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MIKA to be Judge on XFactor 7 #XF7 Italia 2013


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thanks Zhenya! :wub2:


Seeing these prompted me to check Corbis. Yes, Corbis has some (without watermarks) that are a bit different than the ones on Getty images. http://www.corbisimages.com/Search#p=1&q=mika+x+factor&sort=2 Can everyone see them?

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I see two photos of a skier :blink::aah:


whaaaat? :blink:


whoa, that's really weird. I'd save & post the pics here but now when I click the small pics to make them big it shows me a photo of bigfoot & says I there's a 404 error xD


EDIT: wait, some worked so here they are




Edited by kreacher
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If it's ok with everyone, since I'm free today and I think some of the non-Italian fans would like to understand what he said in the conference, I'll start writing an English traslation of the third video, the one in which Mika speaks :)


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whaaaat? :blink:


whoa, that's really weird. I'd save & post the pics here but now when I click the small pics to make them big it shows me a photo of bigfoot & says I there's a 404 error xD


EDIT: wait, some worked so here they are


Thank you :thumb_yello::huglove:

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Wait so tonight's show won't be live? :( I was so looking forward to it. :tears:

pls see my previous post :wink2:

This week we're having 3 appointments on Italian TV: I'll add the following infos to the first post' date=' so that anyone can find them easily


[b']- 24 Sept (today)[/b] at 21.10 Italian time on Cielo

21.10-21.45 Il grande viaggio - The big journey, which is a special program about the upcoming XFactor 7


21.45-23.15 Speciale Giudici di xFactor - another special program about the judges of the new edition



- 26 Sept Thursday

21.10-23.10 XFACTOR 1st episode on SKY, a pay TV (you can only watch, if you have a SKY TV subscription)


-27 Sept Friday

21.10-23.15 Replay of the 1st episode on Cielo




CIELO's live streaming is here:



I don't know, if it's available worldwide though; you should be able to see the TV - now they're broadcasting a program called 'Fratelli in affari' and after that there will be 'Masterchef Autralia'


From this site you should be able to watch the channel CIELO outside of Italy as well


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This week we're having 3 appointments on Italian TV: I'll add the following infos to the first post, so that anyone can find them easily


- 24 Sept (today) at 21.10 Italian time on Cielo

21.10-21.45 Il grande viaggio - The big journey, which is a special program about the upcoming XFactor 7


21.45-23.15 Speciale Giudici di xFactor - another special program about the judges of the new edition



- 26 Sept Thursday

21.10-23.10 XFACTOR 1st episode on SKY, a pay TV (you can only watch, if you have a SKY TV subscription)


-27 Sept Friday

21.10-23.15 Replay of the 1st episode on Cielo


Thank you, Marina :huglove: Just when I got the feeling of being slightly lost with all this dates and interviews and information you made this nice overview about the important dates of this week :thumb_yello:


CIELO's live streaming is here:



[...]From this site you should be able to watch the channel CIELO outside of Italy as well



The first link still isn't working and the second one won't work either :sneaky2:

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This week we're having 3 appointments on Italian TV: I'll add the following infos to the first post, so that anyone can find them easily


- 24 Sept (today) at 21.10 Italian time on Cielo

21.10-21.45 Il grande viaggio - The big journey, which is a special program about the upcoming XFactor 7


21.45-23.15 Speciale Giudici di xFactor - another special program about the judges of the new edition



- 26 Sept Thursday

21.10-23.10 XFACTOR 1st episode on SKY, a pay TV (you can only watch, if you have a SKY TV subscription)


-27 Sept Friday

21.10-23.15 Replay of the 1st episode on Cielo




CIELO's live streaming is here:



I don't know, if it's available worldwide though; you should be able to see the TV - now they're broadcasting a program called 'Fratelli in affari' and after that there will be 'Masterchef Autralia'


From this site you should be able to watch the channel CIELO outside of Italy as well



Thks Marina.Sponsored byhttp://www.cloud-tivu.net/Blog/cielo-tv-in-streaming-anche-dallestero/

Snocciolate le tantissime novità di questa edizione 2013, finalmente è stato il turno dei quattro giudici esprimere le proprie aspettative e raccontare come si apprestano a vivere questa nuova avvincente edizione di X Factor. A prendere la parola è Simona Ventura che esordisce così:


“Molti che mi chiedono perché fai ancora X Factor, e io rispondo: ‘perché voglio dare una chance a dei giovani artisti’. Su Sky abbiamo ringiovanito il nostro pubblico di riferimento e vedere tanti giovani che hanno voglia di avere un’opportunità, fa venire ancora di più voglia di dargliela. Ma noi cerchiamo sempre di non dare false illusioni e di puntare sull’originalità”.


Elio è entusiasta di iniziare questa nuova avventura:


“Sono veramente carico, sono eccitatissimo all’idea di iniziare questa nuova avventura che io vivo con grande senso di altruismo, nel senso che cerco di fare del bene ai concorrenti, aiutandoli a raggiungere ciò che cercano: il successo, cantare davanti al grande pubblico e incidere un disco che veda tante copie. Poi faccio del bene a tutti quelli che guardano X Factor, perché è un programma di cui la gente parla per strada ma anche e soprattutto su Internet. E infine faccio del bene anche a me, perché con l’arrivo di Mika spero di imparare qualche cosa e che lui possa insegnare qualcosa al mercato discografico italiano”.


Morgan si inserisce a modo suo:


“Non so perché sono qua. Io non riesco a trovare la risposta sul perché faccio ancora X Factor. Forse perché mi diverto tanto, laddove vinco quasi ogni volta, perché faccio musica tutto il giorno, tutti i giorni. Sono votato alla musica, ecco perché mi piace fare X Factor, perché non vedo l’ora di parlare di canzoni, fare delle “lezioni di musica” ai ragazzi, perché mi diverto un casino. Quest’anno ho un’idea: ‘musica-come-cinema’: ambire a realizzare arrangiamenti orchestrali, cinematici. Senza dimenticare lo psicodramma”!


E infine è il turno di Mika, la novità forse più importante di questo X Factor 2013:


“Ho scelto di fare X Factor perché mi piace l’energia del programma e perché mi diverto. Dopo aver avuto timori per questo genere di show, ho poi scoperto la libertà di questo programma. All’inizio ero terrorizzato, perché l’idea di andare in un altro paese senza i tuoi amici e tuoi cari un po’ mi bloccava. Poi sono arrivato e ho trovato tre amici intelligenti, pieni di contatti e… completamente pazzi! Questa è stata una sfida ed è la sfida più bella che io abbia affrontato nella mia vita. Certo, faccio ancora fatica a rivedermi in video, la trovo una cosa stranissima. Non mi piace guardarmi. L’altra cosa che, per ora trovo difficile, sarà la scelta dei brani in italiano da assegnare. Ma vedrete che da qui alla prima puntata recupererò. Sì, perché ho voglia di conoscere meglio la musica ‘vintage’ italiana. Mi piacerebbe molto riproporre questo genere di repertorio con una produzione più moderna”.


Attenzione fan di Mika e di Morgan! Pare che i due giudici nel tempo libero si divertano a suonare insieme. Che ne nasca un disco? Per ora i diretti interessati preferiscono non sbilanciarsi. Mika chiude la questione così: “Stiamo facendo qualcosa. Per ora ci divertiamo insieme”…


i ike mikaonmyspace videos thks..


° TVhttp://xfactor.sky.it/showvideo/172236/una-specie-molto-rara-il-giudice/24-09-2013/xfactor,XF7,/







<IFRAME height=228 src="http://player.sky.it/external/news/50/172160" frameBorder=0 width=400 allowfullscreen="true"></IFRAME>

And thks to simona and Teresa for translation 3º video in this page


Edited by mer
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If it's ok with everyone, since I'm free today and I think some of the non-Italian fans would like to understand what he said in the conference, I'll start writing an English traslation of the third video, the one in which Mika speaks :)
yes, please, thanks in advance! :thumb_yello:
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This is the English translation of the third video of the press conference posted here, the one in which Mika talks. Enjoy! :)


MIKA: After having being afraid for many years of this kind of programmes, I've made the discovery of X Factor, I've discovered... [everyone starts laughing because he said “ho scopArto” instead of “ho scopErto”, and “scoparto” is a non-existent word that is quite similar to “scopato”, the past participle of the vulgar verb used to say “make love” ;) ]

MORGAN: Dario Fo would be very pleased... [Dario Fo is an important figure in Italian culture, especially for drama, he won the Nobel prize for literature in 1997]

MIKA: Just a minute Morgan!

MORGAN: No I have to write down these words! What is that he said? “Scoparto”...

MIKA: I like Dario Fo... I've studied Dario Fo in school, but in English...

MORGAN: Oh, Dario Fo in English [quite surprised!]

SIMONA: Ok, 1-1 and the ball is back in the middle of the football pitch [idiomatic phrase meaning that they “are even”]

MIKA: I've completely forgotten what I was saying... F**k...

MORGAN: you were saying scoparto!

MIKA: yes, I've scopaaarto... I've discovered... I've completely forgotten everything!!

MORGAN: That you liked the energy of the programme!

MIKA: Yes! And also I like the freedom of this programme... this freedom... That we can have a press conference in which we are completely free to say everything and nothing at the same time [hints at Morgan, who is known for talking a loooot :naughty:] but with intelligence and while having fun.

I have fun, I'm having a lot of fun. When someone arrives in a city, he looks for friends... that are intelligent, cultured, with access (?), educated, but also completely mad, and without discipline, and this is important, too much discipline is boring, and I've had the luck to find these three friends and thanks to them this challenge – because it's a challenge for me, it's a completely new language- this challenge has become one of the best experiences of these last years, I'm very happy, thanks to them.

MORGAN: thank you Mika. This made another thing come to my mind, since I'm such a “logorroico” [i think you can translate it with “too talkative/verbose”]... Right, you riminded me of one thing. I'm doing X Factor because Mika is in it. I mean... I've even written this to him in a letter. I didn't want to do it anymore [Morgan is a long time xf judge], but the fact that Mika was in it... Well this year according to me the challenge among us will be very different from the previous years, because the entry of a person, of a personality, of an artist like Mika, who has- as we said before- an international “appeal”, a different culture from ours, but who also has a great propulsion to know ours but also to offer his own... According to me this -and he has already done it and we know it [he refers to the auditions that took place in summer and that will now be aired]- well according to me this is giving a result, that the “game” is getting very higher, I mean, everything is higher, and so we are playing a higher, more beautiful match. I feel very stimulated by this, that's what I wanted to say.

ELIO: I also wanted to say one thing. I'm doing X Factor in order to listen to Morgan... too.

*INTERVIEWER starts talking without being listened to* [as usual :wink2: ]

MORGAN: I have to do again your bow-tie because this one sucks...

ELIO: But Mika did it!

MORGAN: and he did it badly!!

ELIO: he didn't like my bow-tie made by Mika...this is a title, a title!

MORGAN: but he did it very badly! This is not the way to do a bowtie!!


And the video ends! Sorry if sometimes I've made some mistakes, I've tried to keep it as litteral as possible :) And yes, Italians are a little bit crazy! ;)

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If it's ok with everyone, since I'm free today and I think some of the non-Italian fans would like to understand what he said in the conference, I'll start writing an English traslation of the third video, the one in which Mika speaks :)


Yes, thank you Teresa!! The poor boy seems to be a bit lost at the begining :teehee:


Edit: I just saw that you already translated it, thank you so much!! Now I will watch it again, knowing what they talk about ;-)

I like the feeling between all of them!

Edited by Alireine
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This is the English translation of the third video of the press conference posted here, the one in which Mika talks. Enjoy! :)


MIKA: After having being afraid for many years of this kind of programmes, I've made the discovery of X Factor, I've discovered... [everyone starts laughing because he said “ho scopArto” instead of “ho scopErto”, and “scoparto” is a non-existent word that is quite similar to “scopato”, the past participle of the vulgar verb used to say “make love” ;) ]

MORGAN: Dario Fo would be very pleased... [Dario Fo is an important figure in Italian culture, especially for drama, he won the Nobel prize for literature in 1997]

MIKA: Just a minute Morgan!

MORGAN: No I have to write down these words! What is that he said? “Scoparto”...

MIKA: I like Dario Fo... I've studied Dario Fo in school, but in English...

MORGAN: Oh, Dario Fo in English [quite surprised!]

SIMONA: Ok, 1-1 and the ball is back in the middle of the football pitch [idiomatic phrase meaning that they “are even”]

MIKA: I've completely forgotten what I was saying... F**k...

MORGAN: you were saying scoparto!

MIKA: yes, I've scopaaarto... I've discovered... I've completely forgotten everything!!

MORGAN: That you liked the energy of the programme!

MIKA: Yes! And also I like the freedom of this programme... this freedom... That we can have a press conference in which we are completely free to say everything and nothing at the same time [hints at Morgan, who is known for talking a loooot :naughty:] but with intelligence and while having fun.

I have fun, I'm having a lot of fun. When someone arrives in a city, he looks for friends... that are intelligent, cultured, with access (?), educated, but also completely mad, and without discipline, and this is important, too much discipline is boring, and I've had the luck to find these three friends and thanks to them this challenge – because it's a challenge for me, it's a completely new language- this challenge has become one of the best experiences of these last years, I'm very happy, thanks to them.

MORGAN: thank you Mika. This made another thing come to my mind, since I'm such a “logorroico” [i think you can translate it with “too talkative/verbose”]... Right, you riminded me of one thing. I'm doing X Factor because Mika is in it. I mean... I've even written this to him in a letter. I didn't want to do it anymore [Morgan is a long time xf judge], but the fact that Mika was in it... Well this year according to me the challenge among us will be very different from the previous years, because the entry of a person, of a personality, of an artist like Mika, who has- as we said before- an international “appeal”, a different culture from ours, but who also has a great propulsion to know ours but also to offer his own... According to me this -and he has already done it and we know it [he refers to the auditions that took place in summer and that will now be aired]- well according to me this is giving a result, that the “game” is getting very higher, I mean, everything is higher, and so we are playing a higher, more beautiful match. I feel very stimulated by this, that's what I wanted to say.

ELIO: I also wanted to say one thing. I'm doing X Factor in order to listen to Morgan... too.

*INTERVIEWER starts talking without being listened to* [as usual :wink2: ]

MORGAN: I have to do again your bow-tie because this one sucks...

ELIO: But Mika did it!

MORGAN: and he did it badly!!

ELIO: he didn't like my bow-tie made by Mika...this is a title, a title!

MORGAN: but he did it very badly! This is not the way to do a bowtie!!


And the video ends! Sorry if sometimes I've made some mistakes, I've tried to keep it as litteral as possible :) And yes, Italians are a little bit crazy! ;)



Thanks Teresa! :flowers2:

Edited by Mikasister
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There's the video from today: http://video.sky.it/news/spettacolo/x_factor_al_via_la_nuova_edizione_giovedi_alle_2110/v172160.vid


I understood they said that Mika is skinny,tall,and beautiful and he's speaking Italian even better than all of them :thumb_yello:


:shocked: He's so so .... :wub2:

Yes, he is drop-dead-gorgeous!

Thank you to our Italian friends who are trying to make sure we see everything. God bless you all.

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Thank you so much!!! But this livestream: http://www.cloud-tivu.net/Blog/cielo-tv-in-streaming-anche-dallestero/

isn't working in Belgium :(


So there was another link http://www.cloud-tivu.net/Blog/console-cloud-tv/ but I don't know if it is the right one?


Please help me!!

the other link is http://www.cielotv.it/cielolive.html

unfortunately none of them seem to work outside of Italy

Who knows how this whole livestream thing works?! :( I'm lost!



it's not RAI, it's CIELO, another channel

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