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Everything posted by nas

  1. i heard the same 'orga'..thought it was a shortened form of 'orgasm'...
  2. o yea the beginning is completely hideous and the 'music' is overpowering and repetitive..ugh..but i ignore all that and concentrate on mika..
  3. o my what's wrong with me?? just heard this for the first time and i don't hate it - not the most inspired remix but i can def hear meeks' voice and it sounds just
  4. it's not weird, i love it too...or maybe we're both weird..
  5. i keep hearing finger woman even though i know what it's supposed to be...
  6. :roftl::roftl: i just saw that whole parade...ur so sweet!! thanks!:huglove:
  7. aww that's just a year or at most 2 more than ur program..:biggrin2:

    well mayb i liked school too much, it was so free and no grown-up pressures like bills..:naughty:

  8. maybe you'll do something with youths??:teehee: i think that's pretty cool, being an activist...the world is your oyster though, i'm sure you'll figure it out post-grad...


    med school is only 5 years...:biggrin2:

  9. noice!! hanging with friends is the best...i miss my uni days when all we used to do was hang, it seems..:aah: now everybody is scattered all over the world..


    i'm a doctor - well a general practitoner, no fancy speciality...


    what are u studying in school?

  10. eeks ... but i think his voice is delicious on the song (though the song as a whole can be polarizing)..
  11. may?? but...but...what about the summer tour? if only i'd had enough sense to fall for a 'rihanna' who brings out an album every single year...
  12. :biggrin2: how could i not??

    i'm frazzled at work...but on the plus side - posted ur card today! :clap:

    hows are u?

  13. can you please tell me where the first 2 pics are from? thanks!
  14. :roftl: aww i'm sure you'll know a fair amount for your trip..
  15. sorry meeks, my reaction was def not a fangurl reaction ..
  16. i really liked this movie too - a romcom with a bit o difference... here's the trailer nico [YOUTUBE]EWL2TJZpWkc[/YOUTUBE]
  17. OMM i couldn't even listen more than half a minute of these ...yikes!
  18. y'know, i was going to phrase that last part differently but i thought it sounded dirty...then u went and interpreted it anyway! naughty girl!
  19. :biggrin2: i wish it was mine! i'm yet to think of captions this funny! that merman pic is sooo wrong..
  20. been meaning to tell u this ever since u changed ur siggy, but i love it - simple and true! and i *mostly* always just pull them out too...
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