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Erm, what I wanted to say is that actually I'd prefer to see him wearing not so tight trousers :roftl:

Normal jeans are perfect on him.

ha! yes, that! I meant "normal jeans" :biggrin2:


thanks Violet :huglove: you expressed it better than me

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But I'm not sure he's enough of a people person to do natural chatting on stage. And it's an illusion anyway. I'd like to think he and I are both too honest to go for it, but I'd lap it up!


He is! He used to be much more unrehearsed and chatty in the early days. It's one of the things that impressed me most about him, because aside from the Jools Holland performance, I'd never watched any videos before my first gig.


He was very relaxed, confident and a bit naughty which wasn't what I expected based on this awkward geeky looking boy who'd appeared out of nowhere.


He bantered with a kid he recognized in the audience from his appearance on MuchMusic the day before and he fueled a rivalry he'd already picked up on between Montreal and Toronto even though he'd never been to Canada before.


He lost this somewhere along the way as his shows got bigger and his need to control any variables increased.


We've had lengthy discussions about this here (which lead to the death of the Billy Brown story - yes Mika is listening :naughty:) and fans want to make excuses for poor Mika who can't manage some spontaneous banter. But none are required. He is more than capable of chatting to an audience. I've seen it with my own eyes.


I think this one looked more like a bull fighter jacket:



Oh yes. :thumb_yello:



... I'm probably late for the style and outfit discussion, but it is just this jacket (isn't it even the Williamson garment??), that always makes me think of that one passage of 'Gone with the wind', where Scarlett O'Hara destroys her living room curtains to make herself a dress from the cloth to hide her lack of means from imprisoned Rhett. :lmfao:


:roftl: That reminds me of the Carol Burnett episode where she comes down the stairs and the curtain rod is still in the dress.








Yeah he looks great in regular jeans.


Awww...my favourite ass shot. :wub2:

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:roftl: That reminds me of the Carol Burnett episode where she comes down the stairs and the curtain rod is still in the dress.







'I knew you really did love her, but I never knew you really really really really really really really did love her' :roftl:

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(Shortened) He is! He used to be much more unrehearsed and chatty in the early days. It's one of the things that impressed me most about him, because aside from the Jools Holland performance, I'd never watched any videos before my first gig.


He lost this somewhere along the way as his shows got bigger and his need to control any variables increased.


We've had lengthy discussions about this here (which lead to the death of the Billy Brown story - yes Mika is listening :naughty:) and fans want to make excuses for poor Mika who can't manage some spontaneous banter. But none are required. He is more than capable of chatting to an audience. I've seen it with my own eyes. Oh yes. :thumb_yello:


Well that's sort of good to hear- what he's done before he could do again. Probably. But doesn't that leave us having to make excuses for poor Mika who hasn't the faintest idea what's required of a performer? (Although I wasn't making excuses so much as criticising him, perhaps unfairly)


He's very good at interviews, that's for sure- I tend to look up the music of artists whose interviews I like, rather than the other way around. But I'm still thinking it's "can't" for now, for some reason- like crowd size, control issues, as you suggest, or difficulties in mixing sincerity into a performance, as I suggested - mostly becuase "won't" is nuts.

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Well that's sort of good to hear- what he's done before he could do again. Probably. But doesn't that leave us having to make excuses for poor Mika who hasn't the faintest idea what's required of a performer? (Although I wasn't making excuses so much as criticising him, perhaps unfairly).


Well that's why the discussion was started. So Mika could get a faint idea of what's expected. :naughty:


Unfortunately the prevailing attitude was that we should just thank our lucky stars that he deigns us with his presence and not expect him to engage in audience banter because it's too difficult for the poor dear.


He's very good at interviews, that's for sure- I tend to look up the music of artists whose interviews I like, rather than the other way around. But I'm still thinking it's "can't" for now, for some reason- like crowd size, control issues, as you suggest, or difficulties in mixing sincerity into a performance, as I suggested - mostly becuase "won't" is nuts.


Don't you think that control issues falls under the category of "won't"? I do.

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Well that's why the discussion was started. So Mika could get a faint idea of what's expected. :naughty:


Unfortunately the prevailing attitude was that we should just thank our lucky stars that he deigns us with his presence and not expect him to engage in audience banter because it's too difficult for the poor dear.


Don't you think that control issues falls under the category of "won't"? I do.


Well that's not my attitude- though I certainly really enjoy his performances as they are, I expect him to keep learning. And, to be fair, he doesn't strike me as I man who's content to stand still in his career- which isn't all about music. (Don't ask me why I think so, it's a subjective impression).


Getting serious, and possibly embarassing people, (but I think this is important and not talked about often enough)- I'd say that control issues might well come under "can't".


To a certain extent, if you have issues, and don't try to overcome them, that could be considered "won't". But I'd say that changing the way your mind works is such a long, tough and hit-or-miss business that I wouldn't blame anyone for giving up, or even not starting, unless their problems are more severe than Mika's appear to be.


Like the FAQs, I'm not sure how seriously I take Mika's OCD. But I can never convince people to take my own mental issues (phobia) seriously- "Oh, we're all a bit crazy here", they say, when I ask if it's OK for me to have sole charge of children. Neither can I pursuade people that some things, for me, are a matter of "can't" rather then "won't". Therefore, I'm acknowledging the possibility that Mika can't control his own mind and consequent actions in some areas. Obviously I'm hoping Mika's fine- but he says he has OCD, and people who abuse mental health terms are a menace.


(Sorry to get so personal- there's no need to respond- but I've been having treatment off and on for 30 years and believe in saying so, as so many people suffer in silence when they could get help (99% of phobias are cured), and feel shame for taking antidepressents or suchlike, when there's no more reason for it than if they were a diabetic taking insulin.


And people who are coming to the Christmas party might need to be reassured that if I take one look at them and run out, it's not their fault!)

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Not really having much experience with anyone with OCD, I can't say firsthand that I would know whether anyone had it or not. But after seeing The Aviator, the film about Howard Hughes, I realise how aggressive it can get.

Now I'm aware there are varying degrees of it, from people who like things just so to people who just can't bear to be touched (Mika definitely NOT in that catergory yet!) without scrubbing themselves off.

David Beckham and Steven Gerrard, both sufferers, are very fastidious about their houses being clean.

I assume Mika is of a similar mindset (never thought that him and David Beckham would have anything in common!), even to wanting things in 3s.

It appear to be a very complex condition that should be more understood than it is.

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Getting serious, and possibly embarassing people, (but I think this is important and not talked about often enough)- I'd say that control issues might well come under "can't".


I understand what you're saying but I also think he has made some conscious decisions that have led to this constricted on stage routine. Control issues didn't appear to be such a factor in the beginning because there wasn't this massive show to contain.


I think that's what some people are saying. That it would be nice if he just dropped some of these costumes and props and performers and rehearsed speeches and got back to being himself.


And people who are coming to the Christmas party might need to be reassured that if I take one look at them and run out, it's not their fault!)


Oh I second what Bab said. I'm looking forward to meeting you so I hope you will stick around!

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Christine and Babs- I'm looking forward to seeing you too! and everyone else. Unfortunely I do have to preceed myself with a "warning!" sign, as people surprisingly often get offended and I hope to hang out here for some time.


Christine- I agree mostly about the control issues. I had a similar converstaion with Sariflor yesterday evening (possibly on this thread), one that I'm sure has often been covered before- that Mika doesn't seem able to let other artists be artists, whether it's Yasmine, costume designers, set designers, website technicians- or random people in the crowd. I like a big show, as well as liking intimate ones (not that I've been to an intimate one in years) but not every detail has to originate in Mika's head, even if they all have to fit his vision. Then he'd be free for other stuff.


But I think there might be a character issue too- not necessarily an insuperable one. Mika often talks about being a control freak, and I can't tell whether that's becuase he's almost proud of it, or whether he's trying to (charmingly) confess he's not perfect.

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Christine and Babs- I'm looking forward to seeing you too! and everyone else. Unfortunely I do have to preceed myself with a "warning!" sign, as people surprisingly often get offended and I hope to hang out here for some time.


I could see how maybe if it was a blind date someone might take offense. But I don't think all 40 of us could take it personally. :wink2:


I think this is going to be a pretty rowdy bunch but I hope that is more comforting than intidimating. One of the reasons it's easy to meet people at the gigs is because there's so much going on and no one is the focus of attention (until Mika makes his entrance of course).


No matter how it goes I'm sure you will be welcome on MFC so don't worry about that.


Mika doesn't seem able to let other artists be artists, whether it's Yasmine, costume designers, set designers, website technicians- or random people in the crowd.


I think this may extend to other areas beyond his show and his recordings. At this point in his career it could become crippling because he doesn't have the time to do it all himself. And he really shouldn't be concerning himself with some of these details beyond hiring people he can trust to execute his ideas properly.

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