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MIKA - Nice airport - 4th november 2007


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Papped indeed, but gosh how we all like looking, esp the one of him going through security just like ONE OF US!!


Yeah, and I thought we generally don't post the real pap pics, when he's

not at a function -- like the Cirque du Soleil pics were OK, because

it was a public event. This is just Mika being Mika...


How do we feel about that? Is this type of photo

an intrusion, or something that is OK to post? I'm just trying to take the

pulse of the forum in general -- where is the line? What's OK to post?

Anything? Everything? Just asking...



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Yeah, and I thought we generally don't post the real pap pics, when he's

not at a function -- like the Cirque du Soleil pics were OK, because

it was a public event. This is just Mika being Mika...


How do we feel about that? Is this type of photo

an intrusion, or something that is OK to post? I'm just trying to take the

pulse of the forum in general -- where is the line? What's OK to post?

Anything? Everything? Just asking...





i don't know how i feel... mixed feelings i think. he has to expect to have his picture taken at an airport i suppose...he is in a public area. you can see he is with his band... they are in the background. it's not like he is at a friend's house and got papped. but i am not sure i would have the patiences to have my picture taken everywhere i go... i think i would loose my cool.

mr. m... fix your scarf! ;o)

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Yeah, and I thought we generally don't post the real pap pics, when he's

not at a function -- like the Cirque du Soleil pics were OK, because

it was a public event. This is just Mika being Mika...


How do we feel about that? Is this type of photo

an intrusion, or something that is OK to post? I'm just trying to take the

pulse of the forum in general -- where is the line? What's OK to post?

Anything? Everything? Just asking...




i don't know how i feel... mixed feelings i think. he has to expect to have his picture taken at an airport i suppose...he is in a public area. you can see he is with his band... they are in the background. it's not like he is at a friend's house and got papped. but i am not sure i would have the patiences to have my picture taken everywhere i go... i think i would loose my cool.

mr. m... fix your scarf! ;o)


I feel the same way. As he gets bigger more and more paps are going to be after him. I say they are okay to post on the board just as long as

1. It's not our own members chasing him down the streets with cameras taking a pic of his every move.

2. This doesn't turn into an all pap board where you only find papped pics because that's just creepy.

3. He/ his family/ his management request they not be posted.

4. It's not a really personal pic like him hanging out with friends etc. It needs to respect his/their privacy.

5. His family isn't in it because I remember reading that Yasmine requested that her picture not be put online and the others might feel the same way.


It's really sucky that he's being papped though - don't get me wrong. I'm not fond of paparazzi and how they invade ones personal space/privacy. With Mika he's bound to get papped when he's out in public now. I think he has done a pretty good job so far because there aren't too many of these pics out there, at least I haven't seen very many because I generally don't consider ones taken at award ceremonies as paparazzi pics for some reason even though they sort of are when you really think about it. I guess because it's a given that if you're there on the red carpet you're going to have your photo taken and some of those photos go into high end magazines or well written articles, not always trashy tabloids. Believe me, I've been giving this a bit of thought lately because I'll be becoming a professional photographer within a little over a year from now and I've been debating back and forth about how I would feel if I were assigned to go out and take photos at an event/red carpet event because I refuse to become or be thought of as a paparazzi. I have more talent than these people hounding others for a picture and I have respect for other's personal space/privacy. I don't know, it's just an event/red carpet event just doesn't seem as sleazy to me unlike the pictures where paps jump out in front of a car to get their photo of whoever it is in the passenger seat hoping to sell it to a tabloid. Also I hope that when Mika gets papped in the future (even though I wish he wouldn't) it's just pictures like this - him walking through the airport... nothing more personal.

I give him mad credit. I would not be able to stand having people following me around taking my picture non-stop knowing that they're going to try to make money off of it. I probably wouldn't mind as much if it were some of my fans taking pictures because I'm making their day just being there (granted they didn't follow me everywhere, I was happy and looked great that day. :naughty:)


Sorry that was terribly long.

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I'd have just stuck my finger up at them but hey that's just me. I do that to photographers at nightclubs. But I guess he has more patience than that. :naughty:

And I do that too.. :naughty: we'll have fun when we go out (fake) drinking.. :wink2:

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