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Mika @ Gasometer, Vienna Austria: 5 November 2012 - REPORTS/PICS/VIDEOS


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He is such a sweet popstar :wub2: I was in the choir too! Everyone knows I'm not a good singer but they needed one more member and Tim said "it will be fine don't worry" and I promised to do my best dancing and opening my mouth :teehee: I always thought Tim is gorgeous but he is really nice and sweet too and the whole band was incredibly kind. And we did a little bit rehearsing and suddenly Mika was there, wearing jeans and a blue sweater and with sleepy hair (:wub2:) and not shaved (:wub2:) and I thought oh well yes it's worth it. And a bit later he told me to go closer to the microphone and I did a hand move explaining my missing talent and suddenly he realized my point and laughed so much (:wub2:) and it was so totally worth it.


Everyone in the choir was really nice and we had a lot fun and I did my best dancing etc even I wasn't sure what to do. Eight songs!!! We were also on stage during Toy Boy even it wasn't a choir song and I could just stare him and sigh, it was lovely (:wub2:) Afterwards he forgot us but Mama P had told him the choir is still there and he came in and joked with us for a while and signed and took individual pics, and we all got lovely pics except I closed my eyes when he put his arm around me but he was smiling in a lovely way (:swoon:) so I'm so pleased. We took another pic and he is staring at the camera and I look bored, but still, it's my first individual pic with Mika!!!!! How cool is that?! And he knew my name!!!! At least I think he mentioned it (and I wasn't sure he can remember names, so it warmed my heart).


I have all our photos in my camera but I can't see the emails (I took a photo of them) but don't worry, I will find out and I will send everyone their pics. Will do it tomorrow, my plane is leaving soon and I'm leaving to the airport in on hour (and I need to pack etc).


What a wonderful night, thanks to everyone for being so kind! We met Mama P and she was so super sweet and kind as always and gave some good advices and the crew was fab as always. The gig was hard to Mika, but I hope there were some other reasons than the bad choir too. The audience was great, imo.


This is the end of this little fangirl report. I'm really tired and I don't have any time to sleep.


So good to hear you so happy and excited Nina! Very glad you had such an amazing time and cant wait to see your pics :)

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I like that pic, was made of a friend...

Mika looks like as he had wings :naughty::teehee:




Awwwwwwwwwwww I love that ... god ... I love this guy so much right now ... I don't know what the hell is wrong with me :aah:

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OH MY GOD !!! I'm sooo very happy for you Nina, having this wonderful experience in the very, very beautiful Vienna !! I would give "whatever" to be able to sing along with MIKA on "Toy Boy" - one of my absolute fav. of all his songs!!! I think you will keep this day and night as a really GOLDEN MEMORY for ever!! Thank you sooo much for sharing it all :-)


Today it's 5 years since I saw my first MIKA concert, from the frontline at Sentrum Scene, Oslo 07.11.07 -I will indeed CELEBRATE this special date, and also the victory of President Obama - of course!!

"I want the whole world celebrate" etc...




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So here is my report

It was my very first gig, if I do not count festivals, so my feelings are hardly to describe. You guys were so perfect and lovely! :wub2:


I was there with my friend, she is from the Czech Republic. We arrived around one o clock, bit nervous that it is too late to get the number. Fortunately I got number 17 and my friend number 18. I was so happy and excited. We were sitting, chatting etc.

Few hours later we got the opportunity to join the choir. It was quite funny when Tim came and asked us if we are able to sing…and we said no…then he asked “...and are you able to dance?” And me and my friend said yes. Tim: “Yes? Ok, so you will move and you will open your mouth…It will be fine do not worry…” I was looking at him and I still did not get it, that he is asking us seriously to join the choir. It was unbelievable for me because when I noticed on facebook that Mika is giving this opportunity to his fans, I was really sad because to be honest I do not find my voice good. I would never send a video of me singing…

But back to the reality…Then my friend grabs my arm and said: “So ok we are going.” Until other people decided to join the choir too, someone asked Tim something like“….and did Mika know about that we are not able to sing?” He was like “erm…he trust me…Don´t worry it will be fine.” And everyone started to laugh. :naughty:

I was still thinking that I am dreaming until we saw Mika through sound checking. We were singing and we try to synchronize our movements when he came, he smiled at us and said something like: “You are doing it like professionals.” In that second I understood that I am really here. After sound check mama P gave us costumes, she was sooo kind and she chat with us and gave us some tips on how to move on the stage.:wub2:

Then gig…it was amazing, there were parts where I only open my mouth, because I was not confident enough to sing and I did not want to ruin the show. My fave was Origin of love…It was so touchable, like the love was in the air, in the whole hall. :wub2::wub2::wub2:

After the gig we were sitting in our dressing room, chatting, we returned our costumes and Mika´s mum said that this gig was hard. Not sure why…? It is true that hall was a bit empty, but the crowd was enjoying the show…??

Then Mika arrived, he was so kind to us, signed my copy of Cd and my ticket. I have got a heart on my ticket and when I saw that I couldn´t help myself and I said “jeeeee” :blush-anim-cl: and everyone around me started to laugh… Then we got individual pictures with Mika and he said that we were amazing and he thanked us that we joined to the choir. We also got explanation why are costumes for choir white with polka dots, but my English is not enough good to repeat it, so someone else will probably write it.

Thank you guys for this amazing night, you were so lovely and perfect. Hope to meet you again. I am not sure if I am allowed to post photos of you here? So I will wait till you respond.

Edited by shirl
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So I'm the Czech friend of shirl and I just have to write something too! :blush-anim-cl:


This was my third gig so far (Berlin 2007, Vienna 2010 and Vienna 2012!), and (even if it was slightly different again) I just loved it every bit as much and even more, and not only because I got to sing in the polka-dot choir for almost half of it! :wub2:


I didn't have the guts to apply for the choir, even though I wouldn't say I'm the most horrible singer ever, I'm quite ok, but I thought that only people, who are really really really good could sing in the choir. Plus I was so shy - I mean - to sing in front of Mika? :eek: =D So it felt like a miracle when Tim came and told us it was ok that we weren't the best singers in the world.


It was so much fun! I met some amazing mfc-ers and it was just absolutely fabulous! I was so nervous up on stage, worried that I would screw up somehow, but in the end it was all good and we had tons of fun! :thumb_yello: After the gig I was paranoidly afraid, that they had forgotten about us completely and just left us there, but no such thing happened. Mika came and apologized and I got an individual picture with him as well, he was so sweet to us! :wub2:


It was one the loveliest days of my life, I can't even describe it properly, but I hope you'll understand being slightly-Mika-obsessed like me =D


Just.. awww!:wub2:

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Shirl and Martinibaby (I use your usernames here), it was such a pleasure to meet you both!! So much fun!!! I have seen many gigs but the Vienna experience felt so special, loved every moment of it :wub2: Just sent Shirl your pics with Mika by email! Lovely pics!

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Thanks for your lovely reports :wub2:

We can clearly feel that you had a great great time...


It is so funny than Tim has choosen people who told him they could not sing :naughty: but I am pretty sure you can sing Mika's songs if you are Mika's fans :wink2:


And that pic of Mika with king of wings is magical :wub2:

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Thanks for your lovely reports :wub2:

We can clearly feel that you had a great great time...


It is so funny than Tim has choosen people who told him they could not sing :naughty: but I am pretty sure you can sing Mika's songs if you are Mika's fans :wink2:


And that pic of Mika with king of wings is magical :wub2:


Well ok...we were probably not that horrible as we thought that we will be :naughty: (I mean me and martinybaby were really afraid that our voices are not enough good) But on the sound check we sound together (I think) really good. I think Tim was expecting something worse because after the sound check he looks quite satisfied with us :mf_rosetinted:

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Thanks for your lovely reports :wub2:

We can clearly feel that you had a great great time...


It is so funny than Tim has choosen people who told him they could not sing :naughty: but I am pretty sure you can sing Mika's songs if you are Mika's fans :wink2:


And that pic of Mika with king of wings is magical :wub2:


I think that most of us could sing ok, together we sounded kinda cool even, but I don't think any of us were so confident as to tell him straight to his face ''sure, pick me, I'm an amazing singer'', so we were hesitant (correct me if I'm wrong girls), but he was very sweet and supportive and seemed relieved that we agreed to do it in the end :blush-anim-cl: The whole crew was just great and very helpful, and after the gig Mika even told us that we ''saved the show'', which was probably a bit of a hyperbole, but we certainly did not suck or anything :D

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Shirl and Martinibaby (I use your usernames here), it was such a pleasure to meet you both!! So much fun!!! I have seen many gigs but the Vienna experience felt so special, loved every moment of it :wub2: Just sent Shirl your pics with Mika by email! Lovely pics!


It was so nice to meet you too, Nina! :wub2: You are such a lovely person, I hope we'll see each other again some day :wink2: The whole day was just so unbelievable and perfect, I loved it too.. :wub2: And thank you so much for the pictures!:huglove:

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I always thought Tim is gorgeous but he is really nice and sweet too and the whole band was incredibly kind.


it's what I think about Tim too since I was in the choir

nice and sweet :wub2:


I don't kwno if he has got a twitter or facebook, I would tell him how cool he was with me before the gig...

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Two more press reviews:





Konzert: Mika streute Feenstaub

06.11.2012 | 16:49 |* von Samir H. Köck*(Die Presse)

Der Sänger euphorisierte bei seinem Konzert im Wiener Gasometer. Dem 29-Jährigen geht es darum, das Kind in seinen Hörern wachzurütteln. Mit der „Presse“ sprach Mika zuvor über Leben und Liebe.


„Zucker verwende ich wie eine Droge – extrem sparsam“, sagt der britisch-libanesische Star. Blickt man an seinem hageren Leib hinab, besteht kein Zweifel, dass er sich dem strengen Regime unterzieht. Was ihn vor Unterzuckerung schützt, ist wohl die Übersüße seiner Musik. Da frohlocken Marimbas, glucksen Klaviere, fiepsen Keyboards, und hoch über allem heult seine Stimme, als müssten Tote erweckt werden. In gewisser Weise trifft dies zu. Dem 29-Jährigen geht es darum, das Kind in seinen Hörern wachzurütteln. „Es ist niemals tot, nicht einmal bei den verstocktesten Spießern. Die Kunst kennt viele Möglichkeiten, verhärtete Seelen wieder an ihr Kindheitsverhalten andocken zu lassen. Ein guter Song muss atypisches, unreifes Verhalten auslösen“, sagt er der „Presse“ vor seinem Konzert im Gasometer. Und so startete er mit seinem größten Hit „Grace Kelly“. Darin heißt es schön bekenntnishaft: „I tried to be like Grace Kelly, but all her looks were too sad, so I tried a little Freddie, I've gone identity mad!“


Wozu nur einer sein wollen, wenn man mehrere sein kann? Schon musikalisch. Mikas kapriziöser, sirenenhafter Gesangsstil hat viel vom ehemaligen Queen-Sänger, aber man hört auch reichlich andere Einflüsse in diesem melodiesüchtigen Pop heraus: die Rubettes, Gilbert O'Sullivan und vielleicht sogar die Wombles, diese Retortenkombo der Siebzigerjahre.


Mika erzählt gern von seiner Kindheit, davon, dass er kaum auf den Spielplatz ging, weil er sich die schönsten Fantasiewelten zu Hause erdichten konnte. Er hatte auch große Anpassungsprobleme in der Schule. Längst vergessen. Heute lechzt die Popwelt nach seinen charmant versponnenen Liedern. Den Fans kann die Architektur der Songs nicht verstiegen genug sein. Nur zu gern tänzelte das Wiener Publikum ins Ungewisse, als tappte es in einem Treppenhaus von M. C. Escher herum. Immer wieder löste Mikas konsequent jubilierende Musik eine Art Rasen aus. Besonders intensiv bei „Relax, Take It Easy“, „Love Today“ und „Rain“, seinem vielleicht schönsten Song. Zum infektiösen Refrain „Baby, I hate days like this“ lachten sich viele sorglos das Zahnfleisch frei.


Woher rührt diese euphorische Kraft? Ist Mika auf Kriegsfuß mit dem Unglücklichsein? Der 29-Jährige lehnt den Kopf zurück: „Wohl nicht“, gibt er zu bedenken, „denn das würde das Unglücklichsein als etwas Negatives darstellen. In Wahrheit ist es eine der wertvollsten Quellen für tiefe Gefühle. Freude wäre ohne solche Phasen nicht möglich. Außerdem ist die Euphorie in meinen Lieder definitiv sinister. Sie kann dich jederzeit dazu verleiten, Blödsinn zu machen.“


„Ich lebe wie ein Eremit, und das gern“


So sind die vordergründig weltumarmend klingenden Lieder des neuen Albums „The Origin of Love“ eine Fundgrube für psychotische, ironische oder bittere Schlachten auf dem Feld der Liebe. „Sie ist doch nur ein Phantom, dem wir nachjagen, ohne es wirklich zu erwischen.“ Nachsatz: „Ich lebe wie ein Eremit, und das nicht ungern.“ Auf der Bühne wenigstens liebt er Gesellschaft. Via Internet hat er Fans aufgerufen, sich als Chor zur Verfügung zu stellen. Sechs Wienerinnen schafften es. In getupften Kutten heulten sie gegen jede Vitalverstimmung an. Besonders schön glückte dies bei „Lola“.


Überhaupt waren die Highlights breit gesät. Zu ihnen zählte das hämische „Love You, When I'm Drunk“, bei dem tapfer gegen die Gemütsverfinsterung im nüchternen Zustand gekämpft wird. In seinem Übermut zelebrierte Mika auch das im Stil eines Trinklieds vorgetragene „Toy Boy“. Das den Teenagewahnsinn propagierende „We Are Golden“ bestäubte die Fans zum Schluss mit Feenstaub. Schöner kann Eskapismus nicht sein.


("Die Presse", Print-Ausgabe, 07.11.2012)

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Wie hoch dosiertes Aufputschmittel

Mit seiner lieben Art, mit dem Publikum zu plaudern, als wär’ man in seinem Wohnzimmer, hatte Mika die Fans schnell auf seiner Seite.




Heute werde ich ein paar alte und ein paar neue Geschichten singen!“ Zu Beginn seiner Show im Wiener Gasometer definierte Mika beiläufig, was ihn einzigartig macht: Mit dem Debüt-Album „Life In Cartoon Motion“ brachte der Brite 2006 das Storytelling in die Pop-Musik zurück, kombinierte beseeltes, intelligentes Songwriting mit unverschämt fröhlichen, frischen Melodien.


Die berühmteste davon, „Grace Kelly“, stellte Mika im Gasometer an den Anfang. Kalt in den Höhepunkt geworfen, reagierten die Wiener (nur 1000, weil Mika lange keinen Hit hatte) zunächst kühl. Doch der 29-Jährige hatte die kunterbunte Schar zwischen sechs und 60 schnell auf seiner Seite. Mit Hits wie „Billy Brown“ und „Love Today“, mit einem im Internet gecasteten Wiener Chor, mit der unwiderstehlich lieben Art, mit dem Publikum zu plaudern, als wär’ man in seinem Wohnzimmer.


Und nicht zuletzt mit den Songs des jüngsten Albums „The Origin Of Love“. Die befreit er live vom elektronischen Ballast, der sie auf CD verklebt, enthüllt Pop-Perlen wie „Underwater“ und „Lola“. Dazu vollführt er Luftsprünge, hüpft und tanzt – und alle 1000 mit ihm. Kein Wunder: Mika live ist wie hoch dosiertes Prozac – ein Aufputschmittel für Tanzbein, Hirn und Herz.


KURIER-Wertung: ***** von *****




Brigitte Schokarth

Edited by Cassilda
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So, I am finally home and through my first workday as well.


Not sure where to begin the report as there are so many things I have been thinking about after the gig I can only write down a part of it. Perhaps it is best to start with the audition for the choir as that was really funny. I had a good laugh, anyway.

Prior to the gig I hadn’t seen any show from this autumn’s tour partly because I was busy and partly because I wanted the show to be a surprise. On the ’before the show’ thread I predicted that they won’t have many volunteers to do that for a variety of reasons I won’t explain and it happened exactly like that. They had noone applying, so Tim and Max came almost begging people to join the choir. They said they’d welcome even those who had already participated and were ’good at it’ ... and as an example he mentioned Ingrid :teehee:

Slightly disappointed she was not there and also by at the lack of enthusiasm, they auditioned the volunteers by asking them only two questions: if they could sing and if they knew the song ’Popular’. Fair enough, I think, except that some answered ’no’ to both :lmfao:. At that point I quietly recommended they sang something in German :roftl: We were all laughing but reassured Tim that front row will help with the singing. :biggrin2: Anyway, they did well.

So, with 6 early queuers in minus we now had a better chance to get a good spot :kachinga: (:naughty:) and only at 5.30 did we realize that we would have been front row even if we arrived at 6pm.... We agonized quite a while about the lack of interest and then started to worry how Mika will react when he sees only 6-700 people (the figure organizers were expecting to turn up) instead of the 2500 the venue can hold but people were starting to turn up and by the time the concert started the main floor looked almost full – even from the stage, apparently.


There is another seemingly unimportant nonsense I remember now: some fans were missing a ’project’ for the audience so they bought 2-3 packs of pink Post-it’s to be shown up during the Origin of Love. (I first showed mine to Mellody to entertain her – from front row to the choir :teehee: ) These sticky notes also helped me and 2 other Hungarian fans I was with pass the time while waiting: we used a bunch of these to stick ’Love from Hungary’ on the barrier. Unfortunately, the L went missing after the second song, like it happens with L’s at Mika gigs ...:teehee:


Now a few words about the gig itself. (I never remember the right order of songs, so I’ll just write whatever comes to my mind.) He started with Grace Kelly, followed by Blame it On the Girls and Blue Eyes. A rather odd choice,in my opinion, or it might be because I am used to him opening his shows with Relax or Rain. It’s not that they are not great songs but there is a difference between starting your day with a strong expresso vs trying to wake up with a lukewarm coffee with milk. If he wants a change, another starter could be Stardust, for example, starting it acoustically and then changing it to the electronic version. Anyway, this is not about tips for future shows, back to what I experienced.


The songs I liked most was Stardust (he sang the acoustic version) and Underwater. During the latter he said he’d try something with the audience: he got us sing ”Underwateeeeeeeeer, oh oooooooooh” while he was singing over it. :wub2: ( Look- a wub that is not about Mika's looks heehee). After that he said this was the best singing audience he has had for a while and I can easily imagine that. We were not that many but sang well. Otherwise the crowd was not that jumpy but clearly liked him a lot. He only realized it after a few songs though. I remember that when he wanted to start Stardust he couldn’t because people were screaming and whistling ...etc. so he started to chat like he usually does to calm them down so that he can start... He said ’Where am I? ’ (most likely meaning the type of audience it was, the language they spoke) and of course people answered:’In Vienna’ :doh:

So he said something like "of course I know I am in Vienna and you are Austrians and not Slovakians but" and then there was some shouting so he said "wait, there are some Slovakians here", so he asked them to cheer. There was huge cheering. Shame he did not continued with that story: there were people from neighbouring countries in great numbers. So the answer to his question where he was should have been ’with your fanbase in that region’ , as with 40EUR a ticket, the album promo not going really well and not even one poster advertising the gig in town, it is not random people showing up but the ones who have bought the album... Anyway, he got rather chatty in the end, telling us how the night before he was watching the ballet dancers of the Opera House rehearse from his hotel window half naked when one of them spotted him spying and showed him an international sign... :naughty: As the story went down really well, he continued and said that as a child he used to watch the guests of the hotel behind his home have s*x and he said he was disappointed how it did not look like it did in movies :lmfao:


There was one comment I found strange: he said that he’d now sing a song despite people telling him not to sing it outside France. :shun: So he sang Elle Me Dit. To be honest, this comment would have made more sense if he had said it afterwards, like: oh I’m glad it went down so well, despite the local record label not recommending it...etc, This way the comment sounded to have come from someone hurt but with no proof he was actually right...even though he was: the audience liked it. (If I had to choose a French one I would have voted for Un Soleil Mal Lune though).


Finally, something about the band. I mentioned it after Lovebox as well that I could see why he changed them and I applaud him for that: there is a much fuller sound on stage now (more instruments and band members who sing well) and geniune interaction between him and Curtis and even Max, for example, talking of whom I remember now that Mika also sang Toy Boy and with his braces Max really looked like some nicely dressed rag doll...:naughty: That was clearly a last minute choice as he was holding the lyrics in one hand and Max in the other. :lmao:


The topic itself reminds me of the question I ask him at the m&g about any acoustic gigs planned in the future. He said there’s only be one on France, for charity and by invitation only.......... (:rolls_eyes:)

There is no sign on this forum that would depict what went on in my head but I managed to keep a poker face and ask if he knew the way we’d get invited then. It’s not that I was expecting an answer. :cool:


Otherwise I had a great day, met some great people and realized that the two Hungarian MFCers I was queueing with are some of the most easy-going and funniest people I have met for a long time.

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So here is my report

It was my very first gig, if I do not count festivals, so my feelings are hardly to describe. You guys were so perfect and lovely! :wub2:


I was there with my friend, she is from the Czech Republic. We arrived around one o clock, bit nervous that it is too late to get the number. Fortunately I got number 17 and my friend number 18. I was so happy and excited. We were sitting, chatting etc.

Few hours later we got the opportunity to join the choir. It was quite funny when Tim came and asked us if we are able to sing…and we said no…then he asked “...and are you able to dance?” And me and my friend said yes. Tim: “Yes? Ok, so you will move and you will open your mouth…It will be fine do not worry…” I was looking at him and I still did not get it, that he is asking us seriously to join the choir. It was unbelievable for me because when I noticed on facebook that Mika is giving this opportunity to his fans, I was really sad because to be honest I do not find my voice good. I would never send a video of me singing…

But back to the reality…Then my friend grabs my arm and said: “So ok we are going.” Until other people decided to join the choir too, someone asked Tim something like“….and did Mika know about that we are not able to sing?” He was like “erm…he trust me…Don´t worry it will be fine.” And everyone started to laugh. :naughty:

I was still thinking that I am dreaming until we saw Mika through sound checking. We were singing and we try to synchronize our movements when he came, he smiled at us and said something like: “You are doing it like professionals.” In that second I understood that I am really here. After sound check mama P gave us costumes, she was sooo kind and she chat with us and gave us some tips on how to move on the stage.:wub2:

Then gig…it was amazing, there were parts where I only open my mouth, because I was not confident enough to sing and I did not want to ruin the show. My fave was Origin of love…It was so touchable, like the love was in the air, in the whole hall. :wub2::wub2::wub2:

After the gig we were sitting in our dressing room, chatting, we returned our costumes and Mika´s mum said that this gig was hard. Not sure why…? It is true that hall was a bit empty, but the crowd was enjoying the show…??

Then Mika arrived, he was so kind to us, signed my copy of Cd and my ticket. I have got a heart on my ticket and when I saw that I couldn´t help myself and I said “jeeeee” :blush-anim-cl: and everyone around me started to laugh… Then we got individual pictures with Mika and he said that we were amazing and he thanked us that we joined to the choir. We also got explanation why are costumes for choir white with polka dots, but my English is not enough good to repeat it, so someone else will probably write it.

Thank you guys for this amazing night, you were so lovely and perfect. Hope to meet you again. I am not sure if I am allowed to post photos of you here? So I will wait till you respond.


So I'm the Czech friend of shirl and I just have to write something too! :blush-anim-cl:


This was my third gig so far (Berlin 2007, Vienna 2010 and Vienna 2012!), and (even if it was slightly different again) I just loved it every bit as much and even more, and not only because I got to sing in the polka-dot choir for almost half of it! :wub2:


I didn't have the guts to apply for the choir, even though I wouldn't say I'm the most horrible singer ever, I'm quite ok, but I thought that only people, who are really really really good could sing in the choir. Plus I was so shy - I mean - to sing in front of Mika? :eek: =D So it felt like a miracle when Tim came and told us it was ok that we weren't the best singers in the world.


It was so much fun! I met some amazing mfc-ers and it was just absolutely fabulous! I was so nervous up on stage, worried that I would screw up somehow, but in the end it was all good and we had tons of fun! :thumb_yello: After the gig I was paranoidly afraid, that they had forgotten about us completely and just left us there, but no such thing happened. Mika came and apologized and I got an individual picture with him as well, he was so sweet to us! :wub2:


It was one the loveliest days of my life, I can't even describe it properly, but I hope you'll understand being slightly-Mika-obsessed like me =D


Just.. awww!:wub2:


Wonderful reports girls! Really enoyed reading them as they're so full of excitement. Glad you got to join the choir and have such an amazing time:thumb_yello:

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I've written some stuff under this picture:

S2E17: Beauty and the Beast, pic 14


I don't feel like writing a long report here, because I'm feeling sick. I almost thought about not going to Vienna at all because I had had the flu for a week before that already. :doh: But I'm glad that I did go. I had an awesome time, and I'm already looking forward to the next gig (in London). :thumb_yello:


I don't know why it would have been a hard gig for Mika. It looked great from the first row! :naughty: The band was great, although I had no idea that Mika had replaced everybody with new musicians. Like I told some, I haven't watched any gig videos in ages. I haven't even been reading much here for the last... err, two years or so. :blink: I guess I should log in from time to time, because I always tend to miss all the great competitions. :doh:

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You know he is not a machine and he's in a different mood for every show. Traveling can be tiring, he might miss Melachi, be worried about the audience or just need a day off or whatever. So sometimes he needs to concentrate or try a bit harder to make the show work and as you know he can make it work every single time. That's why he is pop star, he is good at it. So of course it looked good, I've seen only good Mika shows, it's always a bit different but still good :wub2:

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gig was great.loosing my wallet wasn't so great...


:shocked: Did you leave it at the station?


I don't know why it would have been a hard gig for Mika. It looked great from the first row! :naughty:

Did anyone think it was a hard gig? ( Sorry, I haven't read all posts.) I think it was an easy one, with a good audience.

Edited by suzie
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finally i have time for writing my report. :-)

part 1:



i stayed at faballa's place the night before the gig, and she told me we'd have to be there early for vienna, as the last time it was rather crazy there. :aah: i had hoped to get some sleep and maybe go to the venue around noon, or afternoon, so i wasn't too pleased to hear that... actually i wanted to sleep a bit longer and then take the bus and underground to the venue, but as faballa was leaving later than she first had planned and i woke up earlier than i had planned, and it was nicer to go by car than walk to the bus station in the rain, we went together and arrived around 9 or 9:30 am, iirc. i got number 5, but i think all ca. 20 people who got numbers arrived during the morning, and then for hours no one else came, so it was a bit unnecessary, lol! :naughty: you never know in advance though, in munich for example many arrived in the afternoon... and in any case it was lovely chatting with everyone, we weren't that cold anymore when we decided to move the queue into a heated hallway right next to the entrance, and we were there in time when tim came looking for choir members...

choir audition:

as some of you may know, i had auditioned for the munich choir - but i also wrote in my e-mail that i'd be at the gigs in cologne, vienna and zurich and would do it there (preferably in vienna), if they had too many applications for munich. i was sad when i didn't get an e-mail about the munich choir, but i'm convinced now that what i wrote in my e-mail was the reason for that - in munich they had 10 people on that tiny stage, it was already far too many! faballa had auditioned for the choir in vienna, but also hadn't gotten an e-mail so we were both sad the evening before, but hoping they'd be looking for choir members in the queue...

so while we were sitting in that hallway, at ca. 3pm i saw that tim was walking around outside, and i rushed to him, asking whether they'd be looking for more choir members today, like they had done in cologne. he said yes, and whether i wanted to do it, i said yes, and he high-fived me. :biggrin2: i think he has seen my video - and faballa's as well, cause she came outside shortly after me and when tim saw her, he asked her "ah, you auditioned for the choir, did you get the e-mail?!", and he even knew her name. it turned out they had sent her the e-mail that she was in the choir in the morning of the gig day. - typical mika organization! :doh:

we then showed tim where the queue was (he was surprised about the inside queueing :teehee:) and he asked the others too whether they wanted to be in the choir. at some point he left and returned with max... anyway, apart from daeni (iseeyou), the others in the queue weren't really up for being in the choir, either because they preferred to watch the show as it was their only one of this tour, or because they thought they couldn't sing - but tim said there wouldn't be a choir if we didn't have at least 6 people. i'm happy that we convinced 3 more to join us, and i'm sure the sound engineers did a great job - if you don't sing totally wrong (and i don't think any of us did), they have all sorts of tools to make you sound good - and if you do sing totally wrong, they just turn off your mic, so i wasn't worried. :bleh: it was quite a big stage in vienna, so i think the most important thing was that we danced and made big movements, so to add some action to the stage.



anyway, we went inside with tim and max, and backstage they showed us our dressing room. when they saw it, they said it was the best choir dressing room so far. and it did look quite comfortable, with cozy sofas for everyone, a couch table, and even our own bathroom. :biggrin2: a lovely lady from the crew gave us our backstage passes and the papers to sign. it basically said that you give them the rights on your performance, that you agree with being filmed/recorded and that you don't have any rights on mika's songs - there even was a paragraph where mikafanclub.com was mentioned several times, iirc it was about videos being uploaded on here. :naughty: i think i was the only one who really read the sheet, or at least skimmed through it, but you didn't really have time before the band came in for rehearsals, and of course it was some hardly understandable legal contract language. :aah: - but i asked the lady whether i could keep it a bit longer to read it, she said sure, and i then gave it to thomas later. :wink2:


so then all band members except felix rehearsed with us what we had to sing. they didn't really teach us harmonies except for 2 songs or so, probably made no sense because there weren't any boys in the choir. at some point tim mentioned to the other band members that mika had decided to play a song called toy boy that evening. i had to laugh at the :blink: look on max's face when he heard that! :lmfao: obviously the band had to learn the song in the few hours before the show - tim told the others that it was on the 2nd album. :naughty:


i must admit that when mika changed his band, i was sad that martin was replaced by tim - but now after meeting tim and rehearsing with him, i really love him. :fangurl: he's just so calm and confident and knows what he's doing, and he's really patient and good at explaining things - and he's speaking such a perfect english! :wub2: and max is really cool and cute and funny, he always seems so shy on stage but backstage he didn't seem shy at all. joy is fun too, and curtis was rather silent, but he's also great - only felix sometimes seems like he doesn't even belong to the band, seems like he's more on his own.


anyway, after our rehearsals we got told that mika would arrive around 5 for the soundcheck, and we should wait to get picked up for the soundcheck. that must've been shortly before 5, but i think it was almost 6 when we did get picked up, at least i remember that the soundcheck lasted until almost 7 - i remember that because i thought they can't do it much longer as the doors will open soon. anyway, the stage manager picked us up, i think his name was mark, and we went on stage where the band was already rehearsing. mika wasn't there yet, or at least we didn't see him.


at some point, don't remember whether it was in the dressing room or on stage, we had to choose who would stand where in the choir. first we thought it'd be best to have the smaller girls in the front and the taller ones in the back, but nina didn't want to be in the front, and tim told me to stand in the front as he liked the moves i was doing (i think that was during rehearsals in the dressing room), and said i should just move to the music, i'd be doing it great, and the others should just copy what i do, so the choir would act consistently. i was like :aah: but i trusted him that he knows what he's doing. :naughty:


anyway, we were on stage, the sound guy (craig i think) set up our mics, and then we rehearsed popular with the band. after that, suddenly mika was on stage. he said something to us via the microphone, but i didn't understand it, as i could only hear it through the speakers, and there was quite an echo in the venue, so i was just looking at him like :blink: - don't know if the others in the choir understood him, but he looked at me and as i was just looking confused, he had to repeat it 2 times, and i don't think he was very pleased by that. :aah::blush-anim-cl: anyway what i understood in the end is that he was asking us whether we knew what to do, and i said yes. that's basically all we talked with mika before the show. but we soundchecked 1-2 songs with him (think it was popular again, and GK), and then we just stayed on stage for the rest of the soundcheck, as no one told us to leave, and we didn't know whether they'd do other songs that involved us.

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