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MIKA to be Judge on XFactor 7 #XF7 Italia 2013


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Mika e le scelte musicali di Simona Ventura





Mika Balla da Solo







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I watched all performances of this week, and the one I like are those of Ape Escape :mf_rosetinted:, Valentina, Michele, Andrea and Violeta.

I was disappointed by the performances of Street Cleks and Roberta, it sounded boring to me.

And I'm worried about Gaia, she doesn't shine anymore since the Live shows started. Maybe Mika is chosing bad songs for her, or maybe she put too much pressure on herself?

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Shut up dear, shut up, dangerous comment :mf_rosetinted:

I know,but I'll take the risk :mf_rosetinted:

I watched all performances of this week, and the one I like are those of Ape Escape :mf_rosetinted:, Valentina, Michele, Andrea and Violeta.

I was disappointed by the performances of Street Cleks and Roberta, it sounded boring to me.

And I'm worried about Gaia, she doesn't shine anymore since the Live shows started. Maybe Mika is chosing bad songs for her, or maybe she put too much pressure on herself?


I never thought I'd like so much Ape Escape when I first saw them! :thumb_yello: And I kinda liked what Street Clerks did with Britney's song,but Michele is definitely the BEST :wub2:

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I know,but I'll take the risk :mf_rosetinted:



I never thought I'd like so much Ape Escape when I first saw them! :thumb_yello: And I kinda liked what Street Clerks did with Britney's song,but Michele is definitely the BEST :wub2:


I´m sorry but Michele´s voice doesn´t do anything for me and also I can´t see anything special in his performances, he reminds me to much to Daniel Kübelböck so I can´t share your hype about him :wink2:

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I´m sorry but Michele´s voice doesn´t do anything for me and also I can´t see anything special in his performances, he reminds me to much to Daniel Kübelböck so I can´t share your hype about him :wink2:


I am not sure anybody besides German or Austrian people will know Kübelböck :teehee:



And know I am not curious about Michele anymore

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I´m sorry but Michele´s voice doesn´t do anything for me and also I can´t see anything special in his performances, he reminds me to much to Daniel Kübelböck so I can´t share your hype about him :wink2:


I don't know who you are referring to, but I share you view on Michele:thumb_yello:

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I am not sure anybody besides German or Austrian people will know Kübelböck :teehee:



And know I am not curious about Michele anymore


No no, it´s only my opinion and the opinion of a friend of me who I showed Michele because her son looks a bit like him and the first Thing she told me was " he reminds me to Kübelböck´s voice a lot " . But most MFC ´iers love Michele, so listen first before you decide it :wink2:

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I´m sorry but Michele´s voice doesn´t do anything for me and also I can´t see anything special in his performances, he reminds me to much to Daniel Kübelböck so I can´t share your hype about him :wink2:


Then I guess it's better that I have no idea who this Daniel is :teehee: Btw,is he a bad singer?

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I am not sure anybody besides German or Austrian people will know Kübelböck :teehee:



And know I am not curious about Michele anymore


Kübelböck was a constantant in the first German talentshow and got number three in the end but always reminded me to Kermit the frog. I couldn´t find a better vid which shows his voice from that time. He is still doing Music and is much better today. But I can´t get rid of his pic in my head when I listen to Michele.


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Kübelböck was a constantant in the first German talentshow and got number three in the end but always reminded me to Kermit the frog. I couldn´t find a better vid which shows his voice from that time. He is still doing Music and is much better today. But I can´t get rid of his pic in my head when I listen to Michele.



You're right! :shocked: His voice sounds very similar to Michele's......but it's a nice voice,imo :blush-anim-cl: And what I like at Michele is not only his voice,but the whole performance on stage.Even if he's playing a boring or less known song,he can do it with emotion and frankness.But we'll see how every contestant will evolve forwards,surprises could appear anytime :teehee:

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No no, it´s only my opinion and the opinion of a friend of me who I showed Michele because her son looks a bit like him and the first Thing she told me was " he reminds me to Kübelböck´s voice a lot " . But most MFC ´iers love Michele, so listen first before you decide it :wink2:

At least his fanclub will also be MFC.

A big thanks to all who've put videos on here (I don't know if it's uploaded, or downloaded, so I just wrote "put")

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:shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked: Daniel Kübelböck? Michele is not at all like him :overreact: No. No. No. No. No.



You can vote in Facebook, you must follow Sky Uno or X-Factor Italy page and then you need to open the App and there you can vote 10times per manche.

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:shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked: Daniel Kübelböck? Michele is not at all like him :overreact: No. No. No. No. No.



You can vote in Facebook, you must follow Sky Uno or X-Factor Italy page and then you need to open the App and there you can vote 10times per manche.


I do not see the ressemblance between Michele and Daniel either :dunno:


and thanks for the info :wink2:

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Here's my last 2 video of the third live :






Tb the actuzione of Valentina & Robie Williams with Entertein you like me so much..sorry for forgot the names..

Thks Simona G


Comemnt anticipazione of MOrgana:

Brani in italiano, vogliamo i brani in italiano dei grandissimi artisti che ci sono e che abbiamo avuto!!! Ditelo anche a Mika!!! Morgan è l'unico che ogni tanto prova a far fare ai suoi ragazzi qualche pezzo di grande artista del passato"I´m not with him...

i love this video a good job.. MIKa but ..



Il quarto Live Show è alle porte e questo significa che l’avventura di X Factor è giunta a metà. È un momento cruciale, il punto in cui il gioco si fa davvero duro e la ricerca per la nuova popstar italiana diventa sempre più spietata. Come annunciato da Alessandro Cattelan durante la scorsa puntata, giovedì tornerà Hell Factor e due concorrenti lasceranno #XF7 per sempre. Una doppia eliminazione, quindi, che ridurrà senza pietà il numero dei nostri 10 talenti a 8. Il rischio è altissimo anche per i nostri giudici: le squadre di Simona Ventura, Elio e Morgan sono composte da due talenti ciascuna e perciò ognuno dei tre mentori potrebbe potenzialmente rimanere senza concorrenti! Mika, con ancora quattro ragazze in squadra, nella peggiore delle ipotesi rischierebbe di vedere dimezzate le sue Under Donne. Un vero inferno!

Quali concorrenti abbandoneranno definitivamente il sogno di X Factor? Quale giudice si allontanerà ancora di più dalla possibilità di raggiungere il traguardo finale? Scopriamolo insieme durante il quarto Live Show di X Factor, in onda giovedì alle 21:10 su Sky Uno.

Is Still to do anything of Hell....??



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