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2008 - Reports/photos/videos/afterparty For Brixton 28-02-2008


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that is Luke's song :roftl:


alrightie! i thought she was saying there was another song that was played on the night of the gig called life gets in the way .

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Wow :shocked: that was a lot of reading... just like to say thanks to all who have shared your experiences, photos and videos.. i'm so happy for all of you who had a wicked time... Sariflor.. your t-shirt is adorable, no wonder he loves it!!:wub2: Fredd, love your pics.. as blur as they are... Rose, i'm glad he now knows your name.. can't wait for the next DVD with you in it.. you should really ask them for a fee.. :naughty:


Anyway to those who ended up in tears and dissapointment at the end of that night.. RELAX take it easy, such is life (gosh :shocked: i'm so corny) . I'm happy that you all had the chance to be at purportedly his best ever gig..... I'm slightly jealous..:sneaky2: but nevertheless happy for all of you :wink2:

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no idea how i'm supposed to read through all 97 pages of this thread, have so much to do cause i'm going to australia for 2 weeks from thursday on and have nothing packed or planned yet... :blink: so i'll just write my report without reading the thread first, i presume you know all the basic facts, so i'll just write about my very personal point of view/experience. :wink2:


to sum it up, the whole evening was a dream come true for me. or rather many dreams. i never would've in fact expected it, but what i dreamt of was a) being on stage with mika, b) getting some sort of backstage pass/meet&greet/aftershowparty, c) getting another pic with him, cause the one i had was awful and d) getting to talk with him a bit, cause the days before i didn't really get the chance to. i had managed to give him a present from his german fanclub on monday, but that was just "here's a present from your german fans" - "thanx".

all those dreams came true on thursday, except for maybe the talking, i actually wanted to ask him how he liked the present, but didn't get to talk with him much. that didn't matter at all though, he still made the evening perfect for me, without saying much. here's the details... :wink2:


1. before the gig...

at about 2-3 pm, john came out to give out the aftershow wristbands... a lot of people started pushing, i even heard one after getting the wristband say "so what's it for?" :boxed: anyway, i was lucky to get one of the last ones john had there. actually, i didn't really think we'd get to meet mika at that aftershow thing, because so many wristbands were given out, i just couldn't imagine how they would organize it... anyway, there were some MFCers who didn't get wristbands, because they were patiently waiting at the back or had just gone to eat something. i felt really sorry for them, but john had said he'd get more wristbands for them later, and in the end, everyone got wristbands, thanx to avoca and allegra, so it was fine then.


later i was standing where mika was supposed to walk by when he entered the venue, but when they told everyone to step to one side and then mika came, i was suddenly caught in the middle of a pushing crowd, so i decided i wouldn't have the chance to talk to mika there anyway, and went to a place in the back, from where i could see well and take some pix. here's one:



avoca started talking to mika about the missing wristbands and at one point when he looked around, he saw me standing there in the back and asked me whether i got a wristband. well, you can guess that i literally melted at that moment... :wub2:


to be continued...

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sorry for all who were left out and those who felt left out: I tried my very best and I have been told it apparently stands on video either, so i have evidence of it too, in case one would not believe. LOL not all is on video (the behind the scene part is not o.c. only on andy's video LOL) and you have to to trust me on that.


I HAVE to defend mika and john for having done this at last min. and in a not planned way (which may have caused commotion), but with the best intentions. sadly sometimes the best intentions do not produce the best effects, and that's due to a series of reasons.


i think, like sivan wrote (I agree on that), mika was not that surprised of how the party went: I have seen him a few times before or after gigs (like most of us anyway) and he's always submerged by fans, more or less, and more or less a pressing way. he did not expect anything different. doesn't mean I'd have not liked to see him wandering with his glass in his hand, chatting freely to one or another, but sincerely I didn't see that realistic in any way.


I still remember what luke writes in his recent blog and stupidly enough, it moved me. go and read it, most of us have my space.


what i got in these london gigs days I got by mika's and john's generosity, I did not ask but was asked for it. and I am most grateful for it. could not wish for more.

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no idea how i'm supposed to read through all 97 pages of this thread, have so much to do cause i'm going to australia for 2 weeks from thursday on and have nothing packed or planned yet... :blink: so i'll just write my report without reading the thread first, i presume you know all the basic facts, so i'll just write about my very personal point of view/experience.


to sum it up, the whole evening was a dream come true for me. or rather many dreams. i never would've in fact expected it, but what i dreamt of was a) being on stage with mika, b) getting some sort of backstage pass/meet&greet/aftershowparty, c) getting another pic with him, cause the one i had was awful and d) getting to talk with him a bit, cause the days before i didn't really get the chance to. i had managed to give him a present from his german fanclub on monday, but that was just "here's a present from your german fans" - "thanx".

all those dreams came true on thursday, except for maybe the talking, i actually wanted to ask him how he liked the present, but didn't get to talk with him much. that didn't matter at all though, he still made the evening perfect for me, without saying much. here's the details...


1. before the gig...

at about 2-3 pm, john came out to give out the aftershow wristbands... a lot of people started pushing, i even heard one after getting the wristband say "so what's it for?" :boxed: anyway, i was lucky to get one of the last ones john had there. actually, i didn't really think we'd get to meet mika at that aftershow thing, because so many wristbands were given out, i just couldn't imagine how they would organize it... anyway, there were some MFCers who didn't get wristbands, because they were patiently waiting at the back or had just gone to eat something. i felt really sorry for them, but john had said he'd get more wristbands for them later, and in the end, everyone got wristbands, thanx to avoca and allegra, so it was fine then.


later i was standing where mika was supposed to walk by when he entered the venue, but when they told everyone to step to one side and then mika came, i was suddenly caught in the middle of a pushing crowd, so i decided i wouldn't have the chance to talk to mika there anyway, and went to a place in the back, from where i could see well and take some pix. here's one:



avoca started talking to mika about the missing wristbands and at one point when he looked around, he saw me standing there in the back and asked me whether i got a wristband. well, you can guess that i literally melted at that moment... :wub2:


to be continued...



aww.. Mellody really happy for you... it's really wonderful to be recognised... btw.. lovely to meet you.. and I really do like your singing it is somewhat unique :thumb_yello:


sorry for all who were left out and those who felt left out: I tried my very best and I have been told it apparently stands on video either, so i have evidence of it too, in case one would not believe. LOL not all is on video (the behind the scene part is not o.c. only on andy's video LOL) and you have to to trust me on that.


I HAVE to defend mika and john for having done this at last min. and in a not planned way (which may have caused commotion), but with the best intentions. sadly sometimes the best intentions do not produce the best effects, and that's due to a series of reasons.


i think, like sivan wrote (I agree on that), mika was not that surprised of how the party went: I have seen him a few times before or after gigs (like most of us anyway) and he's always submerged by fans, more or less, and more or less a pressing way. he did not expect anything different. doesn't mean I'd have not liked to see him wandering with his glass in his hand, chatting freely to one or another, but sincerely I didn't see that realistic in any way.


I still remember what luke writes in his recent blog and stupidly enough, it moved me. go and read it, most of us have my space.


what i got in these london gigs days I got by mika's and john's generosity, I did not ask but was asked for it. and I am most grateful for it. could not wish for more.


Avoca, I've read about your efforts.. well done .. you're such a nice person.. lovely meeting you on tuesday.. wish we could speak more, but i was too overwhelmed by the number of MFCers there.. anyway, thanks to you many more got in.. you and the others are heroes :wink2:

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we are not heroes, nikjass, we just tried our best for mfc'ers. but thx for your kind words, made me blush :blush-anim-cl:


it was SO nice to meet ya too! I know you come a long way to see mika, but I do hope we'll meet again at some gig. :wub2:

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2. the show

won't go into detail there, guess you know everything already. brilliant show, and then everone getting on stage during lollipop... on the tuesday show, i had already climbed over the barrier when mika did that stage invading thing, and got on stage, but much too late, it was all over by then. on thursday though, it all started much sooner, so i had time to climb over the barrier without hurrying and falling over :naughty: , got on stage without martin's foot almost hitting me in the face :roftl: , and danced, sung and jumped like mad up there. it was just brilliant! i actually didn't realize much of what was happening around me, i didn't see mika, just a lot of people around me and the crowd, the balloons and confetti... i sung a bit together with aurelien, accidentially bumped into one of the violinists, saw some lollipop girls and big girls jumping around, and saranyde was suddenly next to me, singing at me. and by the end of the song, i was sweating, breathless and totally happy. what a great feeling to stand up there!


if anyone has videos of lollipop, could you please PM me the link? i still haven't found any on the youtube search, and as i said, don't have time to read through this thread...


here's one of my pix from the show, unfortunately they're not all that good, but will post them all some time this week on http://www.mikafanclub.de/bilder.php :wink2:



3. aftershow

i've already written about the bad/sad part of the aftershow party in my post on page sixty-something, so i'll keep to the positive sides now, and to my personal experience of meeting mika

of course i loved it that he mentioned me during his little speech, when he talked about people who had travelled a lot. called me gray skelly because of my costume, lol! :naughty:


i didn't want to push through the crowd that always surrounded mika, so i just sometimes stood at the back of the crowd, trying to make eye contact with him, to show him that i was there waiting. apart from that, i talked with saranyde and cherisse about their hair (sara's curls are fake, cherisse's hair is real, she just grew it longer and brushes it more so that it looks so much) and about other things, just a bit of chatting... said hi to martin, and got pix taken with fluffy and leluque - i wanted a gray skelly pic with him :naughty: - here it is! btw, just noticed that mika is in the background there too, lol!



to be continued

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no idea how i'm supposed to read through all 97 pages of this thread, have so much to do cause i'm going to australia for 2 weeks from thursday on and have nothing packed or planned yet... so i'll just write my report without reading the thread first, i presume you know all the basic facts, so i'll just write about my very personal point of view/experience.


to sum it up, the whole evening was a dream come true for me. or rather many dreams. i never would've in fact expected it, but what i dreamt of was a) being on stage with mika, b) getting some sort of backstage pass/meet&greet/aftershowparty, c) getting another pic with him, cause the one i had was awful and d) getting to talk with him a bit, cause the days before i didn't really get the chance to. i had managed to give him a present from his german fanclub on monday, but that was just "here's a present from your german fans" - "thanx".

all those dreams came true on thursday, except for maybe the talking, i actually wanted to ask him how he liked the present, but didn't get to talk with him much. that didn't matter at all though, he still made the evening perfect for me, without saying much. here's the details... :wink2:


1. before the gig...

at about 2-3 pm, john came out to give out the aftershow wristbands... a lot of people started pushing, i even heard one after getting the wristband say "so what's it for?" :boxed: anyway, i was lucky to get one of the last ones john had there. actually, i didn't really think we'd get to meet mika at that aftershow thing, because so many wristbands were given out, i just couldn't imagine how they would organize it... anyway, there were some MFCers who didn't get wristbands, because they were patiently waiting at the back or had just gone to eat something. i felt really sorry for them, but john had said he'd get more wristbands for them later, and in the end, everyone got wristbands, thanx to avoca and allegra, so it was fine then.


later i was standing where mika was supposed to walk by when he entered the venue, but when they told everyone to step to one side and then mika came, i was suddenly caught in the middle of a pushing crowd, so i decided i wouldn't have the chance to talk to mika there anyway, and went to a place in the back, from where i could see well and take some pix. here's one:



avoca started talking to mika about the missing wristbands and at one point when he looked around, he saw me standing there in the back and asked me whether i got a wristband. well, you can guess that i literally melted at that moment...


to be continued...


2. the show

won't go into detail there, guess you know everything already. brilliant show, and then everone getting on stage during lollipop... on the tuesday show, i had already climbed over the barrier when mika did that stage invading thing, and got on stage, but much too late, it was all over by then. on thursday though, it all started much sooner, so i had time to climb over the barrier without hurrying and falling over , got on stage without martin's foot almost hitting me in the face , and danced, sung and jumped like mad up there. it was just brilliant! i actually didn't realize much of what was happening around me, i didn't see mika, just a lot of people around me and the crowd, the balloons and confetti... i sung a bit together with aurelien, accidentially bumped into one of the violinists, saw some lollipop girls and big girls jumping around, and saranyde was suddenly next to me, singing at me. and by the end of the song, i was sweating, breathless and totally happy. what a great feeling to stand up there!


if anyone has videos of lollipop, could you please PM me the link? i still haven't found any on the youtube search, and as i said, don't have time to read through this thread...


here's one of my pix from the show, unfortunately they're not all that good, but will post them all some time this week on http://www.mikafanclub.de/bilder.php



3. aftershow

i've already written about the bad/sad part of the aftershow party in my post on page sixty-something, so i'll keep to the positive sides now, and to my personal experience of meeting mika

of course i loved it that he mentioned me during his little speech, when he talked about people who had travelled a lot. called me gray skelly because of my costume, lol! :


i didn't want to push through the crowd that always surrounded mika, so i just sometimes stood at the back of the crowd, trying to make eye contact with him, to show him that i was there waiting. apart from that, i talked with saranyde and cherisse about their hair (sara's curls are fake, cherisse's hair is real, she just grew it longer and brushes it more so that it looks so much) and about other things, just a bit of chatting... said hi to martin, and got pix taken with fluffy and leluque - i wanted a gray skelly pic with him :naughty: - here it is! btw, just noticed that mika is in the background there too, lol!



to be continued


Thanks for your report Mellody! :thumb_yello: It's wonderful to read that you had your dreams come true last week. Wow. This is the highlight night for the for so many. Great Pics!

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sorry for all who were left out and those who felt left out: I tried my very best and I have been told it apparently stands on video either, so i have evidence of it too, in case one would not believe. LOL not all is on video (the behind the scene part is not o.c. only on andy's video LOL) and you have to to trust me on that.


I HAVE to defend mika and john for having done this at last min. and in a not planned way (which may have caused commotion), but with the best intentions. sadly sometimes the best intentions do not produce the best effects, and that's due to a series of reasons.


i think, like sivan wrote (I agree on that), mika was not that surprised of how the party went: I have seen him a few times before or after gigs (like most of us anyway) and he's always submerged by fans, more or less, and more or less a pressing way. he did not expect anything different. doesn't mean I'd have not liked to see him wandering with his glass in his hand, chatting freely to one or another, but sincerely I didn't see that realistic in any way.


I didn't get one

:emot-sad::crybaby::tears: :tears:

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I see Jennie, Kamiva and some other MFCers on stage here =)




Thanks for this pic!!!!!

We can see us clearly.. AAAAaaaaaaaa!!!!



lollipop -


Great video! :thumb_yello:

Almost entire song on the stage! It was amaaazing!

HE turned the microphone to us for a while!!! :shocked:

And this huge smile on his face when he was looking at us! he was really happy that we have so much fun! So incredible night! :wub2:

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Ok, still haven't read the hole thread...


xBillyBrownx - even if you queued early you couldn't have gone to the afterparty...you weren't 18...only +18 because of the drinking


Ruth - Thanks for the pics, please send them over to me :thumb_yello:


sariflor - I love you for being so direct...and right on



The thing is...Olga, the french girl, has been to like 18 gigs or something and Mrs. Penniman already recognizes her...on Monday backstage for Thurday was brought up...On the 28th Mrs. Penniman called her and 10 backstage passes were going to be handed over to her...and I was going in with her since I was representing the portuguese :shocked:


I was afraid of going though...ppl would probably mob me or something saying I didn't deserve it...Though I've only been here for 2 months, I LOVE Mika's music from the very beggining, but due to RL and money issues I don't have the chance of following arround...Olga did so much for me on the 3 gigs...the first of a long list I intend to do...


And not only the french group was going with her mind you...it just became bigger suddently, but if it wasn't for Olga talking about it on Monday it wouldn't have happenned...so bow to her now :mf_rosetinted:



I got given this oportunity and I don't want to feel bad just 'cause I had my first gig this week....my mind tends to block the bad things that happenned and focus on the good ones liek meeting all of you...I LOVE YOU PPL :wub2:


Will report later, just had to say this



Oh and to your big rant Christine....You go girl :thumb_yello:


(sorry for my bad speeling :bleh: )


Love, JuJu


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