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Everything posted by mgpm

  1. Thanks for posting this great review! I disagree that his music has "touchy" themes. Yes, BB might be a little touchy....but only a little. Think of all the other "mainstream" artists who are so much more flagrant with sexual and violent lyrics--and no one gives them a second thought. I think Mika's problem here in the US is that his music is happy and celebratory. That just doesn't seem to be 'in'.
  2. HI Kathleen!!! Great to see you here! I think "Big Girls" is nothing but positive. I'm a big girl and it makes me feel good every time I hear it. I love the idea of the Butterfly Lounge, too. What a great place...I'd love to come if I'm ever in LA. I would really love to buy a t shirt or sweatshirt with your logo on it. It's very beautiful!
  3. Yes, following him off a cliff....he IS the Pied Piper. He is going to be HUGE in the US....yes yes yes.
  4. I promptly sent this off to my local radio stations. He makes a mistake though, "Relax" wasn't nomminated for a Grammy. But it's ok... It was an excellent review.
  5. You are sweet, You are nice, You could never be a vice. You are loved, You are kind, How I wish you could be mine. In my life You'll always be a part, Hugs and kisses for my sweetheart!!! HaPpY vAlEnTiNeS dAy, MIKA!!!
  6. I think def. chicken. Was that David Tennant in the audience? LOVE him...
  7. I think you are right, Deb. Remember that lady in DC who knew Mika's mom? She said her name to me and it was something like that.
  8. At the DC show in June of '07, I got to meet him after. He spent a long time speaking to fans, and I think he spent at least 5 mins. talking to me. I gave him a little scrapbook of the MFC'ers and he seemed to like it. He particularly was taken with a drawing Jack Violet did (did you forget that moment, Jack? ). He spoke with me very naturally, unhurried. I hung around and he spoke with me several more times. We got pictures and autographs. He drew a picture in a scrapbook I had and signed it. At the Philly concert recently, I made him a t shirt and he made an effort to reach through the crowd to shake my hand and say thanks when it was given to him.
  9. Personally...I feel very happy with the experiences I've had with Mika. When I saw him last June, he performed when he was sick...did a great job of it, too. On top of that he met with us fans for about 45 minutes. I had all that time to speak to him, clown around and take all the pictures I wanted. This was when he wasn't even feeling well. This was certainly more for the price of my ticket than I've ever got from any other artist I've ever seen. I've seen a second show now...in Philly....and I really don't mind him repeating things. I guess if he were playing only to me and he repeated everything it would be annoying. But there are more people seeing him for the first time than not at every show, and I understand this...and I expect it even. I understand your viewpoint, Jack. But I guess I feel that Mika gives so much of his time and tries to accomodate us that I wouldn't criticize him for repeating phrases in his shows. I feel like he's pretty hardworking (his schedule is brutal sometimes) and that he delivers on the music and the showmanship...in spades. He's very thoughtful of his fans, I think...and this, for me, would cover a host of sins, including repeating himself.
  10. You do that. Moms love Mika. I do, and I know a LOT of others that do too. Welcome to inherbarefeet and fashionista. xoxo SOOOOOOOO GREAT to see Mika on US TV!!! And God Bless Jay Leno for having him on for the second time!!! Wonderful performance, lovely hoodie, sweet boy. LUCKY LUCKY ones who got to go to Leno's show!!! Even if you had to see a bunch of mating animals first. Ha Ha!!!
  11. AMEN to that!!!! Hee hee hee....seeing Simon smile like that was very rewarding. Wonder if that poor kid knew GK's connection to Simon? He couldn't have....but it was too rich seeing that song sung on AI. As for Josiah, I thought he did ok. Of course he isn't Mika...and his rendition is nothing compared to the real thing. But he took the song, sung it competently, and made it his own. Also I give him HUGE props for CHOOSING to sing Grace Kelly!!! Yay! More exposure for the boy!
  12. Oh...and that guy didn't have a double breasted suit on like Mika said. He had a three piece suit on. But double breasted means the jacket crosses over the front and has four buttons. 's Ok, Mika, I don't ever want you to wear a double breasted suit....
  13. He was awesome...I think he looked perfect. Please....these people are so catty and bitchy....that's what makes them fun to watch. Ludacris best male...he looked like a Mafioso. They ain't seen NOTHIN' yet....you wait...a few years from now when Mika wears a Rainbow and collects 15 grammys....they'll be eating their words.
  14. Those pics and vids are the BOMB. Thanks!!!! I wonder if they made those t shirts....those are so cool. You know...this reinforces my belief and anger---- Mika didn't get nommed for grammy for best new artist. Wino won...and the woman can't even do a tour. This man pulls it out day in and day out...does a FANTASTIC job even when he's sick and when he doesn't have his stuff. He DOES NOT disappoint. I have to remember that Milli Vanilli also won best new artist grammy once upon a time. Mika---YOU ARE SO AWESOME. You are loved....so loved!!!
  15. I can't imagine Mika having a hard time getting a date of any variety anytime!!! Even before he was famous, he was gorgeous and sweet. Darling...you have thousands of Valentines here now. There's an MFCer almost everywhere in the world who'd love to have dinner with you. It'd probably be fun...of course there might be a few whackos...but I can tell you that MFCers are really cool...at least the ones I've met!!!
  16. I know Mika likes dogs. When I saw him last June, he was talking to us after the show...we were discussing his tamagotchi and how it kept dying. Then he said he was through with them, and instead he'd like to get a dog. I said (mockingly) "Oh no!!!" and he looked at me and said..."I'd have someone take care of it...."
  17. He looked SO FABULOUS last night. Such a gorgeous man. LOL Jack...You make Mika Jack
  18. Wish Mika had won. I knew it was a long shot....I thought Rhianna would win. I dislike JT so much...yet another reason to dislike him. Mika looks GREAT, as usual. So put together yet random...fantastic sense of style. Wonder what they'll say about him on Fashion Police? And those BRACELETS go down in Mika HISTORY. LG>>>good job!!!! I'm so glad Mika got to see that circque di soliel performance. I saw the LOVE show in Las Vegas in January and it is the most awesome show. I wanted to tell him to go see it if he got the chance when I saw him in Philly. If you are reading this Mika....GO SEE IT. Love, love, love Mika so much. HE was the best new artist of 2007. I'm sure Amy Winehouse is talented, but I'm sorry, if you can't control yourself at this stage of the game, where are you going to go but down? It's kind of a slap in the face to people like Mika who work hard, are out there with the fans, giving it all they've got. (just my two cents) xoxoxox MIKA xoxoxo
  19. Didn't see it in Philly, but Congrats!!!! I made him a shirt that said "RELAX" on it....has anyone seen him wearing it?
  20. I'm so pleased he's getting (so far, knock on wood) fantastic reviews! He's just a party on wheels here in the US. I've taken every positive review, linked them, and sent them to the radio stations in my area....telling them that someone at their station has missed the boat and they better hurry up and get on board.
  21. Wendi and everyone who made this possible.... THANK YOU XOXOXOXOXOXOXO mfc'ers are the best and you are the best of the best!!!!
  22. Well I'm glad you all had a great time.... Sorry for your misgivings, Jack. While I LOVE the fact he likes to be close to us and include us....the jumping over the barriers is a VERY bad idea. I've been crushed by crowds twice, and both times it was an extremely frightening experience. People can literally die like that. Hope someone talks to Mika about this....and that they schedule people to come on at the end, like they do with BG and LPGs they pick from the fans. Of course, all the people chosen should be MFC'ers. No Mika-pression for me yet. I'm still floating on a cloud thinking of it all. Philly was so awesome.
  23. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, Alice!!! He WILL remember. So now, you must go to another concert. Yes?! So happy for you that you got to talk to him. He has a magical quality to him, it's just unforgettable. I WISH I had gotten to stay longer to see your interaction, but the dratted kid was cold and had to go to the bathroom....UGH. KIDS. They just drag you down. It was a wonderful night.
  24. I noticed those bracelets early on and wondered which one of us made them!!! Congratulations!!!!! Hee hee.... He loves our stuff. They were awesome. I made him a t shirt, and if I see a pic of him wearing it I'll just die. Loving reading all of what you all experienced. I'm sorry I didn't recognize everyone from the MFC...I was standing right near some of you and didn't know it. In DC Deb had a banner made, maybe we'll have to have another at the next one in the area so we don't all miss one another. I saw the ugly doll getting passed to him. What a great idea! It is wonderful, this Mika-high, after seeing him. Feels so good. Isn't it amazing how charismatic he is? I've never met or seen another person with that kind of power....that draws you in like he does. When he made the comment about the radio...not getting airplay here in the US, it made me want to go and beat down the doors to every station. I know...I know...Drink the koolaid.....How many cups, darling? LOL! Infinite Green, Mika may have more than one manager. I know in DC he had a guy named Jerry with him, and I didn't see Jerry at all in Philly. Pity, 'cause Jerry was SUPER nice to us MFC'ers in DC. I'm sure people met with Mika inside (whomever had passes) and they probably got a longer visit because it was warm inside. Doesn't seem like any of the MFC got that chance this time though.
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