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Am Family Friendly Musician?? I think NOT

Guest cornishnutter

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Spot on Freddie :thumb_yello: I'd have no problem taking my kids to see him.


Can't say that about a lot of artists.


Yeh .... Ive seen worse! .. guns and roses ... mettalica .. ozzy osbourne


Hes a childlike character . .Im sure you will be fine .. keep an eye on the new gig threads and ask some what they thought! ..



... He probably just fell on Cherisse .. cant blame him :wub2:

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I would not even consider it as 'incident', you know they had that kind of 'moves' before (at least I remember having seen it on youtube earlier).

I also remember Mika saying in an interview: "...as far as I'm concerned I look at sexualizing music and I think sexualizing music is amazing and ... putting sex and dirtiness in songs is great and it should be done." And this is not very much taken out of context.

Shocking? I don't think so, I mean if you ever listened closely to the lyrics of Lollipop or Love Today and didn't detect any hint towards sexual matters I'd be very surprised. So why is that little move of people dressed up as plush animals (without any connection to reality) so outrageously surprising? I don't think it is so scandalous.... and as for the childishness: I always had the impression that the Mika gigs come across with heaps of it, which is quite healthy in my opinion. Nothing is worse than taking oneself too seriously...

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I agree "tame " is the words that fit Mika's shows. I'm not even affronted by the dancing with the big girls because of it. A lot of people are saying they've(kids included) seen worse, and that is very true. I'd take my nieces and nephews to Mika's show,(they are not really old enough yet though) but if later on in life they have any questions I'd just do my duty as an aunt and inform them about the message Mika is really trying to send, which is only a good one, so its not a problem. :thumb_yello:



Geez you're a good aunty!


Brittany (my niece) asked me why I couldn't take her to the concert in Sydney... she desperately wanted to see Mika!

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I hope not to upset anyone and if I do, I apologise in advance, but I really think that this subject seems a bit silly.

So, Mika has "sexualised" some of his songs and has now decided to, accordingly, sexualise his show a bit more. Big deal! He's hardly doing a pornographic show, and it's all done in quite a funny and childish way.

If anything, the little scene with the animals is sending the message that his song wants to bring across, which I am told is a "good" one for many people...

I think that the problem here lies in the fact that people need to understand that Mika is an adult artist who makes music and shows which are not directed at children. They are directed at adults.

In the same way that one would not expect to take their kids to a concert by most artists, it really escapes me why so many people would perceive Mika as a "child friendly" show. He's just a pop artist doing a normal show, fullstop.

It's not even particularly sexy if you compare it to the likes of some of Britney or Christina's moves!

I just think that no concert really is a place for a young child I guess...

Oh, and in any case, I' am convinced that kids nowadays face far worse influences that watching things like the little Mika-scene which would probably go unnoticed anyway.

I say don't let them watch tv or go on the web if you worry about bad influences, there is far worse that you could worry about.:blink:

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There's a young couple rolling around on the lawn outside my appartment right now :mf_rosetinted: There's sex everywhere these days, don't think children even think about it that way :blink: I'm not afraid to take my daughter to a Mika gig anyway, she's seen much worse :mf_rosetinted:


I completely agree.

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I was very disappointed when I saw that video. It's not because I think about kids on his shows, no

It just looked so vulgarly

It hurts so bad to say such things about Mika but that's what I feel

I consider him to be special, he's able to set off any audience without using that sexual things. He's sexy enough

I hope he won't do that anymore

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I was very disappointed when I saw that video. It's not because I think about kids on his shows, no

It just looked so vulgarly

It hurts so bad to say such things about Mika but that's what I feel

I consider him to be special, he's able to set off any audience without using that sexual things. He's sexy enough

I hope he won't do that anymore



Errr...have you actually listened to the lyrics of his songs?:boxed: they're not exactly tame...

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in distinction from the lyrics we expect a tame show from him


but why? I mean, if he makes it no secret that he likes to "dirty" lyrics up, why is it a surprise that he decides to add a bit of it to his show?

I really don't see that as bad.

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She's a player and a downright whore. :bleh:


Well, exactly!

And "book her, nook her"

And speaking of BB "making love" to the girlie, and someone licking her lips like they are something else, etc, etc.....

I don't think that anyone could really be very surprised about him "sexualising" a show a bit, when these are the lyrics that he writes.

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Of course Mika's target audience isn't young children, and I think that as he develops as a musician and changes things up a bit, his show will become more sexual. It's not fair to him to "expect" something, or classify him as a kid-friendly musician. While the earlier tours may have been very kid-friendly, future shows may not. It's the natural progression of a career. I don't think he classifies himself as "family friendly." He is just doing whatever the heck he wants.

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I was very disappointed when I saw that video. It's not because I think about kids on his shows, no

It just looked so vulgarly

It hurts so bad to say such things about Mika but that's what I feel

I consider him to be special, he's able to set off any audience without using that sexual things. He's sexy enough

I hope he won't do that anymore


:boxed: If I didn't know what this thread initially was about I'd think now that he had done something absolutely terrible and inacceptable, like slapping his mom or something.... isn't this all a little out of relation? :blink:

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I really cant see Mika doing this Im afraid ....


same here.


Welcome to the forum nehow...


Er...mika and sexual intercourse with bears?? i dont tihnk so..


and ..i went to the tba gig manchester there were lil kids and it is actually quite amusing and friendly at the gig.

So it's up to you. :mf_rosetinted:

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same here.


Welcome to the forum nehow...


Er...mika and sexual intercourse with bears?? i dont tihnk so..


and ..i went to the tba gig manchester there were lil kids and it is actually quite amusing and friendly at the gig.

So it's up to you. :mf_rosetinted:


:roftl: :roftl: She didn't mean that he, as a person, was having sex with bears.


It wasn't even Mika taking part, if you notice in the video, he's the crocodile with the little sword that comes out at the end and fights off the bunny.


I think it's funny. :naughty:

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dunno, i see nothing wrong with that, i think it's funny and it's only shadows behind a screen and for like 2 seconds, so if i had children i wouldn't mind them seeing that at all. i'd be more worried about mika (as the crocodile) pretending to shoot everyone!

maybe the message behind it is the same as in lollipop: "love's gonna get you down".

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dunno, i see nothing wrong with that, i think it's funny and it's only shadows behind a screen and for like 2 seconds, so if i had children i wouldn't mind them seeing that at all. i'd be more worried about mika (as the crocodile) pretending to shoot everyone!

maybe the message behind it is the same as in lollipop: "love's gonna get you down".


Exactly. It's not like there was just a random simulation of sex behind a screen. It had a purpose and story behind it. It was basically just telling the Lollipop theme.

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:shocked: :shocked: :shocked:

I object!!!!


As for the topic of this thread, does anyone know who was in the bear suit on the night of the 'one off incident'...:naughty: or am I taking it too far?:cool:


Luke was the lion, Cherisse was the monkey, Sara was the kangaroo and either Martin or Mikey was the other. The left over male was the bunny, Mika was the crocodile.

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