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Worried Mika will become too big....

DS Nightly

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Of a star, that is....Like, now we have SO MANY opportunities to get all close to him and actually meet him in person (esp in America!), but if he DOES become a huge figure (which no doubt he will within the next few years), it'll be sad that his arenas will be bigger and more more MORE people in them. I mean, it's good for Mika, but bad for the fans that been with him since he started. :( It's like a win-lose situation.


Anyone else agree?

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Of a star, that is....Like, now we have SO MANY opportunities to get all close to him and actually meet him in person (esp in America!), but if he DOES become a huge figure (which no doubt he will within the next few years), it'll be sad that his arenas will be bigger and more more MORE people in them. I mean, it's good for Mika, but bad for the fans that been with him since he started. :( It's like a win-lose situation.


Anyone else agree?


Aww i know like he will loose that contact with the fans :( and I havent meet hiim yey aw im gonna cry !!

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I agree, because I babysit 3 kids, and I've gotten them hooked on Mika, so now they love him, and all of my friends hated me b4, cause I talked about him 24/7, :biggrin2: and now they like his music too!!! But I guess we have to share him! :thumbdown: lol jkjkjk

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I agree. Although this is good for Mika, people have selfish gene... I've went to his gig, I met him, but I don't think I really met him, I mean, I just gave him my album for an autograph, nothing more. I'm greedy... But we can think in a positive way! More people like Mika, more chance for us to talk about him in public! Not just on MFC but the real life! That also mean Mika would come to more diffierent places (like Hong Kong, selfish gene again..)!:mf_rosetinted:

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I also agree!

By the time I will ever be able to see him live he will probably be huge! and from the croud I probably won't even be able to see him. I do want success for him, but when he get's to be a big star I will just be another wannabe fan who will never get to meet Mika..:( I'm not trying to be selfish or greedy though:naughty:

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The other problem is that (it's the case in France) some medias like to reduce his "new" big public to just some idiot too excited teenage females:shocked: :shocked: (what we can do??? they are everywhere...)

I'm so afraid that it can discredit his music and his ambitions...



Popularity have his B-sides I guess... it's sure that it will become harder to see him after concert...But we have to do with this and surmont this...

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I worry about this too, but on a different level- I worry about HIM if he gets too big. He's deadly exhausted now after touring non-stop for a year, and the results are clear; he's gaining success everywhere. But what then if he keeps touring and keeps getting more popular, only to find himself having to tour even more, perform even more, not finding time at all to do the things he loves, including meeting his fans and actually having contact with the people who put him there? I'm worried that an overly popular Mika would not be a happy Mika, but I hope I'm just being paranoid..


Just DON'T OVERDO IT MIKA!!! Take care of yourself as well, remember who YOU are in all this madness, and don't let it get to your head! And PLEASE! Remember that everyone need time to themselves to relax :)

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I really do hope I get to meet him before he gets too big, altough with my luck I probably never will. :thumbdown: That has been my only goal in life for the year and it will be for a long time now probably. And like Savage Beauty said, he might find himself getting more tired and doing more gigs than he can :no:

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I hope to meet him in November but I doubt it..


This sounds very weird and selfish probably, but I always have the feeling Mika's 'mine'. I discovered him very early (his single was just out here, and had not much airplay), and I loved him from the very first second. And now Relax! is getting really big here, and all these random people are like: I LOVE MIKA. And I'm like, sure..


But I'm worried about the same thing. Though I wish him all the luck in the world!

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Yeah of course being big is good for him, but idd, I get your point... I wonder if I'll ever have the chance to meet him, or even see him upclose:boxed:


And that sucks cause I've been a fan of his for a very long time now... It's just the geographical issue :(

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I unfortunately probably won't get to go to one of his concerts or meet him before he gets too big. I just hope I DO get to go to one of his concerts, which probably won't happen if my parents have their way:thumbdown:. And I agree, I hope he can handle his increasing popularity.

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It's impossible to say, isn't it.. fame can change people for the better or worse, make them more introvert or the opposite, give them strength or break them down- OR, which I hope is the case with Mika, he won't let it get to him and stay the same lovable boy he is today :)

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I agree. Although this is good for Mika, people have selfish gene... I've went to his gig, I met him, but I don't think I really met him, I mean, I just gave him my album for an autograph, nothing more. I'm greedy... But we can think in a positive way! More people like Mika, more chance for us to talk about him in public! Not just on MFC but the real life! That also mean Mika would come to more diffierent places (like Hong Kong, selfish gene again..)!:mf_rosetinted:


Well said.


If he was big he would propably visit Finland too sometime but...


On the other hand it doesn't really matter to me that he isn't big in my country. That way it feels like he was my discovery because I found him on the net, not by watching TV or because somebody recommended I should give him a listen. :naughty: If he came here I'd be sure to save a lot of money. :roftl: But it doesn't really matter as I would swim to London if I had to - because he is there! :wub2:

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Oh, how did you know that this is MY WORST FEAR! I have always said that Mika is gonna get so big that we will n-e-v-e-r get next to him, unless we win a radio contest or some sort. He is gonna perform in stadiums and arenas and have body guards and be completely untouchable! I DO not want this to happen, and at the same time- I want Mika to get the recognition that he deserves. Oh the horror.....ESPECIALLY for those of us who have not been able to see him LIVE yet! What are we gonna do? WHO knows when he is gonna come back to America. Next time he does, it just might be too late for me. I will have to watch him from the 116th Row and he looks like a tiny ant cause I am SO far away. And then I will n-e-v-e-r- get the chance to meet him, and tell him how he has forever changed my life! Now, I have to go and cry! :blink:

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Actually I just saw Justin Timberlake the other night and I could easily see Mika up there and am looking forward to the day.


I was extremely lucky to see Mika in a 600-person club but those days are already over. I'm thinking of going to London to see him in December but the idea of those venues puts me off. Cramming into general admission standing floors with 10,000 people is not my idea of a good time. I would much prefer to just buy seats and show up 5 minutes before the show than to line up all day and half the night just so I don't get stuck with thousands of other people standing directly in front of me, blocking my view.


I hope that as fan club members we will eventually have access to premium seats and will still be able to see the concerts up close, except with much less hassle.


As for not getting to meet him.. Mika is a performer, not our friend. I think if fans in smaller markets expect to see him live in the future, you should hope for his continued success. Canada has had the bare minimum of Mika access as it is and LICM has gone platinum here. If he loses popularity in Canada he may never come back.

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As for not getting to meet him.. Mika is a performer, not our friend. I think if fans in smaller markets expect to see him live in the future, you should hope for his continued success. Canada has had the bare minimum of Mika access as it is and LICM has gone platinum here. If he loses popularity in Canada he may never come back.


Yeah, he is a singer/songwritter/performer. And we ALL know that he is not 'our friend' BUT we are his fans.... the ones that have been here all along. The ones that were there before the WHOLE world knew who he was... the very CORE of Fan existence! Of course we wish him continued success.... And OF COURSE we want a chance to meet him. That is ONLY natural.

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I hope to meet him in November but I doubt it..


This sounds very weird and selfish probably, but I always have the feeling Mika's 'mine'. I discovered him very early (his single was just out here, and had not much airplay), and I loved him from the very first second. And now Relax! is getting really big here, and all these random people are like: I LOVE MIKA. And I'm like, sure..


But I'm worried about the same thing. Though I wish him all the luck in the world!


I also hope to meet him in November.:biggrin2:


But indeed, I wish him all success and luck in the world and no matter what, I'll always support him, but the chances of meeting him will reduce as his popularity grows and that really sucks. I hope with all my heart that I will get to meet him one day and just like Droopsy has mentioned, it's not about not wanting to go to one of his gigs when he wasn't as famous as he is now, it's just because we didn't have the opportunity :tears:

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yeah i'm also worried about this. also for selfish reasons, but not only. i was so lucky to see him in that tiny bar in ibiza, it was so intimate, but i'll probably never see him on such a small stage again. :tears: but i think he'll always be grateful to us here on the mfc who supported him from the beginning, and this is actually all i need to know to be happy.


i'm more worried though about him. i mean, see what happens to so many big stars, i'd even say most of them... their character changes for the worse. AND also a lot of them are unhappy, you see it cause they have problems with drugs and alcoholism and they can never be with a partner for more than a few years max.. ok there are exceptions, but a lot of really famous people are like this. and what worries me even more, what will happen to mika in the not-so-successful times of his life? he said he wants to go on doing this for the next 35 years, and this automatically means that he'll have at least one flop album - you can't be ALWAYS successful, for everyone there are good and bad times. i just hope mika will be able to cope with this. he's worked so hard for his success and i'm scared that if one day he's not so successful anymore, it might break him. i don't know him, but i know he has a strong and a soft side, so i just can hope that his will to fight always will be stronger than his sensitivity.

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