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Mika in Canadian Press 2020


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8 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:


Already during our live when Mika appeared I was wondering where he was. It looked  like his kitchen in Athens but I did not  even take this into consideration as I was expecting him rather in Italy. Another Mika's mystery :wink2:

And on Max's photo they are wearing Creepy Neighbor's hats. Maybe it's for Max's new songs?


I had been wondering as well where he was on Friday, I thought maybe he'd visit his Dad for his birthday... but the cupboards in the back don't look like the kitchen cupboards from their Athens apartment imo. :dunno_grin:

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Allô Vedettes

15 Oct 2020

page 64



Céline… l’élégance. Mika et Zazie. Sa complicité avec Mika. Céline et Mika à la une de Télé 7 Jours. Pepe et son amoureux, Brayden. La star et JeanPhilippe Dion. La diva et son Pepe.

Du côté du showbiz québécois, Jean-Philippe Dion est actuellement l’un des personnages qui me fascinent le plus avec cette détermination qu’il met autant à l’animation qu’à la production; et à l’âge de 37 ans, c’est presque du jamais vu dans notre industrie. Son émission La vraie nature, j’adore. En entrevue, il affiche une confiance remarquable. En ressuscitant Star Ac l’hiver prochain à l’antenne de TVA, il fait parler de lui. Ça me fait réaliser qu’il y a 17 ans, Wilfred triomphait dans cette nouvelle formule télé produite à l’époque par notre Julie nationale. Qu’ils aient choisi Patrice Michaud comme prochain animateur, oui, j’en suis heureux parce qu’il est l’un des chansonniers les plus brillants de la relève.

Mais ce qui fait actuellement vibrer les news de notre univers culturel est qu’on pourra voir dans cette émission deux personnalités fascinantes internationales. Il s’agit d’abord du chanteur Mika, qui en deviendra le directeur artistique. Il accompagnera les académiciens au cours de l’aventure avec une carte blanche qui lui donnera tous les droits. J’adore Mika depuis que j’ai craqué pour l’un de ses premiers singles en hommage à Grace Kelly, de si regrettée mémoire. Son premier album, Life in Cartoon Motion, je ne peux l’oublier, tout comme deux de ses hits, Last Party et Good Guys. Et je raffole de son album My Name Is Michael Holbrook. Mais ce que j’ignorais de Mika, c’est qu’il est proche de notre Céline depuis qu’ils se sont rencontrés il y a six ans dans le cadre de l’émission L’été indien, qui avait eu un franc succès au Québec. Ils avaient eu droit à la une de Télé 7 Jours, en France, et Céline avait même comparé le chanteur à Freddie Mercury. Et Mika de confirmer que, comme Céline le lui avait conseillé, il ne parlait pas en tournée pour protéger ses cordes vocales. Donc, on l’ignorait, mais les deux vedettes partagent une complicité professionnelle. Et, c’est confirmé, en fin de saison 2021, Mika sera de l’émission spéciale The Voice, en France, qui fêtera ses10 ans, et où il a été coach avec Zazie.

Ensuite, celui qui sera le maître de la créativité artistique de Star Ac, c’est Pepe Muñoz, le complice et confident de notre star à nous: depuis quatre ans, Céline et Pepe sont inséparables. Après le triomphe de Céline avec le Cirque du Soleil, il a été avec elle à Vegas. Leur intimité, lors de la fashion week de Paris il y a deux ans, a donné naissance à la rumeur d’une romance entre les deux. Mais, en réalité, il ne s’agit que d’une amitié particulière pour celui qui est également un dessinateur de mode reconnu à l’échelle internationale. On sait tous que Pepe est follement amoureux du danseur new-yorkais Brayden Newby.

Mais la question que tous se posent… Céline sera-t-elle star invitée à Star Ac? Comment pourrait-elle refuser l’invitation de Pepe et Mika? J’ai parié 2 $ avec un copain que son passage est assuré.




Céline ... elegance. Mika and Zazie. His complicity with Mika. Céline and Mika on the front page of Télé 7 Jours. Pepe and his lover, Brayden. The star and JeanPhilippe Dion. The diva and her Pepe.

On the Quebec showbiz side, Jean-Philippe Dion is currently one of the characters that fascinates me the most with this determination that he puts into both animation and production; and at the age of 37, this is almost unheard of in our industry. His show True nature, I love it. In interviews, he displays remarkable confidence. By resuscitating Star Ac next winter on TVA, he is making a name for himself. It makes me realize that 17 years ago, Wilfred triumphed in this new TV format produced at the time by our national Julie. That they have chosen Patrice Michaud as their next host, yes, I am happy because he is one of the most brilliant songwriters of the future.

But what is currently vibrating the news of our cultural universe is that we will be able to see in this program two fascinating international personalities. First it is singer Mika, who will become its artistic director. He will accompany the academics during the adventure with a carte blanche which will give him all the rights. I've loved Mika ever since I fell in love with one of his first singles in homage to Grace Kelly, so lamented in memory. His debut album, Life in Cartoon Motion, I can't forget, as well as two of his hits, Last Party and Good Guys. And I love his album My Name Is Michael Holbrook. But what I didn't know about Mika is that he has been close to our Celine since they met six years ago on the show L'été Indien, which had been a great success. in Quebec. They had been entitled to the front page of Télé 7 Jours, in France, and Celine had even compared the singer to Freddie Mercury. And Mika to confirm that, as Celine had advised him, he did not speak on tour to protect his vocal cords. So we didn't know it, but the two stars share a professional bond. And, it's been confirmed, at the end of the 2021 season, Mika will be on the special The Voice, in France, which will turn 10, and where he coached with Zazie.

Then, the one who will be the master of the artistic creativity of Star Ac is Pepe Muñoz, the accomplice and confidant of our star: for four years, Céline and Pepe have been inseparable. After Celine's triumph with Cirque du Soleil, he was with her in Vegas. Their intimacy, during Paris fashion week two years ago, gave rise to rumors of a romance between the two. But, in reality, it is only a special friendship for one who is also an internationally recognized fashion designer. We all know that Pepe is madly in love with New York dancer Brayden Newby.

But the question everyone is asking themselves… will Celine be a guest star at Star Ac? How could she refuse Pepe and Mika's invitation? I bet $ 2 with a friend that his passage is safe.





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7 Jours

15 Oct 2020


TVA présente le concert Mika: Je t’aime Beyrouth


Le vendredi 16 octobre, à 22 h 35,

TVA diffusera en exclusivité canadienne le concert virtuel Mika: Je t’aime Beyrouth, afin de témoigner son soutien à la communauté libanaise du Québec. Rappelons que le chanteur avait organisé ce concert-bénéfice en septembre afin de financer la reconstruction de Beyrouth, durement ébranlée depuis les explosions du mois d’août qui ont fait près de 200 morts et environ 6000 blessés, en plus de laisser 300 000 personnes à la rue. «Il s’agit pour moi d’un projet important, qui a été fait avec beaucoup d’amour et de façon très organique, a expliqué le chanteur d’origine libanaise. Ce spectacle, c’est ma réponse à une période bien morose, et il a été mis au service des gens qui voulaient raconter leur histoire. C’est quelque chose de collaboratif, d’universel. Ç’a été une grande expérience pour moi. Il y a désormais un avant et un après ce concert. On va pleurer, mais on va danser, aussi!» En diffusant le concert, TVA contribue à la collecte de fonds initiée par l’artiste, puisque le montant de la licence de diffusion sera octroyé en parts égales à la CroixRouge et à l’association Save the Children Liban.



TVA presents the concert Mika: I love you Beirut


On Friday, 16 October, at 10:35 p.m.,

TVA will broadcast the virtual concert Mika: Je t'aime Beyrouth in Canadian exclusivity, to show its support for the Lebanese community in Quebec. Recall that the singer had organized this benefit concert in September to finance the reconstruction of Beirut, badly shaken since the explosions in August which left nearly 200 dead and around 6,000 injured, in addition to leaving 300,000 people to the street. "This is an important project for me, which was done with a lot of love and in a very organic way," said the Lebanese singer. This show was my response to a very gloomy time, and it was put to the service of people who wanted to tell their story. It’s something collaborative, universal. It was a great experience for me. There is now a before and an after this concert. We're going to cry, but we're going to dance, too! " By broadcasting the concert, TVA contributes to the fundraising initiated by the artist, since the amount of the broadcasting license will be granted in equal parts to the Red Cross and the Save the Children Lebanon association.




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Échos vedettes

15 Oct 2020


MIKA Un concert pour le Liban

D’origine libanaise, Mika a rapidement voulu aider son pays à la suite des terribles explosions qui ont eu lieu le 4 août à Beyrouth. Sans nier la réalité politique, il a choisi d’organiser un concert pour récolter des fonds afin de venir en aide aux habitants qui ont tout perdu. «On l’a fait avec beaucoup d’amour, et ça a pris beaucoup d’ampleur», a-t-il expliqué en entrevue depuis Athènes, où il est présentement.

Ce concert est toutefois beaucoup plus qu’une sorte de téléthon habituel. «On a une intro avec un montage d’archives de ma famille. On poursuit avec un concert intime, où je suis seul avec mes musiciens. Mais à la troisième chanson, on entre dans un mélange de performance et de film. On suspend la réalité. On a même osé recréer les explosions de manière poétique. À travers la musique, on suit différentes personnes qui ont vu leur vie interrompue par cette catastrophe.»

Acheté par TVA, qui reverse le montant de la licence à deux organismes choisis par Mika, ce spectacle sera diffusé le 16 octobre à 22 h 35. On pourra notamment y entendre le prochain directeur artistique de Star Académie, mais également Louane, Rufus Wainwright et Kylie Minogue.



MIKA A concert for Lebanon

Lebanese origin, Mika quickly wanted to help his country following the terrible explosions that took place on August 4 in Beirut. Without denying the political reality, he chose to organize a concert to raise funds to help the inhabitants who have lost everything. "We did it with a lot of love, and it grew a lot," he said in an interview from Athens, where he is now.

This concert is, however, much more than a usual kind of telethon. “We have an intro with a montage of my family's archives. We continue with an intimate concert, where I am alone with my musicians. But in the third song, we enter a mixture of performance and film. We suspend reality. We even dared to recreate the explosions in a poetic way. Through music, we follow different people who saw their lives interrupted by this disaster. ”

Bought by TVA, which transfers the amount of the license to two organizations chosen by Mika, this show will be broadcast on October 16 at 10:35 p.m. We will be able to hear the next artistic director of Star Académie, but also Louane, Rufus Wainwright and Kylie Minogue.




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18 hours ago, mellody said:


I had been wondering as well where he was on Friday, I thought maybe he'd visit his Dad for his birthday... but the cupboards in the back don't look like the kitchen cupboards from their Athens apartment imo. :dunno_grin:

I am sure I've already seen the drawing on the wall behind Mika. And an apron hanged behind him - isn't it the same we know from "cooking with Mika"?

I don't think Max would go to work with Mika in his dad's place (in France?).

And on the story Mika posted just before entering the live we can hear Andy's voice (saying something like "Walter").

Not very important to know for sure.

I am just happy that Mika is very creative and it looks like he is much more comfortable now in this strange time and he is making plans and helping Max and...... :thumb_yello:

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5 hours ago, Anna Ko Kolkowska said:

I am sure I've already seen the drawing on the wall behind Mika. And an apron hanged behind him - isn't it the same we know from "cooking with Mika"?

I don't think Max would go to work with Mika in his dad's place (in France?).


I agree with you that he was in Athens already on Friday, I'm just thinking it might not be the apartment but a different place. Maybe he got a house there? I just meant it doesn't look like his kitchen from his cooking shows. Maybe another room, but it's not that big from what he said. :dunno_grin: If he got a new place there, it'd make sense that things like paintings or his apron from the apartment would be there now.

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16 minutes ago, mellody said:


I agree with you that he was in Athens already on Friday, I'm just thinking it might not be the apartment but a different place. Maybe he got a house there? I just meant it doesn't look like his kitchen from his cooking shows. Maybe another room, but it's not that big from what he said. :dunno_grin: If he got a new place there, it'd make sense that things like paintings or his apron from the apartment would be there now.




I think it's always Andy' s apartment. In the first story from Athens back in March, you can see the same light green closet or cupboard. 

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3 hours ago, lormare73 said:




I think it's always Andy' s apartment. In the first story from Athens back in March, you can see the same light green closet or cupboard. 


Ah you're right, very observant! Thanks for finding this, I had forgotten it.

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98.5FM Montréal

13 oct. 2020 à 16h49

Le Québec maintenant


Mika parle du spectacle «Je t'aime Beyrouth» qui sera diffusé à TVA.



MP3  2020.10.13- 98.5 FM_Montreal_Canada_Mika parle du spectacle «Je t'aime Beyrouth» qui sera diffusé à TVA..mp3




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9 hours ago, Kumazzz said:

98.5FM Montréal

13 oct. 2020 à 16h49

Le Québec maintenant


Mika parle du spectacle «Je t'aime Beyrouth» qui sera diffusé à TVA.



MP3  2020.10.13- 98.5 FM_Montreal_Canada_Mika parle du spectacle «Je t'aime Beyrouth» qui sera diffusé à TVA..mp3





Thanks. It's mostly the same as from the written articles, about I love Beirut. In the end he talks about Star Academy, that in these times artists have to find ways to think out of the box and dare to take risks.

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On 10/14/2020 at 4:45 AM, mellody said:


I hope so too, but they only mention Louane, Kylie and Rufus - if they cut the duets with Danna and Mashrou Leila, it'll lose some of the best parts. 🙄 I guess they won't show Laura Pausini's performance, and maybe also not the poems, but I hope they'll leave the other songs.


On another note, they write he's in Athens, or at least was yesterday for the video conference. Max also posted a pic from Athens on IG last night, with Andy on it... I thought they'd be filming something for Max, maybe a music video, as his album is out tomorrow... but maybe it was something for Mika?

 They left oit Ice Cream, the poems and Laura Pausini but kept Danna Paola (both songs) and PROMISELAND 🎉

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On 10/15/2020 at 8:33 PM, lormare73 said:




I think it's always Andy' s apartment. In the first story from Athens back in March, you can see the same light green closet or cupboard. 


Yes, and the drawing is on Mika's left.

But I am sure there must another video or a photo where we can see the drawing on the wall.

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7 Jours

23 Octobre 2020 (Vol.32)





On 10/15/2020 at 8:36 PM, Kumazzz said:

7 Jours

15 Oct 2020


TVA présente le concert Mika: Je t’aime Beyrouth


Le vendredi 16 octobre, à 22 h 35,

TVA diffusera en exclusivité canadienne le concert virtuel Mika: Je t’aime Beyrouth, afin de témoigner son soutien à la communauté libanaise du Québec. Rappelons que le chanteur avait organisé ce concert-bénéfice en septembre afin de financer la reconstruction de Beyrouth, durement ébranlée depuis les explosions du mois d’août qui ont fait près de 200 morts et environ 6000 blessés, en plus de laisser 300 000 personnes à la rue. «Il s’agit pour moi d’un projet important, qui a été fait avec beaucoup d’amour et de façon très organique, a expliqué le chanteur d’origine libanaise. Ce spectacle, c’est ma réponse à une période bien morose, et il a été mis au service des gens qui voulaient raconter leur histoire. C’est quelque chose de collaboratif, d’universel. Ç’a été une grande expérience pour moi. Il y a désormais un avant et un après ce concert. On va pleurer, mais on va danser, aussi!» En diffusant le concert, TVA contribue à la collecte de fonds initiée par l’artiste, puisque le montant de la licence de diffusion sera octroyé en parts égales à la CroixRouge et à l’association Save the Children Liban.



TVA presents the concert Mika: I love you Beirut


On Friday, 16 October, at 10:35 p.m.,

TVA will broadcast the virtual concert Mika: Je t'aime Beyrouth in Canadian exclusivity, to show its support for the Lebanese community in Quebec. Recall that the singer had organized this benefit concert in September to finance the reconstruction of Beirut, badly shaken since the explosions in August which left nearly 200 dead and around 6,000 injured, in addition to leaving 300,000 people to the street. "This is an important project for me, which was done with a lot of love and in a very organic way," said the Lebanese singer. This show was my response to a very gloomy time, and it was put to the service of people who wanted to tell their story. It’s something collaborative, universal. It was a great experience for me. There is now a before and an after this concert. We're going to cry, but we're going to dance, too! " By broadcasting the concert, TVA contributes to the fundraising initiated by the artist, since the amount of the broadcasting license will be granted in equal parts to the Red Cross and the Save the Children Lebanon association.





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  • 2 months later...

Échos Vedettes - 8 Janvier 2021


page 32


Ça commence bien l’année



La période des fêtes est loin d’être terminée, et on se prépare déjà à programmer les émissions qui seront présentées dès janvier. La saison télévisuelle hivernale apportera de nombreuses nouveautés et, évidemment, des suites qu’on ne veut pas rater. Encore cette année, Julie Bélanger et José Gaudet prennent les commandes d’une émission spéciale de 90 minutes, Ça commence bien l’année, au cours de laquelle ils recevront plus d’une vingtaine des têtes d’affiche de la programmation d’hiver de TVA, dont Lara Fabian, Mika, Sophie Prégent, Pier-Luc Funk, Hélène Bourgeois Leclerc, Véronic DiCaire, Martin Matte et Julie Le Breton. Extraits à découvrir, anecdotes de tournage, informations sur les intrigues et même primeurs y seront dévoilés par les invités de la soirée. Pour voir tout ce beau monde, il vous faudra syntoniser TVA le dimanche 3 janvier à 19 h 30. En rediffusion le vendredi 8 janvier à 22 h 35.



It starts the year well


The holiday season is far from over, and we are already preparing to schedule the shows that will air in January. The winter television season will bring many new features and, of course, sequels that we don't want to miss. Once again this year, Julie Bélanger and José Gaudet take the helm of a 90-minute special, It starts well, during which they will receive more than twenty headliners of the winter programming. of TVA, including Lara Fabian, Mika, Sophie Prégent, Pier-Luc Funk, Hélène Bourgeois Leclerc, Véronic DiCaire, Martin Matte and Julie Le Breton. Excerpts to discover, filming anecdotes, information on the intrigues and even premieres will be revealed by the guests of the evening. To see all these beautiful people, you will have to tune in to TVA on Sunday January 3 at 7:30 pm. Replay on Friday January 8 at 10:35 pm.





page 44




Mika, 18 août


Le chanteur connaîtra-t-il une année 2021 aussi excitante et remplie de projets qu’en 2020?


Pandémie oblige, les artistes doivent se redéfinir et trouver de nouvelles approches pour demeurer bien vivants auprès de leurs fans. L’idée de partager ses connaissances et d’offrir une bienveillance presque maternelle aux autres durant les prochains mois est ce qui lui inspirera de nouveaux projets artistiques. Il aura peut-être même l’idée de fonder sa propre Académie par la suite, qui sait? Grâce à la richesse de ses différentes origines, le partage de diverses cultures musicales ou autres qui coexistent dans notre monde pourrait être favorisé et l’inspirer dans son travail d’auteur-compositeur, ce qui lui permettrait d’élargir les goûts artistiques de ses fans.




Mika, August 18

Will the singer has a year 2021 as exciting and full of projects as in 2020?

Pandemic forces, artists must redefine themselves and find new approaches to stay alive with their fans. The idea of sharing his knowledge and offering almost maternal benevolence to others over the next few months is what will inspire her to new artistic projects. He might even have the idea of starting his own Academy afterwards, who knows? Thanks to the richness of his different origins, the sharing of various musical or other cultures that coexist in our world could be fostered and inspire him in his work as a songwriter, which would allow him to broaden the artistic tastes of his fans.






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1 hour ago, Kumazzz said:

Échos Vedettes - 8 Janvier 2021


page 32


Ça commence bien l’année



La période des fêtes est loin d’être terminée, et on se prépare déjà à programmer les émissions qui seront présentées dès janvier. La saison télévisuelle hivernale apportera de nombreuses nouveautés et, évidemment, des suites qu’on ne veut pas rater. Encore cette année, Julie Bélanger et José Gaudet prennent les commandes d’une émission spéciale de 90 minutes, Ça commence bien l’année, au cours de laquelle ils recevront plus d’une vingtaine des têtes d’affiche de la programmation d’hiver de TVA, dont Lara Fabian, Mika, Sophie Prégent, Pier-Luc Funk, Hélène Bourgeois Leclerc, Véronic DiCaire, Martin Matte et Julie Le Breton. Extraits à découvrir, anecdotes de tournage, informations sur les intrigues et même primeurs y seront dévoilés par les invités de la soirée. Pour voir tout ce beau monde, il vous faudra syntoniser TVA le dimanche 3 janvier à 19 h 30. En rediffusion le vendredi 8 janvier à 22 h 35.



It starts the year well


The holiday season is far from over, and we are already preparing to schedule the shows that will air in January. The winter television season will bring many new features and, of course, sequels that we don't want to miss. Once again this year, Julie Bélanger and José Gaudet take the helm of a 90-minute special, It starts well, during which they will receive more than twenty headliners of the winter programming. of TVA, including Lara Fabian, Mika, Sophie Prégent, Pier-Luc Funk, Hélène Bourgeois Leclerc, Véronic DiCaire, Martin Matte and Julie Le Breton. Excerpts to discover, filming anecdotes, information on the intrigues and even premieres will be revealed by the guests of the evening. To see all these beautiful people, you will have to tune in to TVA on Sunday January 3 at 7:30 pm. Replay on Friday January 8 at 10:35 pm.





page 44




Mika, 18 août


Le chanteur connaîtra-t-il une année 2021 aussi excitante et remplie de projets qu’en 2020?


Pandémie oblige, les artistes doivent se redéfinir et trouver de nouvelles approches pour demeurer bien vivants auprès de leurs fans. L’idée de partager ses connaissances et d’offrir une bienveillance presque maternelle aux autres durant les prochains mois est ce qui lui inspirera de nouveaux projets artistiques. Il aura peut-être même l’idée de fonder sa propre Académie par la suite, qui sait? Grâce à la richesse de ses différentes origines, le partage de diverses cultures musicales ou autres qui coexistent dans notre monde pourrait être favorisé et l’inspirer dans son travail d’auteur-compositeur, ce qui lui permettrait d’élargir les goûts artistiques de ses fans.




Mika, August 18

Will the singer has a year 2021 as exciting and full of projects as in 2020?

Pandemic forces, artists must redefine themselves and find new approaches to stay alive with their fans. The idea of sharing his knowledge and offering almost maternal benevolence to others over the next few months is what will inspire her to new artistic projects. He might even have the idea of starting his own Academy afterwards, who knows? Thanks to the richness of his different origins, the sharing of various musical or other cultures that coexist in our world could be fostered and inspire him in his work as a songwriter, which would allow him to broaden the artistic tastes of his fans.






Hi Eriko, do you have a high quality scan of Mika’s picture? 

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