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Blog updates Unofficial thread - Mikasounds

Pam Travers

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I hadn't really thought to go check the plastic thread out, cos I don't know that I'm into plastic so much. I like this Aussie guy, who uses a variety of different media, not all of which is plastic. Does all the chat have to be completely plastic related?


no, no of course not, it can also be about plastic thats glass or ceramic that looks like plastic or metal painted etc or art in general

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no, no of course not, it can also be about plastic thats glass or ceramic that looks like plastic or metal painted etc or art in general


Cool! Cos I quite like glass. Just yesterday I was at the shopping centre and found a new shop which wasn't there before and it was a fused and slumped glass shop and some of the pieces are just gorgeous and not really very expensive for what they are. I was chatting to the lady in the shop and she and her husband make the items and they've been doing art markets for a few years and just recently were given the opportunity to set up the shop.


Did I mention I like glass?:naughty:

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Just posted on the other blog thread, giving Titania a little support.

I thought certain posts where way out of line and the treatment some mods were getting for trying to curtail them, was disgusting.So I told them in my own diplomatic way.

So no doubt I'll be cast out into limbo for having an opinion that doesn't entail doing erotic things to Mika:roftl:.

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Just posted on the other blog thread, giving Titania a little support.

I thought certain posts where way out of line and the treatment some mods were getting for trying to curtail them, was disgusting.So I told them in my own diplomatic way.

So no doubt I'll be cast out into limbo for having an opinion that doesn't entail doing erotic things to Mika:roftl:.


I'm still not at the end of the thread and the mod who's comments I've just been reading has been a willing participant in the discussion... Why am I wasting my time trying to get to the end? Trying to find the worthwhile info in amongst all that other...

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I'm still not at the end of the thread and the mod who's comments I've just been reading has been a willing participant in the discussion... Why am I wasting my time trying to get to the end? Trying to find the worthwhile info in amongst all that other...


I had to read through the whole thing, but you shouldn't bother. You're not missing anything, believe me. It's not a gig report. You've seen the blogs and videos yourself so...

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I had to read through the whole thing, but you shouldn't bother. You're not missing anything, believe me. It's not a gig report. You've seen the blogs and videos yourself so...


But see, if I hadn't been reading through I never would have found the link to some Mika clips I've never seen before and to the choral music of Eric Whitacre (who is a new find for me). I'm not sure if it quite justifies the hours I've wasted on it though:blink:


(The other thing is, like the scene of a road accident, I'm finding it hard to tear myself away)


*wills herself to be strong and just go close the other window*

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Just posted on the other blog thread, giving Titania a little support.

I thought certain posts where way out of line and the treatment some mods were getting for trying to curtail them, was disgusting.So I told them in my own diplomatic way.

So no doubt I'll be cast out into limbo for having an opinion that doesn't entail doing erotic things to Mika:roftl:.


Just to be clear, you weren't referring to the post I made were you?? Because when I made my post I hadn't read back all 30 pages. I'm to the point where I do not really want to read back over that thread because.. Well, it's all just chatter.

So I hadn't seen Niki's post asking them to settle on the rape talk. So my post might've looked like I had ignored her requests, when in fact I clicked back a few pages after reading what zoots posted and instantly landed on the referred to post. I didn't manage to read anything else because I was so shocked.

I'm sorry, I just feel like it should be made very loud and very clear that talking so carelessly about raping another human IS WRONG.. Fantasy or not.. Wrong choice of word or not. It's an often unpunished crime that was being joked about stupidly and I'm glad Niki had said something.


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Just came across this thread, don't know what exactly happened yesterday, just read some things but as it seems I have stopped on time (and already was thinking it really was going the wrong way).


I don't like how certain things a developing but you can't stop it I think? Every person can express their opinion and feeling I guess (as long as they not go to far of course) but I think some people are overreacting, not only in the blog-thread. Another thread isn't as fun anymore as it used to be, because of all the chatting, and saying things I wouldn't even think of saying (but maybe that's just me :blush-anim-cl:). And what worries me is that those people are really young .... or maybe that's just the problem, they wanne fit in but don't know how .. I don't know what's the problem, but I don't really like it all..


Sorry about this, just needed a place to say it all I think.. :blush-anim-cl:


oh and dont worry all for my brilliant post that has been deleted and you didnt have time to read, i will email it to anyone who wants!!!! (lol, *'uck can you believe how pretentious i am!!!,lol)


Can you please? I'm just a curious person :blush-anim-cl:


I still really like the blog. I just had to watch it again to see it from my own PoV rather than what I've been reading elsewhere. Too much emphasis has been placed on the second half of the blog.. Which I don't see as sensual at all!! I mean, if he was trying to be sensual he didn't strike a home run here. :roftl: It just looked like he was having fun.. and being grossed out..

But the first half is great.. I had temporarily forgotten about that.Yeah, I really like it now. I'll just stop it at 1:05. :naughty


I hope he keeps going.. He must've expected that blog to have a crazy reaction from everyone..


I think he does .. don't think he's not gonna post anymore because of the reactions on this blog. Not all people have the same reaction (thank god) or are looking from the same point of view and he knows that .. I think (hope).


I just found the blog fun to watch, fun to see what he's doing and his reaction on everything, and that's it. Ok, I've made a gif from it, but only because someone asked me (I keep saying that :roftl:) and it turned out that I've taken the wrong part :roftl: but I liked that part because of his reaction .. don't really like the part that the other person meant (although there's nothing wrong with it).. so.. :roftl:

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i stopped reading the thread because i felt uncomfortable, so i really don't know what was said and by whom.

always oldlings are accused to be pathetic...drolling on mika's pics.

but i can assure the joke is always elegant and sarcastic, perfectly aware of the pathertic side of it, sigh.


the youngest girls..oh dear, hormones on their way probably.


in both, taking mika as a body is what i don't like.


of course mika might know what he himself has started with those blogs...and maybe he's having a good laugh.

but i still feel uncomfortable.

and mods...what can they do, everyone is ready to jump on their throat.


so i welcome this thread pam, i know that if it comes out too sarcastic and rude towards ppl and mika, i'll go from here as well and won't read more.

this is the nice side of the forum....you simply don't read what you don't like.


and leaving comments who can lead to a riot is something i've learnt soon to give up.



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yeah me too i was expecting something more spritual but he was very precise though, he told the numbers of kilometers where he was from etc, saying the names and stuff so...it was cool, plus he was explaining very well the feeling...what a nice metapore.


oh and dont worry all for my brilliant post that has been deleted and you didnt have time to read, i will email it to anyone who wants!!!! (lol, *'uck can you believe how pretentious i am!!!,lol)


im a bit scared he wont post anymore you know, i mean computers are extension of ourselves and its very easy to post but if he thinks its vain or anything he will stop, and it would be a loss.


for those who want to discuss all the artists featuring amelia etc, please post pictures, go to ameliamagazine and search for the illustrators, it worths it really and got to the thread i created, the plastic thread, if you like plastic,batchelor and dalshen or to the watch thread :)


Could you send it to me, I'm curious now:roftl:


But I just skip those posts and read the things that are in fact interesting. And if there aren't any I just don't read at all because I feel like we shouldn't treat Mika like meat :thumb_yello:

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Thanks for this Pam.

I was visiting my niece tonight and telling her about the mudblog, and how some people were getting a little too overexcited about him smearing disgusting crap all over himself, which she found highly hilarious:naughty:!

I like the blogs for what they are, nice little insights to what Mika is discovering as he tours around Europe and the Middle East. I for one don't find him eating toast with his legs crossed the least bit sexy:roftl:. In fact I think I was more incensed with how Andy was not getting the lighting right, and nearly obliterating Mikas face in the shot, rather than lusting after a shot of Mika's thigh!!!


Andy?! I thought Mika was filming it himself? :blink:

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OK, so we're all more comfortable here. I think it makes sense.. It's not a separation of people, but instead it's a separation of opinions.. I'd love to go back over the other blogs and talk about them again in here now.. Like a fresh start. :wink2:

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Have read all by now (ok, not all, most off it .. think I've had the "worst").

Don't know, but I've expected it to be worse? Ok, 1 person is a bit too much, but she's always like that .. I've learned to ignore her by now :roftl: It's not that I'm talking the same way about Mika and some part I don't enjoy reading at all.. but we're all different..


But in general, I didn't think it was as worse as I thought it was going to be .. It's like Sariflor says in the thread.. if Mika didn't want to get a naughty comment every now and then, he would keep his shirt on on stage (for start) .. And also all the other things she says .. I'm not gonna repeat it all :roftl:


Am I a bad person now? :blush-anim-cl: Can't I post in this thread anymore? :blush-anim-cl:

(still curious about the deleted post though :bleh:)

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Andy?! I thought Mika was filming it himself? :blink:


She's talking about the Secret Garden video (number 14?) in the end .. when Mika's sitting at the table and he's just white.. :roftl:

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I don't care if people lust over him. I just don't want to read about him like he's just a piece of meat. I don't like reading about any person treated that way. I understand the teenage hormonal business, but back when I was a hormonal teenager I didn't have the internet to broadcast those things.. So such publicness of lust gets difficult to ignore and tolerate when it's amped up to full capacity.. Like it was..

I hope that makes some sense..

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I don't care if people lust over him. I just don't want to read about him like he's just a piece of meat. I don't like reading about any person treated that way. I understand the teenage hormonal business, but back when I was a hormonal teenager I didn't have the internet to broadcast those things.. So such publicness of lust gets difficult to ignore and tolerate when it's amped up to full capacity.. Like it was..

I hope that makes some sense..


It does .. :wink2:


I don't know .. I find it difficult to form an opinion about it.

I understand both ways .. I also don't like Mika being talked about like a piece of meat .. but on the other side: he does certain things (like taking off his shirt) that you can't ignore .. and people react on it in different ways, we're all different ... And I don't think Mika cares about the comments that people make about him .. if he did he wouldn't do the things he does .. I think.


Where do you draw the line between some "innocent" chatting and treating him like a piece of meat?


It's difficult :blink:

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Just came across this thread, don't know what exactly happened yesterday, just read some things but as it seems I have stopped on time (and already was thinking it really was going the wrong way).


I don't like how certain things a developing but you can't stop it I think? Every person can express their opinion and feeling I guess (as long as they not go to far of course) but I think some people are overreacting, not only in the blog-thread. Another thread isn't as fun anymore as it used to be, because of all the chatting, and saying things I wouldn't even think of saying (but maybe that's just me :blush-anim-cl:). And what worries me is that those people are really young .... or maybe that's just the problem, they wanne fit in but don't know how .. I don't know what's the problem, but I don't really like it all..


Sorry about this, just needed a place to say it all I think.. :blush-anim-cl:



i dont want to offend you at all, but i wanted to ask are you sure is THAT a problem ? cause i read all the thread on official blog updates and for me it didnt look like all the thing was around younglings. if there wouldnt be written how old are we in our profile, i bet nobody would have an idea until we dont tell it.

so as i understood you think that for adults its allowed to joke but for us no ? ONLY because we are young ? but the JOKE is still the same, and if you hear it from adult you laugh but when you hear it from teenager you find it disgusting ? this is the part i dont understand.

sorry i dont want to offend and this is only my opinion, and dont want this to turn into argue. :blush-anim-cl:


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i dont want to offend you at all, but i wanted to ask are you sure is THAT a problem ? cause i read all the thread on official blog updates and for me it didnt look like all the thing was around younglings. if there wouldnt be written how old are we in our profile, i bet nobody would have an idea until we dont tell it.

so as i understood you think that for adults its allowed to joke but for us no ? ONLY because we are young ? but the JOKE is still the same, and if you hear it from adult you laugh but when you hear it from teenager you find it disgusting ? this is the part i dont understand.

sorry i dont want to offend and this is only my opinion, and dont want this to turn into argue. :blush-anim-cl:



I'm not talking about the blog-thread alone, that for start :wink2:

It's something that worries me a while now .. I don't know what's exactly the problem .. but it seems to me that younger people (not all of course) are making comments because other people do too .. and it feels to me that they're overreacting a bit.


It's not that it's ok (for me) if an older person makes a "joke" and a younger person makes the same one that I'm bothered by that .. I don't care how old people are (just made a comment in another thread that maybe offended a person and that person is older than me .. so ..), it's about the things they say ..


Sorry if it seemed that way :wink2:

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I'm not talking about the blog-thread alone, that for start :wink2:

It's something that worries me a while now .. I don't know what's exactly the problem .. but it seems to me that younger people (not all of course) are making comments because other people do too .. and it feels to me that they're overreacting a bit.


It's not that it's ok (for me) if an older person makes a "joke" and a younger person makes the same one that I'm bothered by that .. I don't care how old people are (just made a comment in another thread that maybe offended a person and that person is older than me .. so ..), it's about the things they say ..


Sorry if it seemed that way :wink2:


i have to say i now understand youre point better.

and i think i understand why are you worried, but im fine with those "jokes" cause i find them funny but i cant blame people who dont find them like that.

so i guess we just have a bit different opinions, thats all. :wink2:

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I'm not talking about the blog-thread alone, that for start :wink2:

It's something that worries me a while now .. I don't know what's exactly the problem .. but it seems to me that younger people (not all of course) are making comments because other people do too .. and it feels to me that they're overreacting a bit.


It's not that it's ok (for me) if an older person makes a "joke" and a younger person makes the same one that I'm bothered by that .. I don't care how old people are (just made a comment in another thread that maybe offended a person and that person is older than me .. so ..), it's about the things they say ..


Sorry if it seemed that way :wink2:

I agree with that. Age matters none to me also. I think saying "teenage hormones" doesn't always apply to teenagers.. :wink2: But there are some easily influenced people here. And some easily lead-astray people too :naughty:

And you're right about Mika encouraging it. Absolutely. He does. But I'd like for us to also maintain respect for him, ourselves and other MFCers still in that situation.

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funny I think I missed something


should I know what has been going on ?


or just remain myself in my own world?


think the latter is how I like to be!


I don't know, but I'm confused at the moment because of all this so I think being yourself in your own world is the best ... I should have done that.. :roftl:

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I agree with that. Age matters none to me also. I think saying "teenage hormones" doesn't always apply to teenagers.. :wink2: But there are some easily influenced people here. And some easily lead-astray people too :naughty:

And you're right about Mika encouraging it. Absolutely. He does. But I'd like for us to also maintain respect for him, ourselves and other MFCers still in that situation.


This coming from the woman who photoshopped Mika's head onto some bizarre yoga dude who'd turned himself inside out!:mf_rosetinted:


Can I put my hand up to being very easily led astray?

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This coming from the woman who photoshopped Mika's head onto some bizarre yoga dude who'd turned himself inside out!:mf_rosetinted:


Can I put my hand up to being very easily led astray?

That's different :roftl: Someone asked me to do it.. *hmph*


I'm easily led astray too :naughty:

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