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Perez Hilton: The MFC Interview


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Wow cool interview. Next step Mika interview. That would be interesting:naughty:


"interesting"? Oh yes! Keep your fingers crossed that Perez says nice

things about me to his friend Mika! :blush-anim-cl:



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perhaps we will read about you at



special section on dcdeb, and hopefully he will be kind to your picture!!!



:naughty: I wouldn't expect Perez to treat me any differently than he

does anyone else... but can you imagine? Getting my pic on his site? :wub2:


Of course, there are some who thought the pic of his DOG Teddy on

the first page of this thread was actually me, just because of the hair

color! Thanks, Kath! :sneaky2:





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:naughty: I wouldn't expect Perez to treat me any differently than he

does anyone else... but can you imagine? Getting my pic on his site? :wub2:


Of course, there are some who thought the pic of his DOG Teddy on

the first page of this thread was actually me, just because of the hair

color! Thanks, Kath! :sneaky2:






lol how could they??? you are not that hairy... are you???? :boxed:


hmmm what would he file you under????

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lol how could they??? you are not that hairy... are you???? :boxed:


Not since the Nair accident :naughty:


lhmmm what would he file you under????


He might put a pic of me and Teddy Hilton under "Separated at Birth?"





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Not since the Nair accident :naughty:




He might put a pic of me and Teddy Hilton under "Separated at Birth?"






hahahahahaha i don't know what to say about that one ...

you got me! deb = 1 guylaine = 0 :naughty:

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so i JUST read this... cant believe i didnt before... i wish i had more time to spend here latley!


thanks deb ;) GREAT JOB! :thumb_yello:


he talked about the WILTERN... was an amazing show! and it was so funny when he walked outside and so many ppl that were waiting for Mika to come, they just left the line and ran to him! hahahaha it was funny :naughty:

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so i JUST read this... cant believe i didnt before... i wish i had more time to spend here latley!


Awww, I wish you did, too! Miss seeing you around this place! :wub2:


thanks deb ;) GREAT JOB! :thumb_yello:


he talked about the WILTERN... was an amazing show! and it was so funny when he walked outside and so many ppl that were waiting for Mika to come, they just left the line and ran to him! hahahaha it was funny :naughty:


:roftl: It was sort of the same in New York -- in fact, as we were standing

outside after the show, waiting for Mika, Perez came out and

walked past me and over to my left.

I was about to rush over to try to meet him when I looked

straight ahead and saw Mika walking right toward me. Hmmm... I

had to choose Mika, didn't I?! :blush-anim-cl: One of these days

I'll meet Perez, though -- I hope!



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Perez Hilton: The MFC Interview

by dcdeb




I'm sure that by now many of you know who Perez Hilton is -- the celebrity gossip blogger who writes, sometimes ruthlessly, about the famous, near-famous and wannabe famous... television, movie, music, sports, and political figures are all fair game on his

website, http://www.perezhilton.com.


I would venture to say that a good number of the members

here on MikaFanClub.com found out about Mika through Perez's

site. Perez was a very early proponent of our favorite

curly haired British singer, featuring short items and music

clips on his site as far back as 2006.


And probably quite a few

of you found out about Perez through the MFC --

because not only was Perez a supporter of Mika from quite

early on, he has since become friends with Mika and has been

seen with Mika at several events. In addition to that, Perez

is a member of MikaFanClub.com himself, so he has been seen

around these parts occasionally.


A few months ago, when the MFC was in the midst of celebrating

its first anniversary, our admin deano suggested that since

Perez was a member here perhaps he would agree to do

an interview for us. While everyone was enthusiastic about

the idea, and a number of members posted their

ideas for questions they'd like to see Perez answer,

nothing seemed to come of it.


I periodically have written to Perez over the past

year, to comment on something on his site, or when

he's been on TV, and he's almost always written back to me

very promptly -- even if it was only two words. So a

month or so ago, on a whim, I sent Perez an email asking

if he'd be interested in doing a short interview with me. (I'm a

writer in my non-MFC life, so I figured, "Why not?")


To my amazement, Perez wrote back immediately in the affirmative.




(That was the sound I made when I fell out of my chair.)


Perez suggested that we do the interview over AIM,

possibly the next day. That night was the night of

the Brit Awards, so obviously we

couldn't talk then, and the next day Perez was flying home.

After that were a number of other awards shows, and other

projects, he was involved in -- you cannot deny that

Perez Hilton is one busy man! And I too had some

travel and other things to keep me from connecting with the

"Queen of all Media," as Perez sometimes calls himself.


But this past Monday night, I found myself online,

and saw that Perez was as well, so I just

poked my nose in to his cyberspace

and asked him if he was still

interested in doing an interview with me.


"Ya, def!" came his immediate reply. But "not right now."


Before I could ask, "When?" he came back with, "or now! LOL!

I just may take some time in between questions, I'm working on

the site."


OK, then... so this is how my little chat with

MikaFanClub.com member Perez Hilton went:


dcdeb: How do you find out about all the new music you write about? MySpace? Elsewhere on the internet? Or is it at the point where record companies send stuff to you now? For example, how did you first hear about Mika?


PH: I usually find out about music through my readers. They will send in things they think I should listen to. I easily get about 100 submissions a day, and I listen to everything. I discovered Mika through his MySpace. And I instantly fell in love with his music. Instantly. And, at this point, his album hadn't even come out in the U.K. No single.

I didn't even know if he had a record deal. I just instantly connected with his music.


dcdeb: Since we're talking about Mika, what is your very fave Mika lyric/song? If you have one...


PH: I don't have a favorite song. That's what is so great about the album, Life in Cartoon Motion. EVERY song is good. I honestly can't think of a single song I don't like. That is very rare.


dcdeb: You definitely belong on the Mika Fan Club!


PH: And the new music is not gonna disappoint!


dcdeb: Have you heard a bit?


PH: He hasn't begun recording yet, but he's sung me some stuff, and it's amazing. And that's all I'm saying about that :)


dcdeb: I understand -- wouldn't ask you to say more. So what about other up-and-comers? Do you have a fave? Eric Hutchinson? Katy Perry?


PH: Everyone who performed at my concert in Austin (Texas, as the South by Southwest festival, March 13-15). Everyone -- Robyn, Katy (Perry), Eric (Hutchinson), Meiko, Ultraviolet, Dragonette...


dcdeb: They are the ones to watch?


PH: Definitely.


dcdeb: So how does an event like your Austin show come about? Is that all you?


PH: I got a production company to help me put it all together. I asked the artists, and all of the ones that were gonna be there on that date said yes. I was amazed... and honored.


dcdeb: I wondered how much say you had in it.


PH: Oh, I picked every single person. It was all me.


dcdeb: You are really carving a niche for yourself in that area, aren't you? In music, I mean.


PH: Music is my passion. I think that's why Mika and I are friends. We share that bond. And he can see through the Hollywood bullsh*t.


dcdeb: Did you ever think your blog would lead you here?


PH: No! I never thought anyone other than my friends would read my site.


dcdeb: And yet... how many do now?


PH: About 9 to 10 million a day... depending on the day.


dcdeb: So now besides the blog you have the TV gig, and the book, and the movie, right? You are really conquering all media!


PH: I work hard. Extremely hard. It's a 24/7 job.


dcdeb: OK, here are a few questions directly from the fan club

members. Can you say which celebs you think are the most decent people, and which are the least?


PH: I think that's pretty obvious on my site. The ones I like I think are decent people. The ones I don't, could improve on a few things!


dcdeb: Sometimes the sarcasm is so thick, though. Lately, I'm not sure how you feel about Madonna.


PH: I love Madonna. She is my ultimate icon. That doesn't mean I can't make fun of her, or criticize her. If Mika does something i think is silly or bad, I will call him out on it. No one is safe!


dcdeb: *gulps* OK! What do you think is the nastiest thing you've ever said about someone? Have you ever regretted anything you've said about someone?


PH: The nastiest thing I ever said about someone was that Britney's babies are slow and special. Humor is based on truth. Let's face it, it would not be surprising to find out that Britney was doing drugs and/or drinking and/or smoking while pregnant. And, no, I have no regrets.


dcdeb: Two last questions, one silly, one serious. First, given all the bad examples you see, would you ever have plastic surgery?


PH: Never. I'm a chicken. I hate pain... and the possibility of dying!


dcdeb: Finally, do you think Mika will ever break really big in the US? Or don't you think it matters, given how successful he is overseas?


PH: Mika has broken in America! Not everyone can sell out the Wiltern Theater in Los Angeles. That venue holds 3,000 people. His tour all over the U.S. was sold out. He may not get the same radio play he does overseas, but he doesn't need it.


And then, I realized that an hour had passed. Perez had been

very generous with his time and I knew he had work to

finish on his website -- I really had expected only

a few quick minutes, so this lengthy chat had been a

real treat. I thanked him and made sure

to tell him that we here at MikaFanClub.com love him and

enjoy his work (especially when he's writing about Mika!).

He very kindly said that the interview

had been his pleasure, and then, after telling him to

give his adorable pup Teddy a scritch behind the ears,

I signed off...


... then quickly pointed my browser to perezhilton.com

to see what dirt the Queen of All Media had dug up for me

this time...


I do not know who this man is but if all he can do is write repugnant things about people i dont frankly care:thumbdown:

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WE LOVE PEREZ!!! That was super great for him to take the time to do that interview with you dcdeb!:punk:


What is so great about someone who makes a living from writing vicious things about people?? Including those who are clearly mentally ill and vulnerable! I don't get this hero-worship - just because he's Mika's friend and gave an interview doesn't make him worthy of all this lurve... Seriously where's the evidence he's a nice person? Happy to change my mind..but right now I really don't get why Mika likes him unless they're either dating or Mika's playing nice to help his career.

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What is so great about someone who makes a living from writing vicious things about people?? Including those who are clearly mentally ill and vulnerable! I don't get this hero-worship - just because he's Mika's friend and gave an interview doesn't make him worthy of all this lurve... Seriously where's the evidence he's a nice person? Happy to change my mind..but right now I really don't get why Mika likes him unless they're either dating or Mika's playing nice to help his career.


We like him because he makes us laugh. Although not everybody has the same opinion. He usually always has something nice to say about Mika and he can be very nice. He is nice to reply to peoples emails and to do this interview for dcdeb. We love perez for doing that.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Perez Hilton: The MFC Interview

by dcdeb




I'm sure that by now many of you know who Perez Hilton is -- the celebrity gossip blogger who writes, sometimes ruthlessly, about the famous, near-famous and wannabe famous... television, movie, music, sports, and political figures are all fair game on his

website, http://www.perezhilton.com.


I would venture to say that a good number of the members

here on MikaFanClub.com found out about Mika through Perez's

site. Perez was a very early proponent of our favorite

curly haired British singer, featuring short items and music

clips on his site as far back as 2006.


And probably quite a few

of you found out about Perez through the MFC --

because not only was Perez a supporter of Mika from quite

early on, he has since become friends with Mika and has been

seen with Mika at several events. In addition to that, Perez

is a member of MikaFanClub.com himself, so he has been seen

around these parts occasionally.


A few months ago, when the MFC was in the midst of celebrating

its first anniversary, our admin deano suggested that since

Perez was a member here perhaps he would agree to do

an interview for us. While everyone was enthusiastic about

the idea, and a number of members posted their

ideas for questions they'd like to see Perez answer,

nothing seemed to come of it.


I periodically have written to Perez over the past

year, to comment on something on his site, or when

he's been on TV, and he's almost always written back to me

very promptly -- even if it was only two words. So a

month or so ago, on a whim, I sent Perez an email asking

if he'd be interested in doing a short interview with me. (I'm a

writer in my non-MFC life, so I figured, "Why not?")


To my amazement, Perez wrote back immediately in the affirmative.




(That was the sound I made when I fell out of my chair.)


Perez suggested that we do the interview over AIM,

possibly the next day. That night was the night of

the Brit Awards, so obviously we

couldn't talk then, and the next day Perez was flying home.

After that were a number of other awards shows, and other

projects, he was involved in -- you cannot deny that

Perez Hilton is one busy man! And I too had some

travel and other things to keep me from connecting with the

"Queen of all Media," as Perez sometimes calls himself.


But this past Monday night, I found myself online,

and saw that Perez was as well, so I just

poked my nose in to his cyberspace

and asked him if he was still

interested in doing an interview with me.


"Ya, def!" came his immediate reply. But "not right now."


Before I could ask, "When?" he came back with, "or now! LOL!

I just may take some time in between questions, I'm working on

the site."


OK, then... so this is how my little chat with

MikaFanClub.com member Perez Hilton went:


dcdeb: How do you find out about all the new music you write about? MySpace? Elsewhere on the internet? Or is it at the point where record companies send stuff to you now? For example, how did you first hear about Mika?


PH: I usually find out about music through my readers. They will send in things they think I should listen to. I easily get about 100 submissions a day, and I listen to everything. I discovered Mika through his MySpace. And I instantly fell in love with his music. Instantly. And, at this point, his album hadn't even come out in the U.K. No single.

I didn't even know if he had a record deal. I just instantly connected with his music.


dcdeb: Since we're talking about Mika, what is your very fave Mika lyric/song? If you have one...


PH: I don't have a favorite song. That's what is so great about the album, Life in Cartoon Motion. EVERY song is good. I honestly can't think of a single song I don't like. That is very rare.


dcdeb: You definitely belong on the Mika Fan Club!


PH: And the new music is not gonna disappoint!


dcdeb: Have you heard a bit?


PH: He hasn't begun recording yet, but he's sung me some stuff, and it's amazing. And that's all I'm saying about that :)


dcdeb: I understand -- wouldn't ask you to say more. So what about other up-and-comers? Do you have a fave? Eric Hutchinson? Katy Perry?


PH: Everyone who performed at my concert in Austin (Texas, as the South by Southwest festival, March 13-15). Everyone -- Robyn, Katy (Perry), Eric (Hutchinson), Meiko, Ultraviolet, Dragonette...


dcdeb: They are the ones to watch?


PH: Definitely.


dcdeb: So how does an event like your Austin show come about? Is that all you?


PH: I got a production company to help me put it all together. I asked the artists, and all of the ones that were gonna be there on that date said yes. I was amazed... and honored.


dcdeb: I wondered how much say you had in it.


PH: Oh, I picked every single person. It was all me.


dcdeb: You are really carving a niche for yourself in that area, aren't you? In music, I mean.


PH: Music is my passion. I think that's why Mika and I are friends. We share that bond. And he can see through the Hollywood bullsh*t.


dcdeb: Did you ever think your blog would lead you here?


PH: No! I never thought anyone other than my friends would read my site.


dcdeb: And yet... how many do now?


PH: About 9 to 10 million a day... depending on the day.


dcdeb: So now besides the blog you have the TV gig, and the book, and the movie, right? You are really conquering all media!


PH: I work hard. Extremely hard. It's a 24/7 job.


dcdeb: OK, here are a few questions directly from the fan club

members. Can you say which celebs you think are the most decent people, and which are the least?


PH: I think that's pretty obvious on my site. The ones I like I think are decent people. The ones I don't, could improve on a few things!


dcdeb: Sometimes the sarcasm is so thick, though. Lately, I'm not sure how you feel about Madonna.


PH: I love Madonna. She is my ultimate icon. That doesn't mean I can't make fun of her, or criticize her. If Mika does something i think is silly or bad, I will call him out on it. No one is safe!


dcdeb: *gulps* OK! What do you think is the nastiest thing you've ever said about someone? Have you ever regretted anything you've said about someone?


PH: The nastiest thing I ever said about someone was that Britney's babies are slow and special. Humor is based on truth. Let's face it, it would not be surprising to find out that Britney was doing drugs and/or drinking and/or smoking while pregnant. And, no, I have no regrets.


dcdeb: Two last questions, one silly, one serious. First, given all the bad examples you see, would you ever have plastic surgery?


PH: Never. I'm a chicken. I hate pain... and the possibility of dying!


dcdeb: Finally, do you think Mika will ever break really big in the US? Or don't you think it matters, given how successful he is overseas?


PH: Mika has broken in America! Not everyone can sell out the Wiltern Theater in Los Angeles. That venue holds 3,000 people. His tour all over the U.S. was sold out. He may not get the same radio play he does overseas, but he doesn't need it.


And then, I realized that an hour had passed. Perez had been

very generous with his time and I knew he had work to

finish on his website -- I really had expected only

a few quick minutes, so this lengthy chat had been a

real treat. I thanked him and made sure

to tell him that we here at MikaFanClub.com love him and

enjoy his work (especially when he's writing about Mika!).

He very kindly said that the interview

had been his pleasure, and then, after telling him to

give his adorable pup Teddy a scritch behind the ears,

I signed off...


... then quickly pointed my browser to perezhilton.com

to see what dirt the Queen of All Media had dug up for me

this time...

Ooh that's so cool!


Thanks DCeb, thanks Perez!

You're both great :o

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