suite twice and....nothing! Does anyone know in witch minute is it???? :mikalove:


It's from an old "The Voice La suite", maybe the one of last week or even the week before. It's when Mika carried Jennifer :naughty:

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Yes I understand, but when I try to see things on my new Kindle, it says it's not supported. Our son took our laptop before Christmas, because he hated waiting for us to finish with it. He gave us money to get two tablets, but a lot of videos won't play on it. I've never seen good with technology anyway, and now I have to figure out how to use a tablet that came without instructions. We've sent for a book that is supposed to explain how to use a tablet.

I did go onto the link for the site, but it doesn't work with the Kindle.

Edit, just tried again and the videos won't work for me.

I'm so sorry Marilyn :hug:

I can ask the webmaster in case he can help with that but I don't know anything about tablets myself :dunno:

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If any of you guys have troubles watching or finding a stream, all the episodes are available on nabbox. All you have to do is reply to the thread and then you get access to the download link. That's what I do because I don't live in France anymore.

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I'm so sorry Marilyn :hug:

I can ask the webmaster in case he can help with that but I don't know anything about tablets myself :dunno:

Thanks for that. I can't even figure out how to download videos. I tried to download a video, but then I couldn't find the video I thought I had downloaded. I can't understand why so many videos are not available on tablets and phones, when the mobile devices are the next step in technology.

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Thanks for that. I can't even figure out how to download videos. I tried to download a video, but then I couldn't find the video I thought I had downloaded. I can't understand why so many videos are not available on tablets and phones, when the mobile devices are the next step in technology.


One of the problem is many videos used Flash Player, which is a Adobe product, and are not supported on Apple products do to silly commercial wars... Companies can now use new technology to work around that...

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Hi, First of all, this it what I think about Mika, if someonne like crazyabout mika can translate, it would be great:Mika ou l'équivalent masculin de Madonna ou l'Enfant Terrible de la Pop.Mika, un univers musical auto-construit à lui tout seul.Il est rare qu'un artiste me fasse vibrer comme ça, je n'ai pas ressenti ceci depuis le jour ou j'ai découvert Madonna , depuis mon adolescence. Ces deux artistes ont beaucoup de points communs, tout comme Madonna, Mika est une éponge, il absorbe toutes les sonorités musicales existantes, se les approprie, et compose des chansons rappelant les années 60 jusqu'à aujourd'hui.A ce jour, il a vendu plus de 20 millions d'exemplaires de ses 3 albums studios à travers le monde en seulement 7 ans de carrière.Le jeune homme de trente ans est un auteur-compositeur-producteur et signe également des chansons pour d'autres artistes sous divers pseudonymes, le plus utilisé étant Alice .Les critiques le comparent à Freddie Mercury et Elton John.Ayant vécu en France huit ans, Mika a la maitrise courante du français et a été baigné dans cette culture musicale, il cite comme référence Serge Gainsbourg, Barbara, il dit y trouver de l'inspiration.Madonna elle-mème est une des rares artistes américaines qui écoutent Dalida!On pourrait croire naivement que Mika soit victime du syndrome de Peter Pan, mais bien qu'atteint de collectionnite aigue pour les chaussures entre autres, c' est un parfait homme d'affaires qui maitrise sa carrière de A à Z, jusqu'au design des pochettes de ses opus.Le chanteur international préféré des Français a su évoluer dans son dernier opus qui tout en se démarquant des deux précédents, garde sa marque de fabrique .Intitulé "The Origin Of Love", cet opus sorti le 17 septembre 2012 surprit un peu le public et reçut des critiques élogieuses.Beaucoup plus personnel que les deux précédents, c'est une ode à l'amour qu'offre Mika à son compagnon avec lequel il vit depuis 7 ans. Il a d'ailleurs déclaré vouloir fonder une grande famille , étant lui même issu d'une fratrie de cinq. N'hésitant pas à se servir du vocoder pour certaines parties des couplets pour mieux attirer l'attention sur ce qu'il proclame haut et fort dans le refrain, cet opus plus électro-pop que les autres fut certifié disque de platine en France, 130 000 exemplaires vendus, et depuis son apparition en tant que coach à The Voice, le grand public le voit à visage découvert:Mika scrute, observe, critique au sens étymologique du terme et fait son cirque en buzzant au tout dernier moment et avec ses chaussure . Loin de faire le clown, toutefois, c'est un homme qui voit"plus loin"que l'émission en elle-mème, on sent qu'il est là pour dénicher un talent qu'il peut signer et produire. Mika comme Madonna est l'avenir de la Pop, il l'incarne en seulement 3 opus, à découvrir d'urgence, et il possède un potentiel musical énorme, tout comme elle.:mikalove::mikalove:


Mika is the real coach in The Voice and i do believe he 'll produce a record for someone.He gives the real name to the TV Show.:mikalove:

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At a certain age, MIKA was maybe frustrated by all the females sourrounding him, but I also think he owes them a lot - for giving him such a good "luggage" - on his way into the world as a superstar! And he's still taken good care of, helped - and supported by females! As we all know, "behind every successful man, there's a woman" ...




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At a certain age, MIKA was maybe frustrated by all the females sourrounding him, but I also think he owes them a lot - for giving him such a good "luggage" - on his way into the world as a superstar! And he's still taken good care of, helped - and supported by females! As we all know, "behind every successful man, there's a woman" ...




Not to mention . . . mika___grace_kelly_by_kate_murray-d74h9d3.jpg



Edited by A. Clay
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Can't find a feed that works. Anyone else having trouble? The first one says it's offline. The one I used with no problem last time is suddenly not letting me in and saying the site is a threat. I feel like a threat right now.:chair::badmood::blowup::overreact:

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Can't find a feed that works. Anyone else having trouble? The first one says it's offline. The one I used with no problem last time is suddenly not letting me in and saying the site is a threat. I feel like a threat right now.:chair::badmood::blowup::overreact:


I post one in the oldlings

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