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MIKA to be Judge on XFactor 7 #XF7 Italia 2013


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Here I am!

Elio says he's annoyed that everybody's talking about Mika instead of the fact he has no moustache anymore this year :naughty:


He also says that he could describe Mika in one word: 'sveglio', which means that he's smart and he learn the rules of the game very fast.

Then Morgan wants to focus on his craving for learning! He's teaching Mika about history of italian music, starting from Genova (with De Andrè, a very important singer of our tradition).

And he found out today that Mika has already started listening those songs, cause he's genuinely interested.


He's going to learn extra things that will give him a considerable return, trust me!


Thank you Eugenio!


Does anyone know the date that the program will be broadcast?

Edited by natalia_recos
I forgot to ask something
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Genova, al via le audizioni di ‘X Factor’: debutto di Mika in giuria


Al via a Genova le audizioni per la settima stagione del talent musicale X Factor . Ad accogliere e giudicare gli aspiranti cantanti, i giudici della nuova stagione. Dopo l abbandono di Arisa, sar Mika a prendere il suo posto.






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Here I am!

Elio says he's annoyed that everybody's talking about Mika instead of the fact he has no moustache anymore this year :naughty:


He also says that he could describe Mika in one word: 'sveglio', which means that he's smart and he learn the rules of the game very fast.

Then Morgan wants to focus on his craving for learning! He's teaching Mika about history of italian music, starting from Genova (with De Andrè, a very important singer of our tradition).

And he found out today that Mika has already started listening those songs, cause he's genuinely interested.


He's going to learn extra things that will give him a considerable return, trust me!


Thanks for translating! :flowers2: He has a large knowledge already and wants to learn more, people will be surprised!








Love these pics :wub2: Thanks for posting!! Hahah, he is having fun already :naughty: He must be tired after the weekend, everything happening in Italian.

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Thank you Eugenio!


Does anyone know the date that the program will be broadcast?


According to the XFactor_Italia twitter: "I Live Show di #XF7 partiranno il 24 ottobre da Milano."

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Mika debutta a XFactor:

«Strano, sono il più severo»


La novità di X Factor è Mika, popstar da 28 milioni di dischi. È parso il più cattivo (anche se Simona Ventura, se deve fare a fette un concorrente, sa affilare le unghie: «Sei sprezzante dell'orrido»). Sarà questa la sua cifra? «Io non sono cattivo — risponde Mika in un italiano migliore di molti italiani —. Sono onesto, dico quello che penso delle performance»



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Mika debutta a XFactor:

«Strano, sono il più severo»


La novità di X Factor è Mika, popstar da 28 milioni di dischi. È parso il più cattivo (anche se Simona Ventura, se deve fare a fette un concorrente, sa affilare le unghie: «Sei sprezzante dell'orrido»). Sarà questa la sua cifra? «Io non sono cattivo — risponde Mika in un italiano migliore di molti italiani —. Sono onesto, dico quello che penso delle performance»





I believe that, It's true with his spanish as well :naughty:

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VIDEO at the PRESS conference




Riparte X Factor con nuova giuria. Mika: sono terrorizzato


Dopo aver accolto oltre 30mila aspiranti pop star a Napoli e Milano per i casting, la macchina di 'X Factor' si mette in moto e parte da Genova. L'avventura di Simona Ventura, Morgan ed Elio a cui quest'anno si aggiunge il cantante libanese Mika.



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It was fantastic, but today I'm knackered, I'll tell you asap :thumb_yello:


No, we didn't manage to meet him


He's a brillant, amazing, sensitive, sweet, witty judge

Edited by mari62
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Writing a column about the audictions so give me a couple of hours and i'll post it here :wink2:


It was fantastic, but today I'm knackered, I'll tell you asap :thumb_yello:


Great news! Looking forward to your reports!! :thumb_yello: Very curious to hear about him as a judge!

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