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REPORTS/PHOTOS/ VIDEOS Vancouver, BC at the Orpheum 15-02-2008


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What fantastic reports and experiences. Thank you so much for sharing such intricate details of your night.


I was grinning from ear to ear the whole way through...it reminded me a lot of the BG video shoot. He is such a perfectionist and always had an eye on what was going on and if he didn't like it, it was done again. He hasn't got to where he is today by settling for second best.

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oh ok... you had me worried for a bit! yeah... i don't think i'll care that much about that stuff in 5 years from now... but he won my heart and i'll still be a fan... love him to bits :blush-anim-cl:


No I'm in it for the long haul. I can't imagine I'll ever stop buying his CDs or would miss a chance to see his concerts.


Even when I move away from this obsessive level of interest there will be such great memories associated with his music and shows I'll never want to let that go.

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Mika's mom comes in, and tells us we were great . . . . and she was like "aww, you were great - I'm glad you had fun!" . . . . I asked if there was any chance we could meet Mika - and she said without hesitation "of course!"

. . . . I tell her she must be so proud to watch her son on stage like that.


She smiles, nods, and then proceeds to tell me her experience. She was seated next to two girls who were with a girl in a wheelchair, she says - and they were all so into the show, including the wheelchair bound girl, that it really touched her.


. . . . Then, who comes in, but the two girls and the girl in the wheelchair Mika's mom had mentioned - she had hooked them up to come backstage.


The wheelchair-bound sister appeared to have perhaps cerebral palsy, or something similar - her motions were jerky, and she appeared unable to form complete words. I talked for quite a while to the one sister . . . .


About fifteen minutes later, Mika came in . . . . He shook my hand, and the hands of the other lollies/big girls . . . . and then turned his attention to the sisters . . . .


Mika leans down next to the sister in the wheelchair. He asks all three if they liked the show, beaming at them the whole time. He then talked to the sister in the wheelchair - guys, there was no nervousness, no hesitancy on Mika's part when interacting with this girl. He was collected and warm and open - I've seen people in the past get nervous about interacting with someone with a barely-there disability, and this girl could barely talk - and here was Mika, interacting with her, focusing on her, without any hesitancy.


On the tray of her wheelchair were the letters A-Z. Mika noticed this - bless him! - and asked her caringly if this is how she communicates. She let out a sound that can only be described as elation and beamed at him - and he beamed right back, leaning his head on hers for a picture.


Guys, he made that girl's night, if not her year - she was over the moon, as were her sisters. What a beautful, warm, tender, brilliant young man he is. It didn't matter that she couldn't speak to him, that her way of moving isn't "normal" - he saw the effect he and his music have on her and her sisters, and devoted himself to them . . . . Satisfied, the girls left . . .


BRILLIANT REPORTING--lollipop_monkey!

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I can't gush enough about how wonderful Manas reports are. They are all totally and consistantly amazing, I am now sad that they are finished.

What am I gonna read now?

I don't know that we are gonna be able to come close to that perfection for London, and that does make me sad.



And Mana, I 'll be at ALL the shows in London, so Andy will be sick of me by the end of the week!LOL!

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I can't gush enough about how wonderful Manas reports are. They are all totally and consistantly amazing, I am now sad that they are finished.

What am I gonna read now?

I don't know that we are gonna be able to come close to that perfection for London, and that does make me sad.


And Mana, I 'll be at ALL the shows in London, so Andy will be sick of me by the end of the week!LOL!


Rose let's just hope there are some equally exciting moments to report on in London. If you get the chance you must go on stage this time!


Andy will never tire of you. He adores you.

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Yes, Lollipop_Monkey, I would love if you where the person who was called for to write Mikas biography!:wub2:

Reading and enjoying your fantastic reports I just want to say you have the right sensitivity and your way with words to do that!

And your sense of details!

And last but not least your interest in Mika of course.

Thank you!:thumb_yello:

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and the brits awards should be interesting to watch... even if on youtube or some magic thanks to our "not a real fan" babspanky ;o)


is anyone going to the brits from mfc?


Last I heard Bexxy and Tia were going.

I think Jennie and Sariflor were going to hang around outside?

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Hello everyone...I will report more when I have declimatized so to speak. A huge review thoughts etc later.Last night was the most spiritual beautiful experience in my life. Something so beautiful happened I cannot put words or even speak right now. I met him. Face to face. We saw into eachother's eye and the spark of energy passed between us. I touched his right arm and before we parted he responded by touching my left arm. We spoke of giving the gifts from the Seattle concert and he was so touched by everybody. I told him what a huge inspiration he is to me..he was so bashful and tender.

The special umbrella is now with him....Andy at the Seattle concert interviewed me about fanship, joyness , fun, the umbrella and he loved it so much (Andy and MIKA love the umbrella! woow!) ,Andy interviewed me for 15 minutes and I will be featured on the next concert DVD.

Back to the love...I said to MIKA that the umbrella is for him and that also I have a stuffed chicken (really cute made of terri-cloth which I wrote MIKA on her crown) and that he was really touched and thankful. I gave him the insert of LICM and he signed it and wrote "THANK YOU XXX" as well on it. OH

"spontaneous squee!" ...umm.. Ritchie took a video of it which has Cali and her neice too meeting him. It was beautful.


More to come when I can speak in other words other than um....gah...ummm.


Love all of you from the deepness of my heart.


Love Suzanne




Me and the other MFCers were at the very end...until the security guard came up to us. "I have some bad news," he said. "You guys are now the front of the line".

...FRONT of the line? Whoa!


See their meeting here:


Since I didn't get a siggy inside, I had him sign my iPod - and it actually looks like "Mika" rather than "Mel" or any variation thereof that we've seen.



You see the chat, then going in for the hug. She has a great story to tell about her meeting with Mika - for now, let's just say our boy is psychic. Hehe.

Not long after that, I spotted Andy, standing with the umbrella elanorelle had designed for Mika:



Let me just close by saying that Mika's mom is a person that radiates a certain something. She's so caring, not to mention graceful. I can totally see her as the kind of person who helped her lost young son find his feet through music - she seems like a truly caring, geniune person. Traits that I have absolutely no doubt she's passed on to her wonderful son.


So yeah, Mika - I'd be more than happy to tour with you everywhere and be your eyes and ears for your adoring fans. Oh and if you ever want to write a biography, give me a call - my rates are more than reasonable, and you can skip right over that "I was born in Beirut in 1983" bit.


Good night all - I leave you with the other pic John took. LOVE that smile.



1. That is so great, was it because the people at the front were being rude/stupid? Or planned all along?


2. Great video, can so see the arm-touching moment :wub2:


3. Mmm ... I'd say it's more of a "Miha"


4. That is such a great pic of Andy! lol!


5. Mika's mum ... Mika's secret to being a fantabulous person :thumb_yello:


6. We would all vote for you to be the biographer and touring reporter!


7. Love the smile also! You have two great pics!



Eurgh, 9!! See, that's why my perfect tour-report-timezone has been ruined, because you've stayed up stupidly ridiculously late/early, I have to sleep now!

Loved the reports/pics so far, hopefully more (and videos) tomorrow :original:

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Hey, G'Day All!


If I had to categorize last night's Mika concert - I would safely and easily place it in the top three experiences of my life! Definitely something I wanted to do before I died! Mika put on a show to end all shows, a momentous finale for his outstanding North American Tour. Today, the morning after, I still sit shrouded in awe. From the brilliant performance which included superior lighting and sound techniques, to the camaraderie of meeting fellow MFCers...... The icing on the cake? Meeting His Curliness himself..... who is everything I expected.. AND MORE!!!


The only thing I feel really badly about is that the box of Valentines did not arrive and so were not presented to Mika as planned. I waited until 5:30 PM, as late as possible, working until the last minute, but I guess it was not meant to be..... So I guess the next best thing will be a shipment to Brixton (?) Sorry guys, I know how hard everybody worked. I really tried.

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Wow just...wow. Really Mana, your report is beyond great. I loved being able to go backstage with you, your attention to detail (you really know what we like lol!), and specially this


I thought of you guys during Happy Ending. The other girls were chatting, trying to pick out friends in the audience, which I thought was cute - but I was hanging on to Mika's every lyric, every note. I thought of MFCers in places like Argentina, who haven't seen him set foot on their continent. I thought of Sou in Kuwait, who had him come within an hour of her, and couldn't go see him. I thought of all you sweet Aussies who are just clmbing the walls waiting for him to come back and give y'all a little bit of love. I thought of all of you from the US through Canada, throughout Europe and Asia - and for you dearies in the UK who get your national treasure home this weekend, before he gives you three more gigs.


That killed me.

For a large number of us, seeing Mika perform live is still on the to do list, and this reports are the closest thing to the actual show, so thank you and all the people that have put their experiences in here.:punk: :punk:

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Oh oh oh! Is there anybody home? :fisch:


Just by looking at this picture, you can tell the HUGE difference between MIKA and other artists!!! NOt everyone knows how AMAZING MIKA IS!!!!!!! HE IS TRULY A PIECE FROM HEAVEN !!!!!!

And your report; I was left with no words!!! AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

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Your report almost made me cry :tears:



I absolutely LOVED reading every single detail and I'm glad someone with such a great memory was chosen to be a Lollipop Girl :naughty: I'm so happy for you and yeah. When I read all of the parts with you interacting with Mika, I couldn't help but think poor Andrew...:lmao:



The part where he hugged his mom and Yasmine really warmed my heart.






He is perfect:blush-anim-cl:





Thanks again:wink2:



P.S. I miss you guys :sad:

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I am so so so glad I found this place. :mf_lustslow:


Absolutely loved reading all that. :wub2:


You really have a way with words Mana, you take us all in, make us a part of yours and Mika's night. Am forever indebted to you for that. :wink2:


Even though I haven't seen him yet, I feel I have because of your reviews.


There's so many of us, even if asked, couldn't be a Big Girl or a Lollipop Girl. Lack of confidence damns us. You make me feel like I've lived it even though it didn't happen to me. :thumb_yello:


Mika's a one in a million and so too are his fans. :wub2:

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Mana..thank you so much for your reporting..once again, you have brought tears to my eyes, haha...wow...

I am so happy that you were able to have such an unforgettable experience. You sure deserved it!


Suzanne, sounds like you had an incredible time as well!:wub2:


Joan, thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into trying to get those Valentines to Mika..I really do appreciate it. :huglove:

And I'm glad you had such a superb time! I knew you would.

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