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2008 - Reports/photos/videos/afterparty For Brixton 28-02-2008


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Alright these were the suggestions up to this point (correct me if I missed something).






I don't know how much a "how to behave in the queue" thread would work.

I mean, I'm fairly sure queue jumpers know that what they're doing is not very nice and won't change their behaviour just because they see it written down on a message board.


Scut, I agree with you that we should get clear guidelines from the security people and I think there should be consequences for breaking the rules. In example, deny them access to venue. I'm sure Mika's management is aware of the queue issues as they witnessed it first hand but maybe we could send them

a letter on behalf of the entire MFC explaining what's been going on so they're aware of it and maybe give them suggestions on how to prevent this stuff from happening in the future. I think it will be easier to give feedback once we're official.

Maybe we could even get our MFC representatives to help out with the organisation of the queue?


With entering the venue.. I don't know if it's possible to let people in in small groups.. it would take forever.

At the Amsterdam gig the security guys were harsh but good, they made us put all our arms up in the air, we weren't allowed to hold onto eachother and that really helped with the flow of people, we didn't get stuck.


Now about the aftershow conduct.. I've never waited after a gig in my life so I haven't witnessed people's behaviour first hand but from what I've read here I think it's necessary to apply the same strict rules to the meet & greet that apply to queue.

I think - ideally - they could put up barriers, have people stand in line behind them and wait their turn. It seems to me Mika, his management and the security people are trying to please everyone.

There need to be consequences for bad behaviour otherwise it'll just keep happening and keep getting worse.

In my opinion, people who are pushy or disrespectful in any way should be taken out by security, period.


Just thinking out loud here..

I agree, I think that the MFC (when official) should work MM to arrange some form of stricter security, especially at events where a large number of MFCers will attend, because current security measures don't seem to be enough. I think that if anyone would know how to best address these kind of issues it would be the fans themselves, such as those who attended the recent London gigs.


What do you think of the idea of the MFC itself discouraging its members from behaving badly before/after gigs? Such as in the FAQ's (e.g. in the 'how do I get in contact with Mika' question?


I have a suggestion (thank you Diana for putting them together)

Although it's not directly linked to the concert or party issues, or to people misbehaving, I think that it indirectly helps to make matters worse. I've been thinking about it for a while now, and perhaps this is something that could be raised to the MM (Mika Management:naughty:).

Many fans are trying to get close to Mika before or after gigs in order to deliver presents or letters/messages of all denominations.

I believe that this is partly happening because there isn't a designated "fan mail" address where people can send gifts, so the only option is to try and catch him on the fly.

The same happens for his myspace: messages are routinely not read, and therefore people think it pointless to even send anything there.

In my modest,:blush-anim-cl: humble opinion, I think that Mika would be doing himself a big favour if he had some monitored (not like his myspace) email and physical address where fans' messages and presents can be sent to.

At this stage, it's obvious that the guy is very popular and people want to give him stuff, and he accepts it...so maybe it should be properly organised?

Once he gets it all, he can then dispose of it as he wishes, but at least it would be clear to people that they don't need to physically tackle the man when they see him:roftl: , to ensure that their present gets to him safely.

:thumb_yello: Does anyone else think that this would be a good idea?

Not that it will resolve the main problem:wink2: , but it may help a little.

I also think that it's about time that MM set up an address or PO Box for fan mail, he's popular enough now to need it. If may not reduce the number of people who want to meet Mika in person but it may at least reduce their desperation to reach him and give their present to him if they know that there's an alternate way. It's also useful for those who want to send Mika something but can't make it to gigs (or haven't had a tour in the first place like the Aussies, South Americans, etc. :mf_rosetinted:).

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I don't know how much a "how to behave in the queue" thread would work. I mean, I'm fairly sure queue jumpers know that what they're doing is not very nice and won't change their behaviour just because they see it written down on a message board.


It's called peer pressure. If people realize in advance that their behaviour will not be tolerated by the majority they would or at least should think twice about it.


Because their behaviour won't be tolerated. That's why there was a lot of confrontation in the queue. I recall hearing someone say "You can either move now or we'll make you move."


There was also a lot of whinging by people who didn't understand what was going on in terms of our self-policing and it would help if everyone was clear on what we're trying to accomplish. Then if someone establishes a number and goes off on an 8-hour sightseeing trip for example, the people around them can protest when the sightseers try to take their place back in a point in the queue where they no longer belong.


Maybe we could even get our MFC representatives to help out with the organisation of the queue?


That happened at Brixton but it was too little too late and needs to be planned from the inception of the queue. Maybe next time.


The venue has their own ideas about queuing though and that has to be taken into consideration at every gig. I had some woman shouting the odds that she didn't know about the numbers when she arrived and consequently a bunch of people who showed up after her were trying to jump her in the queue. She said if Brixton abided our system and wouldn't let her in because she didn't have a number she was going to report them, blah, blah, blah.


At the 11th hour Brixton also issued an edict that if anyone stepped out of the queue for any reason they had to return to the back of the line. Fortunately there was only an hour to go at this point, but people cannot be expected to never step away from a queue for 14 hours. It's impossible.


With entering the venue.. I don't know if it's possible to let people in in small groups.. it would take forever.


Jennie already described how it has be done properly in 90 minutes. The 02 Arena holds more than 3 times as many people as Brixton.


Mika is far more likely to play the 02 than Brixton the next time around so hopefully London fans won't have to deal with these ridiculous Brixton issues anyway.


Although this kind of thing must be happening at a lot of venues because I remember being very surprised about MFCers' reports that they'd made second row even though they were at the head of the queue. There's no reason this should ever happen. If you're at the front of the queue you should be at the front of the stage.


At the Amsterdam gig the security guys were harsh but good, they made us put all our arms up in the air, we weren't allowed to hold onto eachother and that really helped with the flow of people, we didn't get stuck.


No one was holding onto each other in London. It's every man for himself. :naughty:


Seriously, there is no problem with flow. The problem is people 50 places back in the queue start flowing around and past you.


Instead of encouraging open flow, they need to impose a bottleneck so that people are forced to enter the stalls in more or less the order in which they queued.


I think - ideally - they could put up barriers, have people stand in line behind them and wait their turn. It seems to me Mika, his management and the security people are trying to please everyone.


I think Mika should stop handing out autographs and photos full stop, but obviously that's up to his discretion.


When Mika signs autographs he puts his head down, barely acknowledges people and moves quickly across the line, seemingly to extract himself from the situation as fast as he can. It seems to be far more enjoyable for everyone if he just speaks for a few minutes, accepts gifts, etc.


Once people let go of this bizarre idea that he needs to sign a piece of paper for them, they'll be less desperate to get his attention and more content to just be an onlooker.


Well...it would at least decrease it by the number of us who are there to offload junk for others :blink:


Yes I had to deliver a letter for someone else on Monday and it meant diving into the huge throng of people surrounding his vehicle at the Apollo. Even then, I had to pass it through 4 or 5 people in order to get it to him.


It would be better for people around the world to be able to mail him letters directly. It would thin the crowd a little bit and stop poor saps like John, Andy, the band and Mika's family getting saddled with stuff when Mika is not available.


Yes and no.

I agree that if you have a present to give, it's nicer to see the reaction of the person, but I think that the time has come for us all to be a bit more realistic about this.


In places like London you are unlikely to get any kind of reaction from him whatsoever. He's accepting dozens of things at a time and if you can even get close enough to hand it to him directly you're luckier than most.


Again this is one of those realities that fans are going to have to start coming to terms with instead of adopting unacceptable behaviour in order to get around it.


I think that if anyone would know how to best address these kind of issues it would be the fans themselves, such as those who attended the recent London gigs.


Which fans? Many of the people there were the source of the problem. I'm not sure if they're the best ones to address it.


The reason this thread has gone on for pages and pages is because there was so much reluctance at the beginning to even admit that the behaviour was unacceptable. It was only when we learned that Mika himself found it atrocious (as if there was any chance he would not have! :doh:) that all the apologists disappeared.

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It's called peer pressure. If people realize in advance that their behaviour will not be tolerated by the majority they would or at least should think twice about it.


Because their behaviour won't be tolerated. That's why there was a lot of confrontation in the queue. I recall hearing someone say "You can either move now or we'll make you move."


There was also a lot of whinging by people who didn't understand what was going on in terms of our self-policing and it would help if everyone was clear on what we're trying to accomplish. Then if someone establishes a number and goes off on an 8-hour sightseeing trip for example, the people around them can protest when the sightseers try to take their place back in a point in the queue where they no longer belong.




That happened at Brixton but it was too little too late and needs to be planned from the inception of the queue. Maybe next time.


The venue has their own ideas about queuing though and that has to be taken into consideration at every gig. I had some woman shouting the odds that she didn't know about the numbers when she arrived and consequently a bunch of people who showed up after her were trying to jump her in the queue. She said if Brixton abided our system and wouldn't let her in because she didn't have a number she was going to report them, blah, blah, blah.


At the 11th hour Brixton also issued an edict that if anyone stepped out of the queue for any reason they had to return to the back of the line. Fortunately there was only an hour to go at this point, but people cannot be expected to never step away from a queue for 14 hours. It's impossible.




Jennie already described how it has be done properly in 90 minutes. The 02 Arena holds more than 3 times as many people as Brixton.


Mika is far more likely to play the 02 than Brixton the next time around so hopefully London fans won't have to deal with these ridiculous Brixton issues anyway.


Although this kind of thing must be happening at a lot of venues because I remember being very surprised about MFCers' reports that they'd made second row even though they were at the head of the queue. There's no reason this should ever happen. If you're at the front of the queue you should be at the front of the stage.




No one was holding onto each other in London. It's every man for himself. :naughty:


Seriously, there is no problem with flow. The problem is people 50 places back in the queue start flowing around and past you.


Instead of encouraging open flow, they need to impose a bottleneck so that people are forced to enter the stalls in more or less the order in which they queued.




I think Mika should stop handing out autographs and photos full stop, but obviously that's up to his discretion.


When Mika signs autographs he puts his head down, barely acknowledges people and moves quickly across the line, seemingly to extract himself from the situation as fast as he can. It seems to be far more enjoyable for everyone if he just speaks for a few minutes, accepts gifts, etc.


Once people let go of this bizarre idea that he needs to sign a piece of paper for them, they'll be less desperate to get his attention and more content to just be an onlooker.




Yes I had to deliver a letter for someone else on Monday and it meant diving into the huge throng of people surrounding his vehicle at the Apollo. Even then, I had to pass it through 4 or 5 people in order to get it to him.


It would be better for people around the world to be able to mail him letters directly. It would thin the crowd a little bit and stop poor saps like John, Andy, the band and Mika's family getting saddled with stuff when Mika is not available.




In places like London you are unlikely to get any kind of reaction from him whatsoever. He's accepting dozens of things at a time and if you can even get close enough to hand it to him directly you're luckier than most.


Again this is one of those realities that fans are going to have to start coming to terms with instead of adopting unacceptable behaviour in order to get around it.




Which fans? Many of the people there were the source of the problem. I'm not sure if they're the best ones to address it.


The reason this thread has gone on for pages and pages is because there was so much reluctance at the beginning to even admit that the behaviour was unacceptable. It was only when we learned that Mika himself found it atrocious (as if there was any chance he would not have! :doh:) that all the apologists disappeared.

I agree with everything that Christine's said above. There are some useful suggestions in therr. :thumb_yello:


Well, Christine, you just demonstrated what I meant: that those who were there and behaved respectfully may know best what happened wrong recently and therefore what can be changed in future.

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I hate to say it guys...............but assigned seating , then a meet up afterwards that is properly organized.We have properly Membership cards we can flash. I cannot stand all the time.(

Rhuematoid arthritis...and if we play our cards right etc ..hopefully MFC can get front row...not sure how you get all MFC at some after party thingy.,,,its just a suggestion as I went to a gig with assigned seating and I got to be up at the front for about 10 minutes closer than Seattle any way and it was a wonderful warm , atmosphere. I suppose that is just the way I felt. and experienced. Maybe the first time I saw him it was great to be at the very very very front.......but afterwards,honestly, assigned seating needs to be looked at more. and I can say it with honesty.

I was not in England so I don't really know in that case there, its just I have been to many many concerts and even the Meatloaf with assigned seating we got really close.

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One of the key issues I still feel is having seperate security for men and women , there are far far fewer men compared to ladddiess at Mika gigs .. so the females end up bottle necked (hence the reason they put more female security people on) . I was way way back and ended up 3 rows ish from the front


Also having no bags seems to help :thumb_yello:

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One of the key issues I still feel is having seperate security for men and women , there are far far fewer men compared to ladddiess at Mika gigs .. so the females end up bottle necked (hence the reason they put more female security people on) . I was way way back and ended up 3 rows ish from the front


Also having no bags seems to help :thumb_yello:



do they not have coat checks?????

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do they not have coat checks?????


Its mainly bags that hold things up as they insist on going through them ..


If your male and no bag in this system you can wizzz to the front


Btw John (head of security) said yesterday he was joining so lurk / chat , would be a good chance for every one to talk with da main man :punk:

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Also having no bags seems to help :thumb_yello:


Yes, by day 3 I made sure I had as little on me as possible and got through quicker than usual. It still shouldn't be necessary though.


Laura was always delayed because of her Sylvester costume but she shouldn't be penalized for that since Mika requested fancy dress. People 30 and 50 places back in the queue should not be allowed into the venue until the first group has passed security and gone into the stalls.


I hate to say it guys...............but assigned seating , then a meet up afterwards that is properly organized.


I totally agree with you there. I'm certain he will play a seated venue the next time in Toronto and I am grateful I won't be standing in a queue.


The standards in Europe are different, however, and it's going to be general admission whether it's a club or a 50,000 capacity arena.

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Btw John (head of security) said yesterday he was joining so lurk / chat , would be a good chance for every one to talk with da main man :punk:


Oh awesome. Kata needs to start her donutman thread to pay homage.


We love you John!!! :wub2:

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Its mainly bags that hold things up as they insist on going through them ..


If your male and no bag in this system you can wizzz to the front


Btw John (head of security) said yesterday he was joining so lurk / chat , would be a good chance for every one to talk with da main man :punk:



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One of the key issues I still feel is having seperate security for men and women , there are far far fewer men compared to ladddiess at Mika gigs .. so the females end up bottle necked (hence the reason they put more female security people on) . I was way way back and ended up 3 rows ish from the front


Also having no bags seems to help :thumb_yello:


LOL, yes, Mr. Violet was very amused about that system of course :naughty:

He could easily have ended up at the very front but was nicely waiting for me to join him. :wub2: We actually thought they'd make a change for Thursday, but no - same here. Unfortunately, while on Tuesdsay the security guy was VERY interested in my camera, taking it apart thoroughly :thumbdown:, the elderly woman on Thursday didn't give a hoot about my bag or what might have been in it and I was way faster inside the venue than on Tuesday. Mr Violet didn't expect that and so I had to wait for him to come back from the lavatory this time :thumbdown::roftl:

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Its mainly bags that hold things up as they insist on going through them ..


If your male and no bag in this system you can wizzz to the front


Btw John (head of security) said yesterday he was joining so lurk / chat , would be a good chance for every one to talk with da main man :punk:


John....Mika's Managar....is joining the MFC??







that's so funny. i hope he does an introduction in the introduction section xDD

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John....Mika's Managar....is joining the MFC??







that's so funny. i hope he does an introduction in the introduction section xDD


I hope he doesn't - his PM box will fill faster than snow off a fire!!!! :naughty:


My only problem with all seating - what about folk who cant stand up -

if everyone in front of them are standing they will see nothing!!

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Its mainly bags that hold things up as they insist on going through them ..


If your male and no bag in this system you can wizzz to the front


Btw John (head of security) said yesterday he was joining so lurk / chat , would be a good chance for every one to talk with da main man :punk:


poor john...hope he won't regret it!:wub2:


if you are lurking, mr manager, i thank you again for all the chocolate i asked for and never enjoyed! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:sneaky2:

and donoughts too! :sneaky2:

(how is this devilish word spelled btw)

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It's called peer pressure. If people realize in advance that their behaviour will not be tolerated by the majority they would or at least should think twice about it.


--- monster post --- :naughty:


The reason this thread has gone on for pages and pages is because there was so much reluctance at the beginning to even admit that the behaviour was unacceptable. It was only when we learned that Mika himself found it atrocious (as if there was any chance he would not have! :doh:) that all the apologists disappeared.


So you think it will work then? A thread about it here?

Cuz maybe you can try setting that up then?



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