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Everything posted by nas

  1. btw soangel and i are paired too... well atleast i think so..i'm looking back at the list and i don't see her name...
  2. aww yea he does....he has to be if he can't figure out whether sharks are mammals or not...
  3. :roftl: he'd gained weight?...i wonder what ur subconscious was trying to tell you with this whole dream..
  4. ooo ok... i love ur imaginative reapayment for their comments..
  5. i love sci fi movies - have been waiting to see this since i first saw the trailer:thumb_yello:
  6. not sure u can find those in the jungle..
  7. yea he made me wanna learn french too... i can only help with english
  8. i know exactly how u feel - when i discovered wonkaland i just had to go through the whole thread, it had me every few pages...and yea i'm addicted to MFC too:teehee:
  9. that's a good question! it would seem that this is true, but i can't find any studies that back this up, and there are studies that show there is no link...it seems the accepted theory for this phenom is that gay people find it easier to express themselves/go against social norms, which translates to greater 'creativity'....so he's not really wrong, but he's not totally right either.. EDIT: just saw kreacher's post...agreed!
  10. i'm glad you decided to share.. i def consider myself 'queer', even though i'm married to the most awesome man...i identify closely with the struggle and politics of the lgbt movement, plus all my gay friends are just more fun and creative.. the point might be moot, since you're in a relationship with a guy at present, but i think it's sad you feel you can't live a 'free life' and maybe feel free to fall in love with a girl if your present relationship was to ever end. people can be very insensitive, and homophobic, especially when they don't know someone close to them in a same-sex relationship. this attitude might change if this loved one was to ever come out to them... to illustrate: my mother straight out disowned me when i told her i had a girlfriend a few years ago (!). however she gradually came around and is now still friends with my ex... i guess what i'm trying to say in this ramble is don't let hate and prejudice keep you from trying to attain happiness - with whatever gender. it's cliched but the ppl who truly love you will do so regardless, and if they don't, you are better off without them in your life... food for thought
  11. :roftl: this is so stupid funny , i can't believe someone made a video to this..
  12. just a stupid slang way of saying "anyhow"....:teehee:

  13. so..y'know i had to go hunt this down... the one panelist asks "what happened to mika?!" then the other goes - "he's in my basement, tied to the radio....rockin back and forth going why don't you like me?" :aah: bad panelist!
  14. oops! wasn't paying attn to size just similarity...
  15. i love that song by opus! did not know they were austrian... and also rmbr falco....
  16. hi weezey!:biggrin2: ur inbox is too full...can't send y pm :(

  17. i found this online party supplies store based in the UK that has similar bracelets...you guys can check it out and see what u think.. http://www.party-bag-toys.co.uk/contents/en-uk/d25.html
  18. the more i hear this song the more i like it! can't wait for it to be out..
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