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Marking the end of an Era


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i hope you understand what i mean ? if you would be MIKA would you be happy to hear from your fans :"this is over..." or "this is the end of era ..." i mean lets give him a support , not say that this is probobly the end of era! BUT ITS NOT ! i understand that lot of you thinks ...oh yeah but now he's not talking to us so much after gigs ...or - at 2007 it was easier to get autographs and so on ! BUt hey people his famous now we should all be happy for him and we should stop saying these things , because i really dont think he would be happy to hear it from you FROM HIS FANS from people who always says how perfect he is ! do you understand hat i'm trying to say ? we should all try to figure out how would it be if we would be mika .. it wouldnt be easy and you know what ? he hasnt fed up or became haughty ! and most of stars dont give the autographs at all like rihanna , after the gig WE SHOULD BE HAPPY FOR MIKA, BECASE HE'S SO GOOD AND NICE TO US AND I KNOW THAT HE REALLY CARES ABOUT HIS FANS ! MORE THAN ALL THE OTHER F*****G "ŠTARS" :)


i feel a bit lonely in this world because in my country there aren't a lot of MIKA FANS and so you can imagine that its hard to talk about mika to people who don't like him! i would be really happy to talk to somebody from MFC members !


Liene from Latvia (its in baltic near sweden)



sweetheart, I never meant it's the end of Mika's career lol. The "era" meant "LiCM". We just feel a little sad because like...it's like watching a new born baby grow. You have those precious moments when they're a toddler but then they grow up and all you have are memories...you won't get the same things again because things change. Mika won't be around a lot because of this new recording and that's sad also...what are we going to do in the mean time? (:roftl:)

THAT'S what I meant. It's the end of an era for LiCM... but I wanted to try and bring up people's spirits by saying that it's NOT over yet, there's plenty more surprises to come! I just wanted to celebrate our first Mika year and roll on the second!

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Mika's music - and it's inherent messages - are helping me endure and survive an especially dark period at this time. I believe there are no coincidences in life. Two days before his last performance of the North American Tour I experienced a major life-changing event (and it was by no means positive). But I was able to rise above it...because of the strength that he emanates and the confidence and hope that he instills. It's all about Quality Not Quantity..we must live for now... and Love Today.....



I have to say his music has done the same for me


I too have been through a major life changing event recently & not a good one I might add & his lively fantastic uplifting music has helped to cheer me up & feel I can carry on through what has been the darkest most difficult 5 weeks of my entire life (and believe me i've already had a hellish life) but these 5 weeks have well & truly took the biscuit & then some


his music & seeing him live for the 1st time (brixton 28th feb) have helped to make me feel that bit better so I want to say a huge thank you to Mika for putting a smile on my face when I felt I would NEVER EVER smile ever again!!


Big love to Mika!!!:mf_lustslow::wub2:

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If there's a thread that Mika should read, then its this one. He can see how each and every single one of us love him so dearly, and how he has affected our lives tremendously and made earth a better place to live in. He's my ray of sunshine...and always will be.:blush-anim-cl:

Love you, Mika:wub2:

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If there's a thread that Mika should read, then its this one. He can see how each and every single one of us love him so dearly, and how he has affected our lives tremendously and made earth a better place to live in. He's my ray of sunshine...and always will be.:blush-anim-cl:

Love you, Mika:wub2:


thanks :blush-anim-cl::flowers2:

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i think your post just sums up the awesomeness of the MFC! :D its the best fanclub i've joined really, its so active and everyone seems so nice (even though i've never met them face to face!)


i've never been to one of his concerts, but i'm still very hopeful that i'll get to go to one some day! :D


and you're making me all excited about the new album! :bleh: :bleh:

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LiCM has officially come to a close. Mika's quite big now, and several of us have had the amazing privilege of going to his concerts, even meeting him, or heck for some of you ones out there, just seeing him on your TV screen is a huge deal.


The fact is, within the space of a year, he has touched every single one of us.


28/2/08 was the last gig of his tour. The Dodgy Holiday tour.


The LiCM tour.


Now, I know we're all feeling sad....we've pretty much all got PMD and some of us are angry and anguished that:

a) we didn't get some of the privileges we were hoping for

b) that this really has come to an end.


amongst other things which I won't mention in here. There's no bashing, or anger, or sadness or anything like that in this thread, no sir-ee.


We can all relate to each other right now, a big group hug everyone.


But this is just an end of an ERA, not the end of everything!!!


So LiCM has come to a close. So what? We still have the album and the singles! Mika's on to better things. Look at what we're getting in the near future: New songs, new album, new shows and most of all...a new forum.


We're turning official soon and while we still don't know what the benefits are, we can only assume that there are going to be more "meet and greet" type things, but I think Mika and his fans are going to be closer than ever. Mika's a bright man, he knows what he's doing, and he's STILL genuine. I know the after show party didn't go according to plan, but he still tried to talk to people and was still smiling [as the pictures show]. Even in his live shows-he was happy. You can see it in his face.


Mika's not sad.


I know we can't help but be sad right now, but it will pass I assure you! We'll get over it, and before you know it-POP! Mika's new album is about to be released :roftl:


Mika worked his socks off on his first album, no doubt he'll work just as hard on the second.


Come on guys, we're a fan club. we're meant to UNITE. So let's hold hands, send our prayers...


as hard it may be right now, let's try and wave goodbye to those negative thoughts and feelings, they eat you up inside. I know what bitterness feels like, and it's okay to feel like that, but it can't stay within you forever.


Think of all the positives that have happened in your first Mika Year! The amazing experiences! The opportunities you shared together! The pictures, videos, the projects, the laughs...


we've had highs and lows, and no doubt there will be more to come in the future.


But look how far we've got guys! Sure, we've had our differences, but WE ARE STILL HERE!!! We are here for each other but most of all we are here for Mika!


Please, let's put our differences aside.


Let's applaud the great Mika for giving us so much joy!! [and maybe sometimes a lil bit of grief but we won't go into that...:roftl:] Let's send him postive thoughts and vibes...


We believe in you Mika. As sad as it is to watch LiCM draw to a close, as sad as it may be to watch you grow and change, WE LOVE YOU ALL THE SAME. We are MIKA FANS, and we are HERE FOR YOU. Keep it real, because that's one of the main reasons why we all love you. Remember who you are. LiCM was and STILL IS A FANTASTIC RECORD, and we have every faith that your second, and third, fourth, etc etc...will be just as brilliant!


We believe in you, and if whenever you are feeling down, just read this thread. All our love, right guys?


So. Let's celebrate! Post your FAVOURITE MOMENTS!!!!!!!



Yes, come on, this is not the time for sadness! LiCM is still nudging away at the top of the almum charts. America are starting to realise he exists and he's had a sell out tour over there! There arn't anymore concerts and tours at the moment, but the boy needs to get some rest and relaxation! To be honest, I think it's selfish to want him to keep going! He's given us all so much in the last year, and been actually touring for about 18 months.

We don't have to be upset that we can't see him at the moment. We should just be happy about what he's done, and the main thing is, MIKA IS NOT GOING AWAY! He's worked too hard to get where he is. He's not going to fade away!

So please, let's just give him a break, and let him have a rest! Let's also trust him to give us another fantastic album. Let's think of all the brilliant new songs, and probably new characters, that are going to be unleashed in Mikaworld. I for one am NOT suffering from Post Mika Depression, because I know there is much more to come... and it's going to be great. So, to quote a song that isn't Mika's song, but is appropriate in this instance...


Have a little... patience!!!

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*wipes tears*


tho I've never met MIKA himself/been to a concert/met MFCers in person yet...i just wanted to say how much it means to me to meet you all great people and to love such a great soul...and this sense of belonging to this place and be a royal fan is growing on me everyday and i know if there was no such MFC life wouldn't be the same cuz at the end of the day when you feel down it can fix you...really...I REALLY love MFC and MFCers...:wub2::thumb_yello:


Hope 2008 will be as good as this one...

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Here, this is my first fav vid woohoo. I Made it to celebrate the end of Dodgy Holiday!

In anticipation for the next Album and tours!!!


OOOOH! I just watched it and added it to my favs on youtube! It's great!:wub2:

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Here, this is my first fav vid woohoo. I Made it to celebrate the end of Dodgy Holiday!

In anticipation for the next Album and tours!!!


That's a lovely set of pictures.

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That's a lovely set of pictures.


Thanks, but they they're not all mine since i didn't go to all of the concerts.

So thanks to all others as well:thumb_yello:

OOOOH! I just watched it and added it to my favs on youtube! It's great!:wub2:

Thank you!

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