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Mika vs Mika: The Mikster might have to change his name...


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Ok that's the article in one of the most serious Belgian newspapers.

It's in French. Basically it says that the Belgian Mika has brought Universal to Court in order to have the Brussel gig cancelled.

First hearings will take place on Monday.

And the usual **** about her not wanting money, but defending her endangered career blablabla

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Can't he just add in his last name, and be 'Mika Penniman'? That wouldn't be so bad.


good idea! alternatively. he can just replace the K with the original C. im sure everyone knows how to pronounce his name now. this takes care of the reason he changed the spelling in the first place.

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good idea! alternatively. he can just replace the K with the original C. im sure everyone knows how to pronounce his name now. this takes care of the reason he changed the spelling in the first place.

Yes, now everyone knows who he is! If he had to change is name because of this girl, it wouldn't have to be anything drastic. He's a solo artist using his given name, not a band who had to make up their name.

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Don't worry! He won't cancell because of that! It would be ridiculous and would mean "it's my fault" and it's not his fault!

No, he won't cancel! This is an opportunity for all the fans from Belgium to show your support for the true Mika, and yes, she should be happy about him having the same name. Although, I have never bumped into her on the web either.


LOve today, from Marilyn

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Ok that's the article in one of the most serious Belgian newspapers.

It's in French. Basically it says that the Belgian Mika has brought Universal to Court in order to have the Brussel gig cancelled.

First hearings will take place on Monday.

And the usual **** about her not wanting money, but defending her endangered career blablabla


The )*(*^^%&Q@#!!! When I mailed here she assured me the gig would be safe!





Yeah, I watched Pokemon the First Movie a short while ago:naughty:

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I loved Pikachu


I have a big plush Pikachu doll and a small one that can talk...I hope I still have my Mewtwo doll. Gosh I adored Mewtwo. I had the poster of the first movie above my bed and I had this shelf full of plush Pokemon dolls and I had action figures (ofcourse a mewtwo:roftl: ) and I still have all my shiny cards oh and I always wanted to be Mewtwo when we played Pokemon monopoly:biggrin2: And Pokemon the First movie was the first movie I've ever seen in theaters...aaah childhood memories:biggrin2:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Concert Britse Mika vindt toch plaats in Vorst

Het concert van de Britse zanger Mika, bekend van de hit "Grace Kelly", vindt zoals gepland toch op dinsdag 13 november plaats in Vorst Nationaal. De Britse ster is verwikkeld in een rechtszaak met de Belgische reggaezangeres Mika, omwille van hun artiestennaam.


De Brusselse handelsrechtbank heeft beslist het proces van de Belgische Mika tegen de Britse Mika te verzetten naar 17 maart 2008. Aan die beslissing gingen lange discussies vooraf tussen de advocaten van de Belgische zangeres van Griekse origine Sophie Michalakoudis en die van de Britse zanger van Libanese afkomst Michael Holbrook Penniman. Ook Universal, Vorst Nationaal en Live Nation mengden zich in de discussies. De Belgische Mika eist de artiestennaam op omdat ze die als eerste liet registreren. Ze zegt dat ze de polemiek rond de naam "Mika" niet heeft uitgelokt voor het geld, maar dat de naamsverwarring haar artistieke carrière bemoeilijkt. (LEE)







Gig British Mika will take place in Forest

The gig of British singer Mika, famous for the hit "Grace Kelly," will take place at thuesday 13 November in Forest National, just as planned.

The British star got involved in a juridic battle with the Belgian reggaesinger Mika, because of their artist name.


Brussel's court decided that the trial of the Belgian Mika against the British Mika will be postponed to 17 March 2008. A lot of discussions between the lawyers of the Belgian singer from Greek origin Sophie Michalakoudis and the British singer Michael (Mica yes people from the article) Holbrook Penniman. Also Universal, Forest National and Live Nation got involved in these discussions. The Belgian Mika claims the name because she was the first one to register it. She says she hasn't started this all for the money, but because the confusion about the name damages her artistic career.

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The Mika list:


MIKA (the real one :naughty: )

MIKA (Austrian band)

Mika (Indian singer)

Mika (French singer)

Mika Nakashima (Japanese singer)

Mika (Haitian singer)

Mika Häkkinen (Finnish Formula 1 dude)

Mika Vandborg (Danish guitarist )

Mika (39 546 Finnish people)

Mika (unknown but probably large number of Japanese people)

Mika (guinea pig)




who did I forget? oh wait:

Mika (completely unknown Belgian raggae singer) :blink:


Don't know if this one has been added, but apparently there's a male singer in New Zealand whose name is Mika...

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The Belgian Mika tried to cancel the gig in Bruxelles.


She lodged a complaint against Forest national.


Michael Holbrook Penniman intervened deliberately. Universal and Live Nation which organizes the gig did the same.


The judge said that she couldn't take a decision so fast because some important elements missed.

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