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Everything posted by nas

  1. :roftl:that shirt, that shirt.....o lardy lard mika!
  2. yay! so what do i do now? should i await notification i've been paired?...
  3. ooo this sounds like fun!! :yay:only now discovering it.... can i please be added? given where i live i imagine postage is gonna be tricky, but worth it:biggrin2:
  4. nice website! you're so young and tremendously talented, it would be wonderful to see your career take off...
  5. love the new byline - "blame it on pennywise"! i too have been scarred/thrilled by 'it'...:)

  6. actually know and like all the songs you posted...now suddenly more interested in them though...:teehee:esp that tyson one *runs off to wikipedia*
  7. aahh..! i knew 'nariz' but not the catalan..thanks for enlightening me! :)

  8. aahh..! i knew nariz but not the catalan..thanks for enlightening me! :)

  9. :roftl: poor mika -i hope he gets rid of those lice soon...guess that's the price for being in the circus..
  10. lol! that's so funny to know! what language is that plz? it really is just a shortening of my full name :nastassia...but now that i know what it means i'm glad i chose it! :)

  11. read this thread from start to finish - it had me :roftl: does that mean there're no more kissing pics though
  12. one of the funniest things i've read today!!:roftl:
  13. Hi Penny! i just discovered your fanfic and have to say you are awesome!! i think i've missed quite a few chapters though and not sure how to get them, exactly which thread they're in even...:( would it be too much for you to email me them or mayb link to them? thank you sooo much and keep on writing those wonderful stories - i'm having a ball reading them!! :))

  14. :aah:good one! mayb it was supposed to be that number of ppl in the universe...i'm sure aliens would fangurl over him too...
  15. o yes he does and i think he sounds soooo adorable doing it - it's partly him and partly the accent..
  16. some of these dreams are funny and some soo sweet...! either ways i wish i'd have a mika dream it just always seems that whenever i actively wish to have a dream about someone it never happens
  17. OMG!! i'm a HUGE TGW fan and i remember hearing this song in that episode and thinking it was great...didn't know it was Mika's then...fate i tell ya!
  18. it was ok - way too short......have to get that parc de princes dvd...as soon as i get someone visiting from the states..!
  19. good point! though i prolly wasn't even born when elton was wearing those wigs, but still know about them...can't expect some of these journalists to do research...
  20. lol! i so didn't know that...thanks for setting me straight! *embarrassed*

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