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Go To MikaSounds - Blog Updates Thread (Part 2)


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k so I will start...a bit back..



So. basically right now we are just talking about how those two girls posted on Mika's blog and said they met him backstage last winter, however one of them posted on Mika's myspace about having some fun night with Mika or something In July. and we were thinking...how likely is the chance that Mika randomly decided to chat for hours with two fans that just happened to get backstage...so were not sure about that.



and the rest is just how Mika seems to be talking to himself with Billy Brown and all those characters on myspace :naughty:


Thank you for explaining!:wub2:


....was feeling ignorant and sad for not understanding what everybody was talking about and thought about taking a lot of lessons in the English language...:boxed:


But I feel a lot better now!:thumb_yello:

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Hey guys, I hope this isn't a mood killer or whatever, but I've been trying to put together my thoughts on this whole issue...I don't want to offend anyone, I just feel strongly about some things here. This is just my opinion :thumb_yello:




I’ve been reading this discussion about J&Y and the whole “how they met Mika” and “why aren’t they honest with us” and “Mika is underestimating us” thing…..


I admit that at the start, I thought it was weird how they met him, but I now feel that it’s irrelevant. As I said before, I’m not a fan of their pseudo-intellectual blabber and I’m only interested in reading Mika’s blogs as they pertain to Mika’s life, the album, his interests and also the (possible future) input of his family or band members.


IMO it doesn’t matter if they don’t give us all the details about how they know Mika, and I feel that it’s irrelevant to the objectives of their blog (whether I like the idea of their blog or not). Of course when we all love Mika, many people will be interested in the story behind how they met, but I think it’s unfair to criticise Mika by saying that he’s treating MFCers like idiots and that he’s underestimating us. I think we need to take a step back and see how much effort Mika is putting into the blog thing. How many artists put such effort into making personal contact with their fans? We can only imagine how busy he is in the studio, etc, and still he makes time for the blog. I know he says he’s enjoying it too, but if all he sees are people complaining about every possible aspect of it, I wouldn’t blame him for shutting it down. I’m not saying that we have to like or agree with everything he does, but I think we should respect him and everything he’s doing for us.


I agree with you.:wink2:

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Good points Racha.



I am still very skeptical about the girls because of the little things that are bugging me, especially after being a creeper and seeing their myspaces.


however no disrespect to Mika was intended, I just don't like being made a fool of :)


that is what is bugging me too, her myspace is just too :shocked:

There seems nothing with a teacher wanting to discuss pop culture. :thumbdown:

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I agree with you.:wink2:


and I agree with neeve272, this is not a conspiracy theory to make the intelligent MFC people feel stupid... he cracked a joke.. which some people did not find funny...



whether they are his best buddies... fan girls turned into friends... or relatives... it's not that relevant to the subject they were trying to discuss (which by the way, i still don't get 100%):naughty:


Thanks, ladies! :blush-anim-cl:

Well said, racha

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hi guys...


just to clarify a couple of things as some of you seem to be under the impression that only flattering comments were approved while the sarcastic ones were banned:


I have posted several comments all of which are generic. Some of them appeared, some did not...


the ones that appeared, disappeared again for about a day (maybe two) not sure since I was not checking it... but they did reappear again tonight...


now, I know for a fact my comments are neutral ones... neither complimentary nor sarcastic... the only reason they would appear then disappear - to appear again... is if there is a technical problem or a server issue... it is worth some of you checking again if their comments reapeared


and although, just like many of you, I really did not get 100% the girls blog, I will give them a chance to actually blog something in the future to understand the purpose behind their blog... and to be honest, I really think their story is not too far from the truth, as Jack Violet said, he did perform in Miami.. so the only inconsistency with their story is the fact that they said they met him last winter, when in fact it was probably much earlier... which in my opinion is not a big deal.. and I personally don't care when excatly they met... or if they really have a PhD... let's see what their future blogs bring...


in Jack's post, it clearly explains that the Miami gig was filled with people from the music industry... hence, meeting people backstage and getting acquainted sounds like a normal thing to do... and sometimes people become friends after meeting backstage... mind you, not to encourage any of the fans that this will ever be the case for them.. as it is close to impossible..


just my 2 cents...



Totally agree with you :thumb_yello: And about the comments thing, yes Ive posted a couple of 'normal' posts and they didnt appear so it might be the server.


I was wondering who approves them anyway? It cant be Mika himself I mean there are loads of comments :insane:

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I just wanted to highlight that some people might think their sarcastic comments were banned or deleted when in fact even the neutral ones that were posted earlier disappeared for a while.. so it was not based on content rather technical...


now, I wouldn't be surprised if "hate"messages were banned.. as this would be highly inappropriate...


and I agree with neeve272, this is not a conspiracy theory to make the intelligent MFC people feel stupid... he cracked a joke.. which some people did not find funny...


I did not check their myspace profile, and don't think I am interested.. as the only reason I heard of them is because they wrote that blog... they are not artists I like... or critics I read about... until they write more blogs and explain exactly what the intention behind their blog is, it will be very difficult for me to build an opinion...


whether they are his best buddies... fan girls turned into friends... or relatives... it's not that relevant to the subject they were trying to discuss (which by the way, i still don't get 100%):naughty:


let's wait and see... in the meantime, enjoy the blogs... :thumb_yello:


Me neither :naughty:


Yup thats right! Now I need a new vlog :naughty:

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Hey guys, I hope this isn't a mood killer or whatever, but I've been trying to put together my thoughts on this whole issue...I don't want to offend anyone, I just feel strongly about some things here. This is just my opinion :thumb_yello:




I’ve been reading this discussion about J&Y and the whole “how they met Mika” and “why aren’t they honest with us” and “Mika is underestimating us” thing…..


I admit that at the start, I thought it was weird how they met him, but I now feel that it’s irrelevant. As I said before, I’m not a fan of their pseudo-intellectual blabber and I’m only interested in reading Mika’s blogs as they pertain to Mika’s life, the album, his interests and also the (possible future) input of his family or band members.


IMO it doesn’t matter if they don’t give us all the details about how they know Mika, and I feel that it’s irrelevant to the objectives of their blog (whether I like the idea of their blog or not). Of course when we all love Mika, many people will be interested in the story behind how they met, but I think it’s unfair to criticise Mika by saying that he’s treating MFCers like idiots and that he’s underestimating us. I think we need to take a step back and see how much effort Mika is putting into the blog thing. How many artists put such effort into making personal contact with their fans? We can only imagine how busy he is in the studio, etc, and still he makes time for the blog. I know he says he’s enjoying it too, but if all he sees are people complaining about every possible aspect of it, I wouldn’t blame him for shutting it down. I’m not saying that we have to like or agree with everything he does, but I think we should respect him and everything he’s doing for us.


Agree with you too :thumb_yello:

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Agree with you too :thumb_yello:



I also felt this thread needed a change of direction....I think when a few people express similar opinions (which they're completely entitled to, of course) it can be all to easy for the tone to swing too far in a particular direction. Human nature!


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Just read through the last few pages, and find myself feeling a bit dumbstruck!

People are trawling back through Myspace pages etc, just to find out when these two ladies met Mika and whether they knew each other before?!!!:shocked:

Have these people got no lives!

Does it really matter, when and where they met?

I heard something in a similar vein today, which kind of disturbed me, and now wonder if it's the same people doing this.


Just be happy the guy, who is supposed to be working, but feels the need to keep in touch with the fans, is blogging at all. Since in July, it was said that August would be quiet, for getting on with the album, we should be just kicking back and enjoying the fact that he wants to share stuff with us. Whether it's his way of playing with us, or that he seriously wants us to know what he really enjoys, just roll with it.

I'm not interested if these girls met him earlier than they said they did, I'm just interested if they saw my comment and want to have a great discussion about it. I'd like to know if they share my views on it.

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I think the problem is that when you lie in an introduction post, you kinda discredit yourself and what you might say next. Besides, I don't really understand why such a lie was needed to start with :blink: Anyway, too late, the damage has been done.

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Just read through the last few pages, and find myself feeling a bit dumbstruck!

People are trawling back through Myspace pages etc, just to find out when these two ladies met Mika and whether they knew each other before?!!!:shocked:

Have these people got no lives!

Does it really matter, when and where they met?

I heard something in a similar vein today, which kind of disturbed me, and now wonder if it's the same people doing this.


Just be happy the guy, who is supposed to be working, but feels the need to keep in touch with the fans, is blogging at all. Since in July, it was said that August would be quiet, for getting on with the album, we should be just kicking back and enjoying the fact that he wants to share stuff with us. Whether it's his way of playing with us, or that he seriously wants us to know what he really enjoys, just roll with it.

I'm not interested if these girls met him earlier than they said they did, I'm just interested if they saw my comment and want to have a great discussion about it. I'd like to know if they share my views on it.

Good point, agree too:thumb_yello::wink2:

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Just read through the last few pages, and find myself feeling a bit dumbstruck!

People are trawling back through Myspace pages etc, just to find out when these two ladies met Mika and whether they knew each other before?!!!:shocked:

Have these people got no lives!

Does it really matter, when and where they met?

I heard something in a similar vein today, which kind of disturbed me, and now wonder if it's the same people doing this.


Just be happy the guy, who is supposed to be working, but feels the need to keep in touch with the fans, is blogging at all. Since in July, it was said that August would be quiet, for getting on with the album, we should be just kicking back and enjoying the fact that he wants to share stuff with us. Whether it's his way of playing with us, or that he seriously wants us to know what he really enjoys, just roll with it.

I'm not interested if these girls met him earlier than they said they did, I'm just interested if they saw my comment and want to have a great discussion about it. I'd like to know if they share my views on it.

Agree too :thumb_yello:

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When a post is being quoted it comes out with a bit of italic font!


That was completely random :roftl: :roftl: and why is it roftl and not rotfl :blink:


Okay go on :naughty:


Thank u! I've always wondered this! :blink:


Sorry, back on topic........

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"discredit", "damage"and "lies""???????




These blogs are supposed to be fun... please just enjoy them... no harm has been done... seriously!



Mouhaha don't take it that seriously then. My point is: he got busted, too bad for him, no need to defend him and no need to attack those who actually decided to check who these girls were. After all, i always try to know more about the authors of an essay/book before reading their works cause I think it's important to understand the message/opinion. That's what some members did. Knowing they are friends of Mika I personally won't read these 2 girls' stuff with the same perspective as if they were indeed totally unrelated to him. That's all the difference it makes for me.:wink2:

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I think the problem is that when you lie in an introduction post, you kinda discredit yourself and what you might say next. Besides, I don't really understand why such a lie was needed to start with :blink: Anyway, too late, the damage has been done.


it was obvious it was a joke, did anyone took it seriously or something!!???

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hahah! I was just coming to say that


Nono!! you can come back now. We tricked him. sarcasm5.gif


You've got to be f*cking kidding me! :lmfao:



Well it worked, so that's good. I was actually reading instead of sleeping though:naughty:

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No no, all of mine were eventually approved. The only ones that weren't were the ones mentioning SuperTwat's name. I think Mika just didn't want the word "twat" on his blog, or maybe it was even automatically filtered by software and he never even saw it. When ST posted under another name, her comments went through.




Really? That could explain why my comment for his art blog never got posted....I called my sister a "bitch" in it :lol3:

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About the deleted/not-approved comments. On the Yvonne and Justine blog, I just wrote "Seriously?" and although it was sarcastic, I suppose they still could have taken it as a sincere comment. It's on there. I really wanted to write "I'm calling bull sh*t on this one", but I knew that would never get approved. At first, when it didn't show up for a while I figured it got blocked even though it's not really even offensive. I just figured since it wasn't like any of the other comments "OMG, that sounds so interesting!", it would get deleted. Anyway, it wasn't, obviously.

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