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MIKA at Sanremo Music Festival, Italy - 9th February 2017


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I have such mixed feelings about the Jesus to a child performance. I love this song and i like the orchestral arrangement of this cover and the way Mika expresses the melody and gives meaning to the words. But I find his voice not strong enough for this song and the whole performance too much of a struggle. Maybe because of his nerves or maybe because the song is just too difficult for him to sing. I felt like watching a performance of a friend. You feel very sympathetic to his motives to sing the song and really wish him to do well but in the end you feel glad that it's over and just admire his braveness to do this performance at all. It's nothing like the excitement and admiration I have felt for him at some other performances or the pleasure I get from listening to the original version of George Michael.

It's good to hear though that he got a lot of positive publicity about his statement.

Edited by Pascale
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Il Decorder





  • Pubblicato alle 09:30, 12 02 2017

Il cantante ormai “italiano” ha omaggiato George Michael: “È sempre stato il mio

A Sanremo ci è venuto la prima volta dieci anni fa. Quando era una star internazionale ma poco conosciuta in Italia.
Ora da noi è famoso quasi quanto Carlo Conti e potrebbe essere un suo degno successore. Perché Mika non solo ha una voce formidabile, non solo è un ottimo performer, ma è così versatile, brillante, colto, ironico e divertente che sembra nato apposta per fare lo showman. Ieri sera è tornato sul palco dell’Ariston portato dall’onda dei suoi successi italiani, da X Factor, di cui è stato giudice per tre anni a Stasera Casa Mika, lo show di Raidue che lo ha consacrato nuovo Fiorello nostrano. Ha reso omaggio a George Michael, uno dei suoi maestri musicali e spirituali, morto la notte di Natale, rievocando un brano difficile da interpretare, Jesus to a child.

Mika, chi era Michael per lei?
“Sono stato un suo stalker musicale. È sempre stato il mio eroe. Ho una tale ammirazione per lui da non aver mai avuto il coraggio di conoscerlo. Ho scelto di lavorare negli stessi studi di registrazione dove ha inciso lui. Però non pensavo che morisse così giovane. E fare la cover di un suo brano mi ha dato gioia, ma anche molta ansia”.

Conti dice di averla invitata in quanto cantante italiano, non come star internazionale. Ormai si sente cittadino italiano?
“Io sono contento di essere uno zingaro, di non appartenere a nessuna chiesa, di non assumere alcuna identità. Questo mi rende libero. Ho il passaporto americano, ma non quello libanese perché sono libanese per parte di madre e lì funziona così. Lavoro in tanti paesi, giro per Francia, Italia, Germania, Stati Uniti e questo mi permette di essere tante cose diverse rimanendo però sempre me stesso”.

È capace di fare di tutto, che ne direbbe di presentare uno dei prossimi Festival?
“Noooooo. Mai. È troppo difficile, troppo faticoso. Sarei terrorizzato, bisogna avere una grande esperienza per gestire una macchina così complessa, soprattutto se c’è qualcosa che va storto. Solo per fare questa ospitata sono stato in agitazione due settimane”.

L’altra sera Conti ha portato sul palco due ragazzi di un’associazione contro il bullismo, lei da piccolo a scuola ha sofferto per questo motivo e si è salvato grazie alla musica…
“La musica è potente, la musica è libertà. Io sono dislessico e da piccolo i miei compagni di scuola mi picchiavano. Allora io preferivo essere invisibile, perché se mi facevo notare correvo il rischio che mi saltassero addosso. Mi rifugiavo nella musica perché mi faceva sentire forte, un supereroe, e sapevo che se l’avessi coltivata un giorno mi avrebbe aiutato. Facevo fatica a parlare e scrivere, cosa dovevo fare? Cantare… Quando canti diventi visibile”.

Al Festival sono in gara ragazzi passati per X Factor, come le sono sembrati?
“Meritano di essere qui, perché non è automatico il passaggio dai talent show a Sanremo. Sia Chiara sia Michele (Bravi) hanno attraversato momenti difficili dopo X Factor: lei ha dovuto trovare nuove strade musicali, lui si è reinventato come youtuber. Quando le luci si spengono e ti trovi solo senza tutto il clamore di prima ti senti perso. Per essere qua hanno dovuto faticare come matti”.

Si farà il secondo Stasera Casa Mika?
“Direi proprio di sì, nella prossima stagione: ci vuole un po’ di tempo per prepararlo perché vorrei cambiarlo molto, sto pensando di scrivere delle canzoni apposta per il programma”.

E secondo lei come se la passa la musica italiana?
“Qui c’è un mix molto interessante, però non ci sono molte possibilità per la musica indie, lontana dalla cultura mainstream, non ci sono abbastanza locali dove suonarla, di piccole dimensioni e alta qualità, neanche a Milano. Quindi diventa difficile trovare opportunità di crescita per chi aspira a diventare un artista internazionale. Una vera frustrazione. Ma bisogna anche essere orgogliosi di una grande manifestazione come Sanremo, che non ha pari nel mondo, senza vergogna di fare spettacoli popolari”.


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Published 09:30, 12 02 2017
The singer now "Italian" paid homage to George Michael: "It's always been mine"

In Sanremo there came the first time ten years ago. When it was an international star, but little known in Italy.
Now we are almost as famous Carlo Conti and could be one of his worthy successor. Mika because not only has a terrific voice, not only is a great performer, but it is so versatile, bright, intelligent, ironic and funny that seems born on purpose to make the showman. Last night he returned to the stage of the Ariston brought by the wave of his Italian successes, X Factor, where he was judge for three years Mika House Tonight, the show Raidue that has consecrated the new Fiorello homegrown. He paid tribute to George Michael, one of his musical and spiritual masters, who died on Christmas Eve, recalling a difficult song to interpret, Jesus to a child.

Mika, who was Michael for you?
"I was one of his musical stalker. It's always been my hero. I have such admiration for him as he had never had the courage to meet him. I chose to work in the same recording studio where he recorded him. But I did not think he died so young. And make a cover of his song gave me joy, but also a lot of anxiety. "

Conti says that he invited as Italian singer, not as an international star. Now feels Italian citizen?
"I am glad to be a gypsy, it does not belong to any church, not to assume any identity. This makes me free. I have the American passport, but not because they are Lebanese Lebanese mother's side, and there it works. Working in so many countries around France, Italy, Germany, the United States and this allows me to be so many different things while remaining always myself. "

He can do everything, how about presenting an upcoming Festival?
"Noooooo. Never. It's too hard, too hard. I would be scared, you have to have a great experience to manage such a complex machine, especially if there is something that goes wrong. Just to have hosted this two weeks "was in turmoil.

The other night Conti brought on stage two boys of an association against bullying, you suffered as a child to school for this reason and it was saved thanks to the music ...
"Music is powerful, music is freedom. I'm dyslexic and small my classmates beat me. So I preferred to be invisible, because if I did I noticed I was running the risk that they jumped on me. I took refuge in music because it made me feel strong, a superhero, and I knew that if I cultivated a day would help me. I was struggling to speak and write, what to do? ... When you sing songs become visible ".

At the Festival they are in the race for boys past X Factor, as they seemed?
"They deserve to be here, because it is not automatically the transition from talent show in Sanremo. Chiara is both Michele (Bravo) have gone through difficult times after X Factor: she had to find new musical paths, he has reinvented himself as youtuber. When the lights go out and you find yourself alone without all the fuss of before you feel lost. To be here have had to work like crazy. "

Tonight it will make the Stacera Casa Mika?
"I would say so, in the next season: it takes a bit 'of time to prepare it because I would like to change it a lot, I'm planning to write songs especially for the program."

And according to you as if the passing Italian music?
"There's a very interesting mix, but there are not many chances for indie music, far from the mainstream culture, there are not enough rooms where you play it, of small size and high quality, even in Milan. So it becomes difficult to find growth opportunities for those who aspire to become an international artist. A real frustration. But it must also be proud of a great event like Sanremo, which has no equal in the world, without shame to make popular shows. "


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«Felice di sentirmi piccolo piccolo» Il sorriso di Mika illumina lAriston «È bello vedere in gara Chiara e Michele Bravi: hanno lottato e ce lhanno fatta»


699 words

10 February 2017

La Nazione


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Lomaggio a George Michael: «La musica è un arcobaleno di libertà»



MIKA for president. Anzi, for presenter. Già perché il successo di CasaMika su Raidue sembra aver svegliato il Jimmy Fallon che è in lui portandolo a spaziare tra palco e tv. Ma solo una cosa non farebbe: condurre Sanremo. «Ci vuole tanta professionalità per gestire non solo lo show, ma soprattutto gli imprevisti» dice lui, ieri allAriston dieci anni dopo il primo passaggio, con un impatto dirompente formato musical, chiuso con lomaggio la George Michael. «La musica ha detto dal palco dellAriston cambia i colori della mia anima e se qualcuno pensa che un colore è meglio di un altro e che un arcobaleno è pericoloso perché rappresenta tutti i colori del mondo, beh peggio per lui, lo lasciamo senza musica».


Mika e Sanremo: «Davanti a una macchina imponente come il Festival, sono felice di sentirmi piccolo piccolo. I quindici minuti di intervento di ieri allAriston me li sono portati nella testa e nella pancia per quattro settimane. Volevo, infatti, una bella intesa con lorchestra. Perché per me il Festival di Sanremo è la sua orchestra. Passano i conduttori, ma lei rimane».


Ma almeno lidea di un CasaMika 2 la solletica?


«Assolutamente. La Rai mi ha chiesto il bis e lo farò. Ma con regole diverse rispetto alla prima serie.

Ho sempre visto il programma come un film, un quasi-musical, e il sequel che non può rimanere uguale. Ora che ho capito il meccanismo, voglio migliorarlo a modo mio. Vivremo tutti nello studio milanese di Via Mecenate dove verrà realizzato il programma. E, pure a livello di scrittura, tutto nascerà su quel palcoscenico, come si faceva con gli sketch di un tempo. Un po modello Saturday Night Live Show».


Prima o poi dovranno darle pure la cittadinanza italiana.


«Sono libanese e vorrei tanto quella del mio paese. Lho chiesta tre volte ma, siccome mio padre è americano, mia madre, in quanto donna, per loro non conta nulla. Mi va bene, però, di rimanere uno zingaro che trova cittadinanza nella sua musica».


Tra una Grace Kelly e una Boum boum boum allAriston omaggia George Michael.


«Non lho mai conosciuto, ma sono stato un suo stalker musicale. Il mio ultimo album è nato proprio negli studi dove lui ha registrato Faith. Al Festival ho scelto dinterpretare Jesus to a child perché adoro quel pezzo e, anche se non amo troppo le cover, ho trovato giusto farlo mio».


Frequentandola da vicino, che idea s’è fatto della musica italiana?


«La trovo molto interessante, forse non c’è troppa indie, perché manca un po la cultura e mancano i locali. Ma se guardiamo le prime 40 posizioni in classifica troviamo pochi artisti internazionali e questo evidenzia un orgoglio culturale che manca nei mercati musicali in altri paesi. Sanremo è lesempio di tutto questo, difficile trovare paragoni».


Uno dei temi di questa edizione del festival è stato il bullismo giovanile.


«La musica è una chiave per la libertà. Quando canti prendi una posizione, riesci a farti sentire. Diventi visibile. A scuola ero un invisibile tutto sommato contento di esserlo perché quando diventava visibile lo picchiavano. La musica è così diventata il mio potere di super eroe, lho sviluppata di nascosto sapendo che un giorno forse sarebbe riuscita a cambiare il mio quotidiano».


Le sono piaciuti Agnelli e Soler a X Factor?


«Li ho trovati belli; hanno funzionato. Ma, in fondo, chi se ne frega della mia opinione. Tre è il mio numero magico e, quanto a numero di edizioni, oltre non volevo andare».

Sono molti i protagonisti di questa edizione del Festival che si sono messi in luce nei talent.


«È bello vedere Chiara o Michele Bravi che hanno lottato duramente per arrivare qua, e ce lhanno fatta. Quando le luci dei talent si spengono, infatti, non è facile proseguire la strada. In questo mestiere non importa da dove vieni, ma quanto lotti per continuare il tuo viaggio».

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Agorà Sanremo, the day after del 13/02/2017


Un servizio di Matteo Barzini - Nel racconto di Matteo Barzini, tutto quello che è stato Sanremo oltre il palco dell'Ariston. Un grande affresco calei-doscopico, specchio autentico del Paese, con tutte le sue passioni e le sue contraddizioni.


Rai Play raiplay.it  2017/02/Sanremo-the-day-after-del-13022017


a part of Mika



Edited by Kumazzz
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I have such mixed feelings about the Jesus to a child performance. I love this song and i like the orchestral arrangement of this cover and the way Mika expresses the melody and gives meaning to the words. But I find his voice not strong enough for this song and the whole performance too much of a struggle. Maybe because of his nerves or maybe because the song is just too difficult for him to sing. I felt like watching a performance of a friend. You feel very sympathetic to his motives to sing the song and really wish him to do well but in the end you feel glad that it's over and just admire his braveness to do this performance at all. It's nothing like the excitement and admiration I have felt for him at some other performances or the pleasure I get from listening to the original version of George Michael.

It's good to hear though that he got a lot of positive publicity about his statement.


I guess he was just very nervous, not his usual self at all. He didn't seem comfortable to sing the cover but maybe they had asked him to do this particular song and with the orchestra and arrangement it wasn't possible to change it. I thought he did well considering how nervous he was, it was a touching performance. But yes I felt really nervous for him, during the medley as well. 

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I guess he was just very nervous, not his usual self at all. He didn't seem comfortable to sing the cover but maybe they had asked him to do this particular song and with the orchestra and arrangement it wasn't possible to change it. I thought he did well considering how nervous he was, it was a touching performance. But yes I felt really nervous for him, during the medley as well. 

I think the main problem is that I've wasn't there experiencing the real thing. I can well imagine that it was a touching performance but it is difficult to feel the atmposphere of the moment when you watch it on the internet. The soul isn't there then. More and more i'm convinced that there shouldn't be so many recordings. Or better that I should quit watching them and just go watching live performances. Or probably best: that I should stop giving opinions about recordings. :angel_not:  


To contradict this immediately: I agree with you that he did well considering how nervous he was. I just wonder why he puts this strain on himself. For I'm quite sure he chooses to do it himself.

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I think the main problem is that I've wasn't there experiencing the real thing. I can well imagine that it was a touching performance but it is difficult to feel the atmposphere of the moment when you watch it on the internet. The soul isn't there then. More and more i'm convinced that there shouldn't be so many recordings. Or better that I should quit watching them and just go watching live performances. Or probably best: that I should stop giving opinions about recordings. :angel_not:  


To contradict this immediately: I agree with you that he did well considering how nervous he was. I just wonder why he puts this strain on himself. For I'm quite sure he chooses to do it himself.

Pascale we're talking about the man who accepted to do XFactor in Italy although he didn't speak Italian...he loves to frighten himself and get out of his confort zone, he said so in many interviews...he is always nervous about covers , he's a perfectionist who always wants to do everything right and it was an homage to someone he most certainly apreciated in San Remo festival , a lot was at stake for him... 

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Pascale we're talking about the man who accepted to do XFactor in Italy although he didn't speak Italian...he loves to frighten himself and get out of his confort zone, he said so in many interviews...he is always nervous about covers , he's a perfectionist who always wants to do everything right and it was an homage to someone he most certainly apreciated in San Remo festival , a lot was at stake for him... 

Yes I know he wants to frighten himself and luckily it mostly works out allright. But there's a difference between getting out of your comfort zone and doing things that you're not up to. Well, I guess you probably only know afterwards which one of the two it was. And of course you have to take risks to achieve success. 


Still I have the feeling (have had it for some time now) that there's something going wrong artistically at the moment. In spite of all the success in Italy, France and the Asian countries. And in spite of some beautiful things that he has done lately and of all the new artistic ways he is exploring.

I can't believe that's what he is doing now is satisfying for someone who yearns for creativity and geniality like Mika. But time will tell. Perfectionism is the hard way to happiness and i won't blame him for leaving it. I'm just not convinced he is able to do that.

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Il Messaggero



  • Venerdì 10 Febbraio 2017 - Ultimo aggiornamento: 12:55


Sanremo, c'è anche Mika in lizza per il dopo Conti


Ancora una serata di grandi ascolti per il Festival di Sanremo targato Conti-De Filippi. Un'accoppiata vincente destinata a lasciare il segno nella storia dell'Ariston. È un Festival sobrio, ecumenico, delle persone perbene e degli eroi della porta accanto. Della gente comune che svolgendo il proprio lavoro strappa applausi alla platea e ai milioni di telespettatori dietro la telecamera. È il festival dei messaggi positivi, del rimbocchiamoci le maniche perché possiamo farcela. Un inno alla vita, alla libertà, ai giovani, agli immigrati e alle nascite.

Tuttavia questa, seppure sia un'edizione ricca di grandi soddisfazioni per tutta la Rai e per il direttore della rete ammiraglia, sarà l'ultima del triennio d'oro di Carlo Conti. Fin da lunedì prossimo bisogna cominciare a programmare un nuovo ciclo. Si parla tanto di Paolo Bonolis. Ma la trattativa non è facile. Lo stesso Conti ha detto che ci sono anche altri papabili.

Da qualsiasi prospettiva si guardi l'imminente futuro, comunque, non sarà certo facile rimpiazzare un orologio svizzero come Conti. Certo si potrebbe pensare a un'investitura della De Filippi. Sicuramente sarebbe in grado di svolgere un grande lavoro, ma Queen Mary ha già l'agenda zeppa di impegni. E Sanremo non si prepara in una settimana.

Resta il fatto che qualsiasi altro presentatore farebbe rimpiangere Conti. Anche Amadeus che sta facendo di tutto per diventare il suo clone. Se non arrivano né Bonolis né la De Filippi occorre sparigliare.

Ed ecco che spunta il nome di Mika. Che passo dopo passo ha conquistato i vertici di Viale Mazzini. La sua trasmissione su Raidue ha avuto un grande successo. Gli vogliono bene tutti. Se ne intende di musica e sa scegliere una canzone (gli anni a X Factor sono sicuramente serviti).

D'accordo, è ancora presto per prendere decisioni, ma tra le candidature bisogna inserire anche Mika, un altro campione di ascolti. Magari affiancato da una conduttrice di Raiuno. Una Eleonora Daniele, per esempio, che in questa settimana sanremese ha collezionato record di ascolti con il suo Storie Vere.
























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So MANY beautiful pictures :wub:

I don't think that he is ready for the Sanremo festival to be sincere...  :fisch: I would adore to see him doing it with Fabio Fazio (he has a strong respect for Mika) but don't know if it could be... since it seems a woman on stage is always necessary    :wait:


Maybe a gay adorable man could be enough to replace the feminine part?   :pinkbow:

Edited by Monsi67
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TV Sorrisi e Canzoni N.8 – 14 Febbraio 2017

  • 14 February 2017





Giovedì Mika (33) è stato protagonista di una grande esibizione sul palco dell’Ariston. L’inizio però non è stato facile: la porta che dava sulla scalinata si è bloccata (foto a destra) e dopo qualche secondo di imbarazzo il cantante è stato prelevato dagli addetti (nel tondo) e, passando dalle quinte laterali, «buttato» in scena.



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It's written that he has been literally thrown on stage after the fact that the door did not open :doh:   :lol3:   


:shocked: Oh - that's not the best entry and start for the perfectionist MIKA   :)   And added to the nerves,  which he already had, it's no wonder that he was sweat in his head,  while performing  ;)

But this  makes his performance even more impressing...  :wub:


Love, love


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Still I have the feeling (have had it for some time now) that there's something going wrong artistically at the moment. In spite of all the success in Italy, France and the Asian countries. And in spite of some beautiful things that he has done lately and of all the new artistic ways he is exploring.



I don't have that feeling at all, I have really enjoyed everything he has done lately. But I do hope he is using this little break thinking of his music and creating something. It would make me so happy! He doesn't seem to have enough time for that in his hectic life. 


This is not related to San Remo but I always wonder something, maybe someone can explain it to me.  He doesn't seem to want to take his voice to its natural direction (with natural I mean natural with time and age). He could do it softer and I absolutely adore it when he sings like that  :swoon:


But it's like he doesn't want to, he seems sometimes very stubborn with it. I don't understand why. His singing can sound so effortless. Why not to go that way. He writes his own songs. He has an amazingly beautiful voice, it's something special voice gods gave just for him, there's no one else like him. His voice can bring people to heaven  :wub:


Maybe there is an explanation for all this and I just can't see it. I would be curious to learn it. I really know nothing about singing. 


About San Remo. What happened with the door? Was it really locked? How could it be locked just for him? I didn't understand at all. Such a bad luck in his situation! Watching this massive publicity around San Remo made me think how deep he is in there already. It's a world of its own and totally separated from everything else. This is just a thought that now randomly came to my mind. I love Italy and I have never had any problems in focusing on France or Italy or any country. 

Edited by tiibet
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He has an amazingly beautiful voice, it's something special voice gods gave just for him, there's no one else like him. His voice can bring people to heaven  :wub: > AGREE, completely :fangurl:


About San Remo. What happened with the door? Was it really locked? How could it be locked just for him? I didn't understand at all. Such a bad luck in his situation! Watching this massive publicity around San Remo made me think how deep he is in there already. It's a world of its own and totally separated from everything else. This is just a thought that now randomly came to my mind. I love Italy and I have never had any problems in focusing on France or Italy or any country. 


About San Remo, yes the door didn't unlock (the door was up the stairs) so he came on stage from a lateral entrance (thrown there :rolleyes: ) and then he jumped up the stairs again to make his "regular" entrance.. it was funny by the way :floor:

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This is not related to San Remo but I always wonder something, maybe someone can explain it to me.  He doesn't seem to want to take his voice to its natural direction (with natural I mean natural with time and age). He could do it softer and I absolutely adore it when he sings like that  :swoon:


But it's like he doesn't want to, he seems sometimes very stubborn with it. I don't understand why. His singing can sound so effortless. Why not to go that way. He writes his own songs. He has an amazingly beautiful voice, it's something special voice gods gave just for him, there's no one else like him. His voice can bring people to heaven  :wub:


Maybe there is an explanation for all this and I just can't see it. I would be curious to learn it. I really know nothing about singing. 


I think that when it comes to his own (new) songs, he has started using his softer and lower voice more, as I don't think there are any falsetto parts in NPIH songs at all. But when it comes to covers, he does seem to sing in a higher voice/falsetto more often than necessary. It seems to me that he views this as his trademark and perhaps he doesn't even realize how many people prefer his softer and more effortless singing. I wish he would do more of that too.

Edited by Lunari
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I think that when it comes to his own (new) songs, he has started using his softer and lower voice more, as I I don't think there are any falsetto parts in NPIH songs at all. But when it comes to covers, he does seem to sing in a higher voice/falsetto more often than necessary. It seems to me that he views this as his trademark and perhaps he doesn't even realize how many people prefer his softer and more efortless singing. I wish he would do more of that too.

I completely agree with you. In NPIH there is only Porcelain that is sung in a high voice, but in the other songs he used a lot his natural voice. I agree that maybe he feels "compelled" to use falsetto because he thinks people expect this from him. In Casa Mika he sang couple of songs in italian using his lower voice and it was absolutely stunning, especially "Io che non vivo". I noticed that, even when he sing with his natural voice, he uses falsetto to reach the highest notes; it could be that his voice is not powerful enough to reach those notes without using falsetto? I know absolutely nothing about singing, so someone more experienced in this field can give me his opinion. Sorry for my bad English.

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