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From Big Girl to Lollipop Girl, Mika's Fat Club


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I could lose about 45 pounds, and I'd like to, before college. I've lost about 35 of those before (I weighed higher then) and put most of it back on because I just didn't know everything that I should have when I started- so it just didn't work. And the MFC is a very encouraging place, so let's do it!

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Fat fighters- let me know if you want me to put you on the list:thumb_yello:


Add me! I'm aiming to lose about 2 stone, as you lovelies on the other side of the pond would say. (28 lbs, 13 kg).


I'm trying to move toward a "whole foods" diet - trying to eat less refined sugars, less processed food, and move toward real foods, the closer to nature the better. The things that high-fructose corn syrup does to your body is mind boggling:




A good site I use for whole food recipes is here:



Go, team!


'I dont mean to be blunt about it, but you know, there is alot of you....So! Weigh yourself, take 2lbs off. Eat no more than 1200 calories a day, and if when you weigh yourself after youve been to the toilet in the morning, and you weigh more than the weight with 2lbs off, don't eat that day.


*sputters* I can't believe a medical professional told you that! What kind of bullsh*t is that?


I know it's been said before, but not eating will completely mess up your insulin levels, and will convince your body that it's starving. SO unhealthy.

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Morning folks. I see the thread carried on long after I left. Good to see we're getting support amongst the jokes!


Pinky, what that doctor told you was crap. He ought to be struck off for that. It doesn't give you any motivation or encouragement with comments like that. Idiot.


Yes Cassiopee, I'll aim to lose any small amount per week. If I just saw a slight difference on the scales it would encourage me, but it never changes!

It's going to be an uphill battle and plenty of dust I think! (hee hee)

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Nope...not when I weigh as much as I did... it was quite common, my friend who came the same time as me lost 9lb and his mum lost 10lb.

This is my weight loss progress from the start.

NO I am not ashamed to show this-because I don't weigh that anymore-and I am proud of the loss...!


First weeks weigh in, half stone certificate!

You can see I lost 6 and a half pound another week. :)


Thats so great!

Ha ha im sat here all bouncy and proud for an mfcer who i have never met.

Looks like that program really worked for you - well done :)

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Jemmalee isnt here but....

How are we going about this exactly?

Is it just chit chat or are we going to have a weigh-in each week, similar to SkullyRox's forms, 'loser of the month', etc

Just a suggestion, we all know how overly organised i am lol sorry, i just like to take things like this seriously.

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I've heard loads of people say they loose weight at weight-watchers/Slimming World.

Hiya pinky :)


Morning....wait...Afternoon :)

See i have only heard good things about weight watchers (but cant join as under 18, so could only go accompanied by an adult - grrr).

Never heard much about slimming world.

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Jemmalee needs to update her list, it will be 3 times as long now!

I don't know how we are going to organise this weight thing. Perhaps swap mobile numbers and bombard each other with texts saying, "Have you done your exercises today"

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Jemmalee needs to update her list, it will be 3 times as long now!

I don't know how we are going to organise this weight thing. Perhaps swap mobile numbers and bombard each other with texts saying, "Have you done your exercises today"


Oh God!

Ha i would probably keep my phone switched off for fear of too many messages :P

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Hi! could U count me in? maby I'm not a very big girl, but I'm overweight something about 20kg.... :/ last year I manage to loose 15 kg (I was 95kg- loose to 80kg) but now it's 5 more kilo of me...I have enough of it...

Finally I want to have a boy! ;( my biggest problem are my upper legs, a5s/hips, jelly belly :) and my bo0bs...

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Hey everyone. Just an idea I have.

Have any of you considered trying Paul Mckenna's books,CD's...?

I have many friends and family who have lost weight and kept it that way. It's a very clever system that I can't expalin. but It's on his website.

Here is his website if anyone is interested.




One of his books is called ' I can make you thin' Thin sounds unheathhy to me, I wish he would use slim .:sneaky2:


Anyway, take a look and see what you think. :thumb_yello:

You may have seen him on the TV or something.

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That's how I lost the original 40 pounds- Weight Watchers. But it isn't fool-proof, you have to know about the whole starvation mode thing- You have to follow the points- never eat less than the allotted points, even if you think you aren't hungry. Eat some peanut butta' if you gotta fill 'em up!


I kind of did it with my mom/ followed her stuff. Points are a nice guideline to have.

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Not at all, my friend are all skinny.

E.g. I went shopping with them the other day but had to just hang around the changing rooms since shops only go up to a 14 these days.

And one of them said 'Oh this will never do! *sigh* looks like i will have to get a 6'

They all count calories and write even a sip of water down in a book.


Wow, yeah, I'm not a "big girl", but I need to while my new year's eve away, so am going to give my opinions or whatever.


Seriously, there is nothing wrong with being anywhere from size 6 to whatever, as long as you are healthy. Any healthy girl, you are beautiful (lol)!

You just have to be happy to be beautiful, and to be happy you have to be healthy. The above quote - yeah, that's neither happy or healthy, that's just sad. I think when you are eating healthy (and no matter what size you are, you know if you are eating healthy or not) and you are fit (ie. you can exercise well), it automatically makes you vibrant and happy and feel good about yourself. When you know you just ate a whole *whatever* or can't remember the last time you did any exercise you just feel crap about it.


Well, what I'm trying to say is, I don't think anyone should see it as "losing so much weight, dropping so many dress sizes" as much as "getting healthier/fitter" ... like; "being able to run '*' distance".


I kind of ... accomplished the "eating healthy" goal over this year by completely other factors/motivators, but I reckon it feels really good to finish a day and be like "woah, I didn't eat anything crap today". And it feels crap just now, since Christmas and I have gotten a huge haul of chocolate/etc, and have been just eating chocolate instead of lunch or something ... and it just makes me feel gross and unhealthy.


My goal for next year (as every other year of my life) is to "get fit". A while ago my friend told me she accomplished a goal we set years ago to be able to run to the beach from our house, and I am so incredibly jealous, I can't run past the neighbour's house without a break. Right now my legs hurt from a day of shopping ... shopping I tell you! Yeah, so anyway, I have another friend who wants to get in the army, and needs to be able to do all the things for the physical test, and I figure those things must be a pretty good indicator of fitness, so I'm doing it with her. We are going to make posters and we get stars when we reach milestones - "one pushup!" "1 minute jogging!". I know I am going to feel so great when I can run all the way to the beach without losing my breath, I can't wait.


I just hate when people talk about losing an amount of weight ... eurghghlh. Being skinny doesn't have to = feeling healthy, happy or good about themselves.


Or maybe I'm wrong and you should just ignore my blathering. Oh! Look what you did! You made me miss new years - it's 12.05!

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How much is one stone in kilos? :boxed:


You're right, there's so many whiny little slim bitches out there, with unrealistic needs or whatever. Better to be round and fit, than slim and .. errh. Not-fit. We're always told that. Yay.

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Jemma, if you would like any advice, go here:




My sister runs this website. Herbalife is getting bigger and bigger every year and my dad's on it. He's lost over a stone, so it works.


If you don't want to do that, I recommend Weight Watchers. I did that during a school year and lost a stone.


Pilates also works. I got so slim and slender, such a flat belly! So toned! I'm not joking. I don't know how much I lost, but Pilates isn't really about losing weight, just toning up. It also makes you SO MUCH STRONGER and more flexible. I only did it once a week for an hour at my dance school and I saw a difference in about five months. That sounds long, but look at how regularly I did it. It's best to go out and do it I think, because from personal experience I find myself more determined and driven, whereas if it's on a DVD you tend to think "I'll do it later..." and don't end up doing it.


I think it's better for you to starting losing the weight from slightly changing your diet first, rather than dieting and exercising at the same time. The process will take longer because as you exercise, my muscles will build up and muscles weighs more than fat. So, lose the weight first, then start off with gentle exercises to tone yourself up. Don't push yourself too hard and first.


that's my advice. :)


Good luck girls! (athough i need to tone up myself LOL)

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Morning....wait...Afternoon :)

See i have only heard good things about weight watchers (but cant join as under 18, so could only go accompanied by an adult - grrr).

Never heard much about slimming world.


I once lost about 4 kg (about 8 pounds) with Weight Watchers. That doesn't sound much but it was ok. I never joined because I didn't want to pay the money :blush-anim-cl: . So I just got myself some books and lists with points. It worked as long as my term break lasted. Once university started again I somehow lost the overview over the points and stuff. But its a good way to lose weight as you really start to pay attention to what you eat. So maybe you don't have to join either but just get some books and information from people who once did it. I would send you my things but its in German :naughty: .

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Cazgirl, tis very true what you say. Health is a big part of feeling good. You have to have a healthy mind to start with and the rest should fall into place!

In a perfect world, yes. Otherwise you have to work at it. Like oakie dokie says, it doesn't really matter what you eat in moderation, if you are happy and healthy and motivated.


It's whan your health starts to fail that I lose confidence. Stops me from doing much at all to be honest, so if I can get some confidence from like minded ladies I hope to improve.

Keep the faith girls................

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Hi Girls!

I will update the list tomorrow as i am really suffering with my tonsillitis and the anti-biotics I got today really wiped me out.

I guess I have had a head start with my new way of life (well it's hard to eat with a sore throat).

I can't believe the size of this tread, I thought bab and I would be talking to ourselves LOL

Anyway I plan to weigh myself tomorrow and then only weigh myself once a week and see how I have done and let you guys know. I might even make myself a chart or something. I am going to generally follow the weight watchers diet (points system) and try to cut out the crap.:biggrin2:

Good Luck Everyone!

See less of me in the New Year!

j x

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Hi Girls!

I will update the list tomorrow as i am really suffering with my tonsillitis and the anti-biotics I got today really wiped me out.

I guess I have had a head start with my new way of life (well it's hard to eat with a sore throat).

I can't believe the size of this tread, I thought bab and I would be talking to ourselves LOL

Anyway I plan to weigh myself tomorrow and then only weigh myself once a week and see how I have done and let you guys know. I might even make myself a chart or something. I am going to generally follow the weight watchers diet (points system) and try to cut out the crap.:biggrin2:

Good Luck Everyone!

See less of me in the New Year!

j x




awww, get well soon hun x

I was just thinking of starting a thread ' I have swallowed a procupine' cos right now, that is how my throat feels!!!! if I had tonsils... I think I would have tonsilitis!!! but I don't.... so goodness knows what i've got:biggrin2:


My healthy eating starts properly on Wednesday!! no point right now...I will weigh myself and start from there. I don't do diets...or excersise....but cutting fat to a minimum in my food and eating 3 meals a day works for me (I always cut out breakfast before).


So, good luck to all..... the positive vibes in this thread mean Mika is gona have some seriously hot babes to deal with next tour.......:punk:

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Hi Girls!

I will update the list tomorrow as i am really suffering with my tonsillitis and the anti-biotics I got today really wiped me out.

I guess I have had a head start with my new way of life (well it's hard to eat with a sore throat).

I can't believe the size of this tread, I thought bab and I would be talking to ourselves LOL

Anyway I plan to weigh myself tomorrow and then only weigh myself once a week and see how I have done and let you guys know. I might even make myself a chart or something. I am going to generally follow the weight watchers diet (points system) and try to cut out the crap.:biggrin2:

Good Luck Everyone!

See less of me in the New Year!

j x



Im ill too, great was to see in 2008. Difference is, the doctors wont give me anything for it - grr.

Great idea about the chart though *heads to excel*

I was going to join weight watchers or slimming world, but a previous post has just reminded me that i can afford it lol.

So i might go and see what weight watchers diet books are around to work out their system.


P.S. Knowing that 4ft behind me is a very deep draw full to the brim of christmas chocolate is really winding me up!

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P.S. Knowing that 4ft behind me is a very deep draw full to the brim of christmas chocolate is really winding me up!


Screw it!

Im going to end up drinking boat loads tonight which is bad enough for you anyway, so i shall have my last binge :(

*cracks open a chocolate orange of which she has 4*

Tell me off in the morning lol, but having drunk only water today and eaten some cucumber and some tuna, im not fussed.

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Yes you sure started something Jems. I hope both you and Andi feel much better in a few days. U too pinky. I know what you mean about swallowing a porcupine. Horrid isn't it?

I have been quite good today so far, but I do need to occupy myself a bit more.

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hi guys i am going to do weightwactchers but i am also going to the meetings!!!

my weigh in date is on the monday so i will be leting u know my prgree on this day !!!

its just under a fiver a week but you can now get monthy passes which give u access to the net as well and i have been more movtivated beacuse i know i have paid even if i out on !!!!!!!!

apart from my dad saying give me a fiver and i will tell you you are fat !!! cheers daddy


we can do it !!!


ps i think the calender idea is fab and a good way to share our success and feel really pampered !!!!

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