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NEW single BOUM BOUM BOUM out June 11th!


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i didn't misunderstand you, but others did, so i wanted to make sure it was clear


i think Robi bought it https://play.google.com/store/music/album?id=Bvkcux73casdliy3eikzqfuhswy&tid=song-Tstw6hxr7ow3z54mzd3fa7qej7y


is that available where you live?


I bought it using that link (and it says I did my purchase) but I can't play it :aah: I wish I still used iTunes, other ways are so difficult.

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I've bought BBB today on Google Play :thumb_yello: After two not very proper listenings (crazy, busy day before long weekend) I have to say I love the song :aah: It's super catchy, fresh, with a bit of Spainish music, a bit of French music style, a bit of women's back vocals in Leonard Cohen's style, it's naughty, but not too much, very summery and I hear now 100% of Mika in it! I am a happy fan today :thumb_yello:

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Ugh so dated and dull with no evidence of Mika's great vocals. I can't even be bothered to hate it. Just never going to listen to it again.


Well I am curious about the video so I guess I'll hear it one more time. :naughty:


Truly awful song. But probably would do OK at Eurovision.

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read this and watch the video (if you understand some french) to know more about the song!...and the album :wink2:




Mika se déshabille pour son nouveau single


Le chanteur sort aujourd'hui un nouveau single, « Boum, Boum, Boum », une réponse festive et sexy aux manifestants contre le mariage gay.


Propos recueillis par Emmanuel Marolle | Publié le 11.06.2014, 08h02

Envoyer Paris (XIXe), hier.


De passage dans la capitale, Mika a défendu son nouveau single, qui raconte les ébats d’un couple. Ouvertement homosexuel et engagé en faveur du mariage pour tous, le chanteur britannico-libanais veut « susciter de la tolérance avec une chanson pleine de joie ». Paris (XIXe), hier. De passage dans la capitale, Mika a défendu son nouveau single, qui raconte les ébats d’un couple. Ouvertement homosexuel et engagé en faveur du mariage pour tous, le chanteur britannico-libanais veut « susciter de la tolérance avec une chanson pleine de joie ». | (LP/Olivier Lejeune.)


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Il retrouve la France... et son poulain. De passage à Paris pour deux jours, Mika chantait hier soir au Zénith lors de l'enregistrement de l'émission de « la Chanson de l'année » de TF 1 -- une reprise de « la Seine » de M et Vanessa Paradis -- en duo avec Kendji, son talent gagnant de « The Voice ». Mais le chanteur britannico-libanais était surtout là pour lancer son nouveau single en français, « Boum, Boum, Boum », qui sort aujourd'hui avant un 4e album prévu en novembre.


VIDEO. Mika : « Je me suis libéré »Mika dynamite « The Voice » Une chanson légère et engagée, sexy et débridée, gaie et gay. Un couple s'y envoie en l'air où il veut, quand il veut. Peut-être un tube de l'été. Explications avec un Mika toujours aussi pétillant.


Comment est née cette nouvelle chanson ?

MIKA. J'étais avec Doriand, avec qui j'écris mes chansons en français (NDLR : comme son tube « Elle me dit »). On dînait dans un restaurant très chic du XVIe, près de la fenêtre. Et dans l'immeuble d'à côté, je vois un mec en train de se préparer, se regarder dans la glace, puis enlever son caleçon ! La femme avec qui il était ferme finalement le rideau. J'ai dit : « Ils vont faire Boum, Boum, Boum. » Et c'était parti. On a écrit la chanson sur la nappe, partout dans tous les sens, avec une bouteille de vin rouge.


Ce n'est pas anodin de faire une chanson débridée en tant qu'homosexuel après le débat sur le mariage gay.

Bien sûr. Je veux susciter de la tolérance avec une chanson pleine de joie. Ce débat assez violent m'a surpris. Mais ça prend du temps de faire comprendre que ni la tradition des familles ni les enfants ne sont en danger.


Est-ce une réponse aux manifestations contre le mariage pour tous ?

Oui. Je me suis impliqué dans ce débat à l'époque. J'ai fait un concert pour le mariage gay, et j'étais pendant quelques heures la tête d'affiche de ce combat. Et j'ai même vécu une très mauvaise expérience dans un restaurant où je mangeais avec ma famille. Il y avait des gens à une table à côté qui disaient des choses méchantes, horribles, agressives sur les homosexuels, sur moi. Les responsables du restaurant ont fini par mettre mes chansons si fort dans la salle que l'on ne pouvait plus parler. Alors, cette chanson est liée à tout cela, mais parle aussi de l'amour en général.


Voulez-vous vous marier avec votre compagnon ?

La cérémonie, la fête, ma grand-mère qui me lance du riz ? Pas maintenant. Ce n'est pas essentiel. Mais je veux avoir le droit de protéger la personne que j'aime, l'accompagner à l'hôpital. C'est une forme d'union. On est ensemble depuis très longtemps. On est discrets, mais on ne se cache pas non plus.


Vous vous êtes retrouvés tous les deux à la une de « Voici » il y a quelques semaines...

Ce n'était pas négatif. Moi, je suis quelqu'un de public. Je suis dans une émission de télé à Paris. On est un couple qui se promène. C'est très banal, très normal, et pas du tout sensationnaliste. Il y a sept ans, au début de ma carrière, ça aurait été écrit de la même manière.


Vous voulez des enfants ?

Je ne sais pas. Ma sœur vient d'en avoir un et, franchement, c'est pénible (rires). Je lui ai même offert comme cadeau une nounou pour qu'elle puisse se reposer un peu !


Où en êtes-vous de l'album ?

Je suis en train d'enregistrer à Londres et à Los Angeles. Il y a trois chansons en français, mais qui ne seront pas uniquement pour le marché hexagonal. Elles seront aussi dans mon disque aux Etats-Unis. Parce que maintenant, ça fait partie de moi.


VIDEO. Le cœur de Mika fait boum !

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Bonjour tout les-mondes! It's BoumBoumBoum-day! :teehee:


The song is growing on me, I like it more and more. I think it will grow on people when the sun is shining, it's a happy song. I like the naughtyness in it!

Edited by AnnaMariaPetra
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I really don't hope that this song is the one with the highest potentials of the upcoming album. The song is so forced, all about sex and being horny and the almost moaning of the woman, please. Yes, it is ok to have sex with the same gender, but it is so " in your face" gayparade like. I have higher expectations of someone who apparently has been in a relationship for years, there are more layers and I can't feel real love or real feelings. Even though the song is written in “I and You“, it is with less emotions than Billy Brown and remains quiet impersonal in my opinion, honestly this is not "same love" who really touches you. Musically it is rather plain, and even that the music fits to summer, there is too much repetition of boum like mellody said and the woman's voice -forget it. Mika's voice sounds nice but somehow strained in the screaming/ bridge part, and this is not even live. This said, I also think that this is the best part.

Then the coverart, I can't see an artistic development from licm with the recycled swatch mask. In 2007 it was fresh but seems kind of outdated today like the whole song that fits better to an early twenty rather than a grown up man. And you can't refer to the lyrics of Lollipop, that was more subtile and he was so much younger. From his media appearance I get the impression he wants to be seen as a sophisticated grown up man with style, wearing Valentino, meeting K. lagerfeld, and red carpetwalking with Selma Hayek, etc. Not that I'm impressed by that, that is his choice, but this song, with this message and this cover doesn't resemble that.

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OH MY GOD THIS SONG IS PERFEEEEEECT:boing: :D :D I've been missing listening to new stuff from MIKA soooo much .. THANK GOD IT CAME IN THE RIGHT TIME ! :D:clap:


And I really don't care if it's in french , I'll do my best to memorize it :naughty:


Oh and this Om Qulthoum part .. wow .. she's a very old iconic singer in Egypt if there's anybody wondering .. so .. I'M JUST REALLY HAPPY :D :D

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From his media appearance I get the impression he wants to be seen as a sophisticated grown up man with style, wearing Valentino, meeting K. lagerfeld, and red carpetwalking with Selma Hayek, etc. Not that I'm impressed by that, that is his choice, but this song, with this message and this cover doesn't resemble that.


This is exactly why I love this song. He is more than his Valentino suits. Nothing wrong in them but I know he is more, there are different sides in him. For me this song brought him back. It's much more special than I thought in advance. Makes me happy to see he feels free to talk about LGBT issues.

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Ooohhh, saucy :wink2::naughty:

If you listen to rap lyrics they can be far worse than this, so I don't see the problem as such. I would LOVE for Scott Mills to hear this, and hear what he thinks of it. I get a feeling he just might like it.

I tweeted him a few days ago, but I got confused about when the song was coming out. I'll tweet him again today.

This is why I don't always like snippets of songs. I thought the bit they played was the intro and wasn't so impressed, but now I hear the whole thing!


Really I do!

Being English I don't know what the lyrics say, but a few raunchy lyrics aren't going to shock me. I used to work in a factory. Enough said. There are many songs that are about sex and they usually get to number one.

The way the verse is structured, it would suit English lyrics. EMD didn't suit English lyrics imo, but this song would. Yet I love it in French. It's really great.

Must go, for now, my kindle is nearly out of power.

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I tweeted him a few days ago, but I got confused about when the song was coming out. I'll tweet him again today.

This is why I don't always like snippets of songs. I thought the bit they played was the intro and wasn't so impressed, but now I hear the whole thing!


Really I do!

Being English I don't know what the lyrics say, but a few raunchy lyrics aren't going to shock me. I used to work in a factory. Enough said. There are many songs that are about sex and they usually get to number one.

The way the verse is structured, it would suit English lyrics. EMD didn't suit English lyrics imo, but this song would. Yet I love it in French. It's really great.

Must go, for now, my kindle is nearly out of power.


there are lyrics in both languages posted in first post.

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There are several differences between vulgarity and funny lyrics. No rude word neither trashy phrases. It's a little bit like when you're with friends and speaking, joking about making love :wink2: Boum boum boum is funny, fresh and free.

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MIKA official @mikasounds · 13m

Bonjour! Vous pouvez télécharger #BoumBoumBoum dès maintenant! http://po.st/BoumboumboumiTunes


first official announcement :thumb_yello:


waiting for all the iTunes links to be available...most are, just be a little patient :wink2:


What about Amazon, Googleplay etc.

Not everyone has iTunes.

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I am a bit disappointed, I mean I like the catchy melody, but the lyrics I find quite vulgar and very unlike Mika....

I don't want him to be another Jason Derulo...



Sorry, I dont find any vulgar in those lyrics, if you are spanish you'll know that the lyrics of Bisbal and Bustamenate are worse than this one by far and I only mentioned two singers but there're re lots of them. Even in this case he talks about sex Mika does it with classy....



I got mine :cheer::cheer:

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