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Mika is definitely still Mika. As some people said, he has the money to do more with his shows, music, clothes, etc. And heck yes, he's going to use that money! I suppose he has changed, but it's his natural evolution as an artist. He's going to become a bit more put together, and professional at working in "the biz" but I don't think the essence of Mika will ever change. I have faith that he knows who he is, and won't lose sight of that.


He's evolving and growing up, and that's going to look different. But this new video and new website were both things he had a hand in and is excited about, so I'm going along with it. I think it's going to be great, and I think we have nothing but good things to look forward to with his music and shows in the future.


Besides, no matter what happens or how much he changes, he'll always be Mika. Take it or leave it. :wink2:

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good lord you're right!!


wow bad mistake on my part..messing up a legend's name..*goes to edit post*




Don't feel bad...no one knows how to spell poor Freddie's name :sad:

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Mika is definitely still Mika. As some people said, he has the money to do more with his shows, music, clothes, etc. And heck yes, he's going to use that money! I suppose he has changed, but it's his natural evolution as an artist. He's going to become a bit more put together, and professional at working in "the biz" but I don't think the essence of Mika will ever change. I have faith that he knows who he is, and won't lose sight of that.


He's evolving and growing up, and that's going to look different. But this new video and new website were both things he had a hand in and is excited about, so I'm going along with it. I think it's going to be great, and I think we have nothing but good things to look forward to with his music and shows in the future.


Besides, no matter what happens or how much he changes, he'll always be Mika. Take it or leave it. :wink2:


so true. If he starts acting like a complete rich famous bastard in person, I might lose interest in him on a personal level, but as long as he writes music that is such incredibly genius, I will still be there. I started with his music and I will continue with that..


hearing about him being such a swell guy who is nice and genuine is just an amazing perk to me :thumb_yello:

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i kinda agree. i didn't notice it before but he isn't so colorful. i mean looking at the pics in the new Elle mag. he seems more subtle and less 'out there' and i liked his whatever look. but after some pics it seems way more mature and modelish looking. not that it's bad, just not the same:blink:

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so true. If he starts acting like a complete rich famous bastard in person, I might lose interest in him on a personal level, but as long as he writes music that is such incredibly genius, I will still be there. I started with his music and I will continue with that..


hearing about him being such a swell guy who is nice and genuine is just an amazing perk to me :thumb_yello:


Yeah, honestly...I kind of have a fandom personality. I'm a huge Hanson, Ewan McGregor, and now Mika fan. But these people all have something in common--they're NICE people, kind to their fans (and oftentimes very patient), and genuinely good people. If someone's music or acting skills are amazing but they're conceited or disrespectful to their fans, I can't be a diehard fan. Because their personality does matter; it matters a lot.


If Mika was a jerk, I'd still listen to his music...occasionally. But it wouldn't be as fun, and I doubt I'd have ever made it to the MFC.

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Yeah, honestly...I kind of have a fandom personality. I'm a huge Hanson, Ewan McGregor, and now Mika fan. But these people all have something in common--they're NICE people, kind to their fans (and oftentimes very patient), and genuinely good people. If someone's music or acting skills are amazing but they're conceited or disrespectful to their fans, I can't be a diehard fan. Because their personality does matter; it matters a lot.


If Mika was a jerk, I'd still listen to his music...occasionally. But it wouldn't be as fun, and I doubt I'd have ever made it to the MFC.



thats true, if he was an ass I probably would stop coming to the MFC..

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thats true, if he was an ass I probably would stop coming to the MFC..


Well, if he became an ass NOW, I'd probably stay on the MFC because I like talking to people here. But if he had always been that way, I wouldn't have cared to join in the first place.


Good thing he's so wonderful. :wub2:

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Well, if he became an ass NOW, I'd probably stay on the MFC because I like talking to people here. But if he had always been that way, I wouldn't have cared to join in the first place.


Good thing he's so wonderful. :wub2:


thats what I meant lol...thought about that after I posted it and was too lazy to fix it :D


its suprising how people on the MFC make their opinions known, but are such kind nice people. and so diverse. I love it here. :thumb_yello:

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I´m 19 y.o. now.. and i´m too confused and everyday I change myself


I think Mika is a confused person too, I thinki that he discover himself everyday, like we all do.


And that is no worry about that video, i felt strange but SO HAPPY when i saw that, ad i didn´t try to mean that... only listen how play in his site, and that´s very nice, ´cause him is worried about us!!!


I love Mika, for who he show me that he is... and if he change something, probaly I´ll love him yet....:mf_rosetinted:

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I don't know which Mika will turn out to be, but given what he did on his first album, I think he's going to end up blowing our minds.


All that being said, he still strikes me as someone I would love to have for tea or take out for drinks and I wouldn't hesitate to welcome the opportunity if I got it.


I sort of have that feeling, too. That he's going to blow our minds. :punk:


And oh my goodness, I would love to have tea with him! Pick his brain about music, art, life, etc. Plus he could show me how to make the perfect cup--Mika style. *loves tea*

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I appreciate the effort to make things right...been there done that :) No worries:wink2:


On the subject, things are bound to change for him...but you know what,


He's trying to take us on the ride with him:blush-anim-cl: in the most conveniant way possible for EVERYONE all over the world. Designers, money, fame, its good stuff, I'm not gonna lie:naughty:


I've realized over time, after thinking things were changing for the worse...that, no...it's actually for the better. He's becoming more sucessful, and inspires me daily in A DIFFERENT WAY NOW...before it was about screwing the world and being who I am without compromise...just that idea.


Now it's something like... Oh wow, he's come so far...and that's where I wanna go:mf_lustslow:

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If Mika was someone I knew personally and interacted with on a regular basis, I'd be in a position to know what kind of person he is. I would be in a position to know if he started turning into a jerk or just seemed like he was because popularity puts people in a really awkward position. I'd be in a position to know and care if he started off sweet and changed.


He's a performer I'm fond of because his music expresses things that I can relate to and it makes me dance. I love that he's someone who seems genuine and accessible, I like to believe that's rooted in his personality. However, I don't know his personality. I wouldn't even if I met him and had a five minute conversation with him. I'd have a sense of what kind person he is, but I still wouldn't know him.


So, I don't have expectations of him beyond making good music. If he chooses to keep a blog, then I get a thrill feeling like I have a glimpse of what's behind the music. However, I can't let a sense of false intimacy allow me to think that I know him, which might then make me disappointed in rumors of behavior that I hear second and third hand. I'm a fan of his work, not a personal friend. Likewise, I don't listen to gossip and do my best to avoid spreading it if I am exposed.


The only thing that I would feel disappointed in him for would be if he created an album that was lyrically challenged, musically boring, and lacking in any artistic merit. Given things that he says about his music and the way that he works, I don't think he'll go down that road. I have a feeling that even if I don't connect with the next album as well as I did the first, I'll still respect the artistic merits of what he created.


As for his hair and his show and whatever other choices he makes, I think that he's an artist and it's completely up to him what he wants to create with the resources available to him. I think he's going to put on a great show wherever he plays.


I had a moment of worrying that commercial success might make him boring, but that's my distrust of money speaking. Some artists get more boring when they make more money. Other artists take that resource and use it to create things that blow my mind. I don't know which Mika will turn out to be, but given what he did on his first album, I think he's going to end up blowing our minds.


All that being said, he still strikes me as someone I would love to have for tea or take out for drinks and I wouldn't hesitate to welcome the opportunity if I got it. :punk:

Very, very well said. :thumb_yello:

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I'm a tad confused , how from a small 2 minute video can you not be looking forward to the 2nd album so much :shocked:


I dont see any real difference tbh , hes just a bit more polished


totally agree with you!


btw i love your signature:roftl:

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I'm a tad confused , how from a small 2 minute video can you not be looking forward to the 2nd album so much :shocked:


I dont see any real difference tbh , hes just a bit more polished


I agree with you on that.

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I wasn't gonna post but I wanna say something I feel has been missed here....



He wants to share all his experiences and his creative ideas with everyone!!

He has always thought big...he went with demo tapes and artwork for his first album to meetings before he was even signed up!!


The big shows mean he can put on stage an extravaganza not just him and his piano like James Blunt! When you go and see MIKA it is like going to the theatre and you take a piece of that magic with you when you leave.


He has said he is paying Parc des Princes at a loss as it is costing that much...and how many popstars would do that??? Yeah he is using Louboutin and Matthew Williamson but if you want the best....you find it!! Plus it means his Mom can enjoy it more rather than having to make all the costumes.


Maybey it is just me but I still see the "old" MIKA that has always been there he is just showing that you can create what is inside your dreams if you have more money and experience you can just let those dreams expand to different levels.


Don't forget MIKA has only been around 18 months or so! He had to start small and grow....that's life! I am sure some of you would be complaining if he only played small venues and you couldn't get to see him there either. I personally prefer the smaller venues too but at least the bigger the place the more fans get to see and experience the magic that is MIKA!!


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