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Everything posted by TinyLove_CJ

  1. My Christmas tree only arrived yesterday, it's artificial with gold sparkly branches! It's also only 2ft tall 😅, I simply don't have room for anything bigger. As long as I look after it I'm sure it will last as long as the last one I had which made it to 15 years before falling apart! It's still in the box because I haven't started decorating yet, to me it still feels a little early, anyone else started?
  2. Hi @Edwin Rose I'm C.J also from the UK, also a complete nerd (yet to watch The Mandalorian though 😞) and also a huge Mika fan. Have fun here at MFC 😊
  3. Happy 39th wedding anniversary Deb! 🎉 


    You clearly have a great husband if he doesn't mind listening to Mika's music all this time with you, well nearly 14 years of your marriage anyway! 😄 

    I hope you have a great day today 😊


    Also I hope your eyes feel better after the chili powder incident. 

  4. This makes me insanely happy because my budgie absolutely loves the original song when I play it! (I heard it on a TV ad once and my budgie chirps along! ) Now I can play Mika's short version and get him to like it too! 😁
  5. There's been many debates about this before now too, Not long ago on twitter some fans were even wondering if Mika does sing the naughty version sometimes 😁 No doubt he probably knows about this by now, you're not the only one that hears it.
  6. I've only just realised that I missed the IG live because I thought it would be tonight! 😭 Seriously can someone give me a poke when they happen?, I think that's the 4th I've missed! Anyway I love how the lyrics have been put together (thanks for including mine too!) and will take an hour out tonight to catch up on IGTV!
  7. Why thank you! I like to think that my 27 years on this planet means I've learned a thing or two about being 'down with the kids'*...... *I'll see myself out 😅
  8. I agree here. If we never start an open discussion like this then we'll never know how people are going to feel. I'm glad we have a forum based website for Mika fans, and keeping threads open/visible allows others to see how we're taking in each other's views and having a polite discussion amongst fans of all ages. Thank you! I will get round to it soon 😊
  9. This is certainly an interesting discussion and one I think should be discussed openly and honestly, here at MFC I like to think that it's safe to do so. This is my take on the subject, sorry in advance for it being quite long. I agree with a lot of points already made in this thread. It can be uncomfortable to read sexualised comments about Mika (or anyone for that matter!) but I think this can be regardless of age. Whether this is minors who haven't learned about the dangers of social media or adults who actually do know better and do feel uncomfortable reading such comments. Also when it comes to someone actually posting a comment, again I'm not too sure it's always down to age. Some minors (for me that's anyone under 18, I know some people might think differently) are going to want to explore sex, and I don't just mean the physical aspect of it. Young people may well project their feelings onto someone they admire, whether this is a celebrity or someone they're close to, it really doesn't matter because if they're posting something with a sexual intent then it's always going to be seen or read in the wrong way by the good people who know it's wrong and by people who can't emphasise with minors and just think what they're posting is disgusting. We should always try to emphasise with minors (and others!) when they post something sexualised, misconstrued or even unkind. We have no idea what they're going through and we should learn to be better on both sides. - whole different story if someone's a bully on social media, bullies don't deserve empathy! - As for adults posting sexualised comments, it's already been said here that we think they should know better but a lot of adults just don't. I wonder if a lot of adults will post something wrong because they feel like they can get away with it, because they're adults. It's so easy to use the anonymity of social media to be whoever you want to be and maybe not care about the consequences. Again it's also been mentioned that some adults just want to re-live their youth and continue to share their feelings, whether innocent or otherwise, so anyone part of an older generation will post whatever they want to so that they still feel young too. It does become a problem when adults have this attitude of not caring and refuse to learn and change their behaviour, that's when it can become almost creepy knowing that an adult is thinking that way about a celebrity and making it public. I've come across some comments on twitter where adults seem to be proud of what they say regardless of whether their married, single, straight or gay. It's these types of people that really don't care who sees their comments. I also want to discuss a little about fanfiction which is also a controversial topic. It's all well and good writing a story about someone you admire but writing something that is NSFW and posting in a very public place online certainly causes some issues. I personally find this aspect of sexualising someone very uncomfortable. However I have seen some younger people start writing fanfic just as a way to get their feelings out, but then some people might be influenced by other things they've read (usually online) and start to explore adult content and put that into their own stories, creating new fantasies and in turn then sexualising the person they admire. Most Mika related fanfic I've come across has not been written by an innocent young person, there often disgusting sex stories written by adults. I do wish there was a way to stop people sharing such things online, especially on social media, if people want to write that kind of thing maybe find a private chat website or better yet keep it to themselves! There's always going to be comments posted across social media that we, the good people, will think is wrong, offensive or down right disgusting. There's someone behind those comments, a complete stranger who we don't know. We can't change their behaviour. We can't physically stop them from pressing send on an indecent post. What we can do is report and block anyone that is continually posting horrible comments. We might all say "it's just all down to common sense", but everyone's version of common sense is going to be different. We can also continue this discussion and hope that anyone coming into this fandom (or any fandom really!) will understand and want to learn how to behave amongst everyone else. Now a few things that are more personal to me: In all the 13 years of following Mika, as much as I love him, I have never fantasised about him in a sexual way. Not when I was in my teens, not when I was discovering my sexuality and not into adulthood. I love him for who he is and as a human being that I aspire to be like. That's not to say that I don't recognise him as a sex symbol for other people and that doesn't mean I don't have sexual feelings for other celebrities, because I do! I'm only human and it's perfectly normal to feel a certain way about someone who can only ever be a dream. However I'm not going to start declaring my love for them online or saying what I think about certain celebrities in private, I would never do that! When I post something I always take into consideration who's going to see it, I rarely post anything considered indecent but if I ever posted something NSFW then I would do so with a content warning. I've been wanting to have a writing thread here for a while now but I've had these irrational thoughts thinking that what if people use it to post weird fanfic. I know that's really silly to think about and I probably will launch a writing thread soon, but at least I'm being considerate of what minors (or anyone) might see here. Lastly can Mika fans over on twitter stop with the furry hate? Someone posted a video recently of when Mika used to wear the animal costumes back in the day and instantly there were comments like "ew a furry, keep away from my dog" and "Mika wants to do it in costumes while thinking about animals, that's disgusting." I've been weary of saying this before now but I'm gonna say it, I'm part of the Furry community and we don't all fantasise about animals! I've wanted to mention this in the LGBT Younglings thread but I've been fearful of how people might react. It's something to discuss another time, I don't want to go off topic here about Furry community discourse. I can explain more about Furries later!
  10. Logged in just a few minutes ago and it's happened! As you can see in the picture below the notification in bold is my only new notification. But then I noticed a reply to the Mika Instagram, Facebook, Twitter thread so I thought I'd check it out. If you look at the time on my phone in the screen shot (top right) it's only a minute later and in the thread you can see it says 'Unread Replies'. Not sure what's causing this to happen.
  11. I noticed this too! Missed notifications don't appear in the list, I think the next time it happens I'll have to take a screen shot, for now I guess I'll just have to keep checking as and when I log in.
  12. I seem to be having an occasional problem, by which I mean it only happens every so often not all the time. Sometimes when I log in I'll have no new notifications, but then when I go to a thread I follow there'll be new replies in that thread and I've completely missed them because of not getting the notification! This has happened with quite a few threads I follow. I've double checked my notification settings but nothing has changed. Has this affected anyone else? Like I said it's only occasionally but it's still annoying!
  13. There's another copy of Songs for Sorrow for sale on eBay with a starting bid of only £10.10! EBay wouldn't let me share a link so this is from pickclick, pressing the 'See Details' button will redirect you to the eBay app (if you have it) or the eBay site. https://picclick.co.uk/Mika-Songs-For-Sorrow-Book-203178558740.html Ignore the Amazon button if you see it, it's just an ad!
  14. Oh my this is bringing back memories of the hours spent in my art class, I used to listen to We Are Golden on repeat trying my best to keep the volume down so the teacher wouldn't hear it! 😂
  15. Maybe we should put different verses together from different people and have a sing a long!? 🤔 We could do this through zoom if anyone's up for it. 😂
  16. My take on this. I've tried to make it rhyme and fit the rhythm of Dear Jealousy, I tried... 😅 Dear quarantine My room knows every part of me These 4 walls staring back at me I just want to leave I'm in quarantine A virus named covid-19 It made me sick for two weeks I'm tired than I've ever been Oh baby I'm tired, I'm tired I'm tired of this. I'm tired of all the bad news When will it ever stop? I'm hopeful, I'm hopeful I'm hoping for a better time. An army of key workers, Doctors and nurses are on the front line. No longer in quarantine I'm waiting for a vaccine It's coming soon, it won't be rushed When it's here I'll give you all a hug.
  17. Just discovered this thread and it is hilarious. I might come up with something myself! 😂
  18. Hello and welcome @falsetto I'm C.J from the UK! A very detailed intro there and I love how that you listened to Mika at school, I used to do that too! I'm sure you'll soon come to love the community here. 😊
  19. How do you do that thing where you type like this then hide text where it says 'reveal hidden content' and then carry on typing normally again? 

    Is it only possible in desktop browser mode? 

    1. silver


      I don't know - on a PC/laptop you would use the "eye" symbol on the edit bar.  So it depends if you get the full edit bar on your phone.

  20. Currently in a very good mood. At least one person here knows why :wink2:

    Let's just say, I'll be very warm this winter... 


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