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Free Fan Show Monday 21.09.2009


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So it's in the evening, and I could go, but I can't make the giveaway thing, no chance. If I made the gig and somehow got in, it would totally mean bumming around at Euston to get the first train back to uni but worse things have happened to me.


But it's all a bit academic because I can't get to the ice cream van. Unless they're giving out tickets at the freshers fair at my uni but...I doubt it.


Hope everyone who's going has mega loads of fun, 700 capacity is going to be immense.

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SHOW OFF I can't go I have to go on my 25th wedding anniversary cruise instead, now I am well hacked off that my husband wont re arrange it, he is such a selfish, camp flamboyant etc etc b*stard (I am sure I missed something out of that ...Babs???)


cruise!!! we can swap if you want. i know mikas the best and can never have to much but CRUISE :shocked:

but jokes aside, :boxed: aawwww its not going to be the same with out you :blush-anim-cl: who im i going to joke around with :wub2:

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cruise!!! we can swap if you want. i know mikas the best and can never have to much but CRUISE :shocked:

but jokes aside, :boxed: aawwww its not going to be the same with out you :blush-anim-cl: who im i going to joke around with :wub2:

Oh just find the nearest pub... you can hang out and have fun there :roftl: xxxx I don't even know if BBVix can make this one cos she is at college all day, so the ticket give-away, although only bout 2 stops from her college is kinda at the wrong time probs unless she can sneak out, I would fein an illness that lastes bout 2 hours myself hahah.


and YES I'll swap think my hubby would think he had won the lottery if you went in my place lmao!! he's be like...well YOU run off all over to see someone more than 23 years younger than you so now it's MY turn hahah

Edited by sparkly1
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Well, I would also love to be there, but there's no way I can be in central London at lunchtime Monday, so, like so many others, I am hoping for a miracle of some sort, but if it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen. At least I'll get a decent night's sleep on Monday and won't have to suffer the anxiety of driving in central London for the first time in my 36 years!!

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Oh just find the nearest pub... you can hang out and have fun there :roftl: xxxx I don't even know if BBVix can make this one cos she is at college all day, so the ticket give-away, although only bout 2 stops from her college is kinda at the wrong time probs unless she can sneak out.


well think im going on my own so 'IF' i do i can pick up 2 as i think its 2 tickets per 1 if thats the case give vix my number and get her to ring me on the day.


:blush-anim-cl: what you mean the nearest pub :blush-anim-cl::naughty:

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well think im going on my own so 'IF' i do i can pick up 2 as i think its 2 tickets per 1 if thats the case give vix my number and get her to ring me on the day.


:blush-anim-cl: what you mean the nearest pub :blush-anim-cl::naughty:

yes it IS for 2 tix per person, so that would be fabby, I'll let her know, and erm... I thought you might be in need of a little light refreshment before the gig to help sustain your energy levels, it's hard work at Mika gigs you know. :wink2:

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yes it IS for 2 tix per person, so that would be fabby, I'll let her know, and erm... I thought you might be in need of a little light refreshment before the gig to help sustain your energy levels, it's hard work at Mika gigs you know. :wink2:


:roftl: ok talk me in to going pub before the gig :roftl::roftl:


ok will pm you sunday night to let you know if i am going on my own :thumb_yello:

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It's not like he announced it on a Tuesday for a Friday. He announced it on a Friday- for most UK workers that would mean ringing work on monday and saying "I'm on a train". If you hang on his every word (and, fair enough, he warned us to around release date and I did) AND have access to the internet at work (which most people don't) it means asking on friday lunchtime "can I have the next working day off" (Two days off if you live near me). In most cases the answer would be "no- you've got meetings/ duties/ other stuff that we're not required to rearrange without 3 days notice unless it's a funeral or something." Obviously your employer is different. But that's unusual- it's not "some" circumstances that are impossible here, it's "most". Even if you live in London you're caught by this because of the ticket allocation time.


And that's why so many UK fans are annoyed.


Wasn't LA in the school/college holidays? Around Easter? Lots more people would have been able to go to it.

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The most obvious of which, to me (and I've posted this in the oldlings though not here yet) is that he's NOT doing it for the fans, but as a perfectly legit attempt to get new people to hear and enjoy a show, then hopefully buy the album


I don't understand this at all. You're saying yourself that the level of effort required to get the day off work, travel if needed, and then be there for 12:30pm is huge.


So how is that a case of trying to get new people to hear the show? People who are only vaguely aware of Mika (or are indifferent to him) are not going to make the effort to arrange time off work or school, queue at an ice cream truck, then turn up at a gig 7 hours later. It's only the people who are already actively interested in him who will do that.


You could argue that it results in some nice publicity in the papers - "Mika holds free gig!" - which can be true.


But again, only the people who are already interested in him will care. Those who are indifferent to him won't be swayed by the fact that he did a free gig, and those who dislike him won't think twice of it either.


Wasn't LA in the school/college holidays? Around Easter? Lots more people would have been able to go to it.


College maybe, but I don't believe it was holidays for younger people. And it was also on a Tuesday and Wednesday, so people had to take time off work then, too.


I guess my feelings on this (as a whole, mind you, not directed at you SoSi) is that lately, every time Mika announces something fantastic, loads of people start moaning. "Miiiiikaaa! That's not FAIR! Why are you holding [event] in [city]..???!!!! You need to do the same thing in [random other town!!!]"


On Twitter, for every person who said "wow, Mika, it's really sweet of you to hold drinks for fans in your local pub" there were five people moaning and bitching at him about how unfair it was that he's not doing it in their town.


Someone even moaned on here when Mika announced the NYC gig in June. "But Mika was just in LA! Why is he favouring the States??" Um, becaue the distance from LA to NYC is similar to the distance from London.... to the MIDDLE EAST?! :bleh:


What it amounts to is that every time Mika does something cool in one corner of the globe, it seems that everyone else thinks it's their job to go on Twitter/Mikasounds/Mikamyspace and complain that he's not doing it wherever they happen to live.


I've even seen people moaning at Mika that he's neglecting their city - and yet they live in one of the cities he went to on the acoustic tour. Um, hello people! He was JUST THERE.


I guess the way I see it, Mika is not going to do everything, everywhere. And we can either moan at him about it, just tune it out when it doesn't concern us directly, or be happy for our MFC friends who are able to be there. I choose the last option.

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When the end of the night gets tricky

Don't you know that beggars can't be picky?


Take that gross look off your faces.....Gonna shoot somebody

Help me drive this craziness away


"Dude, your perspective on life sucks".



Life could be simple but you never fail

To complicate it every single time

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It's not like he announced it on a Tuesday for a Friday. He announced it on a Friday- for most UK workers that would mean ringing work on monday and saying "I'm on a train". If you hang on his every word (and, fair enough, he warned us to around release date and I did) AND have access to the internet at work (which most people don't) it means asking on friday lunchtime "can I have the next working day off" (Two days off if you live near me). In most cases the answer would be "no- you've got meetings/ duties/ other stuff that we're not required to rearrange without 3 days notice unless it's a funeral or something." Obviously your employer is different. But that's unusual- it's not "some" circumstances that are impossible here, it's "most". Even if you live in London you're caught by this because of the ticket allocation time.


And that's why so many UK fans are annoyed.


Wasn't LA in the school/college holidays? Around Easter? Lots more people would have been able to go to it.


No it wasn't. It was on a Tuesday AND Wednesday (which also meant I had to spend 4 days in LA to do it). There is a girl in the vlog saying that she found out about it in Spanish class that afternoon so there were no school holidays that I know of.


All of us had to drop what we were doing and go. Not only did I have to drop what I was doing and go, when I got on the plane I didn't even know what was happening yet. I didn't learn about the ice cream truck or its whereabouts until after I landed in LA and we didn't know where the gig was until we got to the ice cream truck. Perez said be in LA on Tuesday and Wednesday, so I was.


As has already been pointed out several times Mika has thousands of fans in and around London. There is no space for most of them to get into the venue so Mika's intent is not to make it easy for most fans to get there. If he did then most of them would be turned away at the ice cream truck, as happened in LA even under the short notice circumstances.


Sorry you're just not going to get any sympathy from me in this situation beyond the right to feel disappointed that you can't make this gig. Just like I'm sure you can't make most of his gigs as is the same for me and almost all of his fans.


Mika doesn't owe anyone anything. It's not incumbent upon him to give free gigs in the first place, muchless make it convenient for you or any other particular fan to attend.

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When the end of the night gets tricky

Don't you know that beggars can't be picky?


Take that gross look off your faces.....Gonna shoot somebody

Help me drive this craziness away


"Dude, your perspective on life sucks".



Life could be simple but you never fail

To complicate it every single time


Suzy :lol3:




Can you please be decadent and come to at least one of the CA shows? :wub2:

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I think maybe the problem is, that it was announced on a Friday, which for a lot of people is way too short notice to get time off for a Monday, most offices are closed over weekends, so not really the same amount of notice, like the LA gig had, with 2 working days in between.

Obviously, most bosses in either situation, can, and most likely will say no, to time off at this short notice.

And lots of people don't have internet access, or are allowed to have mobiles on, while working/at school/college, so wouldn't have known until after they got home. Therefore again, not be able to make arrangements, with work or whatever. Short of pulling a sickie (which I'm sure Jemma will tell you, probably NOT the best idea), folks won't be able to get there, as motivated as I'm sure a lot of people are on here.

I'm certainly not having a pop at Mika here, it's quite possible he is under the constraint of getting a venue at this short notice himself, that can accomodate this gig. Maybe that's why he had to wait til now, as one wasn't available before.

I'm looking at the logistics on both sides, it's very tricky for both partys, from what I can see.

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I think maybe the problem is, that it was announced on a Friday, which for a lot of people is way too short notice to get time off for a Monday, most offices are closed over weekends, so not really the same amount of notice, like the LA gig had, with 2 working days in between.


I didn't have two working days. I had to fly out of Toronto on Monday in order to do it because the ice cream business was the day before the gig. We didn't know anything when we were forced to book our travel or let the opportunity pass.


There are more people who want to go to this event than there are tickets. Someone is going to lose out. If it's the people who can't make arrangements in time then that's just too bad.


Everyone can't go to every gig. We all have to live with it. No matter how impulsive we are, no matter how much money we have, no matter how understanding our bosses are. There's no point in blaming Mika for it.

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