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It's not that I don't understand what you were trying to do, cuz I do, it's just that you've chosen the wrong people to contact.

Like Freddiesdouble mentioned earlier, this is something to take up with Mika's management or the people running the website, not Perez.


Whether you like it or not, this has become the official Mika Fanclub and with that one of the main sources for Mika related info.

There are tons of Mika forums out there with members who may feel the same way as you do and feel as though they should be given information straight from the horse's mouth aswell but it's impossible to satisfy everyone.

Life just isn't fair sometimes.


Also, this is a public forum, open to anyone who wants to join.

It's not some secret society for which you have to go through a string of satanic rituals to join. The information is accessible to everyone so I don't get what the big deal is.

It's something really positive that Perez came here with this announcement instead of just putting it on his site.

He didn't need to do that (and I doubt he ever will in the future, with sour responses like this).


It's so tiring to see that everytime something positive happens, it gets spun into something negative thus ruining it for everyone.

yes i see i've done it wrong although i only meant to do a good thing i'm going to stop replying now i think i've said enough now. this thing was only to ask him if he could treat us the same and he could have chosen to say yes , no or ignore me. than that would have been the end of this , nothing more.

ok he choose to do this , made me feel extreemly bad ofcourse and now i'm the one who feels attacked.

and again perez i hope you will reply to my email and and accept my apology

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Errrrrrrrmmmm....HAPPY EASTER anyone??? :boxed:


I've just read through the whole thread and even I can't summon up the words to express how I feel!!


For someone as opinionated as me that's saying something!! :roftl:



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As a member of BOTH forums, I actually understand Patty's email...maybe I'm the only one, but hey... Mikasounds forum still exists, yes. It has less information about Mika? Less activity? Yes.


Is that a reason for saying things like "it has never really existed?" or "no-one cares about it?".




For those who never went there, it was the first place where Mika fans could chat about this skinny guy who no-one ever heard about and that had some cool music on MySpace. I guess it's not difficult to understand why some people still like the forum, and keep going there.


The whole thing MS vs MFC is just stupid. A person can be a member of several forums at the same time, so, we don't need to be exclusive of just one.


So...all this to say that Patty has some point, and if her words were misinterpreted (sp?) that's too bad... I guess she was only trying to include MS forum in all this. Maybe she chose the wrong way to do it, but honestly...if she had posted it here, wouldn't it be worse? Judging from what I've read here, I'd say "yes"... :boxed:


So...peace? :angel_not:

thank you very much
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Errrrrrrrmmmm....HAPPY EASTER anyone??? :boxed:






Ahum…did you say something?:blink:


Happy Easter to you too!:wub2:

People on spring break, lots of time to spend in here….



The more I read about different forums and other places for Mika fans, the more confusing it seems for a not-so-good-at-the-internet-person like me!

I am so glad I didn’t get lost out there and never made it to this place.


I love the MFC!:wub2::punk:

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Also, this is a public forum, open to anyone who wants to join.

It's not some secret society for which you have to go through a string of satanic rituals to join. The information is accessible to everyone so I don't get what the big deal is. It's something really positive that Perez came here with this announcement instead of just putting it on his site.

He didn't need to do that (and I doubt he ever will in the future, with sour responses like this).


It's so tiring to see that everytime something positive happens, it gets spun into something negative thus ruining it for everyone.


I agree with this. I haven't been active for a while now. There wasn't that much news/excitement. Now there is, I love the idea of getting clues/riddles and trying to solve them even though I'm not going to LA. I'm just happy there's some news and people are getting excited again. That's why I'm sad to see there always has to be a downside to these things. I mean, the rivalry between mikasounds and mfc? Seriously, it's still going on?? And this is when it comes up again? When we get some exciting news?


Like Diana said, this forum and the info on it is very accessible... And even if it wasn't, the blog on mikasounds followed like what, a few hours later? I can understand some people are frustrated but I can't believe it always has to turn out this way.

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As a member of BOTH forums, I actually understand Patty's email...maybe I'm the only one, but hey... Mikasounds forum still exists, yes. It has less information about Mika? Less activity? Yes.


Is that a reason for saying things like "it has never really existed?" or "no-one cares about it?".




For those who never went there, it was the first place where Mika fans could chat about this skinny guy who no-one ever heard about and that had some cool music on MySpace. I guess it's not difficult to understand why some people still like the forum, and keep going there.


The whole thing MS vs MFC is just stupid. A person can be a member of several forums at the same time, so, we don't need to be exclusive of just one.


So...all this to say that Patty has some point, and if her words were misinterpreted (sp?) that's too bad... I guess she was only trying to include MS forum in all this. Maybe she chose the wrong way to do it, but honestly...if she had posted it here, wouldn't it be worse? Judging from what I've read here, I'd say "yes"... :boxed:


So...peace? :angel_not:


I understand the forum issue. :wink2: And I actually didn't misinterpret anything Patricia said. I don't like what she said about MFCers being rude and implying we're nasty - but I'm over it. Water off a ducks back. I know who my friends are. :thumb_yello:

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Ahum…did you say something?:blink:


Happy Easter to you too!:wub2:

People on spring break, lots of time to spend in here….



The more I read about different forums and other places for Mika fans, the more confusing it seems for a not-so-good-at-the-internet-person like me!

I am so glad I didn’t get lost out there and never made it to this place.


I love the MFC!:wub2::punk:


I do find it hard to recall the details of finding this place but I recall that I joined Myspace the same weekend that I discovered Mika on TV and so searched for him on there, found his page then must have googled him and found both Mikasounds and the MFC..........I never went to the Mikasounds forum....ever!! I always looked at the main page for info and, of course, they had the album sampler on there which is where I first heard all of his music but the info was always patchy at best so it was the MFC that I turned to for finding stuff out.


I NEVER thought things would happen the way they did.....getting tickets to to two free gigs, one of them secret AND televised!!, appearing in his video, being on the televised documentary, going to the opening of the Art exhibtion, going to loads of gigs, including the last night of the world tour and then getting an invite to the party.......but where did I go when all of this stuff happened??????? The MFC!


I wouldn't have dreamt of being anywhere else! I'm not exactly popular on here but it's still feels like home for this MIKA fan!


I get angry with so much that goes on in here............but I know I will never leave as it is THE place to be if you want all things Mika. :thumb_yello:

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I understand the forum issue. :wink2: And I actually didn't misinterpret anything Patricia said. I don't like what she said about MFCers being rude and implying we're nasty - but I'm over it. Water off a ducks back. I know who my friends are. :thumb_yello:


the thing i meant with that was not that people are like that in general , but i mean that some people are like that. i'll never forget about what some people wrote after getting no for an answer for taking a pic with mika. and thats just one example

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the thing i meant with that was not that people are like that in general , but i mean that some people are like that. i'll never forget about what some people wrote after getting no for an answer for taking a pic with mika. and thats just one example

I guess that's the problem with generalising us all as one voice. Which is how it could've easily been interpreted. That's all.

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I understand the forum issue. :wink2: And I actually didn't misinterpret anything Patricia said. I don't like what she said about MFCers being rude and implying we're nasty - but I'm over it. Water off a ducks back. I know who my friends are. :thumb_yello:


What I said (The whole thing MS vs MFC is just stupid) goes for both sides. :wink2:


As I said, she may not have said it the right way, but she has some point... About people being rude, it happens sometimes here, like it can happen in MS forum too, people can be nasty everywhere, Mika forums are not exception... (as for myself, no-one was ever rude to me on MS, but I can't say the same about this place) :wink2: I'm still here tho...

It's good you have your friends here, I have mine too. And we don't have to like everyone, the same way not everyone will like us. :thumb_yello:


Let's get over this, and focus on the new album, new tour, new...anything! :punk:

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Hi everybody

Im from the mikasounds forum which does still exist but has very few members. We are all mika fans and love him very much. I respect the fact that there is another forum and so many members. Its good for mika and good that we can all come here and be a part of it also.

I havent posted here much bit I was delighted to find a thread for Ireland and talked to people there who were very nice to me and welcomed me.

Can I just try and explain how I feel :

I joined mikasounds by finding the link on the album Life in cartoon motion. At the time I hadnt heard of Mfc as i had only just heard of Mika. I liked the forum and it has brought me a lot of happiness. Ive met some of the members and have made many friendships.

I guess we sometimes feel that because we are such a small group we feel that we have been lost and forgotton. Seeing as Mika is so kind to his fans we all really do get spoiled by him with regular blogs and all sorts! we all as fans wish that we could also hear things too and recieve notifications now and then.

Can you understand Im not being bitchy or jealous Im just trying to explain how as a fan I feel. Of course it would be nice to have a more active forum and have competitions and notifications.

Now I just want to explin one more thing. Patricia is my best friend. I met her through Mikasounds forum. she really is a very nice person and very kind. because of her many people have got to see mika. She has offered her home to many mika fans to stay with her whenever there is a gig in holland. I know that she didnt mean for her email to appear any way insulting.

Its cool that fans here get news feels like a special treat! I have nothing against that it makes us proud to be mika fans!

Hope you understand what Im trying to say!


Lynn xx

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the thing i meant with that was not that people are like that in general , but i mean that some people are like that. i'll never forget about what some people wrote after getting no for an answer for taking a pic with mika. and thats just one example


*drops mods attributes for the 3 coming minutes*

*is now normal user*

*is not Mika, doesnt have to be nice* :naughty:




There are a few issues I'd like to clear here. I perfectly understand that the people on Mikasounds feel neglected, I understand what your we trying to say in this email of yours, but there are ways to say things. Complaining to Perez (who isn't Meeks, nor Meek's manager) and bashing the MFC behind our back was imo pushing it big time.


As far as I know, Mika hasn't promoted the MFC, has he? Do we see a nice flashing banner on his blog saying "joing mikafanclub.com"? I think not. Every member here has worked hard to make the MFC what it is now, posting news, posting pics, writing reports, welcoming newbies etc. So yeah, we worked hard to get Mika's recognition, and to have people like Perez telling us about these secret gigs and stuff. So when you start saying they're advantaging us over Mikasounds, I disagree, they're just using the easiest way they have to talk to M's hardcore fans, and wether you like it or not, it's the MFC, because we made it so.


Besides, accusing us of being intolerant while sending such a nasty email is a bit hypocritical... And it certainly won't ease the relationships between MFC and MS.


/rant over.


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I do find it hard to recall the details of finding this place but I recall that I joined Myspace the same weekend that I discovered Mika on TV and so searched for him on there, found his page then must have googled him and found both Mikasounds and the MFC..........I never went to the Mikasounds forum....ever!! I always looked at the main page for info and, of course, they had the album sampler on there which is where I first heard all of his music but the info was always patchy at best so it was the MFC that I turned to for finding stuff out.


I NEVER thought things would happen the way they did.....getting tickets to to two free gigs, one of them secret AND televised!!, appearing in his video, being on the televised documentary, going to the opening of the Art exhibtion, going to loads of gigs, including the last night of the world tour and then getting an invite to the party.......but where did I go when all of this stuff happened??????? The MFC!


I wouldn't have dreamt of being anywhere else! I'm not exactly popular on here but it's still feels like home for this MIKA fan!


I get angry with so much that goes on in here............but I know I will never leave as it is THE place to be if you want all things Mika. :thumb_yello:


Did you go to the opening?:shocked:

Did you meet Mika there?

I thought it was only for press and friends of Mika's, I actually was thinking about trying to get a fake press ID with me from from Sweden but eventually I calmed down and settled with the day after the opening!:naughty:

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I agree with this. I haven't been active for a while now. There wasn't that much news/excitement. Now there is, I love the idea of getting clues/riddles and trying to solve them even though I'm not going to LA. I'm just happy there's some news and people are getting excited again. That's why I'm sad to see there always has to be a downside to these things. I mean, the rivalry between mikasounds and mfc? Seriously, it's still going on?? And this is when it comes up again? When we get some exciting news?


Like Diana said, this forum and the info on it is very accessible... And even if it wasn't, the blog on mikasounds followed like what, a few hours later? I can understand some people are frustrated but I can't believe it always has to turn out this way.


Well I was happy to see clues- I thought it would be fun. (Though I have some sympathy with people wanting to book accomodation) All the whining that it wasn't somewhere else and "why doesn't he just tell us?" spoiled it. As for this latest excuse to be angry, Patricia's already said she emailed Perez before it went on the blog- so what's the big deal? Even if it had been after, she's entitled to her opinion- and it was a completely unselfish one, she is a regular member of MFC and so knew about the gig.


Posting her private email address was disgraceful. And it's not "nice" of Perez to tell us about the gig- unless we believe Mika would be happy to have no fans show up

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I fail to see what she is expecting from you either... does she suspect scorching sex between you two and some pillow talk that you would share with her ?


So... we can't expect that??? Damn...











*is only just hearing about this "email" now*


Are you planning on going? I would love you forever if you did...


No worries about the double negative. It just made me unsure of your meaning. Now that you've clarified, I think we are on the same page :punk:


And yeah, that's what I was trying to say too, so we agree. I just talk funny....or so I'm told :naughty:


Yay... It really is sad that I've lived in an English speaking country all my life and still struggle to write it.. then again, wouldn't hurt to check what I write before I hit submit...


I'm pretty sure we're both on the same page...


i said that our forum is pushed aside and thats how it is. and i understand that happens by a big website like this , but thats not the point.

and it's not about jealousy it's just that it would be nice if the fans who choose to stick with the old forum would hear about important news to , personally from the one who is making this happen !


the only thing i was trying to do is stand up for our forum


so come on and attack me with more personal emails


Okay, I'm not going to attack you... *hold up white flag for a truce*


I know people have already said it, but this one was bought by team Mika and it gets more people... I'll say that, and I'm a member of both. Like Perez I didn't realise MS still existed.




And I would hope that people wouldn't send nasty emails, that is really immature. I don't necessarily agree that you sent it, or that Perez posted it.


And can I add another point? Perez is a big boy and he can look after himself. People don't need to stand up for him.


But we cant keep pissing people off , silly emails etc etc , especially to Perez who is trying to help us :boxed:


Kind of like biting the hand that feeds us, is it not?


Sad , this is how this makes me feel , doesnt matter what I , Perez anyone tries to do . there is ALWAYS something that happens , Madrid backstage passes was the same


Can't please everyone... I thought you knew that already Freddie! :naughty:


i said that because when i woke up this morning i already had emails like that . not knowing he posted my email for everybody to read


Did he actually reply to your email?


Well said Kelzy. About time we call a spade a spade.

I find it ridiculously pathetic to bring all this already pathetic forum rivalry up, and incredibly bad form to involve Perez.

We are so privileged that he came here to give us this exclusive info,and that Mika is doing this, and what do we get? This pathetic 'we are also fans and we're left in the dark' line.

It's been repeated to saciety (in case it wasn't already obvious when the old mikasounds forum was cut off Mika's new site coinciding with him buying Mfc) that THIS IS HIS OFFICIAL FORUM, and anyone and everyone is welcome here.

If a handful (because that's how many we're talking about here) stubborn individuals decide that they will create this Matrix style resistance and deny reality and fight the current, then that's their choice but it doesn't justify them attacking others, or creating issues like these.

This sort of behaviour reflects bad on ALL fans,as Mika (or Perez in this case) can't tell the difference.

Sorry for the megapost but I feel really strongly about this.

Thanks Perez for this, for saying it like it is, and I hope that you always speak your ming in the future too.


Okay, at teh risk of sounding incredibly stupid, what does that word in bold mean?


We are not clones of an agreeable, blinded-by-the-sun fan, and will not behave as such. I will not be someone I can't be.




Lastly, FFS. MIKA is going to play a FRIGGIN' gig in maybe 3 DAYS TIME and 90% of his fans WON'T be able to make it.. Get over it already.. Geez.


And I've never seen you act like that. I'd be disappointed if you did.




And maybe a few of us bitching ones might've forgotten that fact. I'm starting to feel a little bit guilty for bitching now. You would really think I'd be able to deal with not getting Mika thingies :naughty:

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Please people can we have peace again in Mika's name?:shocked:

This should be not a competition between different countries or different forums. :no:We are here only for one man. Mika! That should be the point! Nothing else. Please can we stop to be jeaulous of others anyway for what reason? We all follow Mika and try to provide him as best as we can! We all! Am I wrong??

Let us see the important things: He gave us hints about a secret gig in LA. Isn't that great? I'm happy for all who will be there! Happy for them and happy for Mika too!

As Mary said: Let's get over this, and focus on the new album, new tour, new...anything!

I believe that we’re in this together!!!:thumb_yello:


So Happy Peaceful Easter to you all!:wub2:

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Okay, at teh risk of sounding incredibly stupid, what does that word in bold mean?


Again and again, until you can't take it no more.

It's usually used about food, that means you're "filled", not hungry anymore ;)

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Thank you Niki!! :thumb_yello: I was starting to feel like a bully again, glad to see I might not be the only one to think that email was *insert very bad word here* :blink:


you're not the only one, I think it was *refers to bolding text above* too :fisch::naughty:

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*drops mods attributes for the 3 coming minutes*

*is now normal user*

*is not Mika, doesnt have to be nice* :naughty:




There are a few issues I'd like to clear here. I perfectly understand that the people on Mikasounds feel neglected, I understand what your we trying to say in this email of yours, but there are ways to say things. Complaining to Perez (who isn't Meeks, nor Meek's manager) and bashing the MFC behind our back was imo pushing it big time.


As far as I know, Mika hasn't promoted the MFC, has he? Do we see a nice flashing banner on his blog saying "joing mikafanclub.com"? I think not. Every member here has worked hard to make the MFC what it is now, posting news, posting pics, writing reports, welcoming newbies etc. So yeah, we worked hard to get Mika's recognition, and to have people like Perez telling us about these secret gigs and stuff. So when you start saying they're advantaging us over Mikasounds, I disagree, they're just using the easiest way they have to talk to M's hardcore fans, and wether you like it or not, it's the MFC, because we made it so.


Besides, accusing us of being intolerant while sending such a nasty email is a bit hypocritical... And it certainly won't ease the relationships between MFC and MS.


/rant over.


like i already admitted and realized i've done this the wrong way thats true. i shouldn't have pulled perez in this
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Thank you Niki!! :thumb_yello: I was starting to feel like a bully again, glad to see I might not be the only one to think that email was *insert very bad word here* :blink:


Lol. Does that mean I'm a bully? Wouldn't be the first time someone says that :naughty:

No, seriously, I had to say what I thought, I ain't trying to make it worse, I ain't trying to lecture anyone. As I said I understand where P4u came from, but I just didn't like her ways. Now, it's all behind us I guess. Next time sthg like this happens, I'd suggest more cooperation between the 2 forums and an email to us BEFORE involving any third parties.

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for the record i'm not a person who would attack someone just like that , this wasn't even an attack.


i felt attackted when you said MFC'ers are rude to Mika.

i don't think anyone on here has been rude to him, we're just stating our opinions and sometimes we kid and joke to keep this place fun. one can talk about his beauty only for so long.

if we consider jokes as being rude and tell ppl off, this place would be boring.


as for the "MFC'ers who are over Mika" thread. 99% of the posts on that thread was positive and only a few "dissapointed" fan made negative posts. but it was "disappointment" what made you post that "negative" e-mail to perez right?


so you should understand where they're coming from better than anyone:wink2:


(i didn't agree with them and now i don't agree with you too. but you put yourself in the same position with the ppl you critisize,that's confusing.)


i think MFC is one of the most friendly and welcoming forums. ppl accept you no matter where you're from, how many times you've see him,what you like/dislike about him.


That's why i love the MFC!


eventually Karma kicks you.. ..


it really does, i know from experience:naughty:

Edited by dilek
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I actually was thinking about trying to get a fake press ID with me from from Sweden but eventually I calmed down and settled with the day after the opening!:naughty:


That's pretty hardcore fan behavious there Sienna... I like it! :naughty:


Again and again, until you can't take it no more.

It's usually used about food, that means you're "filled", not hungry anymore ;)


Ooooooh... thank ye Niki! *huggles*


Oh, and I agree with what you said about hte email... though it was a bit naughty of Perez to post it... especially the email address...

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