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Mika's Personal Life


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I agree. That's why it's called "speculation" and not "stalking", no one here is searching for evidence or digging up records or following him around


Well some of us are doing that but not because we want to know his sexual orientation. :roftl:


I'm just wondering, do any of you think that Mika will ever tell everyone about his sexuality?


No I don't think he will ever make a public statement.


As far as I'm concerned Mika is not, nor has he ever been in the closet. He has simply drawn an iron curtain between his public and personal life that is not specific to his sexuality at all in order to keep the press from prying into his business.


That's why I think all these attempts to shelter or not anger Mika by not speaking about his sexuality are totally misguided. It isn't about whether people think he's gay or straight. What they say or don't say about it. Mika just wanted to give the message loud and clear to the press right from the get go that he was not going to make his personal life available to them on any level so if they don't want to report on his music they should move on to someone else.


And his policy has been a remarkable success. He is a very smart boy and I never expected this to work so well but it has. Yes he went through that initial phase where everyone asked him direct questions about his sexuality but he has bored them with his stonewalling to the point that they no longer care about his sexuality or digging into any other facet of his personal life.


When was the last time you saw a tabloid story about Mika? That he didn't like the music at Kanye West's afterparty? That Lily Allen snubbed him in a bar?


Compare that to Amy Winehouse who has pictures taken of her every night at 4 am whether she is in a knock down drag 'em out fight with her husband or carrying a huge box of ice lollies in the middle of winter.


No one is chasing Mika around with a camera in the middle of the night because he's got nothing to give them. As he mentioned on the DVD he keeps his personal shenanigans behind closed doors now and I think he always will.


As long as Mika doesn't date another celebrity or get himself into some public mischief like Hugh Grant or George Michael I don't think the press will take any notice of who he spends his time with even if he gets into a long term relationship.


Then these are my opinions!


His "best" (as in the most visable/obvious) mate is Lorna who he went to High school and Uni with and (I suspect) who he came up with the concept of Lollipop girl with

I also suspect that neither of them were in with the popular kids at school!

His confidence comes from being spoilt by his Mother (and maybe sisters)

He was (in effect) the "man of the house" whilst growing up

He was, as a child, surrounded by adults (who would most likely be female/gay)

He wants his performances to be sexy like those of Prince and Bowie who were both conciously ambiguous about their sexuality in order to appeal to all of their audience

I think he struggled with how to be sexy on stage when he first started but is learning real fast!

I aslo think this suggests that he wasn't used to being sexual off stage and that he has developed this sexy stage personna which is seperate to him in real life

I think he remains "asexual" or childishly flirtatious when off stage ie in interviews (and again, I suspect, in rela life)

I think this is due to his up bringing, his religion (even if it's not practiced fully) his lack of experience with the world at large and the close proximity of his family


Totally agree with all your opinions :thumb_yello:


I didn't know he went to high school with Lorna. Puts something I noticed a couple of weeks ago in a different perspective.


changing the subject, what really worries me sometimes is the fact that he lies in the interviews. I mean...if he starts doing that more often, one day we won't know what to believe about him!


Oh I think that day has long since passed. :roftl:


Most of what comes out of Mika's mouth is not to be taken at face value. He can be sarcastic, evasive, full of PR double talk and exaggerations and sometimes he just lies outright. And like every other human being, sometimes he changes his mind and his thoughts and opinions evolve. His statements are not gospel truth we must adhere to for the next 2000 years.


Just because the number of people who don't wish to discuss his sexuality (for whatever reason, valid or not) have been more vocal about it and have even started their own movement (i.e. We Don't Care) it doesn't mean that speaks for the majority of people on the forum; you don't need a We Do Care to realise that more than a few people are more than fine with discussing it.


I suspected that there were other people who shared my views, I'm glad I'm not the only one who has been thinking these things. :thumb_yello:


Every time this comes up I get PMs from lurkers saying that they agree with me. I think it's a very vocal minority who want any mention of his sexuality quashed and that people who are interested in the topic are afraid to say anything publicly because of the irrational overreaction. I would imagine the vast majority of the board doesn't care in the truest sense of not caring and have no objections at all to the threads.

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*Angels have no sex*


they have no sex--1) the verb "have sex"?


or 2) they have no sex like they're not girl angels or boy angels?? :boxed:



first situation, it could be...because of their purity...


second one...well, I think Mika is a male angel. At least it seems anatomically...:naughty:

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Firstly its now me hun .... this was decided in the early days of the MFC .. remember??? .. many threads were put up and in the end it was a group MFC decision , of course not everyone is going to agree thats why it was done by % of people .... maybe people think different now and we should do it again
As I have said earlier ... this was discussed in say Feb time and the MFC AS A GROUP ... decided .. many many were unhappy , many were happy .. what do you do in this case??? answer .... post a thread and get a group decision ...


Now we are months on and things may have changed


A lot of people have joined the forum since then and I'll say that when I joined no one told me that a group decision had been made about discussing Mika's sexuality, all I learnt is that it's taboo and I learnt that the hard way by asking questions and getting only one statement in reply: "We Don't Care". I think that our forum rules should be more clear and explicit. And they need to be regularly reviewed, since I and everyone else who joined later didn't get an input in the discussion that lead to a decision that affects me as much as anyone else.


Its got nothing at all with it being official .. wheres your though process with this???

My thought process for that came from the fact that you said that you were worried about the MFC moving in a particular direction. Mika himself isn't afraid of discussion in that direction so why should we? Only if we had an agenda. I'm just making a statement, Freddie, I'm not saying that it's the case.

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Well some of us are doing that but not because we want to know his sexual orientation. :roftl:




No I don't think he will ever make a public statement.


As far as I'm concerned Mika is not, nor has he ever been in the closet. He has simply drawn an iron curtain between his public and personal life that is not specific to his sexuality at all in order to keep the press from prying into his business.


That's why I think all these attempts to shelter or not anger Mika by not speaking about his sexuality are totally misguided. It isn't about whether people think he's gay or straight. What they say or don't say about it. Mika just wanted to give the message loud and clear to the press right from the get go that he was not going to make his personal life available to them on any level so if they don't want to report on his music they should move on to someone else.


And his policy has been a remarkable success. He is a very smart boy and I never expected this to work so well but it has. Yes he went through that initial phase where everyone asked him direct questions about his sexuality but he has bored them with his stonewalling to the point that they no longer care about his sexuality or digging into any other facet of his personal life.


When was the last time you saw a tabloid story about Mika? That he didn't like the music at Kanye West's afterparty? That Lily Allen snubbed him in a bar?


Compare that to Amy Winehouse who has pictures taken of her every night at 4 am whether she is in a knock down drag 'em out fight with her husband or carrying a huge box of ice lollies in the middle of winter.


No one is chasing Mika around with a camera in the middle of the night because he's got nothing to give them. As he mentioned on the DVD he keeps his personal shenanigans behind closed doors now and I think he always will.


As long as Mika doesn't date another celebrity or get himself into some public mischief like Hugh Grant or George Michael I don't think the press will take any notice of who he spends his time with even if he gets into a long term relationship.




Totally agree with all your opinions :thumb_yello:


I didn't know he went to high school with Lorna. Puts something I noticed a couple of weeks ago in a different perspective.




Oh I think that day has long since passed. :roftl:


Most of what comes out of Mika's mouth is not to be taken at face value. He can be sarcastic, evasive, full of PR double talk and exaggerations and sometimes he just lies outright. And like every other human being, sometimes he changes his mind and his thoughts and opinions evolve. His statements are not gospel truth we must adhere to for the next 2000 years.






Every time this comes up I get PMs from lurkers saying that they agree with me. I think it's a very vocal minority who want any mention of his sexuality quashed and that people who are interested in the topic are afraid to say anything publicly because of the irrational overreaction. I would imagine the vast majority of the board doesn't care in the truest sense of not caring and have no objections at all to the threads.


mmmm your right and wrong with your comments here .. as Ive said before maybe the decisions were based on a while ago on the MFC , but the vast vast majority didnt want it

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A lot of people have joined the forum since then and I'll say that when I joined no one told me that a group decision had been made about discussing Mika's sexuality, all I learnt is that it's taboo and I learnt that the hard way by asking questions and getting only one statement in reply: "We Don't Care". I think that our forum rules should be more clear and explicit. And they need to be regularly reviewed, since I and everyone else who joined later didn't get an input in the discussion that lead to a decision that affects me as much as anyone else.



My thought process for that came from the fact that you said that you were worried about the MFC moving in a particular direction. Mika himself isn't afraid of discussion in that direction so why should we? Only if we had an agenda. I'm just making a statement, Freddie, I'm not saying that it's the case.


And my no means am I disagreeing with you .....


Im just trying to give an overview of why such threads are closed :thumb_yello:

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Guys please don't fight...

We are in a free world and I think arguing about wether or not we should close threads about M's sexuality is getting very touchy at this point.


Censure is probably the last thing Mika would wanna see on this forum. And it would be an open door to the worst if we just said "let's close this cause he wouldn't want to read it". I mean... what would be next? Forbidding people to say they didn't like a vid or a song because it might also be unpleasant for M to read? Real fans have the right to express their opinions, whatever they are.


BUT as freddie said, we can't have 10 threads on this sexual orientation issue either.


Soooooo I suggest we let this thread open, and make sure it doesn't get out of control. And let's have just ONE thread about this!


I agree with all you say. I hate the idea of being a fan who likes everything about the artist and being a member on a forum and have to say only good things. Believe me, I love Mika otherwise I wouldn't spend so much time on here, but not everything he does is fantastic, not every picture is gorgeous, he's human just like you and me and we should be able to discuss things like this in a way. Ofcourse we must respect his wishes, absolutely, we must not go too far, but we must also not force anyone not to talk about it. One thread like this one is enough, 100 of them unnecessary. I think this thread is a very good initiative:thumb_yello:

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I think starfish are asexual, yes. I know sponges are. Certain types of algae...



starfishes are asexual, indeed. But it's something not common in nature.



I thought worms were asexual too...:roftl: I learned this year some of them are hermaphrodite, some of them have little wormies like we mammals...(it is, having sex the female worm with the male worm :boxed: )


well, as a child I thought birds had no sex as well...that shows how naive I've always been...hahaha :naughty:

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I also want to add that perhaps it's an idea that if these 'rules' are wanted, why not make a new thread and sticky it? Then it's way easier for newbies and perhaps us to know what is going on. It's all very unclear at the moment.

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I also want to add that perhaps it's an idea that if these 'rules' are wanted, why not make a new thread and sticky it? Then it's way easier for newbies and perhaps us to know what is going on. It's all very unclear at the moment.


To be honest its unclear as there are no rules .. the was a defiate shift to moderate the MFC less and let it flow ...


Its not really a rule not to discuss rather than an opnion based over time:thumb_yello:

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Well this thread has grown enormously. Very interesting.


I've nothing to add to the 'is he, isn't he' debate, but I hope he gets driving lessons for Christmas.



Can he not drive? This is the second time I've read this in this thread. But in an interview he said what he loves to do most is get in his car and drive for hours..............

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I agree with all you say. I hate the idea of being a fan who likes everything about the artist and being a member on a forum and have to say only good things. Believe me, I love Mika otherwise I wouldn't spend so much time on here, but not everything he does is fantastic, not every picture is gorgeous, he's human just like you and me and we should be able to discuss things like this in a way. Ofcourse we must respect his wishes, absolutely, we must not go too far, but we must also not force anyone not to talk about it. One thread like this one is enough, 100 of them unnecessary. I think this thread is a very good initiative:thumb_yello:


Thanks IngievV! I honestly would find it terribly boring if M was perfect, he's not, his music is not, and I'm tired of people overreacting when someone dares say something that's perceived as unpolitically correct. Of course there are boundaries that shouldn't be crossed.

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...worms too

Oh I forgot about worms.


starfishes are asexual, indeed. But it's something not common in nature.



I thought worms were asexual too...:roftl: I learned this year some of them are hermaphrodite, some of them have little wormies like we mammals...(it is, having sex the female worm with the male worm :boxed: )


Being a hermaphrodite doesn't automatically make an animal asexual though, or does it? ....I can't remember. I don't think it does. Because there are people that are hermaphrodites and can't mate with themselves. Well... not reproduce, anyway.:wink2:

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Can he not drive? This is the second time I've read this in this thread. But in an interview he said what he loves to do most is get in his car and drive for hours..............


i think whren he said "I can't drive, love" he meant:


"Please don't ask me that stupid question!!"....:naughty: Unusual way to say to someone Get off, but...well...:bleh:

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To be honest its unclear as there are no rules .. the was a defiate shift to moderate the MFC less and let it flow ...


Its not really a rule not to discuss rather than an opnion based over time:thumb_yello:


Yeah, perhaps it's not a rule, but for the newbies around here it must be very confusing as they don't know anything about what's allowed or isn't and they make a thread about this topic out of curiosity and the thread gets closed. It's very confusing.

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Oh I forgot about worms.




Being a hermaphrodite doesn't automatically make an animal asexual though, or does it? ....I can't remember. I don't think it does. Because there are people that are hermaphrodites and can't mate with themselves. Well... not reproduce, anyway.:wink2:


i think whren he said "I can't drive, love" he meant:


"Please don't ask me that stupid question!!"....:naughty: Unusual way to say to someone Get off, but...well...:bleh:


Only on the MFC :naughty:

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Yeah, perhaps it's not a rule, but for the newbies around here it must be very confusing as they don't know anything about what's allowed or isn't and they make a thread about this topic out of curiosity and the thread gets closed. It's very confusing.


I agree totally , thats why we always try and post a reply as to why and PM them :thumb_yello:

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Thanks IngievV! I honestly would find it terribly boring if M was perfect, he's not, his music is not, and I'm tired of people overreacting when someone dares say something that's perceived as unpolitically correct. Of course there are boundaries that shouldn't be crossed.


Exactly, I'm crazy about Mika, I even have my little 'Mika-wall' but I refuse to kiss the ground he walks on. First off I don't think he would want that himself and second, I think it's very unhygenic:blink:

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Exactly, I'm crazy about Mika, I even have my little 'Mika-wall' but I refuse to kiss the ground he walks on. First off I don't think he would want that himself and second, I think it's very unhygenic:blink:


:roftl: :roftl: :roftl: :roftl:

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It'd be perfectly fine if you had disagreed with me anyway, it's just a discussion and no one here is taking anything personally (I hope).


Ohhhh not from me :bleh:


Im just trying to give some history to the MFC as to why the threads are closed .. MY opinion is I dont want to see it on here .. but I am only 1 out of 8000! :blink:

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