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Mika's Secret Double Life


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well, he's also 30 years older than he claims to be and already had 2 kids in the 70s. hurray for plastic surgery. :roftl:


:lol3: I knew he was...


Happy April Fool's day soangel dear !!! Hilarious!!:roftl:


It isn't April Fools yet BUT as far as April Fools Jokes go that was one of the BEST I have ever seen!!!!!! :punk:


:winner_third_h4h::groupwave: GOOD ONE!!! :thumb_yello:

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Is it April 1st in Australia Already????


This is Hilarious!!


For those of you or us who believe this - Think! With Everything you know of Mika do you Really Believe this could be true?? Hahahahaha!!


Great April's Fool Day Gag!!

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I was just waiting to see if someone did a thread like this...i was up at midnight and said to all the kiwis...I wounder how long it will be before fake threads pop up like last year! :naughty: :naughty:

I dont believe it for a second

someone needs to work on their photoshop

someone needs to get some new material...mika having a gf or a wife...was done last year

someone needs to think how crushed the Newbies will feel!



but its a great story...soangel you can spin a yarn cant ya...have ya ever considered writing fiction? oh wait. NM



oh btw pinch and a punch for the first of the month

"white rabbits"

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Mika's secret double life




Published: 31 Mar 2008








Fans of Grace Kelly singer will be shocked to learn today that the famous UK popstar has been leading a double life. Infamous for keeping mum about his sexuality, the star has been outed publicly by his own wife.


"I just couldn't do it anymore. I know he kept quiet out of a desire to protect me, but the pressure is too much," the young woman, who wishes to remain unnamed for now, told us in a exclusive interview.


"I see him on the Tv, and touring the world and all I want is to be there with him. But he wanted to protect me, and so I stay at home. It's putting too much pressure on our marriage.



All I want is to be there for my husband in this important stage of his life. To be able to wake up beside him, to be able to share in his success. Instead I'm lucky to be able to see him one month out of 12."


However, if the news of Mika's wife wasn't surprising enough, fans will be shocked to learn that the 24 year old singer has children as well, 2 little girls who just celebrated their 4th birthday (pictured above with the singer).


"Obviously it's hard for them. They see Daddy on the TV, yet they don't understand why he is not at home. They don’t care about the music, or the fame or anything, all they want is their father.


"Poor Meeks finds it just as hard. He loves his little girls. They’re the most important things in the world to him and everything he does is for them. Every time he comes home, it's with a suitcase full of toys and presents for them, and he lavishes attention on them. But you can tell it's not enough, his heart breaks every time he leaves and I fear he won't be able to do this much longer"


When asked if she was worried about how his fans would react the woman had this to say.


"I know they'll be upset. To them, it'll mean that someone they saw as single, someone they fantasized about, is no longer available to them. And I know they'll resent me. However, all I ask is that they understand. I never asked for any of this. I didn't want to be the wife of a popstar, all I wanted to be is the wife of Mika. The pressure of keeping silent is putting too much stress on him, and on me and our children, and it's no wonder he is getting sick so often. I hope in time his fan base learns to accept me, because I'm not going anywhere"







(I found this while searching online... will post link soon)



oh goodness...how silly is that??:naughty::shocked:

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omg! what an amazing thing tho... i actually nvr would have guessed. he is gifted w/ two little bundle joys, andhe hardly gets to see them, i can honestly c why he kept it secret as much as he did, but i cant believe it! i hope it doesnt affect his carreer tho.

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Awww, what precious little girls he has.


like peas in a pod:roftl:

He's into retro though isn't he, look at his influences lots of 80's etc.:naughty:


To me, the whole thing looks more like one of those cheapey horror films, like where the group go to a cabin in the woods and get murdered one by one in a stupid way...I don't know, something about the atmosphere of the pic reminds me of those, lol!


well, he's also 30 years older than he claims to be and already had 2 kids in the 70s. hurray for plastic surgery. :roftl:


I always thought that he looked older than 24.Well into his 30's in fact.:sneaky2: Humm..


Think the wife shouldn't complain too loudly, one of those girls doesn't look much like daddy :naughty:




And, I feel awful for those poor little girls. They always see him as "Mika" on YouTube...er, TV. And yet he barely ever comes to spend time with them in Australia...I mean, London.


I think that from now on, we should put the concert videos on youtube as "Daddy sings Relax" rather than "Mika, so we don't confuse the poor little ones.


Ummm, that was at the start of the Vodafone TBA Manchester interview where he did a spoof speed-dating intro where he said "I'm looking for a stable relationship, but no kids, not for now." There was no mention of marriage, and it was a spoof in the first place.


You took the words out of my mouth...he never mentioned marriage.

The day he comes out saying he wants to get married, I will effectively eat my hat. Or a suitable alternative, as I have no hat.


That's not me..


It's my Brother :yay:


You know what??? I was thinking that it looked like a boy, in fact he reminds me (don't take it badly) of the kid in The Omen:blush-anim-cl:

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