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2008 - Reports/photos/videos/afterparty For Brixton 28-02-2008


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We may represent only a portion but it is the hardcore fans that carry with them these expectations. It never occurs to the other 5 million people who bought his album that they need to hang out by the stage door and ask for hugs and autographs.


In fact I don't think it occurred to a lot of MFCers before they joined and people started telling them that it's fairly easy to get access to Mika and how to go about it.


That's true. Hmmm. Guess there's no way to be more low-key on here about it...


In Philadelphia, lots of people were surprised when I said I was going to stay after to try and see Mika: they did not think it was possible. And then while we were waiting, they were like, "oh man, it's been a while, he's not coming out," and I'd tell them, "nah, he usually comes out, just give him time." So I myself have been responsible for getting more people to wait for him after shows... on the other hand it would seem very selfish and petty to purposely keep this information from others.


I have nothing against those who still want to feel grateful for being at the afterparty, I just think that they're being grateful for not receiving what they were told that they would and to me that doesn't make sense. (But it doesn't matter what I think, they can feel what they want to feel without being told how to feel by someone such as myself who wasn't even there. :thumb_yello:)


Right, I see the afterparty-complaining situation kind of like... say it's your birthday, and you get a birthday party from your friends and family. You get presents, cake, everything goes great, you have a fantastic time. Hurrah, right? Then at the end of the party, your friends say, "you know what? In addition to this, we're going to take you to that super exclusive club you've always wanted to go to!" And you get all excited, and drive to the club, but once you get inside, people make fun of your outfit, the bartender won't take your drink order, and you don't even get to dance with your friends because the same people who made fun of your clothes block your way and spill their own drinks on you so that you have to go clean up.


Just because you didn't expect to even get into the club, and because you already had your birthday party that went really well, doesn't mean you would realistically be very happy with how the evening ended. And I doubt any but the most positive people would go "well, it was terrible, but hey! At least I didn't have to pay the cover charge, and I got to look at the other people dancing and admire the decor of the club! I had a great time!"



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how do u mean easy to get access?


I mean this...




This was a few weeks ago in North America and it was only a matter of a few months ago when it was this easy to meet Mika just about anywhere. But it's becoming increasingly difficult in Europe, and therein lies the problem.


Because of the barriers, the competition and Mika generally making himself less available, people are beginning to act selfishly and downright inappropriately. They have such high expectations of getting an autograph or whatever because of Mika's past accessibility that when they see the opportunity slipping away they start taking desperate measures.


When Mika left Brixton abruptly in December because he was ill people started banging on the car and chased it down the alley when it drove away. In February barriers were set up at the entrance to prevent people from mobbing him and the vehicle was parked on the road so that no one could surround it without being forced into oncoming traffic.


I think a lot of fans need to come to terms with these new conditions and stop stepping up the ante in order to get some sort of attention from him.

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I mean this...




This was a few weeks ago in North America and it was only a matter of a few months ago when it was this easy to meet Mika just about anywhere. But it's becoming increasingly difficult in Europe, and therein lies the problem.


Because of the barriers, the competition and Mika generally making himself less available, people are beginning to act selfishly and downright inappropriately. They have such high expectations of getting an autograph or whatever because of Mika's past accessibility that when they see the opportunity slipping away they start taking desperate measures.


When Mika left Brixton abruptly in December because he was ill people started banging on the car and chased it down the alley when it drove away. In February barriers were set up at the entrance to prevent people from mobbing him and the vehicle was parked on the road so that no one could surround it without being forced into oncoming traffic.


I think a lot of fans need to come to terms with these new conditions and stop stepping up the ante in order to get some sort of attention from him.

oh wow, that's really serious! banging on his car....thats gone too far.

He really is getting so famous so quickly, the poor man, I hope he can cope with it all.


I was surprised at the gig in London at the pushing and running to get bands...it must be scary to be Mika at times...:blink:

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Right, I see the afterparty-complaining situation kind of like... say it's your birthday, and you get a birthday party from your friends and family. You get presents, cake, everything goes great, you have a fantastic time. Hurrah, right? Then at the end of the party, your friends say, "you know what? In addition to this, we're going to take you to that super exclusive club you've always wanted to go to!" And you get all excited, and drive to the club, but once you get inside, people make fun of your outfit, the bartender won't take your drink order, and you don't even get to dance with your friends because the same people who made fun of your clothes block your way and spill their own drinks on you so that you have to go clean up.


You are the queen of the perfect analogy. Nice one. :roftl:

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That's true. Hmmm. Guess there's no way to be more low-key on here about it...


In Philadelphia, lots of people were surprised when I said I was going to stay after to try and see Mika: they did not think it was possible. And then while we were waiting, they were like, "oh man, it's been a while, he's not coming out," and I'd tell them, "nah, he usually comes out, just give him time." So I myself have been responsible for getting more people to wait for him after shows... on the other hand it would seem very selfish and petty to purposely keep this information from others.




Right, I see the afterparty-complaining situation kind of like... say it's your birthday, and you get a birthday party from your friends and family. You get presents, cake, everything goes great, you have a fantastic time. Hurrah, right? Then at the end of the party, your friends say, "you know what? In addition to this, we're going to take you to that super exclusive club you've always wanted to go to!" And you get all excited, and drive to the club, but once you get inside, people make fun of your outfit, the bartender won't take your drink order, and you don't even get to dance with your friends because the same people who made fun of your clothes block your way and spill their own drinks on you so that you have to go clean up.


Just because you didn't expect to even get into the club, and because you already had your birthday party that went really well, doesn't mean you would realistically be very happy with how the evening ended. And I doubt any but the most positive people would go "well, it was terrible, but hey! At least I didn't have to pay the cover charge, and I got to look at the other people dancing and admire the decor of the club! I had a great time!"




Yeah I did that in Chicago too. I got people to wait because for some reason they asked me if he ever came out after shows. Although that was the one time where he didnt:mf_rosetinted:



I love you Jack! That analogy was the best

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I didn't wait after the chi-town gig... I wanted to, reallllly bad but I guess things work out for the best. I couldn't stand on my feet anymore, literally...my brother in law carried me over his shoulder to the car:roftl:


But I didn't really talk to many mfc'ers besides the ones who came up to me and said hi...soooo lovely, I felt like a little celebrity... "You know me?! wow" My sister was like "What sort of double life are you leading???"


good times, but they would have been better if the weather didn't screw us over:mf_rosetinted:

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I didn't wait after the chi-town gig... I wanted to, reallllly bad but I guess things work out for the best. I couldn't stand on my feet anymore, literally...my brother in law carried me over his shoulder to the car:roftl:


But I didn't really talk to many mfc'ers besides the ones who came up to me and said hi...soooo lovely, I felt like a little celebrity... "You know me?! wow" My sister was like "What sort of double life are you leading???"


good times, but they would have been better if the weather didn't screw us over:mf_rosetinted:



Yeah, we didn't wait to long either. Our cousin was getting restless. Our feet we really getting tired but we weren't admitting it to her.:naughty: We remember saying hi to you. It's weird just seeing a picture and all of the sudden a person is there and you know them.:naughty: Talked to a few MFC'ers at the Chicago gig. It was very fun. Wish we would of gotten to meet him but THERE WILL and we'll say it agin, THERE WILL be another time.:roftl:


It was very nice to talk to you kjoshi!

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About Mika never doing anything he doesn't want to in terms of the afterparty--well, if what happened was that he arrived at the venue and was told that 70 passes had already been handed out and people were asking for more, what else could he do? He couldn't very well say "That's far too many people, I'm not going to go." He seemed shocked that even 70 were already handed out, but he wasn't going to go taking them back from people, was he?


I don't really think the additional 103 party tickets given out after the other 10 backstage passes made the big difference when it comes to the harrassment.

I'm tempted to disagree with the bold part of your post. With 10 backstage passes, okay, it would have looked odd if he hadn't shown up to at least say hello to those very few selected ones. But about the party, well, I was surprised to see him there. I think he could have just not appeared. Or make his toast and just go. The whinging would have been even worse on the forum than it is now, okay. But I have serious doubts about whether that was the reason for him to give it a go :lmfao:

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Why do we keep rehashing this? It was a bad/good (whichever you'd prefer) experience that shouldn't be revisited. Mistakes were made, but now it's all in the past. I say we just forget about it and move on.

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I don't really think the additional 103 party tickets given out after the other 10 backstage passes made the big difference when it comes to the harrassment.

I'm tempted to disagree with the bold part of your post. With 10 backstage passes, okay, it would have looked odd if he hadn't shown up to at least say hello to those very few selected ones. But about the party, well, I was surprised to see him there. I think he could have just not appeared. Or make his toast and just go. The whinging would have been even worse on the forum than it is now, okay. But I have serious doubts about whether that was the reason for him to give it a go :lmfao:


Um... that would be far ruder than anything I would expect of Mika to give people backstage passes (and for the 10 fans, it was especially to meet him) and then not show up.


The definition of a backstage pass, especially for a backstage afterparty, is that you pretty much meet, or at least see the star. Otherwise, what were the super-special passes for? Just to stand around in some room? What's the point of that?



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Why do we keep rehashing this? It was a bad/good (whichever you'd prefer) experience that shouldn't be revisited. Mistakes were made, but now it's all in the past. I say we just forget about it and move on.

We're not just rehashing, we're also evaluating what happened to find what we can do in future to avoid a repetition of the debacle. We need to learn from our mistakes before we put them behind us.


I made a few suggestions a couple of pages back and I'll wait to see if the mods agree or disagree.

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Why do we keep rehashing this? It was a bad/good (whichever you'd prefer) experience that shouldn't be revisited. Mistakes were made, but now it's all in the past. I say we just forget about it and move on.


I kinda said that a few pages back...cos all we seem to do is talk about the same thing...


why don't we write a list of what we call a good conduct? Not "rules" like I suggested earlier. We've got the "queue conduct" thread, maybe it's time to open another one about this kind of thing, so people can talk about it, share ideas, and hopefully get something done about it. Once we've all decided on what could be best, maybe one of the admins could e-mail it off. Or something. I'm sorry if this seems like a bad idea, but I just feel we keep going round in circles without anything actually coming from it. I mean look at what page we're on, there's only the odd few people coming back to discuss this because they've been at this thread from the beginning, others won't know what we're talking about. And if we're trying to make a decision, then EVERYONE (or like, more than five people or however many people visit this thread..) should be involved and have their say. Sure the clues are in the title "afterparty" but this WAS originally a report thread...


Like for example, if an afterparty should ever happen again only a few people should go (like, nowhere near 100)...in my personal opinion...


Maybe we can also send off an apology on behalf of those disrespecting Mika's wishes. I'm pretty sure they've been reading this thread and I'm sure they know who they are, and I'm sure they've re-thought about their actions.


Let's try and put the negative aside and make things better, brighter and bolder for the future :thumb_yello:

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Um... that would be far ruder than anything I would expect of Mika to give people backstage passes (and for the 10 fans, it was especially to meet him) and then not show up.


The definition of a backstage pass, especially for a backstage afterparty, is that you pretty much meet, or at least see the star. Otherwise, what were the super-special passes for? Just to stand around in some room? What's the point of that?




Well, it was not exactly him, who gave out the passes and due to unconfirmed rumors I rely on for some reason he was not even aware of the layout of the whole event.

Talking about definitions, the one Wikipedia gives would make me gladly step back form demanding them from Mika's mum or other targets in his surrounding, if I didn't find that inacceptable anyway.


Backstage Passes are also given out by the band and band's manager to selected fans who want to hang out with the band. These passes are commonly associated with groupies, and are frequently issued for afterparties. Such female fans are usually given sticky, or self adhesive passes, rather than laminates, and are sometimes referred to as "sticky pass ho's".


:naughty: :naughty:

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:huglove: Oh Racha, you're so sensible and optimistic! I love that! You're just soooo right and I'm so glad you see only the possitive aspects of the whole thing. And I'm so honoured to be part of that possitive side:wub2: Thank you (BTW, I do think I acted somehow childish at some point before the gig, and I apologize for that. I will tell you why some day and then I'm sure you'll understand:wink2: ). Meeting you was one of the highlights of London, and I'm happy just for that.
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Hahahahahahaha if an afterparty should ever happen again. :lmao:


:roftl: I certainly hope that there is ever going to be another "brain breaking experience". At least not one I'm invited too. I've had enough fabulous times standing in the same room as the top of Mika's head to last me a lifetime.

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Ive just had the security people onto me ...how was the access to the gig ? better ?


They put more female security guards on to try and speed that queue up



It was better than before. But I was in the first row of 5 to be let in so I had no idea what was going on behind me. There were still alot of people who ended up ahead of me though because I had a mean security person searching me. She kept asking me what was in my pockets ("My camera and my phone") over and over again after I told her and then made me empty them while shouting at me for being impatient and having 'attitude'. :blink:


Another thing, I think it helped mainly that there weren't as many people let in before us as on the other dates :sneaky2:


I did still have to fight to get into front row though, I had to wedge myself between Aurelien and Cynthia to secure a spot before it settled down and we could spread out a bit more. If I hadn't known those 2 then I'd have either been 2nd row again or right on the edge.

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It was better than before. But I was in the first row of 5 to be let in so I had no idea what was going on behind me. There were still alot of people who ended up ahead of me though because I had a mean security person searching me. She kept asking me what was in my pockets ("My camera and my phone") over and over again after I told her and then made me empty them while shouting at me for being impatient and having 'attitude'. :blink:


Another thing, I think it helped mainly that there weren't as many people let in before us as on the other dates :sneaky2:


I did still have to fight to get into front row though, I had to wedge myself between Aurelien and Cynthia to secure a spot before it settled down and we could spread out a bit more. If I hadn't known those 2 then I'd have either been 2nd row again or right on the edge.


Thanks ... :thumb_yello:

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