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Interview with Mika's A&R


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Oh! Nearly missed this :shocked:


T4P :thumb_yello:


It's interesting to hear someone from the industry side, for a change, and he obviously thinks a lot of Mika.


It would be even more interesting to hear him explain exactly how they thought they were marketing TBWKTM :mf_rosetinted:

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Thanks for your post :wink2:


This article scares me. I prefer to wait to hear the new album. The fact that Mika is collaborating with other persons to write songs is good but we have to listen the result. My fear is that this is a very commercial pop album with plenty of electro bonus. I want to hear Mika not something like Justin Beiber or Lady Gaga or BEP or others things that are currently selling millions of albums in USA and around the world:naughty:

Sorry for Americans Mika's fans it's not against you but it's the best example :mf_rosetinted: There are good American artists but they don't pass the USA border and in Europe we hear from USA BEP and Justin Beiber :aah: Not a great example of a briliant artistic talent :boxed:

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Thanks for your post :wink2:


This article scares me. I prefer to wait to hear the new album. The fact that Mika is collaborating with other persons to write songs is good but we have to listen the result. My fear is that this is a very commercial pop album with plenty of electro bonus. I want to hear Mika not something like Justin Beiber or Lady Gaga or BEP or others things that are currently selling millions of albums in USA and around the world:naughty:

Sorry for Americans Mika's fans it's not against you but it's the best example :mf_rosetinted: There are good American artists but they don't pass the USA border and in Europe we hear from USA BEP and Justin Beiber :aah: Not a great example of a briliant artistic talent :boxed:


Bieber is from Canada:aah: (not that I am actually proud of him:teehee:)


There are many interesting american musicians. Bon Jovi is a great example of not so pop music that is popular all over the planet.


I don,t think Mika will ever sound like Bieber:wink2:

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I think I'd rather listen to Bieber than Bon Jovi. Not that that's saying much for JB :roftl: I read an article awhile ago about how they totally rip off fans as well. People were paying $1500 to be abused by Jon Bon Jovi's brother and didn't even get to meet the band :shocked:


I thought the A&R guy touched on how Mika was marketed initially quite a bit.

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I think I'd rather listen to Bieber than Bon Jovi. Not that that's saying much for JB :roftl: I read an article awhile ago about how they totally rip off fans as well. People were paying $1500 to be abused by Jon Bon Jovi's brother and didn't even get to meet the band :shocked:


I thought the A&R guy touched on how Mika was marketed initially quite a bit.


was strickly speaking of music. I am not sure I like the way they handle fans (you basically have to pay for everything including fan club) but they make pretty darn good music:wink2:

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It's a very interesting article and insight into the importance of A&R work. I wonder about Mika's A&R in the US, and why it stagnated even way back in 2007?

He co-wrote Kick-Ass with RedOne (who is doing Lady GAGA) so I would love to hear inside opinion about why it didn't become a bigger hit?

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It's a very interesting article and insight into the importance of A&R work. I wonder about Mika's A&R in the US, and why it stagnated even way back in 2007?

He co-wrote Kick-Ass with RedOne (who is doing Lady GAGA) so I would love to hear inside opinion about why it didn't become a bigger hit?


Kick-Ass plays regularly on the Montreal radio station... i heard it this morning on my way to work :wub2:

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Maybe Kick A** was sort of a transition song to his new album? :dunno:


It's one of my favorite songs he's ever done, honestly, it should have went in the top 10 on billboard IMO.


I'd LOVE to see Mika successful in the United States, but I'd like to see him successful for being Mika, and not Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga or the BEP.. :roftl:


Thanks for posting though!!!! :flowers2:

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It would be even more interesting to hear him explain exactly how they thought they were marketing TBWKTM :mf_rosetinted:


Yes, that is what I was thinking.


He co-wrote Kick-Ass with RedOne (who is doing Lady GAGA) so I would love to hear inside opinion about why it didn't become a bigger hit?


I don't think KA was handled properly at all. It wasn't even given a proper release in the UK...................I don't know about anywhere else. Personally I think it could/should have been massive.

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It was a very interesting read, thanks for posting :thumb_yello:


I really liked this quote from the interview: "We empower our artists to have as much creative control as possible". It makes clear that Mika has the right people on his team.


Also it was great to find out more about the collaboration in Sweden.

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It's a very interesting article and insight into the importance of A&R work. I wonder about Mika's A&R in the US, and why it stagnated even way back in 2007?

He co-wrote Kick-Ass with RedOne (who is doing Lady GAGA) so I would love to hear inside opinion about why it didn't become a bigger hit?

I agree. This article is great and this guy obviously loves Mika's work. But imho the marketing of TBWKTM left a lot to be desired and as for Kick-Ass, I really don't understand why It wasn't hugely popular. It was the title track to a big movie and I expected it to do for Mika, what Twilight did for Muse (although I know Twilight was biggger than KA, the KA movie was big enough)

KA never got played on Radio One either. That would have helped it a lot. But it seems to me that whoever is responsible for promotion/marketing of Mika, just wants to brush TBWKTM under the carpet and start again. There were only three singles from that album and poor ISY was stuck as a B-side to KA (what a waste of a beautiful song) they could have released more singles. GGG and TY spring to mind.

Let's hope they do better for Mika this time around, with the new opus.

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It's a very interesting article and insight into the importance of A&R work. I wonder about Mika's A&R in the US, and why it stagnated even way back in 2007?

He co-wrote Kick-Ass with RedOne (who is doing Lady GAGA) so I would love to hear inside opinion about why it didn't become a bigger hit?


The only place where KA recieved decent radio plays for months is Italy. I never heard it on French radios , and it didn't even have a proper release in the UK.

When I was in Montreal in May 2010 , it was all over the radio over there but NOT in Ottawa and I suppose it didn't recieve any radio plays in Toronto as well :sad:

It saddens me , I mean it was a HUGE song but it failed to be a hit. :dunno:

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He co-wrote Kick-Ass with RedOne (who is doing Lady GAGA) so I would love to hear inside opinion about why it didn't become a bigger hit?


To me it looks like the music release was not 'coordinated' with the release of the movie at all. I remember watching a trailer for the movie in London back in February (and thinking how crap the film might be:teehee:) and it definitely did not include KA. That time we did not even know about Mika being involved in this project.

So I was wondering if they meant to promote the movie in the UK on the back of a song from the 60s/70s (can't remember that song now) and then realised they could actually try with KA or whatever happened...:dunno: Maybe Mika's single was not ready yet or, worse, Universal did not believe in a Mika song selling their movie due to the failure of his last single releases in the UK? :dunno:

In any case, it was a total mess and a badly executed campaign.

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To me it looks like the music release was not 'coordinated' with the release of the movie at all. I remember watching a trailer for the movie in London back in February (and thinking how crap the film might be:teehee:) and it definitely did not include KA. That time we did not even know about Mika being involved in this project.

So I was wondering if they meant to promote the movie in the UK on the back of a song from the 60s/70s (can't remember that song now) and then realised they could actually try with KA or whatever happened...:dunno: Maybe Mika's single was not ready yet or, worse, Universal did not believe in a Mika song selling their movie due to the failure of his last single releases in the UK? :dunno:

In any case, it was a total mess and a badly executed campaign.


I have to agree -- it was supposedly the title song and

it wasn't even used in the promos/commercials here in the States.

They used the remake of Joan Jett's Bad Reputation :shocked:

I just couldn't figure that out. Maybe Mika should have used the

phrase "kick-ass" in the song to get more attention. :naughty:

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I have to agree -- it was supposedly the title song and

it wasn't even used in the promos/commercials here in the States.

They used the remake of Joan Jett's Bad Reputation :shocked:

I just couldn't figure that out. Maybe Mika should have used the

phrase "kick-ass" in the song to get more attention. :naughty:


I asked for this when it was released,I mean,the song wasn´t even played during the film,but 5 minutes after it ended :sneaky2:... AND IT WAS THE MAIN SONG,WASN´T IT?? but I was told that it was the way it worked... :dunno:

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Well it was a debacle anyway. I'm hoping Universal's new policy of making singles available as soon as they are aired will work in Mika's favour


I can't believe these major labels have only just woken up to that. Anyone who heard and enjoyed Kick Ass at the end of the movie couldn't go home and buy the single on iTunes for what, five or six weeks? :doh:


I assume the idea was to create hype and demand so that once the song was released there'd be a stampede to buy it, propelling it to the top of the charts. But that's just not reality - people aren't going to wait. If they can't purchase the song they're just going to pirate it. :insane:

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