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Everything posted by nas

  1. hint taken silver... i will post intro soon...was waiting on the banner (excuses, excuses)
  2. my friend (after i gave her a short bio and a clip of relax) "Mika! My connection was bad so the song had too many interruptions for me to judge ...however, the bits I've heard though sounds tres bien! I'm not into his look but I heard Lebanese people are very fashionable! " my sis-in-law after i get excited abt hearing his music on x-factor: "who's mika? one of the x-factor contestants" i explain and show her his pic on my phone "ooo he's cute!"
  3. this pose is most intimidating...
  4. nice pics - almost make me want to be up north instead of dying in the heat down here... LOVE your new siggie btw :mf_lustslow:mika's done gone and spoiled the new muppets movie for me - i can't look at kermit without getting distracted...
  5. how can a pair of 'ordinary' glasses make one man look so ??! (or it's vice versa isn't it - the man makes the glasses? )
  6. was just scrolling down, all normal like, then this pic made me gasp and go 'wow'....
  7. why am i not surprised that this is what his accent sounds like... mayb it was all ye ole french singers he listened to as he was growing up?..
  8. so *that's* what he opened the jacket to show?! me too...
  9. ooo i love how zexy he looks in those glasses! the only outfit meeks has ever worn that i simply DO NOT care for is this top:
  10. one of my fave interviews!:clap: o yea we were talking about glasses...i don't mind them at all:blush-anim-cl:
  11. "just a small thingy" i love this so much i would frame it if i could, i love the darkness of it...:mf_lustslow: you are CRAZY talented - but u knew that already
  12. T4P!! the music is tres 'christmasy' but his voice sounds soo :wub2: i can def see my self listening to this around christmas....
  13. :thumb_yello: glee this season isn't ringing my bells as much - tho last night's was better...if the above is true i'd be sooooo happy!!
  14. :roftl: i thought it was some insider joke i didn't get...such randon lyricism..
  15. cool! i hope so too :)

  16. erm..it's in portuguese,,,i think i figured out how to vote but it might be useful if you posted the translations for what we have to click...
  17. hey there fellow nerd :)! it's great that you have a combo of the science and the arts...i would say i'm like that too, though the science part sometimes overshadows everything else....are you still in HS?

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