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REPORTS/PICS/VIDS: Mika @ Hammersmith Apollo, London FEB 28 2010


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I could get used to this travelling-abroad-to-see-Mika lark :naughty:


It was my first full-blown gig, and I absolutely loved it!! I got to the venue around 1am, I was the clown with the pink tutu and feather boa :naughty: It got very cold outside eventually!! Will have to wrap up warmer at the next gig! Shame it got a bit chaotic when we were waiting to get into the auditorium, up until then things were going so well with the numbers! Big thanks to Robi, organising is in your blood!! :naughty: I ended up sort of in the 3rd row, centre-ish, eventually.


I must admit, I didn't notice that like half the equipment had died until he said :lmfao: The freaking smoke machine still worked though, nearly got suffocated!! :roftl: Like other people have said, lots of eye contact, and when he was like bowing down to us at the end of Happy Ending was very touching. I honestly thought that new WAG intro was an intro to a new song - until I recognised the lyrics!! Really liked that, as well as that new version of Rain, that's fantastic!!


We waited ages to meet him afterwards, I was losing the feeling in my hands!! :roftl: I gave him a little prezzie and got my ticket signed, he gave me bit of a look after seeing my outfit as if to say 'wtf are you dressed as??" :lmfao:


I've got some photos, unfortunately most of them didn't come out well, and in the end I gave up, but I'll upload some either tonight or tomorrow - I still desperately need to catch up on my sleep! It was a fantastic experience, I can't wait until my next gig!!

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just a note

i did nothing, others spent hours giving numbers away....i happened to help a bit in the end :wink2:


thanks nerys, anyway :naughty:


Ooh yes, sorry girls, thanks to those who were giving the numbers out!! :blush-anim-cl:

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hello it was brilliant and i was in block 9 row d seat 41 i was really happy some people got up near but a quite a few still remained seated, when i looked behind me loads were up and i was impressed :thumb_yello: i think love today did the trick and i loved it all really, the people in front of the stage looked like they had a great time on both of the nights i went.


Hope he does an extra night in london with his voice range i think Royal Albert Hall would be a good choice and naturally i will go :naughty: hope everyone else enjoyed themselves :thumb_yello:

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Thank you dearFreddy....the olding people can be as crazy as youg , so no discrimination please.

Well , i am going to sleep a while but wanted to say yhat i got what i wanted: to be backstage.

so we were not allowed to see mika 'soundcheck because we were workers ( wages= 1 pound, it's a beginning!).

Mrs P was so kind ant patient and so Yasmine was;

BUT theses masks didn't allow me to see what i what doing on stage , it was a nightmare.

I prefered the 1st of March , i had another mask and enjoyed a lot the final with LG.

I apologized to Mika after , saying that the procession was not terrible , he answered that he had so many technicals pbs , so when he realized that so many BG were on , he

thout that another pb was coming..

The thing is : we had been told that Cherisse would play until we went , but in fact, Mika went up and began to sing , so what to do with the flowers?

take the risk to throw them on his face?

We should have had a real rehaseal on syage until we were really ready!!!!

I am so happy , you can't understand how much!!!!:mf_lustslow:

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Finally have the internet back to give a report.

I got there about twenty past nine, making me 21 in the queue. It was absolutely freezing, but I didn;t mind (if I ignored the fact I couldn't feel my toes :bleh: ). Chatted with a bunch of different people, and the numbering system was great, especially when it got to the proper queueing. It makes it a lot easier to get back to your place if you have to get out quickly. By the way, thank you to Suzy, who was very nice and next to me in the queue :biggrin2:

That was until we got into the auditorium, and they said to split into 2 queues. I was scared I'd end up behind someone really tall like I had before and wouldn;t be able to see anything. But I got front row! I was next to a really nice girl from Rome.

I think they should have had a more varied playlist. There was one song that must have been play at least 6 times. It was a relief when it changed.

I didn't expect Erik Hassle to be that good after seeing on GMTV, but he was great! I really liked his set.

Then just before Mika came on, the school bell went off and for a split second I thought it was a fire drill and thought my ten hours in the cold had been a waste. But when no one else reacted I worked out it must have been a part of the show.

Mika was amazing!! I adored the show and didn't realise that some of the instruments broke. The smoke machine worked very well though.

I thought the opening to We Are Golden was a new song at first, but then it got into it and I realised it wasn't.

Mika shows aren't long enough.

I loved it, and I can't wait til the next tour, when I'll be leaving early again. I hope it'll be warmer though :biggrin2:

I'll post some of my better pictures later.

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The only thing I can say is that it was an amazing night, I loved loved loved being LG, was happy with given the honor to lead the (long :bleh:) line of BG's and LG's, being backstage, meeting so many nice people, some of them new, it all added to the joy. I did go a little mental just before we had to go on stage because we were waiting in line already and I could see absolutely nothing through my mask. Since I was the first in line that was a little disaster. So I screamed: "I can't see, I can't see!" And mrs P. came running up to me: "why didn't you tell me before!" "Because I could see a little with the lights on but now at the dark stage I can't see anything at all." Her searching for scissors and in the very last minute cutting the eyeholes in the mask bigger and taking out her hairpin to use it to put my mask tighter. It was done just in time :teehee:. The mask was a little frustrating, especially during Lollipop since there I couldn't see anything anymore (my mask kept on falling forwards, leaving the eyeholes on my cheeks) which made me feel hesitant to move freely. But hey, it was a Mika gig, the masks added to the show. We turned from cute LG's into bizar creatures (I am quoting someone). It was amazing.


I had been frightened to queue but in the end it wasn't that bad. We were allowed to leave the queue every now and then (and not for hours and hours but just for half an hour to have lunch and warm up) and everyone I met was friendly. When the people without numbers who were queuing a long time too were telling us that, we let them in our row (which was the row with numbers 30 till 40) since they were there early too and had rights too. So for me it felt totally different then for Daz. I am actually surprised that you are so angry about not being let with your friends Daz, since if you wanted to be with them you should have queued early too, in my opinion. Or use the option Guy has mentioned. I started queuing at 11.30 (didn't feel like starting queueing from "stupid o'clock" :bleh:) and had nr. 38. In the end, there were far more people in front of me then 37. But that's the way it goes, perfect solutions aren't possible I'm afraid. Perhaps we just have to accept that and make the best of it. For me it didn't matter in the end since I got to be LG and ended up seeing the first half of the show from quite a distance. But hey, I got to be LG :biggrin2:.


Thanks to all the people (MFC'ers and non MFC'ers) who helped making these two days so special for me. Thanks to Mika's mum and sister (and the wardrobe lady) for being so friendly. Thanks to Mika for everything.

That's about it for now I think :biggrin2:.

Edited by Monie
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No other artist in the world has a numbering system. Most people just queue. I've found as well that people can get a number then disappear for a few hours and come back expecting to be back where they were. It doesn't work but the MFCers are too stubborn to accept that. The way its going Mika gigs will be full of MFCers and nobody else at all.


Probably because we are Mika fans, funnily enough!


I find this odd coming from someone who turned up later than any of the others in the front of the queue, yet still managed to to get far enough up there to get in the front row!


And as I tried to point out to you, when started shouting me down about it, even if there wasn't a numbering system, just an ordinary queue, it's still not right for people to jump it. I've never let anyone do that to me in any queue EVER, so why should I start now?

Also find it interesting that you're complaining about the numbering system, when it got you inside the venue ahead of most of the crowd? If you'd been outside with everyone else, I think you'd probably have much more right to complain, but you benefited from the system that you're slagging off. If you don't like it, don't use it, and queue at the back at the time you arrive(sorry, the I'm with my friend excuse doesn't work with me, been in too many cinema queues for that one to work!)

I do agree with your point though that some do abuse it, and yesterday we cut that out, by giving a time limit, on breaks and if you weren't back before the time was up, you lost your place. May seem harsh, but cuts out the abuse of of people wondering off around town for the day.

Edited by RAK1
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So here is my report-


I always expected that a Mika concert would be something spectacular...how wrong I was. What I saw last night was purely and simply out of this world. I can't find the words to express it except to tell I'm still a little shocked and in awe from it!


P.S. I'll put my videos on youtube and post a link later but the filming and picture/sound quality is pretty awful to be honest. I wasn't watching what I was recording, I was too busy with what was going on live! The guy with Mika model, (we loved that in the queue by the way!) your head also stars in it if you are interested :P

Glad you enjoyed yourselves :biggrin2:

(hope my big head being in the way didn't spoil your enjoyment too much:blush-anim-cl: )

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Thanks again Neactegale for posting your M & G pics, you've captured the moment really well.


By the way, just how cool was his jacket with the little clear plastic 'windows' on the cuffs


Another funny moment I forgot to mention was after the show when Jules asked one of the security men to pick up 2 feathers from the other side of the barrier (Dr John's coat was moulting) he looked at us like we were from another planet....lol :blush-anim-cl:

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Thanks again Neactegale for posting your M & G pics, you've captured the moment really well.


By the way, just how cool was his jacket with the little clear plastic 'windows' on the cuffs


Another funny moment I forgot to mention was after the show when Jules asked one of the security men to pick up 2 feathers from the other side of the barrier (Dr John's coat was moulting) he looked at us like we were from another planet....lol :blush-anim-cl:


It's pure luck that the picture was in focus - none of the others were - Mika is a blurry streak (if he's even in the frame :naughty:) I'm glad I got that one at the right moment :biggrin2:


Those are magic feathers - guard them well :kaf:

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Here's a pic



Love this pic :wub2: Thanks for posting!


About numbers... I guess we can queue using at least three different ways? We can literally stand in a queue. Well, sure it's possible. But I think it's a bit more sophisticated to use numbers, because that way you don't need to stand in the same place and you can easily chat with people and go to toilet etc (but NOT disappear for hours!). And yes, the third way is to just make groups and that will end up a chaos, and those who can push themselves through the crowd will be in front.


I know there are people who want to be in front but doesn't want to queue at all, and this number system is not always working, but I have also seen it working really well many many times. In London John was a huge help :wub2: and security from the venue was nice and at the second time the situation was much calmer.


I'm sorry if I cannot explain it well, I haven't slept properly. I don't want to argue with anyone. I just can't understand why these numbers is such a big issue.


I'm uploading my vids. Love Today is here:



Sara, you did so well, it was cool :biggrin2: He knew it was you and I'm sure he thought you could handle it.


Oh, I'm too shy to be BG! I would love to see it all (all practicing and everything), and maybe zombie walking would be okay, but I'm really not a great dancer and I would be too nervous.

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Thanks Sharon! Watching it again just makes it all seem real again I am still in shock, hahahah!!! I just could NOT believe my eyes when I saw him pounce and grab my arm, and pull me to the front :lmfao:

All I could remember were his eyes with a very determined look, staring at me through the mask :roftl:. At that point I nearly died. I thought 'WTF am I going to do now???'


Oh Guy, believe me, if I had thought about it, I would have said the same thing, but when it happens, you just somehow 'go' and it all comes naturally :naughty:. Oh dear!

I found another vid that gives more of a view, including when he sort of put his bum against me:



What a surreal night. When I came off, someone said that MamaP and John were standing there, staring at the stage in disbelief, wondering wtf had posessed Mika to do that :roftl:. They all thought that he'd gone mental, ahhahaha.

During the rehearsals, MamaP had decided that she liked my zombie, and said that I needed to be the last one to go out in the line, and I tried a few times to sneak into the middle of the line, because I didn't particularly want to be the last one, but every time she found me out and put me at the back again, saying that I was last :aah:, so I really tried very very hard not to be the last one, but she just insisted that I had to, and wasn't having any of it. Oh goodness, I am still in shock, haha.

After he put me back in the middle, I couldn't see anything, so I couldn't even figure out how to get off the stage until Imma came to get me and lead me out. I didn't know what Mika wanted me to do either, obviously, so I just kinda improvised and made sure that I was moving until someone told me otherwise :naughty:. Which Imma kinda did when she took my hand and lead me off the stage.

What a night!!!!!!!!!

you were absolutley fantastic! i kinda saw what he might do when he turned on you, that only made us (from the 8/9th row on the left) scream even louder, you are my hero!! :roftl:

A couple of videos i'll try and do rest tomorrow




that i see you video... it's so beautiful! thank you soo much!!


thanks for all your uploads!!!



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Love this pic :wub2: Thanks for posting!


About numbers... I guess we can queue using at least three different ways? We can literally stand in a queue. Well, sure it's possible. But I think it's a bit more sophisticated to use numbers, because that way you don't need to stand in the same place and you can easily chat with people and go to toilet etc (but NOT disappear for hours!). And yes, the third way is to just make groups and that will end up a chaos, and those who can push themselves through the crowd will be in front.


I know there are people who want to be in front but doesn't want to queue at all, and this number system is not always working, but I have also seen it working really well many many times. In London John was a huge help :wub2: and security from the venue was nice and at the second time the situation was much calmer.


I'm sorry if I cannot explain it well, I haven't slept properly. I don't want to argue with anyone. I just can't understand why these numbers is such a big issue.


I'm uploading my vids. Love Today is here:



Sara, you did so well, it was cool :biggrin2: He knew it was you and I'm sure he thought you could handle it.


Oh, I'm too shy to be BG! I would love to see it all (all practicing and everything), and maybe zombie walking would be okay, but I'm really not a great dancer and I would be too nervous.


Thank you for your beautiful vids :thumb_yello:.


Mika didn't know it was Sariflor, he later asked in the dressing room who it was who he pulled out. We were not recognisable with those masks on :bleh:. I think she did a good job reacting on it, it must not have been easy, we did not rehearse this :naughty:. Since we had to leave the stage after it was our turn I had no idea that he had pulled this stunt until I saw the vids.

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OMG, Sara , i just see the vidéo , it has been a very special experience to be left on stage after we went, i didn't know it was lasting so long?

oh poor!!!!

I affirm that the band /mika began the song too much quickly and didn't wait for all the dead were gone...

the wonderful experience of my life, thanks to Mrs P , yasmine and the 2 ppl who were working for us in this little room.

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can i please ask what the number system is please? i don't really understand what it is about, i didn't know about numbers and i'm a little confused!!



we mark each fan's hand with a progressive number as soon as they arrive at the venue. in this way we succeed in granting a fair position to the fans who go queueing very early. early numbers normally end front row.

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