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I have no idea why I'm so nervous. Maybe it's because I love Mika so much and you guys do too and I don't wanna seem tardy to the party, even though I totally am, and I'm impressed by so many of you and your stories of going to see Mika. I was inspired to join after the GMA appearance. You see, I felt like I had missed 3 chances to see Mika, the 3 in NY (Oh, I'm in South Carolina.) Just because I'd worried about the logistics. Even though I had recently professed on my Facebook, late one night when I do all my best, most honest, spazzing out, that I'd do pretty much anything, even camp out for a week to see him.


I just kind of digressed, I'll warn you that I do that a lot. Anyways, I then spent that day rewinding his performance and periscope and Natasha's and got very meloncholy. Immediate regret that I didn't try harder. To quote a semi awful movie, I let the fear of striking out keep me from playing the game. I told myself I had no one in NY. It was so early and I'm not an early person, and it'd probably be one song for the show and I'd rather wait til he was back at a club again. Talked myself right out of it and regretted it ever since. Tears were involved, it was ugly. Then I decided no more excuses. If I wanted something to change, I had to do it.


So I started by joining here. In hopes that you guys would keep me on the right path, inspire me, and maybe even provide insight. I then made a list for what I'm calling Operation Mika. It includes getting a passport (incase I get a chance for a show in Canada.) And researching places to stay and how to do this and getting myself ready both physically and mentally for what going to a Mika show will mean for me. (You know, lots of waiting in lines, jumping, screaming, feeling slightly overwhelmed...)


So yeah, that is why I'm here.

Edited by CarolinaAsh
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Hi there Carolina! I'm Marilyn, from the UK. Welcome to the fanclub.

It's great being on here, because if you can't get to a gig, you won't miss out. I can't get to a lot of Mika's gigs as I am disabled. I can't stand for long periods, so festivals are out. I also have to watch my travelling, as it can be too much for me.

For that reason, I can't go to the UK gig in London, as it's the weekend, and the trains are like something out of a horror movie at the weekend. But I've got involved with the fan action for the gig. I'm making Mika name badges for the fans who will be there, so I will be involved and will feel like I am there.

I love it when Americans get to know Mika, as the UK always make a fuss of any act that has "broken America". So I want... Well let's face it... I want nothing short of world domination for Mika. He deserves it.

So once again, welcome to the MFC. Have a great time here. 

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I have no idea why I'm so nervous. Maybe it's because I love Mika so much and you guys do too and I don't wanna seem tardy to the party, even though I totally am, and I'm impressed by so many of you and your stories of going to see Mika. I was inspired to join after the GMA appearance. You see, I felt like I had missed 3 chances to see Mika, the 3 in NY (Oh, I'm in South Carolina.) Just because I'd worried about the logistics. Even though I had recently professed on my Facebook, late one night when I do all my best, most honest, spazzing out, that I'd do pretty much anything, even camp out for a week to see him.I just kind of digressed, I'll warn you that I do that a lot. Anyways, I then spent that day rewinding his performance and periscope and Natasha's and got very meloncholy. Immediate regret that I didn't try harder. To quote a semi awful movie, I let the fear of striking out keep me from playing the game. I told myself I had no one in NY. It was so early and I'm not an early person, and it'd probably be one song for the show and I'd rather wait til he was back at a club again. Talked myself right out of it and regretted it ever since. Tears were involved, it was ugly. Then I decided no more excuses. If I wanted something to change, I had to do it.So I started by joining here. In hopes that you guys would keep me on the right path, inspire me, and maybe even provide insight. I then made a list for what I'm calling Operation Mika. It includes getting a passport (incase I get a chance for a show in Canada.) And researching places to stay and how to do this and getting myself ready both physically and mentally for what going to a Mika show will mean for me. (You know, lots of waiting in lines, jumping, screaming, feeling slightly overwhelmed...)So yeah, that is why I'm here.

Hi there, welcome to MFC! Great into :)

I'm Dee. Is your name Ash? I'm sorry you didn't get to see Mika in NYC but when he comes to the states it's pretty much a sure thing he'll do NYC (probably twice!) so fingers crossed you'll get more chances in a few months.

I'm from Nebraska & just got my passport about a month before i saw him in Montreal in February so you're idea of getting the passport soon is great. Trust me, it'll be one less thing to worry about when the Canadian gig time nears. I wish i'd thought as far ahead as you, lol


I'm the US World Rep so if you need anything or have question please feel free to send me a personal message or ask me on the forum. We've got a thread for Mika fans in the USA to discuss things too if you wanna come introduce yourself http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/31005-us-american-thread-part-vi/

Edited by kreacher
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Hi and welcome to the MFC :bye:


I didn't know anyone when I first joined, and went to my first gig on my own, but I made friends so quickly here and I'm  sure you will do the same.

So I hope you get to see Mika soon and to meet fellow US fans :thumb_yello).


(Actually the fan meet-ups are as much fun as the gigs :teehee:)

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Hi there Carolina! I'm Marilyn, from the UK. Welcome to the fanclub.

It's great being on here, because if you can't get to a gig, you won't miss out. I can't get to a lot of Mika's gigs as I am disabled. I can't stand for long periods, so festivals are out. I also have to watch my travelling, as it can be too much for me.

For that reason, I can't go to the UK gig in London, as it's the weekend, and the trains are like something out of a horror movie at the weekend. But I've got involved with the fan action for the gig. I'm making Mika name badges for the fans who will be there, so I will be involved and will feel like I am there.

I love it when Americans get to know Mika, as the UK always make a fuss of any act that has "broken America". So I want... Well let's face it... I want nothing short of world domination for Mika. He deserves it.

So once again, welcome to the MFC. Have a great time here. 


YES! World Domination! Exactly. Mwahahaha. I've seen others say it on here and I feel it to, like Talk About You could have been written by us fans about him. I kind of hid it a little at first because it seemed like people would think it weird that a 31 year old woman is this crazy about a singer that isn't even big here. Which is kind of stupid when I put that in writing since I know people who are crazy crazy about like, Adam Levine and stuff (which is funny because when I saw the clips from The Voice in France with Mika I was like "omg, he's their Adam. He's gorgeous to look at, sincere but funny, a great sense of humor, and a little bit of l'enfant terrible." And wow I just went way off track again but stay tuned because I am about to come back to that phrase at the end of the post...) But well, I can't hold it in. I wanna scream from the rooftops, his name, his lyrics, how amazing he is. So people around me have noticed, clearly, and asked and then haven't been able to shut me up lol.


I can feel u ><


:hug: We're all in this together!!!!!

Hi there, welcome to MFC! Great into :)

I'm Dee. Is your name Ash? I'm sorry you didn't get to see Mika in NYC but when he comes to the states it's pretty much a sure thing he'll do NYC (probably twice!) so fingers crossed you'll get more chances in a few months.

I'm from Nebraska & just got my passport about a month before i saw him in Montreal in February so you're idea of getting the passport soon is great. Trust me, it'll be one less thing to worry about when the Canadian gig time nears. I wish i'd thought as far ahead as you, lol


I'm the US World Rep so if you need anything or have question please feel free to send me a personal message or ask me on the forum. We've got a thread for Mika fans in the USA to discuss things too if you wanna come introduce yourself http://www.mikafanclub.com/topic/31005-us-american-thread-part-vi/


Yes! My name is Ash! Hi Dee, that'll be easy to remember, I have a coworker named that. I've got my passport picture ready, just need to have it printed (Yay for walmart) and tomorrow at work I'm going to do the form on my lunch break. I really hope after he's done his Europe part of the tour he comes back. I actually really wish I could suggest a place to him. Because Wilmington, NC is just an hour from me and it is such a Mika city! (If anyone gets a chance to visit do so, it's worth it.) It's got old history and beautiful architecture and design, a wonderful "vibe" that makes it feel like the city itself is ALIVE, but it's also very much into the modern art scene and has a huge art based community (Probably because there's a movie studio there. They film things like Under the Dome, One Tree Hill, Firestarter, Iron Man 3, etc.) It also is a very liberal city that would be so very open to Mika's unique universe. <3 But pretty much anywhere. I am setting aside money like crazy so I can be ready even if I have something else unexpected happen.


Back to what I was saying about l'enfant terrible. I was watching the video of Mika & Myspace from earlier this year (MySpace is still a thing? what? WOW.) where he talked about the boy who ran away from home and took his home, and his fashion theory, and then about how on The Voice they called him l'enfant terrible and why and he said something I can't quite remember about how everyone should be that way from time to time or something like that and it got me thinking. Do Mika fans have a name? (Ya know, like Parrotheads, and whatnot.) I'm thinking I might have heard some, but if not, we should be "Les Enfants Terrible." lol. Anywho. I'm gonna hush now.

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Welcome love!! I understand your fears that come along with Gig's. I went to my first gig in Montreal in February and it was scary, granted I only had to take a 7 hour train ride from Toronto but it was something that I did alone and I have never been to Quebec before or out of the province on my own before. I was so nervouse and I tend to give up when things seem scary but I pushed through for Mika and it was SO worth it. I had only been on the site for a few months at that time and in that time I had made good friends with a small group of girls Dee being one of them and I had an AWESOME time with them and the entire MFC made me feel very welcomed as soon as I arrived in Montreal. The MFC is a really warm place so dont be afraid to jump in head first. Check out the american thread and chat it up with Dee or the Chat Room up at the top of the site is a great way to make friends aswell thats where I made all my first friends. You can also shoot me a few questions if you want, maybe I can help you out with some Canada related questions for your travelling needs!!! 


Have fun!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Awww, I know what that's like! In 2009 I decided on a whim to go to the US for a gig as I was sick of waiting for Mika to come back to Australia. Anyways, I managed to get talked out of going and I was so upset and regretted it (looking back, it was a good thing as I would've been very sick in the US if I had gone). What I can say is get stuff like passports organised and just have a bit of a look at accommodation and public transport now so you've got a bit of an idea before you need to worry about it.



Oh, and welcome :biggrin2:

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HI Carolina,


As you, I love Mika, I don't know why I didn't join MFC before (I didn't know the existance, what a shame  :doh: ) . But now I'm in  :cheerful_h4h: and enjoy to be here.

So this year will be the first time I'll go to a gig to see "l'enfant terrible" as you said. I have to say that The Voice France was my weekly appointment to watch him and hear him. I hope he will be judge in 2016. :crossed:


Have a lot of fun

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