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2007 - MIKA @ Philipshalle, Dusseldorf: 03 NOVEMBER - REVIEWS!


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he want to take me...but i saw some stairs and i prefer take it......

fabulous moment for me,i saw all of the band,and when the song finish,i gone to see mika and he gave me a high five.....!!

and of course after the gig,all of us ask me how was it on stage.....

but i don´t know if i now realise.....

perhaps i have much time in thos days to say more...and cath85 have a video....

have a good day!


I can't wait to see the video....I bet it's great!!!

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he want to take me...but i saw some stairs and i prefer take it......

fabulous moment for me,i saw all of the band,and when the song finish,i gone to see mika and he gave me a high five.....!!

and of course after the gig,all of us ask me how was it on stage.....

but i don´t know if i now realise.....

perhaps i have much time in thos days to say more...and cath85 have a video....

have a good day!




Do you know when Cath is coming back?

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AAAAAAAAARGHHHHH!!!!! :punk: :punk:


OK... Couldn't go back to sleep anymore at 8.15 and the internet in the hostel is free so I will write a short report and do the rest at home tonight.


About the bras: Mirti and I both wear black underwear. One bra was white and the other one was red, so they were definitely NOT ours! But don't worry, there are loads of pics of 'Mrs Martin Waugh' - like Mika called him after saying 'I want to introduce you... my idiotic band'. :naughty:


Like I said in my texts: Mika was hoarse but he was so happy to be there. It seems like he is doing his best performances when he's not feeling well. I mean - not voicetechnically although he was amazing again (although SiTM sounded a bit different and he sounded not really well during the spoken parts) but he is really giving himself. Like he said on stage: he had a phonecall by his doctor yesterday who told him to cancel the rest of the German concerts. 'BUT WE'RE HERE!!!' And he said something like that the crowd was making his decision so much easier for him. (I doubt if it was a wise decision - but for him AND for us it was a good decision anyway that the gig wasn't cancelled).


Bloody German keyboard - QWERTZ instead of QWERTY.


OK. After the gig Mirti and I managed to get to speak to Martin. Thanks to Simon, the more than lovely tourbus driver! (next time we will have a present for him, see if I can manage to do that next week in Amsterdam because he told us he won't drive the bus on the UK tour). Ow man... And then Martin came out, with one of Mikas camera people (Richard?) so everything was filmed!!! And we gave him our presents and I was quite hyper and Martin was laughing and he said to the camera man: 'Hehe she's shaking, she's shaking!'. And we had a lovely pic with him (it's on Mirti's camera) and we asked him what happened to his black guitar and if he will wear the kilt in Glasgow. :naughty:


Martin is the cutest! And I was hyper for ages afterwards. High on Coke you know. :biggrin2:


And while everyone else was queueing for Mika we were having our meetup with Martin. Later Mika came out (Sariflor said he looked like Calimero with his beanie) and Mikey and we had a chat with Mikey. And late in the evening the HUGE tourbus came out and Simon had to be patient again :naughty: because we had pics and autograps with Cherisse, Saranayde and Luke. I spoke with Luke for a while, had a pic and an autograph and told him I liked his haircut. And then Simon wanted to leave for Berlin and we left too.


And now I wrote a long report instead of a short one... More will follow anyway - I took quite a few pics too.


Sariflor and Greta are standing right behind me saying hi to everyone!! I will get dressed (sitting in pyjamas here) and have breakfast, will be back later!


*still high on adrenaline - after the evening started with that strange feeling I spoke about in my text*


Oh about me having the arguement: people were pushing very badly. Some guy was annoying Mirti next to me, she told him off, he didn't stop. I told him off and he started yelling at me: 'Can't she tell me herself?' I said she just did but he didn't listen. Then he started to push the girl in front of him, she got annoyed too and then one of the security guys told him off (and then he finally stopped his annoying behaviour). From people in the front row center and the right side I heard the pushing was just as bad there. So I think it was a general problem. It wasn't like that at the gigs I was before. Hopefully it won't be as bad next week in Amsterdam.


It was GREAT to meet a lot of people from the forum IRL. The only one I knew so far was Haasje (Haeschen02). There are a lot of people I haven't spoken to though because of the time or we were in different queues but at least we had a change to say hi to each other.


Looking forward to Amsterdam now and of course GLASGOW!!! :punk:


OK OK, having breakfast now...

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Do you know when Cath is coming back?

They just left here 15 min ago. So she might be home in the afternoon?


Violetsky, that is bad! I didn't have the change to say goodbye to you this morning, you had to leave so early and I forgot to do it last night. It was great to meet you!

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They just left here 15 min ago. So she might be home in the afternoon?


Violetsky, that is bad! I didn't have the change to say goodbye to you this morning, you had to leave so early and I forgot to do it last night. It was great to meet you!


Oh ok thanks! I NEED to see some videos/pictures/anything! It sounds fantastic!

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Hehe... some Dutch guy here in the hostel just asked me 'who is Mika?' He didn't even know Grace Kelly. But he said he liked the fact that there are so many people from all over Europe (and I told him: even from all over the world!) meeting up at concerts and talking to each other on the internet. :biggrin2:

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Hehe... some Dutch guy here in the hostel just asked me 'who is Mika?' He didn't even know Grace Kelly. But he said he liked the fact that there are so many people from all over Europe (and I told him: even from all over the world!) meeting up at concerts and talking to each other on the internet. :biggrin2:


He's right! That's one of the best bits!

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WOW It sounds like an amazing night! BLUE! I am just SO delighted that you got to meet Martin...and Mirti of course but she is an old friend of his by now! And Fanny on stage...wow again! And I agree...the meeting up of all the international fans is awesome! So pleased for you all x

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so I'm taking advantage of the internet at the hostel, it looks like for the last 12 hours or so the MFC have totally hogged the computers here :roftl: and to be honest I don't know how they manage to type anything that makes sense cause this keyboard layout is so weird that I keep typing a z when I want to type a y.Verz annozing if zou get mz point.

So my report for now is going to be limited to the basics.

It was an incredible day and night. Meeting everyone was FANTASTIC, we had so much fun, it was lovely.

Also Mika...what can I say. He was incredible, amazing, and in a selfish way I am glad that he didn't cancel, although I am not sure how wise the decision is...cause he did seem very sick...ahh..

BUT he was absolutely incredible. Like someone said, the interaction was super high, he was so funny and sweet, they all had so much banter and fun on stage...it was an incredible night.

I will elaborate more on it tomorrow when I am back home but it was one of the best (if not the best) performances by him that I have seen.

On Grace Kelly he did something I have never seen before: he kept going on and on and on with the "katching" and getting the audience to sing it...it was soo funny! He'd go"katch" and then put the mike out and the audience would go"gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" and he did this like 10 times!! Semi naked too, LOL!!!

His singing was incredible, he gave it all on stage, he had fun, it was just a joy to watch.

Anyway I will go now but I will write more tomorrow.

I am still on a cloud :wub2: and on a Mika high. This man is just incredible.

They all are, really, they are so talented and so nice.


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so I'm taking advantage of the internet at the hostel, it looks like for the last 12 hours or so the MFC have totally hogged the computers here :roftl: and to be honest I don't know how they manage to type anything that makes sense cause this keyboard layout is so weird that I keep typing a z when I want to type a y.Verz annozing if zou get mz point.

So my report for now is going to be limited to the basics.

It was an incredible day and night. Meeting everyone was FANTASTIC, we had so much fun, it was lovely.

Also Mika...what can I say. He was incredible, amazing, and in a selfish way I am glad that he didn't cancel, although I am not sure how wise the decision is...cause he did seem very sick...ahh..

BUT he was absolutely incredible. Like someone said, the interaction was super high, he was so funny and sweet, they all had so much banter and fun on stage...it was an incredible night.

I will elaborate more on it tomorrow when I am back home but it was one of the best (if not the best) performances by him that I have seen.

On Grace Kelly he did something I have never seen before: he kept going on and on and on with the "katching" and getting the audience to sing it...it was soo funny! He'd go"katch" and then put the mike out and the audience would go"gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" and he did this like 10 times!! Semi naked too, LOL!!!

His singing was incredible, he gave it all on stage, he had fun, it was just a joy to watch.

Anyway I will go now but I will write more tomorrow.

I am still on a cloud :wub2: and on a Mika high. This man is just incredible.

They all are, really, they are so talented and so nice.



sounds great! when did the ilness start? I hope he's ok to do all the rest, alot of cancellations wouldn't be good. still, sounds like you had a great time!

can't wait till december now. lucky you, did you get to meet all of them?

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Oh my god, I've never been to a concert of Mika before, but it was really really fantastic! The singing of Mika was spectacular (in spite of his illness), the band played really well and the ambience was great! :thumb_yello:


I wasn't in front row, but I could see him and the band perfectly! I stood before a fence, so nobody could push me. I saw some girls of the MFC queue in the morning, but I was supposed to go to Düsseldorf first. It's a shame I didn't meet you, but I had a wonderfull time at the concert!


I'll try to post some pictures that I've made. They're not very well, because my flashlight (?) couldn't reach that far. I'm sad it's over again :tears: but it was fantastic!!! :biggrin2:

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I forgot: I really want to hear what you MFC'ers did after the concert. Are there any pictures or videos of it? I had to go home, my parents were waiting outside :bleh:


I want to wish everyone such a great concert as I had! A lot of fun for people who are going to another gig!

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