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I don't like it when the higher ups (bosses and such) are blind to the fact that you are infact making progress.

And when there's only one trainer but he refuses to actually train you because "it doesn't fit with how he wants to make his schedule" when he's the one who makes the schedules in the first place and you are avaliable the days he works.


FRUSTRATION! . . . in a can! . . . that's about to explode!

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  • 4 weeks later...
When my parents tell me that I have to wear stuff I dont want to...or tell me I'm not allowed to wear something I want to wear :furious:


I agree:sneaky2:

and I dont like homework too xD

Edited by mary*
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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I guess I'll post a list too :P :


Fighting with my dad and stepmom. You'd be baffled to know how much this actually happens... It's like, they don't understand that they're wrong (LOL - maybe because I'm usually the wrong one :P).

One word: rumors. I've lost count of how many times I've heard rumors about... Well, about my life (mostly my sexual life...). Sometimes, it's funny to hear from others how little stories from your life are twisted... It's not that I care about what people think, but sometimes I wonder were they get this from... Not that it''s a problem anymore, but it once was.

Dishonesty. Do I even need to explain this one? "Are you mad at me?" "Of course not, sweety..." It just doesn't do any good. It's not helping. When I sense something's wrong, I ask so the problem can be solved, not to be confirmed. I don't need to be protected.

When my father do not get that I don't need help. I've got everything under control, and honestly, I don't need someone checking that I'm doing what I'm supposed to do.

Angry custumors. I work in a supermarket, so obviously this is a thing that can really annoy me.

...And last, but def. not least: People that find a need to insult stuff I like just because I like it.

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