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Mika's New Album - My Opinion


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So this guy, Mika, has a new album? I am not a Mika fan. More like an un-fan. But I love good music. It's been part of my life since I can remember. I used to work for a radio station, and I have met some of the worlds biggest artists.


Now on to Mika's new CD. I remember the first one - my wife couldn't stop playing it. Some of the songs were okay. But it was a little too sugary for me.


I bought Mika's new album for my wife the other day. I still have scratch marks where she tore the album from my grasp before hurliing it into the CD player. It wouldn't work the first time. I suggested she remove the CD from the case first... After that the album started playing - she stopped breathing for a while, and she had a glazed look about her. But you long suffering husbands and boyfriends know what I'm talking about.


Anyhow, yesterday I had a chance to have a listen. Just for you techno heads out there, I have a studio quality sound system with ATC SCM50 ASL speakers with a Classe preamp and a CEC belt drive CD player, all connected via balanced cables. It's pretty much the same stuff that Mika would have used to mix his new album.


Firstly, I played the album in one go. Just to get an idea. First impressions were okay. The recording quality is good, the soundstaging wide and encompassing, and the mix was excellent. I thought the voice layering was good too and and the use of real instruments thrown in with the usual synthesised instruments was well executed. There was a fair bit of compression used in several tracks. But that's accepted practice. Without some compression, popular music and rock can lack punch and projection.


Soooo. What do I think? Hmmmm. I'm not sure about track 1 'We Are Golden'. Too sugary for me, but a good chart release. Things start getting better with track 2 'Blame it on the Girl'. In fact I punched the repeat button and gave my speakers some loudness. The bass drum kicked in and rattled my windows. Nice tune. Great chorus.. Excellent layering. Not bad. Not bad at all. Now where's that repeat button again? Track 3, 'Rain' is okay. My wife said she thought the chorus was a bit repetitive. But I don't think so. The song builds nicely and finished just right. A good effort there, Mika.


Moving on to Track 4, 'Dr John'. A bit too sugary and 'pop' for me. But an okay album track, Track 5, 'I See You' is quite a nice tune. Well written, good production. Some very substantial low frequencies kicking in on some of these tracks. In fact I felt my tummy shake in sympathy with the windows when I gave my system a tickle.


Now track 6, 'Blue Eyes'. Very punchy sound, excellent bass and a catchy tune. Mika is in a particularly fine voice for this one. The song builds nicely and I found myself looking for that repeat button and the volume control. Nice mix. I hit the repeat button a couple more times. Not bad at all. Maybe just one more listen before I move on...


Track 7 'Good Gone Girl and Track 8 'Touches You' are good album tracks, but Track 9 'By The Time' is very nice. I hit the repeat button a couple of times and on each listen the song got better. 'By The Time' could end up being another favourite. Track 10 'One Foot Boy' continues the good variety of music offered on this album. Track 11 'Toy Boy' offers something a little different, with Mika digging just a little deeper with his lyrics. Perhaps an indication that Mika's writing is a little more substantial than some would believe. The last Track 'Pick up off the Floor' finished the album off nicely.


Mika's new album is not a 'concept' album as such. But it seems to follow a theme reflecting some of the things that have happened to Mika as he has grown up. I think 'The Boy Who Knew Too Much' is a better album than Mika's first album. It's better recorded and offers much more depth than the first.


I can't stop playing 'Blue Eyes'. The lyrics in this song have a lot of relevancy to me. Actually it feels as though Mika has written this song just for me. I work a few hundred kilometres from home and I return home on my days off every few days. I have to admit I didn't remove the Mika album from my car during the drive back to work this morning. I kept hitting the repeat button on 'Blue Eyes' and then just for a break I'd listen to 'Blame it on the Girls' again.


So Mika, if you're reading this... Nice album. It's quite clear to me that you've shed a lot of 'Blood, Sweat and Tears' producing this album. You must be very proud. And it's rare that I like more than two songs on any album I buy. You've scored pretty well in my book. I won't see you in concert when you come to Australia, but if you want to catch up backstage or something, let me know. I know there will be lots of competition from your female fans. But I don't care. I'm in it just to kick back and enjoy the music.


Kind regards to all.

Edited by bulldog
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My goodness. If I could get my husband to give such a positive review I'd be ecstatic. Actually, if I could get him to listen to the album, I'd be pretty happy.


I have to say that i understand what you mean about Blue Eyes. I didn't want to like it as a song, cos the melodies of some of the others grab me more, but the lyrics! I too felt like he'd written some of them about me or for me.


Nice to see you round, Bulldog. Don't be a stranger.

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I like your review...hope your wife was OK that you had her Mika cd in the car:naughty: if she stopped breathing when it first went on.. how was she when you left her without it?:shocked:


Anyway.. you should go to the Mika gigs in Australia.....Once you have been.. you will know why!!

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Hi Bulldog! Welcome to the MFC! I seems that you know what you are talking about with regards to the mixing and the music. I really loved your review and agree with you that this album IS better than LICM. But that's a good think, because it shows Mika is evolving with his music, and not just staying in the same place. Yet the album is STILL Mika, if you know what I mean.

I loved what you said about Toy Boy, about Mika's lyrics being more substancial than people think. You are right. The lyrics he writes always have a deeper meaning, and when you said Blue Eyes could have been written for you, well, every fan will tell you there is at least on Mika song that could have been written for them. I feel that way about Relax. It always makes me feel good about myself.

So a great review. T4P.

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Thanks bulldog for your review, I agree it's interesting to hear your thoughts on the technical aspects of the album. It's something that fascinates me too; I love to analyse how songs are put together in the studio and how the final mix sounds. It totally appeals to both the music lover and the geek in me!:naughty:

If you CAN go to the gig in Australia, please think about going, because it's only when you see Mika live that you fully 'get' what all the fuss is about. I just can't stress that enough!!!

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So this guy, Mika, has a new album? I am not a Mika fan. More like an un-fan. But I love good music. It's been part of my life since I can remember. I used to work for a radio station, and I have met some of the worlds biggest artists.


Now on to Mika's new CD. I remember the first one - my wife couldn't stop playing it. Some of the songs were okay. But it was a little too sugary for me.


I bought Mika's new album for my wife the other day. I still have scratch marks where she tore the album from my grasp before hurliing it into the CD player. It wouldn't work the first time. I suggested she remove the CD from the case first... After that the album started playing - she stopped breathing for a while, and she had a glazed look about her. But you long suffering husbands and boyfriends know what I'm talking about.


Anyhow, yesterday I had a chance to have a listen. Just for you techno heads out there, I have a studio quality sound system with ATC SCM50 ASL speakers with a Classe preamp and a CEC belt drive CD player, all connected via balanced cables. It's pretty much the same stuff that Mika would have used to mix his new album.


Firstly, I played the album in one go. Just to get an idea. First impressions were okay. The recording quality is good, the soundstaging wide and encompassing, and the mix was excellent. I thought the voice layering was good too and and the use of real instruments thrown in with the usual synthesised instruments was well executed. There was a fair bit of compression used in several tracks. But that's accepted practice. Without some compression, popular music and rock can lack punch and projection.


Soooo. What do I think? Hmmmm. I'm not sure about track 1 'We Are Golden'. Too sugary for me, but a good chart release. Things start getting better with track 2 'Blame it on the Girl'. In fact I punched the repeat button and gave my speakers some loudness. The bass drum kicked in and rattled my windows. Nice tune. Great chorus.. Excellent layering. Not bad. Not bad at all. Now where's that repeat button again? Track 3, 'Rain' is okay. My wife said she thought the chorus was a bit repetitive. But I don't think so. The song builds nicely and finished just right. A good effort there, Mika.


Moving on to Track 4, 'Dr John'. A bit too sugary and 'pop' for me. But an okay album track, Track 5, 'I See You is quite a nice tune. Well written, good production. Some very substantial low frequencies kicking in on some of these tracks. In fact I felt my tummy shake in sympathy with the windows when I gave my system a tickle.


Now track 6, 'Blue Eyes'. Very punchy sound, excellent bass and a catchy tune. Mika is in a particularly fine voice for this one. The song builds nicely and I found myself looking for that repeat button and the volume control. Nice mix. I hit the repeat button a couple more times. Not bad at all. Maybe just one more listen before I move on...


Track 7 'Good Gone Girl and Track 8 'Touches You' are good album tracks, but Track 9 'By The Time' is very nice. I hit the repeat button a couple of times and on each listen the song got better. 'By The Time' could end up being another favourite. Track 10 'One Foot Boy' continues the good variety of music offered on this album. Track 11 'Toy Boy' offers something a little different, with Mika digging just a little deeper with his lyrics. Perhaps an indication that Mika's writing is a little more substantial than some would believe. The last Track 'Pick up off the Floor' finished the album off nicely.


Mika's new album is not a 'concept' album as such. But it seems to follow a theme reflecting some of the things that have happened to Mika as he has grown up. I think 'The Boy Who Knew Too Much' is a better album than Mika's first album. It's better recorded and offers much more depth than the first.


I can't stop playing 'Blue Eyes'. The lyrics in this song have a lot of relevancy to me. Actually it feels as though Mika has written this song just for me. I work a few hundred kilometres from home and I return home on my days off every few days. I have to admit I didn't remove the Mika album from my car during the drive back to work this morning. I kept hitting the repeat button on 'Blue Eyes' and then just for a break I'd listen to 'Blame it on the Girls' again.


So Mika, if you're reading this... Nice album. It's quite clear to me that you've shed a lot of 'Blood, Sweat and Tears' producing this album. You must be very proud. And it's rare that I like more than two songs on any album I buy. You've scored pretty well in my book. I won't see you in concert when you come to Australia, but if you want to catch up backstage or something, let me know. I know there will be lots of competition from your female fans. But I don't care. I'm in it just to kick back and enjoy the music.


Kind regards to all.



Thanks bulldog for an interesting read.

I do have one question if you return here & see this.

What do you mean by, "There was fair bit of compression used in several tracks."

I have to admit when I first saw the title of your thread I thought, "Uh, Oh another so-called critic with his head up his arse."

I actually "get" most of what you talked about here.

I hope you get your opportunity to sit down with Mika & talk music.


By the way you are another "convert" in Mika's conquering of the world. Sorry! :shocked::shocked:

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Thanks bulldog for an interesting read.

I do have one question if you return here & see this.

What do you mean by, "There was fair bit of compression used in several tracks."

I have to admit when I first saw the title of your thread I thought, "Uh, Oh another so-called critic with his head up his arse."

I actually "get" most of what you talked about here.

I hope you get your opportunity to sit down with Mika & talk music.


By the way you are another "convert" in Mika's conquering of the world. Sorry! :shocked::shocked:


LOL!!! I don't think I'll be a convert. No disrespect to you guys, but I've never been an avid 'fan' of any particular artist as such. I have some favorites though - like Jason Mraz, Michael Buble and Elvis. I like a lot of classical music too. I just love really good music.


Compression as used in the context of recorded music is pretty much the difference between the softest and loudest parts of the music. If you have true full range music without compression, you have to turn the music up too loud to hear the quiet notes, and then when Mika, for example, hits a loud note - it'll be so loud it could damage your speakers and even your hearing if you have a really good sound system. So compression is okay. In fact some kind of compression is pretty much essential in a lot of recorded music. it's just that some artists use more compression then others. And many artists use compression as a tool to give their music a certain 'sound'.


I don't want you guys to think I'm some kind of musical guru. I'm not. Real experts would explain compression and mixing and other stuff much better than me.


And to the rest of you guys, thanks for being so welcoming and your kind comments about my album review.


As to whether Mika would like to sit down with me and have a chat... maybe. I reckon we'd have a lot in common. Except he's a bit better looking than me! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by bulldog
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I like your review...hope your wife was OK that you had her Mika cd in the car:naughty: if she stopped breathing when it first went on.. how was she when you left her without it?:shocked:


Anyway.. you should go to the Mika gigs in Australia.....Once you have been.. you will know why!!


I didn't leave her without it. I would have been torn limb from limb! So we now have 2 copies of the album.

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LOL!!! I don't think I'll be a convert. No disrespect to you guys, but I've never been an avid 'fan' of any particular artist as such. I have some favorites though - like Jason Mraz, Michael Buble and Elvis. I like a lot of classical music too. I just love really good music.


Compression as used in the context of recorded music is pretty much the difference between the softest and loudest parts of the music. If you have true full range music without compression, you have to turn the music up too loud to hear the quiet notes, and then when Mika, for example, hits a loud note - it'll be so loud it could damage your speakers and even your hearing if you have a really good sound system. So compression is okay. In fact some kind of compression is pretty much essential in a lot of recorded music. it's just that some artist use more compression then others. And many artists use compression as a tool to give their music a certain 'sound'.


I don't want you guys to think I'm some kind of musical guru. I'm not. Real experts would explain compression and mixing and other stuff much better than me.


And to the rest of you guys, thanks for being so welcoming and your kind comments about my album review.


As to whether Mika would like to sit down with me and have a chat... maybe. I reckon we'd have a lot in common. Except he's a bit better looking than me! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!


Welcome to MFC! Stick around for a while, we're a nice bunch. :wink2:


It's interesting that you've gravitated so much toward Blue Eyes; it's one of my favourites, too. I don't know if you read the credits of the album, but it was produced by Greg Wells, an LA producer who's worked with a ton of different artists. He also worked on Mika's first album, and IMHO the Mika/Greg Wells combo is a winner indeed.


And as others have said, if you can get yourself to Sydney for Mika's November gig, do so. He's not around those parts often; he hasn't played any Australian dates since June 2007. And as a genuine music lover, you'll have your socks knocked off by Mika's live performance. When he's standing in the same room as you, hitting those notes with the same effortless talent evident on the album, you'll find yourself blinking and rubbing your eyes, looking for signs that he's in fact lip-synching. Only, he's not; it's all real, baby. :naughty:


Oh, and take your wife with you, I'm sure she'd be thankful. :biggrin2:

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Welcome to MFC! Stick around for a while, we're a nice bunch. :wink2:


It's interesting that you've gravitated so much toward Blue Eyes; it's one of my favourites, too. I don't know if you read the credits of the album, but it was produced by Greg Wells, an LA producer who's worked with a ton of different artists. He also worked on Mika's first album, and IMHO the Mika/Greg Wells combo is a winner indeed.


And as others have said, if you can get yourself to Sydney for Mika's November gig, do so. He's not around those parts often; he hasn't played any Australian dates since June 2007. And as a genuine music lover, you'll have your socks knocked off by Mika's live performance. When he's standing in the same room as you, hitting those notes with the same effortless talent evident on the album, you'll find yourself blinking and rubbing your eyes, looking for signs that he's in fact lip-synching. Only, he's not; it's all real, baby. :naughty:


Oh, and take your wife with you, I'm sure she'd be thankful. :biggrin2:


Yes. Wells is very talented. The artists he has produced read like a Who's Who of popular music.


Blue eyes is certainly my favorite track on the album.


It's interesting that Mika is so keen to perform his music live without resorting to lip-synching. A warts and all approach. That's very honest. I have heard quite a few name acts where they have been very disappointing live. In fact some have been so ordinary I don't doubt their voices have been 'tricked up' on their recordings to sound as though they're singing in key.

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Thanks for the review, it's always good to hear a sort of "outsider" point of view. Except of course you are now hooked.:naughty:


Have you listened to the first album, btw?


Have I heard the first album?


OMG! How is it possible in my house NOT to have heard the first album? :shocked: :shocked:


I can't believe you asked my that question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wink2:


P.S. I don't care what you guys think. I am not hooked...

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Have I heard the first album?


OMG! How is it possible in my house NOT to have heard the first album? :shocked: :shocked:


I can't believe you asked my that question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wink2:


P.S. I don't care what you guys think. I am not hooked...


Your wife could have kept it all to herself :naughty:


I was just interested in your comparison of the 2 albums

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Your wife could have kept it all to herself :naughty:


I was just interested in your comparison of the 2 albums


My comments on the first album? Hmmm...


Bother. I hoped none of you guys would paint me into a corner here :boxed:


So before I put this into print, I would like to say that I'm kinda glad that I'm writing this on a forum and none of you guys know where I live. Gulp! So here I go...


I really thought Mika was going to be a 'One Hit Wonder'. Just a passing fad.


His first album was full of catchy tunes, and bouncy beats. Lots of sugar candy and fairly floss. Vivacious and flirtatious. A musical version of a shooting star, blazing it's way across the heavens. For a few brief moments lighting up all around it, before quietly fading away. An album crafted for the Top 40 and maybe a few spins at a New Years Eve party for a while. But ultimately destined to gather dust on shelves as the months and years roll on. Unsold copies would find their way into the discount bin at local music shops. And Mika? Mika, Who?


I will now also use all my endeavours to avoid going to the Australian Mika concert. I can imagine me turning up to the concert, the only middle-aged, balding guy wearing bifocals, cardy and comfy slippers bopping to 'Blame it on the Girls'. and swaying to 'Blue Eyes'. You guys will pick me straight away. I can hear the cry going up now. "That's him!" "That's the dude who said Mika was going to be a 'One Hit Wonder!'" "Let's Get Him!" "Let's super glue a pair of headphones to his skull and set an iPod on perpetual repeat of 'Life in Cartoon Motion' OMG!!! I couldn't stand it! What torture!!!




Was I wrong? Only you guys can answer that. Mika's first album has now sold 6 million copies world wide. Okay I guess, for a 'One Hit Wonder'. His latest album has garnered record pre-release sales, and is now on the top of world wide charts. In addition you guys have this fan club going populated by a bunch of dedicated, FAN-atics highly trained in the Mika based martial art of 'Mika-Jitsu' .


The future looks bright... :thumb_yello:

Edited by bulldog
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