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How did you find the MFC?


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I first discovered Mika’s My Space site from a link in a Swedish blog, I will be forever grateful to that blogger!:wub2:

Listened to the music and just couldn’t stop listening.

The music made a deep impact on me.:wub2:

Than I googled on Mika and found the MFC.

Registered, and had no idea what to do then.:naughty: I have never been on an online fan club before.

I got messages that it would be nice if I posted something to say hello to the other members but I didn’t know how to do it!

Yes it is actually the true! Embarrassing!:blush-anim-cl:

But last summer I was sitting in my summerhouse and the rain was pouring down outside which gave me a lot of time to explore this forum. I read a lot of threads and was finally able to figure out how to make a post!:roftl:

And then I was hooked! I got nice and interesting answers all the time and I was scared to death to try to communicate with people in English but at same time it was really exciting.

So there you go, almost 3000 posts later and after two trips to London, participating in the notorious after party, and meeting friends from all over the world I never would have a chance to meet if it wasn’t for this fan club.:wub2:

As Babspanky said earlier today, I’m not in this fan club only for Mika anymore; I’m staying in it for the friendship….and all the fun we have!:wink2:

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Actually it is my anniversary :mf_rosetinted:

Exactly this day last year I met a Portugese fan who made me a fan of Mika music. He put his heart and soul into it - including giving me his copy of LICM.:wub2: The process took two weeks, well more than that, but after a month I googled Mika and found MFC. :original:

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This is so interesting reading everybody's stories! Thanks for sharing, everyone. I realised that I haven't yet written how I found Mika, only how I found the MFC. So here is my Mika story.


I had a myspace account but was still fairly new to the whole thing and was still trying to find my way around and work out what the heck you were supposed to do on there. I'd been watching my Michael Buble DVD and wanted to know if he was touring in Aus anytime soon (which at that time he wasn't) and so looked up his MySpace page. I was reading his comments and saw a comment from what appeared to be quite a young girl (Jessica Lombard, in case anyone's heard of her) who was saying what a fan she was of Michael's and that if he felt like it he could come visit her music page. (She plays piano, sings and writes her own material, kind of reminds me of our own Sarah McCluskey.) So I went to check out her page and was reading her comments and for one of them, there was a picture of a guy, instead of a comment. (Now that I think about it, there probably were words, but I just couldn't get over the audacity of somebody posting their own picture in another person's comments!) And the picture was of the same person as the avatar. And that person was Mika! And I thought "Who the hell is this guy?!", so I went and checked out his page. And I read his page, marvelling at how brash he seemed and listened to Grace Kelly. I realised I'd heard it maybe once or twice earlier in the year (cos at that stage I didn't listen to commercial radio and the ABC doesn't play stuff like Mika!) without really paying attention to it. But it grabbed me and pulled me in. Ran straight off to youtube to look up the clip. Fabulous! The next clip I watched was Big Girls. By then I was hooked. I'm a big girl. If a gorgeous guy like that could be singing about people like me, he might be worth checking out further! And that was me, in - hook, line and sinker.

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I know a lot of people tell how they found the MFC when they introduce themselves, but I thought it would be interesting to have, all in one place, people's stories about how they found the MFC.


I'm particularly curious about people who's very first posts on the forum tend to be along the lines of "Wow, I was at *insert name of gig here* last night and it was fantastic etc etc" and I was wondering if you met MFC'ers at the gig who put you on to it, or if you found the forum whilst still in your post-gig blissout and whilst searching the net for other people's pics and blogs and reviews to keep your own experience alive just that bit longer.



My story is that I had the computer to myself for a whole weekend with half the family away and the only remaining person being a toddler of two, who really didn't need it, and I was looking for articles and pictures of Mika online as I'd only discovered him a few weeks before and was trying to lay my hands on everything to do with him. I wasn't looking for a fanclub, but high in the list of google hits was a link into here and there seemed to be so much great info and I couldn't help but want to comment, so had to join up right away! Spent the rest of the night chatting in the Aussie thread and finding my way around. And I fell in love with the place.


Feel free to share your story too!



Sometime in January 2007, my friend Sophie said to me "Mika's GOT to be gay, hasn't he?" (:bash:) I said "Who's Mika?"

We were at the bowling ally, so she put a pound in one of those machines where it plays the music video on the big screen. Grace Kelly came on, and I loved it! I decided not to dignify her question with an answer :bleh:


Then (a few weeks later) I went to my cousin's house, and she showed me a dance to Lollipop:punk:. Then while we were making cakes, she put Life In Cartoon Motion on, and I got hooked! :wub2:


In the summer, I started looking at Mika's videos on the internet, and by Autumn, I was a bit obsessed! That grew, and grew until I got LICM for Christmas. That's when things spiralled wonderfully out of control!:mf_lustslow:


I soon came across the MFC, but didn't have the guts to join properly (I was a bit silly really!)


Then i joined in about march (I think) but never went on, because I couldn't understand it! :blush-anim-cl:


Now I'm getting into it!:punk:

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Well it was during my "looking for everything about Mika" period and by surfing the net, Ive found the MFC. At first, I was like "a fan club ? How lame!" But I ended up joining and I've found out fan clubs aren't that lame. :naughty:

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A bit more than a year ago I found this link on one forum, and although I usually never check those link, I checked that one. Don't know exactly why. It was Mika's Grace Kelly, and I just loved it. Then I went off line to study a bit, but the song was stuck in my head, so I had to go back and I actually spent the whole day listening to GK.icon_redface.gif


And so it slowly started, I wanted to know more and more about Mika, so I googled a lot and found this forum. Been here for several times but never logged in, not until April when I finally did. I didn't post much at the beginning (mostly because of my limping english:naughty:), but then this place has really grown on me, and I started spending more and more time here. And I'm really happy to say that I met some really nice people through this forum, especially my ladies from Serbia and other countries of former Yugoslavia.:wub2:

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oh, i wish i had a story..

i discovered MFC a year ago. i was listening to Mika for a few months already, was of course familiar with most of the YT vids so the time has come to see him in concert. so in June 07 as a birthday gift i was given two tickets for his London gigs *coughbothgotpostponedcough* The moment i was given them i googled Mika and found MFC. unfortunately that's it.

but thanks to MFC i went to the Berlin gig in November as i saw the date here. i thought that it would be a waste not to go as Berlin is so close. so, among other things, i owe my first Mika gig to the MFC :wub2:

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Bump! So, nobody else has a story to tell about how they found the MFC or how they found Mika?


I've told this long-ass story half a dozen times before, but...


Canadian radio sucks so I listen to Capital FM (London) on the internet. I believe it was late November or early December 2006 and it must have been one of the first times they played Grace Kelly because the DJ hyped up Mika for several minutes before the song. Talked about the comparisons to Freddie Mercury, his operatic training, etc.


I stopped what I was doing and was all ears before I even heard "I wanna talk to you." And I LOVED it instantly.


The British invasion had just started earlier in 2006 for me and I had seen Sandi Thom and Lily Allen in tiny Toronto clubs and was looking forward to Paolo Nutini and Amy Winehouse coming over.


A few weeks later I checked out Mika's Jools Holland performance on YouTube just to make sure he could actually sing properly live. I decided he was adequate and put him on my list of must-see artists. I assumed, like Paolo and Amy, it would be a good 6-18 months before anyone ever heard of him in Canada so I settled in for a long wait.


One day in late February I was in a shop and was shocked to hear Grace Kelly over the PA system that was playing a local radio station. Then the DJ announced that Mika would be playing a small club in Toronto in the next few weeks. I had no idea he was getting airplay in North America so I ran to the nearest computer hoping I hadn't missed my chance to get tickets.


Fortunately they were still available and when I was in a record store picking up my ticket I grabbed a copy of LICM. I wasn't crazy about the rest of the album and as the time for the concert rolled around it was cold and I was feeling lazy and actually contemplated skipping the show altogether since I'd only paid $15 for my ticket and was going alone.


I went in the end and before I stepped out of the cab a girl was accosting me, looking for spare tickets. Scalpers (ticket touts) were charging $100+ for a ticket as LICM had shot up to #2 in Canada right before the gig.


Inside I was surprised to be greeted by a man on stilts giving high-5s and a drag queen handing out lollipops. The same nondescript club I'd seen Paolo Nutini in 2 weeks prior had been transformed into a child's birthday party with balloons, ribbons and lollipops everywhere and Mika's animations playing on the TV.


When Mika came out and opened his mouth I was blown away. I stared at him throughout Relax because I just couldn't believe he wasn't lip synching.


I hadn't seen many photos or videos of him but he seemed a lot less geeky than I was expecting. He was no longer painfully skinny and he was relaxed, swore a few times and his banter was quite clever as he'd already picked up on the rivalry between Montreal and Toronto and used it to win over the crowd.


He wore an animal costume for the first time that night and bubbles went off for the finale. I immediately regretted not bringing my friend with me because the show turned out to be exactly the kind of thing she would have loved.


I started searching on YouTube shortly after that to show my friend what went on during Lollipop.


I don't really remember how I found MFC but after the gig I was far more interested in Mika than I had been and kept looking for videos and articles about him. You couldn't spend too much time researching Mika without coming across MFC, even in March 2007.


I didn't join MFC right away because I didn't have anything in particular to say, but I found myself registering and posting because the conversations and the people were interesting.

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Google baby. :mf_rosetinted:


But were you looking for a fanclub? Or just happened to come across it by accident like lots of the rest of us.


I've told this long-ass story half a dozen times before, but...


Canadian radio sucks so I listen to Capital FM (London) on the internet. I believe it was late November or early December 2006 and it must have been one of the first times they played Grace Kelly because the DJ hyped up Mika for several minutes before the song. Talked about the comparisons to Freddie Mercury, his operatic training, etc.


I stopped what I was doing and was all ears before I even heard "I wanna talk to you." And I LOVED it instantly.


The British invasion had just started earlier in 2006 for me and I had seen Sandi Thom and Lily Allen in tiny Toronto clubs and was looking forward to Paolo Nutini and Amy Winehouse coming over.


A few weeks later I checked out Mika's Jools Holland performance on YouTube just to make sure he could actually sing properly live. I decided he was adequate and put him on my list of must-see artists. I assumed, like Paolo and Amy, it would be a good 6-18 months before anyone ever heard of him in Canada so I settled in for a long wait.


One day in late February I was in a shop and was shocked to hear Grace Kelly over the PA system that was playing a local radio station. Then the DJ announced that Mika would be playing a small club in Toronto in the next few weeks. I had no idea he was getting airplay in North America so I ran to the nearest computer hoping I hadn't missed my chance to get tickets.


Fortunately they were still available and when I was in a record store picking up my ticket I grabbed a copy of LICM. I wasn't crazy about the rest of the album and as the time for the concert rolled around it was cold and I was feeling lazy and actually contemplated skipping the show altogether since I'd only paid $15 for my ticket and was going alone.


I went in the end and before I stepped out of the cab a girl was accosting me, looking for spare tickets. Scalpers (ticket touts) were charging $100+ for a ticket as LICM had shot up to #2 in Canada right before the gig.


Inside I was surprised to be greeted by a man on stilts giving high-5s and a drag queen handing out lollipops. The same nondescript club I'd seen Paolo Nutini in 2 weeks prior had been transformed into a child's birthday party with balloons, ribbons and lollipops everywhere and Mika's animations playing on the TV.


When Mika came out and opened his mouth I was blown away. I stared at him throughout Relax because I just couldn't believe he wasn't lip synching.


I hadn't seen many photos or videos of him but he seemed a lot less geeky than I was expecting. He was no longer painfully skinny and he was relaxed, swore a few times and his banter was quite clever as he'd already picked up on the rivalry between Montreal and Toronto and used it to win over the crowd.


He wore an animal costume for the first time that night and bubbles went off for the finale. I immediately regretted not bringing my friend with me because the show turned out to be exactly the kind of thing she would have loved.


I started searching on YouTube shortly after that to show my friend what went on during Lollipop.


I don't really remember how I found MFC but after the gig I was far more interested in Mika than I had been and kept looking for videos and articles about him. You couldn't spend too much time researching Mika without coming across MFC, even in March 2007.


I didn't join MFC right away because I didn't have anything in particular to say, but I found myself registering and posting because the conversations and the people were interesting.


You may have told that story many times before but I've only heard bits of it. Thanks for putting it all down here.

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You may have told that story many times before but I've only heard bits of it. Thanks for putting it all down here.


The same with me, thanks for telling the whole story Christine!:thumb_yello:

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But were you looking for a fanclub? Or just happened to come across it by accident like lots of the rest of us.


Nah I was looking for a forum. I signed up at Mikasounds first but I didn't like the board's lay-out so I looked for a different one and found the MFC.

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The same with me, thanks for telling the whole story Christine!:thumb_yello:


Yes, same here -- I don't think I'd ever read it before either!


My story is boring by comparison -- I heard Mika (Grace Kelly)

for the first time on

BBC radio (via satellite) in my car in January 2007. As soon as

I got home I went straight to my computer and googled Mika -- I wanted

to hear that amazing song again, and share it with my husband. All I knew

was the name, I was guessing how to spell it, but I found it right away.

I was looking for more songs and specifically downloads. This URL

came up -- I'm not even sure I ever saw mikasounds until later. I started

reading and the personalities and conversations made me want to join

in, but I really didn't have the time... but eventually I was sucked

in and now I can't seem to tear myself away :naughty:



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It was a cold and windy day in December 2006


<wooossshhhhh rain sound affects> :naughty:


I was wanting to support a new artist and saw that BBC had Mika as the artist of 2007 ... I jumped on Mikasounds and listened to Grace Kelly :shocked:and listened :shocked: and though wow!!! this truely is something else


I then wanted to see him live and he was playing Newcastle Uni in February of 2007 so I jumped on the "official" forum to try and get tickets , within seconds Andi dragged me over here saying it was a much better forum


And the rest is history

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i dont know the exact date but in feb last year my friend told me to check out this new artist called mika which i did a few days later as most groups he suggests are pish but to my surprise i was totally blown away with this mika guy ! i couldnt believe that at my age i found myself obsessing not with mika but his music , my last obsession was with scritti politti many moons ago :boxed:

then my friend told me he had guesties to see mika in the abc glasgow i tryed not to sound to obsessed so i said if u have no-one else that want to go i`ll come , god if he had got someone else i would have kicked myself :shocked: but he didnt ! so my obsession got worse ,joined mika myspace , mika sounds , found this trollop :wink2:http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=72182571

seen that one of his top friends were the mika fan club , entered that myspace then "hey presto" i was here ! joined up n kept quietish for a few weeks then after that all hell broke loose :roftl:

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It was a nice day in March. I was watching tv, Jensen, when he announced a new star would come on bladiebla. They showed a clip of Grace Kelly. I was captivated by the song so I HAD to know who it was. Soooo I watched the interview and I was sold:wub2: So I went to look him up on google, signed up to Mikasounds, found it quite dull, found this place and tahdah here we are today:mf_rosetinted:

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Google baby. :mf_rosetinted:


yeah baby same here:naughty:


actually i would like to tell my story but my limited english doesn't let me.


these are the key words:


"me,MTV EMA's,grace kelly,google,youtube,babs&sou,mikafanclub....register,"




can somebody make a lovely story for me:blush-anim-cl:


EDIT:feel free to use your imagination:bleh:


oh by the way it was a warm november night :naughty:

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