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Hapy Ending video on YouTube


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I thinking I agree with Yoppapop, mostly about the videos being taken too literally, and that I've haven't really liked any of Mika's videos except for Grace Kelly. I don't know, I think she mostly said what I was thinking, and I always love that she says what she feels, don't know what else to say, haha.

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just my humble 2 cents....


-watched the vid "on the run", read a couple of pgs from the thread quickly, so forgive pls if I repeat smth....


Cant say I 100% like it, but I dont feel irritated by the "cheapness" etc...either...(although I dont say it has left me completely indifferent...just that I expected the "take on the song " from a slightly diff point of view...)


1. The "cheapness" and "lack of" spec effects - I rather like it....back to the 80ies....the whole "esthetics" (hate the word, cant think of a better one for now) of it and colourschemes, and everything ring a certain bell...as the BG did....


2. I like the "lack of message" in the vid....I dont like when the messages in books, films, visuals, personal communications, flirting etc get too straightforward...One needs space for thoughts, imagination and associations... (Dont like most of Hollywood stuff -and screening of some well-known books in particular -for that reason - either good or bad, too dumb...)...although "overanalyzing" the vids and lyrics and etc is quite funny at times, I agree...


3. The cheesy "flying into the sky" - I rather like it again - for provoking the same 80ies-Ziggy-etc associations...plus it makes you (me personally) think of going loose into the sky - i.e. into life - from your childhood bedroom, while your toys drop tears and watch you :bleh: - a direct msg here in my opinion...


4. However despite the wonderful beginning (ImO) - the vid does seem a bit "raw" towards the end - I wld have added more "contrasts" ....hard to explain - but if that was me - I'd rather introduce 2 "worlds" of "childhood bedroom" - full of dreams and balloons and a RL world - but not necessarily all dark and scary - but also full of supporting "hands" not letting one fall down when ballons are gone....but again, just "my interpretation" here....



sorry for rather a messy "flow of mind " and typos...maybe will add smth more "shaped" later....

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Well, I liked it. I had to listen the song on my cdplayer, because I have no sound yet, but I liked it. Not cheesy or anything in my opinion. Just Mika. And he looks smashing:wink2: :wub2:


exactly what i think .. mika's personality all over ... from the toys to the fantasy everything

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4. However despite the wonderful beginning (ImO) - the vid does seem a bit "raw" towards the end - I wld have added more "contrasts" ....hard to explain - but if that was me - I'd rather introduce 2 "worlds" of "childhood bedroom" - full of dreams and balloons and a RL world - but not necessarily all dark and scary - but also full of supporting "hands" not letting one fall down when ballons are gone....but again, just "my interpretation" here....


I wish that the ending would've added something like him waking up again in bed after falling asleep. The alarm goes off again, but it should've shown him in bed again, waking up an finally getting up to go into life in the real world.

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I'll reply with a fully fleshed post later, but for now I just wanted to say... I love Yoppappop. (and miss you!) Ha. Even when she disagrees with me.




I thinking I agree with Yoppapop, mostly about the videos being taken too literally, and that I've haven't really liked any of Mika's videos except for Grace Kelly. I don't know, I think she mostly said what I was thinking, and I always love that she says what she feels, don't know what else to say, haha.


thank you :blush-anim-cl: yes, i say what i feels... bad idea sometimes, in real life :naughty: and i'll try to read your fully fleshed post, jack...


and oh !!!!! it's so annoying/irritating when people say "it's all mika" or "yes, it's just him", etc.

the right thing to say would have been : "oh yes, that's exactly the mika i imagine he is, which is the image he's been trying to give since the beginning and probably isn't his real him but whatever that's how i want to see him"... probably too long ? :boxed:

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thank you :blush-anim-cl: yes, i say what i feels... bad idea sometimes, in real life :naughty: and i'll try to read your fully fleshed post, jack...


and oh !!!!! it's so annoying/irritating when people say "it's all mika" or "yes, it's just him", etc.

the right thing to say would have been : "oh yes, that's exactly the mika i imagine he is, which is the image he's been trying to give since the beginning and probably isn't his real him but whatever that's how i want to see him"... probably too long ? :boxed:


he collects toys , his album cover and songs are characters that come to life ? the happy ending video to me does resemble mika's personality from what ive seen in interviews etc ..IMO :biggrin2: if that was directed at me :wink2:

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I wish that the ending would've added something like him waking up again in bed after falling asleep. The alarm goes off again, but it should've shown him in bed again, waking up an finally getting up to go into life in the real world.


I agree - the actual ending, with him floating off ethereally into Space, reminds me a bit of the film Alien, when Ripley finally ejects the alien from the escape pod.:roftl:


Sort of. Obviously Mika is better looking :mf_rosetinted:


It's just a bit weird. But I'm appreciating the weirdness more now and even the cheesiness doesn't bother me as much any more :biggrin2:

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It's just a bit weird. But I'm appreciating the weirdness more now and even the cheesiness doesn't bother me as much any more :biggrin2:

I called it surrealistic in one of my first posts about this video. I think I will stick to that word. :naughty:

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he collects toys , his album cover and songs are characters that come to life ? the happy ending video to me does resemble mika's personality from what ive seen in interviews etc ..IMO :biggrin2: if that was directed at me :wink2:


absoloutely not directed at you :thumb_yello: actually at pretty much everybody :wink2:

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I called it surrealistic in one of my first posts about this video. I think I will stick to that word. :naughty:


You're right about that. I immediately thought of Rene Magritte. Must be the hanging in the sky. But I'm glad he doesn't wear a bowler!:roftl:

I really like the video, I think it's the best he made yet.

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I really liked! I was really surprised coz it was a bit different than I expected...I think the meaning of the song was far from the things that you've seen in the video. It was kind of over the top and too "heavenly" but I loved it, just I'm a little scared that people are not gonna love it! I hope they will coz Happy Ending is a really great song!!!! :biggrin2:

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thank you :blush-anim-cl: yes, i say what i feels... bad idea sometimes, in real life :naughty: and i'll try to read your fully fleshed post, jack...


and oh !!!!! it's so annoying/irritating when people say "it's all mika" or "yes, it's just him", etc.

the right thing to say would have been : "oh yes, that's exactly the mika i imagine he is, which is the image he's been trying to give since the beginning and probably isn't his real him but whatever that's how i want to see him"... probably too long ? :boxed:


Nah, I like when people have something different to say, and I like hearing opinions from the opposite end. Anyway, I definitely agree with the "that's so Mika" comments. I actually went on a rant about that in the "Too Much Mika Love?" thread awhile ago. The Mika we know is the Mika that Mika wants us to know. Hopefully, that makes sense, meaning we don't know the real Mika, we just know what Mika tells and shows us.


I also get a little annoyed with the mentality of "anything Mika does I'll love" even though it may be crap, for lack of a better word. Don't get me wrong, I'm still a Mika fan but I don't worship the ground he walks on nor do I think he's the greatest thing ever. I just think he's a really talented singer/songwriter/whatever else he is.


Well, that's what I think, sorry if I hurt anyone feelings, if I did, it was completely unintentional, and you probably shouldn't be taking anything I say that seriously anyway, haha. :naughty:

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I like the video of happy ending, hmmm a lovely dreamworld.. =)

The only this I don't like, is in the atmosfere, it's .. too.. euhmm.. too mutch of the good (I'm sorry, I'm Belgian and I'm not very good in English)

I would be better if it was in the clouds, and Mika was walking on it and lying in it =)

But still I like the vid, the look on his face is soo sexy, and I can remember myself in it (when I'm in the class, sleepy and dreaming..)


Hmm this makes me sleepy, going upstairs:sleep_1:



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