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Blame It On The Girls Video


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But .. what do the Clockwork Orange/Cabaret allusions add to our interpretation of the song itself? The average viewer isn't even going to pick up on these, or the finer nuances of visual design (which I think are accidental rather than deliberate).


Your average viewer is going to say "Oh it's that gay bloke in a pink hat with those dancers with the weird costumes".


Yes, I think some people will say something like that. Those who doesn't care his music at all. I don't think he should please everyone.


It’s been interesting to read all your comments and critics about the video and I agree with some of it:


More close ups, yes please! (Always, if you ask me):mf_lustslow:

Better choreography for the dancers, yes!

Camera angles more thought-through, wouldn’t hurt!:wink2:


But what it comes down to for me is that I still love it :wub2: for all the reasons I’ve been talking about before, the long camera shots, the colours, and the general atmosphere in the whole video!


Maybe my taste is very simple :biggrin2: or maybe I’m in a mood to just love everything he does right now :blush-anim-cl: after Thursday night?


Those are the reasons I love this vid too :wub2: I really like the atmosphere. And I love his style in it. And after seeing this vid I really like this song more than I did before! Same happened when I saw his PUOTF performance yesterday. OMG he was good in it!!!!


But I can see some points which are said in this thread. I guess they used much less time for this vid than for WAG vid.



First, a minor gripe; I'm not in love with the fact that the girls' dresses are part orange, and he's in pink. Just me being moany, but the colours don't seem to go well together.


Also. I think those "dance moves" at the beginning when he's in the chair miss the mark. It looks like he's supposed to be moving his legs and feet in time with the beat, but there's a hesitancy in his movements that make it seem amateur-ish. The hesitancy means that by the time the beat hits, he's still tucking his legs/feet into their new position, and it looks sloppy. I keep thinking of his own instructions to the dancers in the making of the Love Today video clip where he goes "can we make it a little more tight?" That's what I wanted to say to him. :teehee:


There are issues with the backup dancers, too. As people have pointed out, their dancing isn't always as it should be, either. I don't interpret that as creative license; they're meant to be dancing in a very specific way, and sometimes they miss that. Like what Caz mentioned, where two dancers go at the same time at around 2:02. Or at 1:57, it seems like they're trying to form a circle around the five girls in the middle, but the circle isn't quite centred.


At 1:45 it looks like he lip-synchs "are you wishing" instead of the actual lyric, "we were wishing". It looks like an "oops."


All those little things add up to make it look like amateur-ish, like it was rushed to release.



For some reason Mika loves to combine pink and orange. It's not my favorite color combination either :roftl: And I think orange in this vid is against some other colors. It combines nicely with some turquoise, but with pink...? Well, he loves to break rules and he has used that color so many times. And I don't know if it's the color in their outfit or dancers themselves, but they are not my favorite part in this vid...


But I think it's a very minor thing. I really like this vid, the general color scheme, the atmosphere and his style and outfit :wub2: And I think most people find the beginning really interesting? It's brilliant, imho!

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The Dandy-look-Mika slippering around the set, the pink piano and hat, and the screen with funny Mika striking the pose bits makes you forget about the 10 dork dancers snail moves and their dreadful paloma-gone-bonkers-this-time outfits...


No, I can't help but disagree. Everything about them is just so wrong I can't help but watch them lol.

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Just a quick though for those who complain about the dancers not being in sync:


In my dance class we did dances that didn't have counts. We were given the general moves and a general time but as long as you finished when the song did you were given no beats to count.

It's considered a very free and expressive type of dance because it allows the dancer to completely interpret the way the moves are done and the time in which they are done. It's very important to be able to express yourself so I think I do like that they're all 'off' a bit. :thumb_yello:


That's the thing, this was choreographed. They're meant to be in time. And they are IN time, but there are little things that really grate me, like someone's spacing awareness when they "space out" towards the end when they're holding the ribbon and someone going down too soon etc etc. It just doesn't make them look professional.

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i lovvvve this video

I see a bit of katy and gaga in there aswell, just the small things


eg. Z100JingleBall2008PressRoomVtqecles.jpgUntitled-1copy-1.jpg


not saying its bad though :bleh:

its mostly still cute mikaness


i LOVE LOVE LOVE his outfit! :mf_lustslow:


I saw THAT hand gesture as a clockwork orange gesture because of the makeup. ButLady GaGa's not the only one to do that nor is it her move, the japanese have been doing that for years (Koda Kumi).

Edited by CazGirl
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That's the thing, this was choreographed. They're meant to be in time. And they are IN time, but there are little things that really grate me, like someone's spacing awareness when they "space out" towards the end when they're holding the ribbon and someone going down too soon etc etc. It just doesn't make them look professional.

But for some reason I see Mika looking for perfection in things being 'off.'

If that makes sense.

But that's just me.

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I didn't really analyze the video...just kind of let myself try to enjoy it and see how it made me feel.


I did find it slow. The set reminded me of the Love Today video. Those chair-posing dance moves were overdone. I wanted more up-tempo moves to match the the song and clapping that the song is associated with.


I enjoyed the novelty of watching it and it satisfied my curiosity. But I haven't been in the mood to watch it again (like I did with his other videos).


So overall, it made me feel....meh.


Exactly! :teehee:

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Exactly! :teehee:


I second that. Just saw the clip for the first time and the first few seconds I was like: yes! And that started to get less and less. It isn't catchy. And Meeks is looking gorgeous as always but somehow I think he is not the kind of type for a choreographed dance. He has many great skills but dancing isn't one of them :teehee:. If you just let him go make his own moves, like during gigs, everything is OK, it doesn't show so much because of his energy etc. But in a clip like this.....is it too polished? I don't know how to explain well. Let Meeks just be Meeks, is what I want to say, I think. Definitely a moah for me too.

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I loveeeee his style of clothing, the whole braces and top hat thing!!! mega cute cane! even if some people dont like this vid clip it the music that counts the most!!!


Absolutely. But we are discussing the vid here :original:.

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I second that. Just saw the clip for the first time and the first few seconds I was like: yes! And that started to get less and less. It isn't catchy. And Meeks is looking gorgeous as always but somehow I think he is not the kind of type for a choreographed dance. He has many great skills but dancing isn't one of them :teehee:. If you just let him go make his own moves, like during gigs, everything is OK, it doesn't show so much because of his energy etc. But in a clip like this.....is it too polished? I don't know how to explain well. Let Meeks just be Meeks, is what I want to say, I think. Definitely a moah for me too.


He said so himself in an interview :teehee: That it was always a disaster if he hired a choreographer.. So I wonder what happened here.

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He said so himself in an interview :teehee: That it was always a disaster if he hired a choreographer.. So I wonder what happened here.


He proved himself right then :naughty:. Lesson for the next time. I watched the clip for the 2nd time and felt like it was better already, maybe because I was prepared for what to come. Still, it'll never become my favorite Mikavid.

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He proved himself right then :naughty:. Lesson for the next time. I watched the clip for the 2nd time and felt like it was better already, maybe because I was prepared for what to come. Still, it'll never become my favorite Mikavid.


Agreed, it looked a bit better already when I watched it again today.

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Okay, first up: I love this video. I really do. It isn't as busy as WAG, and that works for me cause I don't have to watch it 50 million times to get most of the stuff in the background...



Though when I came in here and read what people disliked about it I kinda lost a bit of love for it cause I could also notice those things and I focused on them. I did notice the Lady GaGa thing with the eye, and was reminded of A Clockwork Orange with the outfit. Even the boy/girl outfits reminded me of something, and I didn't realise who it was until someone said Katy Perry.


I especially love:

# The speaking intro - 'nuff said.

# The outfit. Generally speaking, I hate pink, but I really like it here. And pink suits him.

# The start of the video

# The props

# The dancing (Yes, it's daggy, but I like seeing him dance like an idiot)

# The cane - Honestly, he could have done so much more with that, it's a cool prop!


And unlike a lot of people, I didn't mind the girls/boys. It made the clip a bit different (I could do with a bit more Mika though :wub2:)



Having said that, I totally understand what other people think is really bad in the clip and how it could be improved... I don't think it needs to be though.


I kept wondering if any of his sisters are in those man-woman costumes... :naughty:


I womdered about that too!


BIOTG vid.







I love the beginning with the chair and the sidewalls. And damn he looks hot on those walls :naughty:


For sure! Especially the back one! :das:


I don't think he looks one bit dorky in this video. At least much less than in WAG, which gave even me a lot of WTF.


As for the cheapness in MIKA videos, I really don't think anything can ever top the Big Girl video.


The dancing is a bit dorky, but I like his dorky dancing... it looks like fun!



Agreed! I can't stand watching it cause of that.


I've always wondered, since Mika obviously focuses so much on the concept and visuals of his songs/albums, why on earth doesn't he just direct his own music videos? I think he would be amazing at it.


He should! Imagine what he could come up with...



At the same time, one video would probably take 6 months to finish :teehee:


Edited to add: I forgot to address your point about what it adds to our understanding of the song. Not all videos are designed to add to a person's understanding of a song. In fact, in the 80's many videos had nothing to do with the meaning of the song, which adds to the old school feel of this video.


I agree... I don't think it needs to have a story... I just like the idea of enjoying the video.


Having said that, I think some songs benefit from a storytelling type of film clip (IMO PUOTF does)...


Performance...with rain? And Mika gets all wet? :teehee:


I'm gonna be having sweet dreams tonight!


I know it's a really stupid comment to make, but don't you mean wet dreams? :teehee:

(Bad joke, I know)...

Those are the reasons I love this vid too :wub2: I really like the atmosphere. And I love his style in it. And after seeing this vid I really like this song more than I did before! Same happened when I saw his PUOTF performance yesterday. OMG he was good in it!!!!




Where is that???

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I don't think I like it as much as some of them but I still love how "Mika" it is :wink2:


Although I must say those dancers DO remind me a bit of Katy Perry's performance at the EMA's




And my Granddad said it's similar to something Bowie did at one point as well (has it been said alread? Because I can't be bothere'd going through the whole thread).

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Am I the only one who thinks he is actually a good dancer and doesn't at all dance like an idiot?


Not all good dancing is professionally polished.

Not all professionally polished dancing is good.




I could go either way on that simply because I think both types of video are interesting for different reasons and because I don't think song lyrics always have to make literal sense. Ambiguity is interesting, especially when it points to a wide range of interpretations.


So, while I think a narrative video for PUOTF would be enlightening. I also think that a more surreal video would leave the door open for the widest range of possibilities. I'd like it either way, but I favor the option that preserves the ambiguity of the song just because I prefer possibilities.


i totally agree with you! i wanna be able to dance like that! i tried and failed :blush-anim-cl::naughty::wub2:


i love surreal vids! i think they're awesome cos they capture the imagination and they give me inspiration... :wub2:

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Okay, first up: I love this video. I really do. It isn't as busy as WAG, and that works for me cause I don't have to watch it 50 million times to get most of the stuff in the background...


I especially love:

# The speaking intro - 'nuff said.

# The outfit. Generally speaking, I hate pink, but I really like it here. And pink suits him.

# The start of the video

# The props

# The dancing (Yes, it's daggy, but I like seeing him dance like an idiot)

# The cane - Honestly, he could have done so much more with that, it's a cool prop!


And unlike a lot of people, I didn't mind the girls/boys. It made the clip a bit different (I could do with a bit more Mika though :wub2:)


Me Too!!:thumb_yello::thumb_yello:



Am I the only one who thinks he is actually a good dancer and doesn't at all dance like an idiot?


Not all good dancing is professionally polished.

Not all professionally polished dancing is good.


I could go either way on that simply because I think both types of video are interesting for different reasons and because I don't think song lyrics always have to make literal sense. Ambiguity is interesting, especially when it points to a wide range of interpretations.


Me Too again! :thumb_yello::thumb_yello:


i totally agree with you! i wanna be able to dance like that! i tried and failed :blush-anim-cl::naughty::wub2:


i love surreal vids! i think they're awesome cos they capture the imagination and they give me inspiration... :wub2:


Me Too!

Now I am getting boring but I agree with your points of view.

The more I watch the BIOTG vid the more I like it!!:thumb_yello:

I am becoming more convinced it will get video award nominations from different countries.

Mika is growing!:thumb_yello::thumb_yello:

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That's the thing, this was choreographed. They're meant to be in time. And they are IN time, but there are little things that really grate me, like someone's spacing awareness when they "space out" towards the end when they're holding the ribbon and someone going down too soon etc etc. It just doesn't make them look professional.


But do we really know that this wasn’t supposed to be that way?

I don’t know but this is Mika, a perfectionist in so many ways, and to choreograph this group to perfection, how hard can it be?

I don’t actually know, I’m not a dancer. :wink2:



But for some reason I see Mika looking for perfection in things being 'off.'

If that makes sense.

But that's just me.


Just what I meant!:thumb_yello:

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He is brave and he is creative enough to make a video like this which goes against so many “new-video-rules”!:naughty:


The only rules he’s following, creatively, are his own and I love his work for that!:wub2:

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