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Hi! I am new fan Mika


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well, mmm I dont know how to speak English very well but I'll try :naughty:

My name is Selene, I am from T. Puebla Mexico I am 15 years old and bla bla bla bla :naughty:


well I knew mika by my brother, Yes, because he listened the song "Grace Kelly" many times and I really liked it, so I started to investigate about the song and singer, and when I saw Mika I was very very Impressed, so i decided to be a fan of Mika, and I feel very very happy!!!! :mf_lustslow:



ok that's all, I hope that you understand what I am saying because me dont :roftl:

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well, mmm I dont know how to speak English very well but I'll try :naughty:

My name is Selene, I am from T. Puebla Mexico I am 15 years old and bla bla bla bla :naughty:


well I knew mika by my brother, Yes, because he listened the song "Grace Kelly" many times and I really liked it, so I started to investigate about the song and singer, and when I saw Mika I was very very Impressed, so i decided to be a fan of Mika, and I feel very very happy!!!! :mf_lustslow:



ok that's all, I hope that you understand what I am saying because me dont :roftl:


Welcome to the MFC Selene! I am 15 also and I live in Texas! :bye:


I can understand what you are saying quite easily. :thumb_yello: (your english is much better than my spanish :naughty:)


I hope you enjoy yourself here!

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well, mmm I dont know how to speak English very well but I'll try :naughty:

My name is Selene, I am from T. Puebla Mexico I am 15 years old and bla bla bla bla :naughty:


well I knew mika by my brother, Yes, because he listened the song "Grace Kelly" many times and I really liked it, so I started to investigate about the song and singer, and when I saw Mika I was very very Impressed, so i decided to be a fan of Mika, and I feel very very happy!!!! :mf_lustslow:



ok that's all, I hope that you understand what I am saying because me dont :roftl:


We're already friends, aren't we? :naughty:


Welcome anyways! :woot_jump:

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Welcome! Your English is totally understandable! And you'll find people on here are very patient.


And it you'd like to speak Spanish, there's a Spanish thread:




And an Argentinean thread:





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Don't worry about your english, we all understand you! And if you need to talk to someone in spanish i'm here for you, and so is the argentinean thread, you'll love it here at mfc, you'll make friends really quickly, and they'll make you feel as if you've been here forever!:thumb_yello:

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Hola, Selene. Bienvenida al MFC o Mika Fan Club


Soy Susana de Guadalajara y tengo 15.


Ojala y te pases por el mexican thread un día, somos buena onda yo y la otra persona que mantenemos vivo al tema mexicano. Bueno, acá te dejo el link del tema mexicano




Cualquier cosa que necesites saber puedes mandarme un mensaje personal y yo con gusto haré lo posible por ayudarte aunque ya me van a cortar el internet xD


Have a nice time <3

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well, mmm I dont know how to speak English very well but I'll try :naughty:

My name is Selene, I am from T. Puebla Mexico I am 15 years old and bla bla bla bla :naughty:


well I knew mika by my brother, Yes, because he listened the song "Grace Kelly" many times and I really liked it, so I started to investigate about the song and singer, and when I saw Mika I was very very Impressed, so i decided to be a fan of Mika, and I feel very very happy!!!! :mf_lustslow:



ok that's all, I hope that you understand what I am saying because me dont :roftl:


Hola Selene!

Bienvenida en el MFC :welcomeani:

Estaras muy bien aqui! Y no te preocupes por el inglés por que yo tampoco no soy muy bonita en este idioma... LOL

Ah! Yo soy Michela.





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