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Merci, professeurs :original:.


Vous écrivez vite et vous parlez vite :blink:! Je toujours dit a mes nièces: "Lentement, lentement, tante ne comprends pas!" Quand elles veulent me dire quelques choses :naughty:.


Emily: I noticed you wrote j'y peux rien. I learned: je n'y peux rien. Are both ways possible or did I learn wrong?

Yep, it's the informal way of saying it. It's like when you say "je sais pas" instead of "je NE sais pas". It's really frequent in the spoken language.:wink2:

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Yep, it's the informal way of saying it. It's like when you say "je sais pas" instead of "je NE sais pas". It's really frequent in the spoken language.:wink2:


Exactly. Dropping the " ne/n' " is very frequent in the spoken language.

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ok so since about 7th/8th grade i have wanted to go to school/boarding school in france, i was planning on going to college in europe any way because my parents a weird about sending me to college in the us for some reason and most of my siblings live there... any way so i have for a really long time wanted to go to boarding school in france and a couple of days ago i walked into my kitchen to see my dad on the computer looking up a boarding school in provence (the international billingual school of provence-aka IBS) and he and my mom told me that they decided that i could go to boarding school in france if i still wanted to!!! i am so happy! i wont be going to ones outside of paris though cuz i will be living with my sister and her roommates in paris, but i am so happy! i am getting all the application forms together and teacher recommendations and stuff I AM SO HAPPY!!!

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ok so since about 7th/8th grade i have wanted to go to school/boarding school in france' date=' i was planning on going to college in europe any way because my parents a weird about sending me to college in the us for some reason and most of my siblings live there... any way so i have for a really long time wanted to go to boarding school in france and a couple of days ago i walked into my kitchen to see my dad on the computer looking up a boarding school in provence (the international billingual school of provence-aka IBS) and he and my mom told me that they decided that i could go to boarding school in france if i still wanted to!!! i am so happy! i wont be going to ones outside of paris though cuz i will be living with my sister and her roommates in paris, but i am so happy! i am getting all the application forms together and teacher recommendations and stuff I AM SO HAPPY!!![/quote']


Wow, Aimee, c'est formidable! I'm jealous...:bleh: Do you speak any French already?

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ok so since about 7th/8th grade i have wanted to go to school/boarding school in france' date=' i was planning on going to college in europe any way because my parents a weird about sending me to college in the us for some reason and most of my siblings live there... any way so i have for a really long time wanted to go to boarding school in france and a couple of days ago i walked into my kitchen to see my dad on the computer looking up a boarding school in provence (the international billingual school of provence-aka IBS) and he and my mom told me that they decided that i could go to boarding school in france if i still wanted to!!! i am so happy! i wont be going to ones outside of paris though cuz i will be living with my sister and her roommates in paris, but i am so happy! i am getting all the application forms together and teacher recommendations and stuff I AM SO HAPPY!!![/quote']



c'est formidable!!

oui,parles-tu déjà français?


it's amazing!and yes,do you speak french already?


ici,il pleut,mais le site MFC nous apporte un peu de soleil;et vous?:wink2:

here,i's raining,but mfc website brings us some sun;and you?

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ok so since about 7th/8th grade i have wanted to go to school/boarding school in france' date=' i was planning on going to college in europe any way because my parents a weird about sending me to college in the us for some reason and most of my siblings live there... any way so i have for a really long time wanted to go to boarding school in france and a couple of days ago i walked into my kitchen to see my dad on the computer looking up a boarding school in provence (the international billingual school of provence-aka IBS) and he and my mom told me that they decided that i could go to boarding school in france if i still wanted to!!! i am so happy! i wont be going to ones outside of paris though cuz i will be living with my sister and her roommates in paris, but i am so happy! i am getting all the application forms together and teacher recommendations and stuff I AM SO HAPPY!!![/quote']

Oh trop bien!! Je suis super contente pour toi!!!!! :D

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I<3 Mika: congratulations (read it either in English or in French :naughty:)!


Profs: what does mois non plus exactly mean? I thought: neither do I. But then you have this song: je t'aime, and it continues: moi non plus. :blink:.

I love you, neither do I? Surely I am missing something here :naughty:.

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I<3 Mika: congratulations (read it either in English or in French :naughty:)!


Profs: what does mois non plus exactly mean? I thought: neither do I. But then you have this song: je t'aime, and it continues: moi non plus. :blink:.

I love you, neither do I? Surely I am missing something here :naughty:.

"Congratulations" en français se dit peu (en tout cas en Suisse romande). On dit plutôt "félicitations!".


"Moi non plus" veut bien dire "neither do I".

Quand tu dis "je t'aime, moi non plus", c'est une expression. En fait, ça veut dire "je t'aime, moi aussi". C'est une plaisanterie (a joke)!

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"Congratulations" en français se dit peu (en tout cas en Suisse romande). On dit plutôt "félicitations!".


"Moi non plus" veut bien dire "neither do I".

Quand tu dis "je t'aime, moi non plus", c'est une expression. En fait, ça veut dire "je t'aime, moi aussi". C'est une plaisanterie (a joke)!


Ah, mais c'est permit, de dire moi non plus quand quelque'un te dit: je t'aime? C'est pas seulement pour la chanson?

(it would be a shame when someone told you I love you and you would say: neither do I. Well, it would depend on the person who told you of course :naughty:).


Est-ce que Il-y-a des autres situations quand on peut dire: mois non plus quand on veut dire: moi aussi?

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Monie, it's the whole purpose of the song. It's a play on words.

Gainsbourg (the songwriter) was known for these.

Je t'aime, moi non plus literally means, I love you... so don't I ;)

It's because the two lovers have this "I love to hate you and I hate to love you" relationship.


And no there's no other situation where you can say that.

Normally, the use of "moi aussi" and "moi non plus" is totally similar to that of "ik ook" "ik ook niet". ;)

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Monie, it's the whole purpose of the song. It's a play on words.

Gainsbourg (the songwriter) was known for these.

Je t'aime, moi non plus literally means, I love you... so don't I ;)

It's because the two lovers have this "I love to hate you and I hate to love you" relationship.


And no there's no other situation where you can say that.

Normally, the use of "moi aussi" and "moi non plus" is totally similar to that of "ik ook" "ik ook niet". ;)


oui,et je ne vois pas d'autres façons de l'utiliser hormis pour la plaisanterie!

yes,it's the only one reason for use it ;)


bonjour à tous!

en france,de nombreux secteurs d'acitivités font grève;qu'en pensez-vous?

in france,many sectors of economy strike; what do you think about it?

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Merci Niki et Fanny, je comprends :thumb_yello:.

Je n'ai pas écouté bon toutte la chanson, je crois, j'ai seulement entendu (ou compris): je t'aime, moi non plus :wink2:.


Ingie: quel hall?


Le hall dans le Gare du Nord:naughty:

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Le hall dans le Gare du Nord:naughty:

salut ingie!!

"le hall de la gare du Nord" ;)


tiens,je réflichis à participer au projet vidéo...y a-t-il un format,une taille ou une durée de film à respecter(j'avoue que je n'ai pas lu tout le thread:blush-anim-cl:)


bonne nuit à tous


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salut ingie!!

"le hall de la gare du Nord" ;)


tiens,je réflichis à participer au projet vidéo...y a-t-il un format,une taille ou une durée de film à respecter(j'avoue que je n'ai pas lu tout le thread:blush-anim-cl:)


bonne nuit à tous



I think I read you are thinking about participating in the video project? :naughty:

You can film as much as you like, tho Ingie prefers more then 5 minutes :naughty:.

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Le hall dans le Gare du Nord:naughty:


I think I read you are thinking about participating in the video project? :naughty:

You can film as much as you like, tho Ingie prefers more then 5 minutes :naughty:.


Salut les filles!:bye:

un petit coucou au passage, contente de voir que le thread reste actif :wink2:

bonne journée! :bye:

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I think I read you are thinking about participating in the video project? :naughty:

You can film as much as you like, tho Ingie prefers more then 5 minutes :naughty:.


thanks for your answer ;)

more than 5minutes?i don't know if i'll have the time for so long..

bonne journée à tous!

n'hésitez pas si vous avez des questions :wink2:

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Salut les filles!:bye:

un petit coucou au passage, contente de voir que le thread reste actif :wink2:

bonne journée! :bye:


Merci, bonne journée a toi aussi!



thanks for your answer ;)

more than 5minutes?i don't know if i'll have the time for so long..

bonne journée à tous!

n'hésitez pas si vous avez des questions :wink2:


Ce n'est pas grave quand le vid est moins de 5 minutes :wink2:!

C'est joli que tu veux participer.

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Ce n'est pas grave quand le vid est moins de 5 minutes :wink2:!

C'est joli que tu veux participer.


Dat zeggen we niet, Monie... als je "leuk" bedoelt, gebruik je liever "chouette" of "sympa" of "cool" dan "joli". Joli betekent mooi/knap ;)

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Dat zeggen we niet, Monie... als je "leuk" bedoelt, gebruik je liever "chouette" of "sympa" of "cool" dan "joli". Joli betekent mooi/knap ;)


Nee, zeggen we dat niet :naughty:? Ik heb het net gedaan :bleh:.


Ja, mijn Franstalige nichtjes hebben het ook over "cool". Ik vond dat al zo Frans klinken :naughty:.

Dus joli is echt mooi/knap, ik dacht ook leuk. En sympa is meer dan sympathiek?

Mijn nichtjes zeggen vaak "il est chou" over onze kat. Dat betekent dat hij leuk is? Ik dacht lief of schattig ofzo. Merci voor de uitleg!

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Nee, zeggen we dat niet :naughty:? Ik heb het net gedaan :bleh:.


Ja, mijn Franstalige nichtjes hebben het ook over "cool". Ik vond dat al zo Frans klinken :naughty:.

Dus joli is echt mooi/knap, ik dacht ook leuk. En sympa is meer dan sympathiek?

Mijn nichtjes zeggen vaak "il est chou" over onze kat. Dat betekent dat hij leuk is? Ik dacht lief of schattig ofzo. Merci voor de uitleg!


Sympa = sympathiek, but we sometimes use it to say things like

Le film était sympa: de film was goed/leuk


Or in expressions such as "c'est sympa de ta part" = "it's nice from you"


Chou means "cute"/"lovely". We tend to use it to speak about sthg/someone that makes you melt, kittens, babies etc. I think I'd use "schattig" to say that in dutch, indeed.


I hope my half english/half dutch explaination is clear enough.. I'm a bit tired tonight :naughty:

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one of my new year's resolutions has been to revise my poor french. never got round to it so far, but we are still in the beg. of feb, so there's still hope :naughty:


my written french though, is worse than my spoken one (which says enough :roftl:). so i am afraid i could not take part to the lessons without writing smt completely unintelligible for you all.. :blush-anim-cl:

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